Pass parameter through URL in Perl catalyst - perl

Is it possible to pass a parameter through URL in perl catalyst
I have a link
<a href="/vbo/mortgage_reduction/yearly" >Yearly </a>
Can I pass a parameter with the link, like
<a href="/vbo/mortgage_reduction/yearly/1" >Yearly</a>
if so, how can I take the value in the module ?

I have just started learning Catalyst myself, but I can say that seems to be what :Args is for. You specify the number of parameters you need and they are added to #_. I have made this test:
sub test :Local :Args(1) {
my ( $self, $c, $word ) = #_;
and loaded http://localhost:3000/test/hello. This displayed "hello" in the browser and the server output:
[info] *** Request 1 (0.083/s) [14444] [Thu Jun 5 11:29:18 2014] ***
[debug] Path is "test"
[debug] Arguments are "hello"
[debug] "GET" request for "test/hello" from ""
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: unknown
[info] Request took 0.00722s (138.504/s)
| Action | Time |
| /test | 0.000194s |
| /end | 0.000265s |
This is documented in Catalyst::Manual::Intro under Action types.
It is also possible for a series of controller methods to examine the same request, each taking a certain number of those "URL parameters", with :CaptureArgs and action chains.


Foswiki plugin on Perl/FCGI failed to use File:Find at the 5th attempt

I am writing a REST plugin for Foswiki using Perl and I am facing an reliability issue when using File::Find. I have tried my best to write a minimal reproducible example. The plugin uses File::Find to traverse directories and print the filenames in the HTTP response. The REST request is working properly 4 times, but stop to work the 5th time. The HTTP status remain “HTTP/1.1 200 OK” but no file is reported by File::Find anymore.
The webserver is nginx and is configured to use FastCGI. It appear to run 4 working threads managed by foswiki-fcgi-pm:
> ps aux
www-data 16957 0.0 7.7 83412 78332 ? Ss 16:52 0:00 foswiki-fcgi-pm
www-data 16960 0.0 7.5 83960 76740 ? S 16:52 0:00 foswiki-fcgi
www-data 16961 0.0 7.6 84004 76828 ? S 16:52 0:00 foswiki-fcgi
www-data 16962 0.0 7.6 83956 76844 ? S 16:52 0:00 foswiki-fcgi
www-data 16963 0.0 7.5 83960 76740 ? S 16:52 0:00 foswiki-fcgi
Firstly, the plugin initialization simply register the REST handler:
sub initPlugin {
my ( $topic, $web, $user, $installWeb ) = #_;
# check for versions
if ( $Foswiki::Plugins::VERSION < 2.3 ) {
Foswiki::Func::writeWarning( 'Version mismatch between ',
__PACKAGE__, ' and' );
return 0;
'restbug', \&RestBug,
authenticate => 0, # Set to 0 if handler should be useable by WikiGuest
validate => 0, # Set to 0 to disable StrikeOne CSRF protection
http_allow => 'GET,POST', # Set to 'GET,POST' to allow use HTTP GET and POST
description => 'Debug'
# Plugin correctly initialized
return 1;
Secondly, the REST handler is implemented as follow, printing all the files it can possibly find:
sub RestBug {
my ($session, $subject, $verb, $response) = #_;
my #Directories = ("/var/www/foswiki/tools");
sub findfilestest
$response->print("FILE $_\n");
find({ wanted => \&findfilestest }, #Directories );
When I test the REST service with a HTTP request, the first 4 times I get the following HTTP response, which seems quite satisfying:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.14.2
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2022 09:23:10 GMT
Content-Length: 541
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: SFOSWIKISID=385db599c5d66bb19591e1eef7f1a854; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
FILE foswiki.freebsd.init-script
FILE dependencies
FILE extension_installer
FILE configure
FILE foswiki.freebsd.etc-defaults
FILE save-pending-checkins
FILE babelify
FILE foswiki.defaults
FILE foswiki.init-script
FILE mailnotify
FILE systemd
FILE foswiki.service
The following attempts give this unexpected response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx/1.14.2
Date: Tue, 22 Nov 2022 09:24:56 GMT
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: SFOSWIKISID=724b2c4b1ddfbebd25d0dc2a0f182142; path=/; secure; HttpOnly
Note that if I restart Foswiki with the command systemctl restart foswiki, the REST service work again 4 more times.
How to make this REST service work more than 4 times in a row?

