Rotate MATLAB legend - matlab

Is there a way to rotate the MATLAB legend inside a plot? The image below should clarify my requirement.

the legend function can return serval of args:
[leg,labelhandles,outH,outM] = legend(varargin)
When you ask for the 2nd argument you get a list of all the Children and then you can use what phil's answer:
set(hc(3),'Position',[0.5 0.6 0],'Rotation',90); % Relocate and rotate text
set(hc(2),'Xdata',[0.5 0.5],'YData',[0.1 0.5]); % rotate the line
set(hc(1),'XData',0.5,'YData',0.3); % R
This is correct for matlab 2021b

You'll need to play around with the positioning, and need to do more work if you have more than one line plotted, but the following does it for your example.
plot(1:10); % create a dummy line
ha = legend('Plot'); %create a legend
set(ha,'Units','pixels'); % set axes unit to pixels
pos = get(ha,'Position'); % get the axes position
set(ha,'Position',[pos(1) pos(2)-pos(3) pos(4) pos(3)]); % Set the new position
hc = get(ha,'Children'); % Get the legend contents
set(hc(3),'Position',[0.5 0.6 0],'Rotation',90); % Relocate and rotate text
set(hc(2),'Xdata',[0.5 0.5],'YData',[0.1 0.5]); % rotate the line
set(hc(1),'XData',0.5,'YData',0.3); % Rotate the Marker

The example is not fully automated but should set you on the right route. You need to rotate the box containing the legend, and the label with the text./
% Example plot
h = legend('something')
% Rotate legend
set(h,'CameraUpVector', [1 0 0], 'Units','pixels','position',[460 230 25 150])
% Rotate text label
txt = findobj(h,'type','text');
Unfortunately, the save as function restores the 'CameraUpVector'.


Ezpolar plots function string over polar axes

I'm using Ezpolar function in order to plot some graphics. Three of them have as maximum value 4, but the last one only has a bit more than 2.
When I plot them, the last one is plotted with it's function over it (seems like if ezpolar paints it some pixels after it maxium value used as radius).
Code and Generated Plot
% This subplot is used since I've 4 graphics to draw.
ezpolar('0.25*(5 - 4*cosd(-180 * sin(t) ))');
If I don't use this subplot, using a complete figure to draw the graphics seems fine. However, since I need to have all four of them together, it results in (will draw only the problematic one, subplot 2,2,4):
As you can see, r = 0.25 (5 - 4...) is plotted just over the polar axes.
Why is it happening? How can I fix it?
The issue appears to be with the position of that annotation and the fact that when you use a subplot, the limits on the radius of the polar plot actually change but the position of the annotation does not.
To combat this, you could actually compute the limits of the axes and change the position of the text to be explicitly outside of the plot.
hax = subplot(2,2,4);
p = ezpolar('0.25*(5 - 4*cosd(-180 * sin(t) ))');
% Get the handle to the label text object
label = findobj(hax, 'type', 'text');
% Figure out the current axes limits
ylims = get(hax, 'ylim');
% Add some padding (as a percent) to the position
padding = 0.2;
set(label, 'Position', [0 ylims(1)*(1 + padding), 0]);
A better way to do this would be to change the Units of the label to use Normalized units (relative to the axes) rather than Data units. This way, it will not change if the axes limits change.
hax = subplot(2,2,4);
p = ezpolar('0.25*(5 - 4*cosd(-180 * sin(t) ))');
% Get the handle to the label text object
label = findobj(hax, 'type', 'text');
set(label, 'Units', 'Normalized', 'Position', [0.5, -0.2]);

How to have an image in background of plot in matlab

I have a plot from a network of lines in 3D space and I have one image from the object as well. Now I want to put the image file in the background of my plot as a fixed background and then the network should be plotted on that background. By the way, since the Network is in 3D space I can rotate it easily and it is important for me rotate the network on the my combined plot as well.
this is my code that I have written but it shows my plot separately! if I put imshow inside the figure then image will be ploted on the top of my network and I can see only one point of my network. Here is the link of Network and the background image from background
Here is my code: the first line plot the image and the rest of the code plot my network of lines:
Img1 = imshow('STP1.png');
hold on;
labels = cellstr( num2str([1:SIFT_Length]') );
text(SIFT_3D(:,1), SIFT_3D(:,2),SIFT_3D(:,3),labels,'FontWeight','bold','FontSize', 12,...
title('Distances Network with colorized lines based on Uncertainty','FontWeight','bold');
hold on
for k = 1:Num_Line_SIFTS
'o-','Color',[RGB_0_1(k,1) RGB_0_1(k,2) RGB_0_1(k,3)],'MarkerFaceColor',[RGB_0_1(k,1) RGB_0_1(k,2) RGB_0_1(k,3)],'MarkerEdgeColor',...
'k', 'LineWidth',2)
hold off;
Please help me how can I solve this issue.
What about this:
close all
%// Read image
%// Dummy surface to plot.
Z = peaks(25);
%// Prepare image position
shift = 20;
hold on
axis on
box on
rotate3d on
You can rotate it and the image stays as the background.
I'm not sure I understood your need, nevertheless ...
a=axes('position',[0 0 1 1])
% Disable zoom
% Disable rotation
h = rotate3d;
hold on
a1=axes('position',[0.3 0.3 .5 .5])
grid on
This script generates the following graph:
Hope this helps.

