Customise the Tumblr 'Submit' Form - tumblr

I'd like to restyle the default submission block on a tumblr theme that is here on tumblr themes:
But I'm struggling to find if this is possible.

You could try using CSS filters or positioned overlays; it being an iframe restricts most of the usual options.
The only other method I've got to work is applying a background image and messing with the iframe's opacity.


How to add button in email template

I want to add a button in email template and want to call a method based on that button click.
can anyone suggest me how can i do this?
Thanx in advance.
In html email, you are limited to html and css, so the only button you can create is a hyperlink. You could however pass some url parameters to a web page that does all your dirty work for you.
The design options are:
An image wrapped in a href <img src="">
Full CSS button - by building it in CSS so that it shows with images turned off.
"Bulletproof Buttons" - using a combination of CSS and background images. They fallback to the css if the images are turned off. See for a great example

How does one display a Wordpress website within 'Static Html: iFrame Tabs' in Facebook so that it adjusts to the page's content height?

I have tried various solutions to get the iframe to adjust according to the website's content height, so that I can do away with vertical scrollbars, but cannot get a satisfactory solution.
Many solutions ask for a section of code to be added on the 'server side'. If that means I have to edit lines of code within my Wordpress files, where would I do this?
Here is a link to the iframe in question.
Rather than try to adjust the Facebook page to fit your WordPress install, you're better off changing your WordPress theme to deal with being shown in a Facebook iframe.
When displayed in the iframe, you should have a theme that is fixed-width to your canvas, and no sidebars. Just a content pane. You would then have your regular theme for when visitors arrive outside of a Facebook frame.
The Virtual Theme plugin looks like it could help with this. I've never used it personally. Web - Disable Inline Styles

I am having some trouble styling widgets for web, specifically filepicker-dragdrop.
Is there any way to disable the inline styling and replace them with classes?
Something like data-fp-disable-styles or perhaps when using data-fp-dropzone-class="..." the inline styling is automatically disabled.
Although you can add classes to the button with the attribute data-fp-button-class, I cannot get rid of the inline styling on the on the dropzone and container div.
You can set the data-fp-drag-class and data-fp-class options to set the styling of the dropzone and container div and use the !important flag for any styles that you want to use to override the inline styles.
If you're looking for a more fully customizable solution, we'd recommend using the raw javascript api's to create your own drag pane ( and/or pick button

How to disable Tumblr Photosets

I'd like to disable the tumblr Photoset-function. That means I just want to have one picture on my tumblr-site instead of the "Layout" which is provided by Tumblr. But when the picture is clicked the Lightbox would still open. Thank you.
You can disable the normal photoset function by using the {block:Photos} {/block:Photos} block, which renders individually for each image in the set. It is also possible to select a single picture (plenty of themes do it), but I have no idea how you do it (I'm no developer, but I'll wager Javascript or undocumented code is involved), much less whether you can trigger the full lightbox without ever displaying the other images directly.

How to change the colors of HTML form elements displayed in UIWebView?

I have an application that opens HTML pages in a UIWebView. The pages have a specific color theme, which is disrupted by form elements on the page (I have few "select" fields), which have their own color theme (white font, light gray background). CSS can't seem to force it to display in other colors.
Does anyone know how to fix that?
Try using -webkit-appearance: none; to disable the browser's default styling, then apply your own styles. More info and examples at 37signals.
Try using !important in your external CSS styles. It could be that the style sheets for UIWebView are inline and are overriding your external styles.
For example, select { color:#000!important; } should override any inline style text color (unless it is set to !important as well) on <select> elements.