What does "ptr" stand for in Django ORM column names? - django-orm

With these Django ORM models:
class A(Model):
class B(A):
The table for B in the resulting schema contains the field:
"a_ptr_id" integer PRIMARY KEY
Just for the sake of better understanding Django's design choices - It there any rationale documentation that mentions what "ptr" signifies?
My only guess is that it's an abbreviation for "pointer", but that seems pretty dumb since essentially any field with a foreign key constraint conceptually resembles a pointer.

It does stand for "pointer", but it's only used specifically for model inheritance in order to point to the parent model. Normal FKs only get "_id".


Entity Framework: Doing JOINs without having to creating Entities

Just starting out with Entity Framework (Code First) and I have to say I am having a lot of problems with it when loading SQL data that is fairly complex. For example, let's say I have the following tables which stores which animals belongs to which regions in the world and the animal are also categorized.
Table: Region
Id: integer
Name string
Table AnimalCategory
Id integer
Name: string
RegionId: integer -- Refers back Region
Table Animal
Id integer
AnimalCategoryId integer -- Refers back AnimalCategory
Let's say I want to create a query with Entity Framework that would load all Animals for a specific region. The easiest thing to do is to create 3 Entities Region, AnimalCategory, and Animal and use LINQ to load the data.
But let's say I am not interested in loading any AnimalCategory information and define an Entity class just to represent AnimalCategory so that I can do the JOIN. How can I do this with Entity Framework? Even with many of its Mapping functions I still don't think this is possible.
In non Entity Framework solutions this is easy to accomplish by using INNER JOINs in SPs or inline SQL. So what are my options in Entity Framework? Shall I pollute my data model with these useless tables just so I can do a JOIN?
It's a matter of choice I guess. EF choose to support many-to-many associations with transparent junction tables, i.e. where junction tables only have two foreign keys to the associated entities. They simply didn't choose to support this far less common "skipping one-to-many-to-many" scenario in a similar manner.
And I can imagine why.
To start with, in a many-to-many association, the junction table is nothing but that: a junction, an association. However, in a chain of one-to-many (or many-to-one) associations it would be exceptional for any of the involved tables to be just an association. In your example...
Animal → AnimalCategory → Region
...AnimalCategory would only have a primary key (Id) and a foreign key (RegionId). That would be useless though: Animal might just as well have a RegionId itself. There's no reason to support a data model that doesn't make sense.
What you're after though, is a model in which the table in the middle does carry information (AnimalCategory.Name), but where you'd like to map it as a transparent junction table, because a particular class model doesn't need this information.
Your focus seems to be on reading data. But EF has to support all CRUD actions. The problem here would be: how to deal with inserts? Suppose Name is a required field. There would be no way to supply its value.
Another problem would be that a statement like...
...could mean two things:
add an Animal and a new AnimalCategory, the latter referring to the Region.
Add an Animal referring to an existing AnimalCategory - without being able to choose which one.
EF wouldn't want to choose for some default behavior. You'd have to make the choice yourself, so you can't do without access to AnimalCategory.

EF Nullable Foreign Key Relationship

I need some help today related to EF relationship. I have two lookup tables Country and Ethnicity. I want to have nullable foreign keys for both in one my table named Singles, so I defined a relationship in my class like
Single Relation
that generate a table like this, which is good so far
Single Relation Result
But I have other fields like Citizenship and CountryOfBirth which require a foreign key as well from Country table. So, I tried to do the same
Multiple Relation with Same Class
But things getting weird inside sql when table created.
Multiple Relation with Same Class Result
I can understand why it behaves odd but don't know how to make it work. Can you please suggest?
You'll need to place your ForeignKey attributes on the navigational properties to point to the nullable ID field (instead of vice-versa), and then use the InverseProperty attribute to properly tell EF exactly what kind of relationship you are trying to accomplish.
This answer will be quite similar to that in this SO question.

How to Use inheritance in EF

I am using EF 4.0 , i have one problem
Table structure in DB is:
Table: Setting--->
Name (PK)
Table: UserSetting-->
Table: WorkstationSetting-->
Now i want to make use of inheritance, because WorkstationSetting and UserSetting inherits settings so any suggestion how to achieve inheritance, i tried but i got error like
"Error 39 Error 3003: Problem in mapping fragments starting at line 1621:All the key properties (Settings.Name) of the EntitySet Settings must be mapped to all the key properties (WorkstationSetting.SettingName, WorkstationSetting.WorkstationName) of table WorkstationSetting.
I see you have in UserSetting and WorkstationSetting a composite PK.
If UserSetting and WorkstationSetting are derived from Setting, they should have Name as PK.
Another comment; in general, it's not recommended to use a name or something "meaningful" as PK since it is less scalable and might cause limitations (i.e. max index size). Use instead an int or uniqueidentifier.
I recommend you to introduce a new field which is SettingId which should be added to all three tables. In EF designer, just add the Inheritance.
Look into table per type inheritance. For example look here. It should help you get started. The idea is that you have a table for each concrete type (as you have) and you map it to an object hierarchy.
Maybe your problem is with the keys. How is your mapping defined? Are the associations between the tables defined in the DB?

