Dynare Installing problems: umfpack - matlab

I'm trying to compile dynare 4.4.2 on my rosa linux r3 (64bit) for matlab R2013a. The configure step is
./configure --with-matlab=/media/Docs/Studium/matlab MATLAB_VERSION=8.1
But I'm getting the error
configure: error: Can't find UMFPACK
configure: error: ./configure failed for mex/build/octave
I've been trying it with
, but the error is still remaining.
Umfpack is installed (lib64umfpack-devel, lib64umfpack5.6.1 packages), so I have no idea what to do. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!


scipy installation error : compiler gfortran cannot compile the program

I am installing scipy via pip3 on puppylinux (raspi).
gfortran is already there but scipy installation is giving error
../../meson.build:63:0: ERROR: Compiler gfortran can not compile programs.
Then I found that there was python3-scipy in package manager. I installed it in the venv but importing scipy fails to find it.
Can someone point the problem?

Net::SSLeay::Handle compiling error in Ubuntu 16.04

I've a problem to install the aforementioned module via cpanm in my multi-threading version of Perl (not the original one).
I've Ubuntu 16.04.
When trying to compile and test this module it gives me the following error:
/usr/bin/ld: impossible to find -lz
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:494: instructions set for target "blib/arch/auto/Net/SSLeay/SSLeay.so" fail
make: *** [blib/arch/auto/Net/SSLeay/SSLeay.so] Error 1
-> FAIL Installing Net::SSLeay::Handle failed. See /home/my_name/.cpanm/work/1548275319.13675/build.log for details. Retry with --force to force install it.
openssl,ssllib-dev-perl,libnet-ssleay-perl, libcrypt-ssleay-perl already installed via apt-get.
I've also tried to compile manually this module, without success. I forced the installation too...no way.
The error seems linked with something missing in /usr/bin/ld: (impossible to find -lz collect2).
Is there anyone who can help me with this?
Cpanm has always worked pretty well. Up to now i've been able to get all my modules installed and well functioning, apart from Net::SSLeay::Handle.
Thanks in advace for your help
Ok, i solved by installing this packages (Ubuntu 16.04LTS):
-zlib1g-dev as suggested above
Once you're done doing that, remember to avoid testing the module when gcc will be finishing compiling it, because in most cases it fails.
So the best incantation in doing this should be as follows:
-cpanm install -v --notest Net::SSLeay::Handle
Many thanks again to all Perl mates writing in this forum.
You saved the day
first log in cpan
sudo cpan
force intalling the module should work
force install Net::SSLeay::Handle
This should also install missing modules or notice it

CentOS 7 install Octave 4.0.2 with GUI (OpenGL support)

I'm trying to install Octave 4 from source code in CentOS 7 but I got the warning messages:
configure: WARNING: OpenGL libs (GL and GLU) not found. Native graphics will be disabled.
configure: WARNING: OpenGL libs (GL and GLU) not found -- disabling GUI
configure: WARNING:
configure: WARNING: I didn't find the necessary libraries to compile native
configure: WARNING: graphics. It isn't necessary to have native graphics,
configure: WARNING: but you will need to have gnuplot installed or you won't
configure: WARNING: be able to use any of Octave's plotting commands
configure: WARNING:
configure: NOTE: Libraries or auxiliary programs may be skipped if they are
configure: NOTE: not found OR if they are missing required features on your
configure: NOTE: system.
I have checked this QUESTION but it didn't help.
I have also done yum install libqt4-opengl-dev but got an error No package libqt4-opengl-dev available.
I have got mesa-libGL and mesa-libGL-devel, but it seems like the configure cannot pick up these libraries.
Edit: answer to my own question
please see comments below the question.
I know that it's an old question, but I wanted to leave it in case if someone is still looking for an easy way of installing Octave 4.x.
The easiest way to install Octave 4 is to use Flatpack. It's installed by default in CentOS 7.
flatpak install flathub org.octave.Octave
flatpak run org.octave.Octave
If you're using Red Hat you need to install flatpak it first:
sudo yum install flatpak
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

Building pgadmin3-1.20.0 in CentOS 7 with PostgreSQL-9.4

I want to build pgadmin3-1.20.0 in CentOS 7, so I enter:
But I got this error:
configure: error: Could not find your PostgreSQL installation. You might need to use the --with-pgsql=DIR configure option
And when I use following command:
./configure --with-pgsql=/usr/pgsql-9.4/
this error will be raised:
configure: error: you must specify a valid PostgreSQL 8.4+ installation with --with-pgsql=DIR
Pgsql is up and has not any problem. How can I fix this error.
have you tried to install the libraries that are specified in this other post?

Error when trying to use mexopencv in matlab

I am trying to use mexopencv on my system which has:
Ubuntu 12.04.1 LTS
opencv 2.4.2
matlab 2012
and they all are working. I also used some c++ codes to test mex and it worked fine.
I used this to install mexopencv. Also did this because of some error I got which mentioned libstdc++.so.6
Now when I try something like:
a = cv.imread('pic.jpg');
I get:
Error using cv.imread
Invalid MEX-file '/home/primepc09/mexopencv/+cv/imread.mexa64': /usr/local/lib/libopencv_highgui.so.2.4:
undefined symbol: _ZNK9QCheckBox15minimumSizeHintEv
Any idea why I get this?
This is an unresolved symbol from QT library. Make sure you have QT installed on your system:
sudo dpkg -l | grep libqt
If you don't have it, you need to install it.