No effect of activating BOX in axes properties in MATLAB

I want a box (Border) outside of my pie3 figure in MATLAB but when I activate (On) Box property in axes, noting will appear. I changed AmbientLightColor to black but I have same problem.
How can I draw a black line border for my pie3 figure in gui(GUIDE)?
Luis Mendo Idea has this effect :
We have a 3D cube here, not a 2D normal box.
The axes are invisible after using pie3. You should make them visible:
will add the "outer part" of the axes.
As I mentioned in the comments, another option to get a 2D border is to make two axes, one for the box & background and the other for your pie3 call:
x = [1,3,0.5,2.5,2]; % Sample data
mainfig = figure;
h_overlayaxes = axes( ...
'Box','on', ... % Turn on border
'Color',[1 1 1], ... % Set your background color
'Xtick',[], ... % Turn off x ticks
'Ytick',[] ... % Turn off y ticks
h_plotaxes = axes( ...
'Parent',get(h_overlayaxes,'Parent'), ... % Match parent figure
'Position',get(h_overlayaxes,'Position'), ... % Match overlay size & position
'Color','none' ... % Turn off background

Moving MATLAB axis ticks by a half step

I'm trying to position MATLAB's ticks to line up with my grid, but I can't find a good way to offset the labels.
Also, if I run set(gca,'XTickLabel',1:10), my x tick labels end up ranging from 1 to 5. What gives?
You need to move the ticks, but get the labels before and write them back after moving:
f = figure(1)
X = randi(10,10,10);
ax = gca;
XTick = get(ax, 'XTick')
XTickLabel = get(ax, 'XTickLabel')
YTick = get(ax, 'YTick')
YTickLabel = get(ax, 'YTickLabel')
Or if you know everything before, do it manually from the beginning:
[N,M] = size(X)
The marked answer works with a surf or mesh plot, however, I needed a solution which worked for a 2d plot.
This can be done by creating two axes, one to display the grid and the other to display the labels as follows
xlabels=1:1:10; %define where we want to see the labels
xgrid=0.5:1:10.5; %define where we want to see the grid
plot(xlabels,xlabels.^2); %plot a parabola as an example
set(gca,'xlim',[min(xgrid) max(xgrid)]); %set axis limits so we can see all the grid lines
set(gca,'XTickLabel',xlabels); %print the labels on this axis
axis2=copyobj(gca,gcf); %make an identical copy of the current axis and add it to the current figure
set(axis2,'Color','none'); %make the new axis transparent so we can see the plot
set(axis2,'xtick',xgrid,'XTickLabel',''); %set the tick marks to the grid, turning off labels
grid(axis2,'on'); %turn on the grid
This script displays the following figure :

x-axis labels move to top of graph after using

I am using Rotate Tick Label to change the labels on the x-axis to a vertical orientation.
Before using the rotate tick label function the labels on the x-axis are on the bottom of the graph:
After the following command:
TH= rotateTickLabel(gca,90);
the graph looks like this:
How do I get the labels to stay on the bottom of the graph and not move to the top?
The reason why you get this error is because on plots made with 'plot' the YTicks are defined from bottom up. And on image plots (made with 'image') the YTicks are defined from top down. Make the following two changes to rotateticklabel.m:
Edit line 54 so that it looks like this:
Edit line 56 to look like this:
For completion, the entire rotateticklabel.m should look like this:
function th=rotateticklabel(h,rot,demo)
%ROTATETICKLABEL rotates tick labels
% TH=ROTATETICKLABEL(H,ROT) is the calling form where H is a handle to
% the axis that contains the XTickLabels that are to be rotated. ROT is
% an optional parameter that specifies the angle of rotation. The default
% angle is 90. TH is a handle to the text objects created. For long
% strings such as those produced by datetick, you may have to adjust the
% position of the axes so the labels don't get cut off.
% Of course, GCA can be substituted for H if desired.
% TH=ROTATETICKLABEL([],[],'demo') shows a demo figure.
% Known deficiencies: if tick labels are raised to a power, the power
% will be lost after rotation.
% See also datetick.
% Written Oct 14, 2005 by Andy Bliss
% Copyright 2005 by Andy Bliss
if nargin==3
x=[now-.7 now-.3 now];
y=[20 35 15];
set(h,'position',[0.13 0.35 0.775 0.55])
%set the default rotation if user doesn't specify
if nargin==1
%make sure the rotation is in the range 0:360 (brute force method)
while rot>360
while rot<0
%get current tick labels
%erase current tick labels from figure
%get tick label positions
%make new tick labels
if rot<180
Once you edit rotateticklabel.m you can now successfully use it on plots made with 'image' as in this short example:
A = magic(5);
set(h,'position',[0.13 0.35 0.775 0.55])
th = rotateticklabel(h,30)