Why does DBIx::Class not create many-to-many accessors?

While creating a schema from a database many-to-many relationships between tables are not created.
Is this a principal problem?
Is it possible to detect from the table structure that many-to-many relationships exist and create the respective code in schema classes automagically?
It is indeed a somewhat fundamental problem -- many_to_many is a "relationship bridge" and not a "relation." The documentation explains that "the difference between a bridge and a relationship is, that the bridge cannot be used to join tables in a search, instead its component relationships must be used."
On the other hand, this means that if the real relationships are correctly discovered it should be straightforward to add the many-to-many relationships automatically: First, search for tables that have two or more has_many relationships. Then, for each pair of such relationships, create a many-to-many relationship bridge. (Of course, one might hope that DBIx::Class would do this itself.)
The problem with developing this kind of code is that many tables that contain multiple references are not many-to-many tables, and have multiple references for other reasons. For instance, I'll make up a schema for some fictional app where something could be regarded as a many-to-many table, when it is not.
create table category (
id primary key,
create table sub_category (
id primary key,
category references category(id),
/* EDIT:
This is the table that could be regarded as many_to_many
by an automated system */
create table product (
id primary key,
category references category(id),
sub_category references sub_category(id),
Something could be built this way for ease of use, without having to do multiple table joins in the database on a website, especially when considering speed. It would be difficult for a piece of code to say definitively 'this is not a many_to_many' situation, while the developer should be able to easily figure it out, and add in the many_to_many line below the checksum.
I consider DBIX::Class schema outputs a good starting point, and little more, especially when working with auto numbering in non-MySQL databases, among other things. I often need to modify above the "Don't modify above this line" stuff (although many_to_many can obviously go below that checksum, of course.

EF Table-per-hierarchy mapping

In trying to normalize a database schema and mapping it in Entity Framework, I've found that there might end up being a bunch of lookup tables. They would end up only containing key and value pairs. I'd like to consolidate them into one table that basically has two columns "Key" and "Value". For example, I'd like to be able to get Addresses.AddressType and Person.Gender to both point to the same table, but ensure that the navigation properties only return the rows applicable to the appropriate entity.
EDIT: Oops. I just realized that I left this paragraph out:
It seems like a TPH type of problem, but all of the reading I've done indicates that you start with fields in the parent entity and migrate fields over to the inherited children. I don't have any fields to move here because there would generally only be two.
There are a lot of domain-specific key-value pairs need to be represented. Some of them will change from time to time, others will not. Rather than pick and choose I want to just make everything editable. Due to the number of these kinds of properties that are going to be used, I'd rather not have to maintain a list enums that require a recompile, or end up with lots of lookup tables. So, I thought that this might be a solution.
Is there a way to represent this kind of structure in EF4? Or, am I barking up the wrong tree?
EDIT: I guess another option would be to build the table structure I want at the database level and then write views on top of that and surface those as EF entities. It just means any maintenance needs to be done at multiple levels. Does that sound more, or less desireable than a pure EF solution?
Table per hiearchy demands that you have one parent entity which is used as base class for child entities. All entities are mapped to the same table and there is special discriminator column to differ type of entity stored in database record. You can generally use it even if your child entities do not define any new properties. You will also have to define primary key for your table otherwise it will be handled as readonly entity in EF. So your table can look like:
Discriminator VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,
Timestamp Timestamp NOT NULL
You will define your top level KeyValuePair entity with properties Id, Key, Value and Timestamp (set as concurrency mode fixed). Discriminator column will be used for inheritance mapping.
Be aware that EF mapping is static. If you define AddressType and Gender entities you will be able to use them but you will not be able to dynamically define new type like PhoneType. This will always require modifying your EF model, recompiling and redeploying your application.
From OOP perspective it would be nicer to not model this as object hiearchy and instead use conditional mapping of multiple unrelated entities to the same table. Unfortunatelly even EF supports conditional mapping I have never been able to map two entities to the same table yet.