Karate - Calling another feature file with dynamic param does not print a response [duplicate]

I am calling login feature from another feature under background tag by passing un, pwd and endpoint url like below. Login feature is running successfully but the response of it is not returned to called feature file.
Feature: Adding products
* table loginDetails
| username | password | endPointURL |
| 'kUser' | 'kPass' | '' |
* def result = call read('Login.feature') loginDetails
* print 'Result-'+response
* print 'Result-'+result.response
Scenario: running #loginTest from runner file
* print 'Login response -'+result.responseCookies
This is what i am getting in response.
13:08:53.470 [main] INFO - [print] {
"redirect": false,
"loginSuccess": true,
"redirectUrl": ""
13:08:53.519 [main] INFO - [print]
13:08:53.546 [main] INFO - [print] RUResult-undefined
13:08:53.547 [main] INFO - [print] Login response -undefined
When you pass a data table/ JSON array to the called feature you will get JSON array in return.
Here result object will have JSON array/list like data, so you have to read that variable accordingly
for the above example try,
* print result[0].response
* print result[0].responseCookies

Using S3 Cloud Storage on IBM Bluemix

I am planning to use S3 Cloudstorage in IBM Bluemix but then one strange thing I found is that there is no way to add the custom META-DATA to the objects which are stored in S3 bucket.
Is there a way I can add custom Meta-Data to the objects and if yes then can you please advise on how we can add it and access it.?
Thanks for pointing out a hole in the documentation!
Custom metadata is defined by passing a x-amz-meta-{key} header with a {value} value. As an example request:
PUT /{bucket-name}/{object-name} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: {authorization-string}
x-amz-meta-foo: bar
x-amz-date: 20160825T183001Z
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 18
"foo": "bar"
A HEAD request to check the metadata would look like:
HEAD /{bucket-name}/{object-name} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: {authorization-string}
x-amz-date: 20160825T183244Z
And respond with:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2016 18:32:44 GMT
X-Clv-Request-Id: da214d69-1999-4461-a130-81ba33c484a6
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Server: Cleversafe/
X-Clv-S3-Version: 2.5
ETag: {MD5-hash}
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
x-amz-meta-foo: bar
Last-Modified: Thu, 25 Aug 2016 17:49:06 GMT
Content-Length: 18
Using the CLI, the syntax would be:
$ aws --endpoint-url=https://{endpoint} s3 cp ~/new-file s3://bucket-1/ --metadata foo=bar
Hope that helps!
This is possible. I am using this every day . Adding meta data then sending the meta data in database by doing cron calls.
Here is a small example of python script to create/add/change metadata for a a list object :
import sys
import os
import boto3
import pprint
from boto3 import client
from botocore.utils import fix_s3_host
param_4= YOUR_BUCKET
#Create the S3 client
s3ressource = client(
endpoint_url= param_3,
aws_access_key_id= param_1,
# Building a list of object per bucket
def BuildObjectListPerBucket (variablebucket):
global listofObjectstobeanalyzed
listofObjectstobeanalyzed = []
extensions = ['.jpg','.png']
for key in s3ressource.list_objects(Bucket=variablebucket)["Contents"]:
#print (key ['Key'])
if onemoreObject.endswith(tuple(extensions)):
else :
return listofObjectstobeanalyzed
# for a given existing object, create metadata
def createmetdata(bucketname,objectname):
s3ressource.upload_file(objectname, bucketname, objectname, ExtraArgs={"Metadata": {"metadata1":"ImageName","metadata2":"ImagePROPERTIES" ,"metadata3":"ImageCREATIONDATE"}})
# for a given existing object, add new metadata
def ADDmetadata(bucketname,objectname):
s3_object = s3ressource.get_object(Bucket=bucketname, Key=objectname)
k = s3ressource.head_object(Bucket = bucketname, Key = objectname)
m = k["Metadata"]
m["new_metadata"] = "ImageNEWMETADATA"
s3ressource.copy_object(Bucket = bucketname, Key = objectname, CopySource = bucketname + '/' + objectname, Metadata = m, MetadataDirective='REPLACE')
# for a given existing object, update a metadata with new value
def CHANGEmetadata(bucketname,objectname):
s3_object = s3ressource.get_object(Bucket=bucketname, Key=objectname)
k = s3ressource.head_object(Bucket = bucketname, Key = objectname)
m = k["Metadata"]
s3ressource.copy_object(Bucket = bucketname, Key = objectname, CopySource = bucketname + '/' + objectname, Metadata = m, MetadataDirective='REPLACE')
def readmetadata (bucketname,objectname):
ALLDATAOFOBJECT = s3ressource.get_object(Bucket=bucketname, Key=objectname)
# create the list of object on a per bucket basis
BuildObjectListPerBucket (variablebucket)
# Call functions to see the results
for objectitem in listofObjectstobeanalyzed:

Catalyst, run "auto" action from special controller in other

for example, I have a controller with "auto":
package Controller::User;
sub auto :Private {
my ($self, $c) = #_;
return 1;
I want to use this auto method automatically in another controllers (but not in all). Let say, in Controller::My, Controller::Dashboard etc.
And also I have different controllers I don't need to use this "auto" action.
Is it possible to "inherit" this action from special controller inside another one?
I would assume you can put your auto method in a base controller and inherit from there in the controllers you want to have the method:
You might also be able to use a controller role that just contains your auto method and apply it to any of the controllers you want to:
Since Catalyst uses Moose, and Catalyst::Controller objects are Moose objects, you can use Moose roles with them.
package Hello::DebugRole;
use Moose::Role;
use MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role;
sub auto :Private {
my ($self, $c) = #_;
return 1;
We need MooseX::MethodAttributes::Role to enable the CODE attributes. Without that, it dies at execution time, and if we ommit the :Private, Catalyst does not see it as an action, but as a local method instead.
This approach makes sense because you can have your auto action defined in one place, which is nicely DRY, and you completely reuse that code in all places where you want it.
Now you can use that in all the controllers you want. Just put it in the BEGIN block.
package Hello::Controller::User;
use Moose;
use namespace::autoclean;
BEGIN { extends 'Catalyst::Controller'; with 'Hello::DebugRole'; }
If I navigate to that controller, the log will look like this:
[debug] Path is "user"
[debug] "GET" request for "user/" from ""
[debug] Hello!
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: unknown
[info] Request took 0.010909s (91.667/s)
| Action | Time |
| /user/auto | 0.000237s |
| /user/index | 0.000152s |
| /end | 0.000394s |
[info] *** Request 2 (0.286/s) [24045] [Wed Jan 6 16:16:15 2016] ***
But if I navigate to the Foobar controller instead, there is no auto action, and no Hello!.
[info] *** Request 3 (0.250/s) [24045] [Wed Jan 6 16:16:20 2016] ***
[debug] Path is "foobar"
[debug] "GET" request for "foobar/" from ""
[debug] Response Code: 200; Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8; Content-Length: unknown
[info] Request took 0.007135s (140.154/s)
| Action | Time |
| /foobar/index | 0.000181s |
| /end | 0.000179s |
Note that Catalyst will call auto actions of all controllers involved, so it will also do the Root controller's auto if there is one in all requests.

Mojolicious::Lite with Template Toolkit

I'm trying to get Template Toolkit to work as the default renderer in Mojolicious::Lite. What I have:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Mojolicious::Lite;
use Mojolicious::Plugin::TtRenderer;
plugin tt_renderer => { template_options => { INCLUDE_PATH => './tmpl', DEBUG => 1 } };
get '/' => sub {
my $self = shift;
$self->render( 'index' );
app->renderer->default_handler( 'tt' );
When I try to hit the test server, I get:
[Fri Oct 12 14:02:02 2012] [info] Listening at "http://*:3000".
Server available at
[Fri Oct 12 14:02:08 2012] [debug] Your secret passphrase needs to be changed!!!
[Fri Oct 12 14:02:08 2012] [debug] GET / (Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0).
[Fri Oct 12 14:02:08 2012] [debug] Routing to a callback.
[Fri Oct 12 14:02:08 2012] [debug] Nothing has been rendered, expecting delayed response.
This happens regardless of what I pass as parameters to 'render'. I can't seem to figure out how to get any useful debugging information out of this; but I haven't used Mojo before.
I've confirmed by sprinkling in some warn statements that my get handler is being called.
After looking at the source of Mojolicious::Plugin::TtRenderer::Engine, I figured it out. The plugin ignores the INCLUDE_PATH option passed to Template Toolkit, and instead gets the path from $app->renderer_paths. So updating my code to include:
app->renderer->default_handler( 'tt' );
app->renderer->paths( [ './tmpl' ] );
makes it work.