what is map and level in im2bw in matlab? - matlab

I want to convert RGB image to binary image for processing in matlab ,
its important to choose variables exactly,
so I need to know exacly what is map and level in im2bw(x,map,level) ?

Map is used only when the image is of map datatype. Essentially map is a format of storing images where each pixel is represented by a number. The numbers are stored in a lookup table called map. The map images are often more compressible than regular images. When the image has to be displayed, the value of pixel is displayed based on the lookup table.
In this case, im2bw just looks at the greyscale value of each pixel and then thresholds.

The level is the greythresh of the image [0-1]. It can be used to change the luminescence of the image.
The map is a colormap. Here is the information from mathworks:
"A colormap is an m-by-3 matrix of real numbers between 0.0 and 1.0. Each row is an RGB vector that defines one color. The kth row of the colormap defines the kth color, where map(k,:) = [r(k) g(k) b(k)]) specifies the intensity of red, green, and blue."
The colormap can be used to change the image's colors.


Reading grayscale image in matlab [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
What does the index refer to when selecting a pixel on an image in Matlab?
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have gray scale image "lena.bmp". I want read this image in matlab using imread() function.
When i use code below to read and show image my image is dark (black).
img = imread('lena.bmp');
But when i use code below, I have no problem to view.
[img map]= imread('lena.bmp');
It seems that my first code doses not reading image in grayscale mode (like what rgb2gray function generate).
My image is as follows:
What can i do to solve this problem?
Your image is an "indexed" image. That means it contains integer values which act as "labels" more than anything, and each of those labels is mapped to a colour (i.e. an rgb triplet). Your map variable represents that mapping; at row 5 you have the rgb triplet that corresponds to 'label' "5", for instance.
To see what I mean, do unique(img) and you'll see that the values of your img array are in fact quite regular. The command rgbplot can demonstrate the actual colourmap graphically. Run rgbplot(map) on your map variable to see the mapping for each of the red green and blue colours.
Now, save and read the image below on your computer as img2 and compare the array values.
This image was generated by converting from the "indexed" image you linked to, to a "grayscale" one using photoediting software (the GIMP). The difference is that
in a grayscale image, the pixel values represent actual intensities, rather than integer 'labels'. Imread reads grayscale images as uint8 images by default, meaning it assigns intensity values to pixels ranging from 0 (black) to 255 (white). Since these values happen to be integers you could still cheat and treat them as 'labels' and force a colour-mapping on them. But if you assign a 'linear map' (i.e. value 1 = intensity 1, value 2 = intensity 2, etc) then your image will look as you would expect.
You'll see that the values from unique(img2) are quite different. If you imshow(img2) you'll see this displays as you'd expect. If you don't specify a colormap for imshow, it will assume that the map is a linear mapping from the lowest to the highest value in the image array, which explains why your indexed image looked weird, since its values were never supposed to correspond to intensities.
Also try imagesc(img2) which will show this but using the "current" colormap. imagesc causes the colormap to be "scaled", so that the lowest colour goes to the lowest value in the image, and similarly for the highest.
The default colormap is jet so you should see a psychedelic looking image but you should be able to make out lena clearly. If you try colormap gray you should see the gray version again. Also try colormap hot. Now to make sense of the colormaps, try the rgbplot command on them (e.g. rgbplot(gray), rgbplot(hot) etc).
So, going back to imshow, imshow basically allows you to display an indexed image, and specify what colormap you want to use to display it. If you don't specify the colormap, it will just use a linear interpolation from the lowest value to the highest as your map. Therefore imshow(img) will show the image pretty much in the same way as imagesc(img) with a gray colormap. And since the values in your first img represent evenly spaced 'labels' rather than actual intensities, you'll get a rubbish picture out.
EDIT: If you want to convert your indexed image to a grayscale image, matlab provides the ind2gray function, e.g.:
[img, map] = imread('lena.bmp');
img_gray = ind2gray(img, map);
This is probably what you need if you mean to process pixel values as intensities.

Matlab: plot image given by 3 dimensional matrix

I want to plot an image. Therefor I have a matrix with the dimensions wxhx3, where w and h are the resolution (width, height respectively). The third dimension contains the vector of rgb-color.
So image(1,1,1) is the red component of Pixel(1,1), image(1,1,2) is the green and image(1,1,3) the blue one.
Now my question is, how can I plot an image with this given matrix?
If I want to use image(..), I have to define a colormap and recompute the indices because image(...) requires a wxhx1 matrix.
Can anyone help my?
Matlab images display functions (image, imshow, imagesc) take either data that is formatted into an image format (uint8 for 8-bit image and uint16 for 16-bit image) or data of double type for values in the [0,1] range.
So if you have value in the range [0,255] (or [0,65535] for 16-bit image) you can try :
If have you values in the range [0,1] you can try :
Or, the least recommendable, if your values do not fit those cases you can try :
EDIT: from #rayryeng comment.

How to determine color in MATLAB

I would like to map HSV values to color names in MATLAB. I have converted RGB to HSV and thresholded the values using a series of if statements in order to determine the color . However I would instead like to map the values to defined color names. Is this possible in MATLAB?
If you're working with an mxnx3 (i.e. 2D with 3 channels) RGB image im, then typically the red channel is im(:,:,1), green is im(:,:,2), and blue is im(:,:,3). So if you want the RGB values at some point (x, y), then you can get the vector by im(x,y,:).
If you just want to convert HSV values to RGB, then you can use the function hsv2rgb.

how to detect colour from an image matlab?

we are doing a mat lab based robotics project.which actually sorts objects based on its color so we need an algorithm to detect specific color from the image captured from a camera using mat lab.
it will be a great help if some one can help me with it.its the video of the project
In response to Amro's answer:
The five squares above all have the same Hue value in HSV space. Selecting by Hue is helpful, but you'll want to impose some constraints on Saturation and value as well.
HSV allows you to describe color in a more human-meaningful way, but you still need to look at all three values.
As a starting point, I would use the rgb space and the euclidian norm to detect if a pixel has a given color. Typically, you have 3 values for a pixel: [red green blue]. You also have also 3 values defining a target color: [255 0 0] for red. Compute the euclidian norm between those two vectors, and apply a decision threshold to classify the color of your pixel.
Eventually, you want to get rid of the luminance factor (i.e is it a bright red or a dark red?). You can switch to HSV space and use the same norm on the H value. Or you can use [red/green blue/green] vectors. Before that, apply a low pass filter to the images because divisions (also present in the hsv2rgb transform) tend to increase noise.
You probably want to convert to the HSV colorspace, and detect colors based on the Hue values. MATLAB offers the RGB2HSV function.
Here is an example submission on File Exchange that illustrate color detection based on hue.
For obtaining a single color mask, first of all convert the rgb image gray using rgb2gray. Also extract the desired color plane from the rgb image ,(eg for obtaining red plain give rgb_img(:,:,1)). Subtract the given plane from the gray image........

Matlab - Replace successive pixel with pixel from the left

So, I've quantized a grayscale image with four quantized values. I'm trying to maintain the first pixel of each row of the quantized image and replace each successive pixel with the difference from the pixel to its left.
How would you code this in matlab and can someone explain this to me conceptually?
Also, my concern is that because the image is relatively uniform because of the quantization of the dynamic range, most of the image would appear black, no? It seems to me that only the transition areas and the edges will have some difference in quantized values.
To create the difference to the pixel on the left, all you have to do is subtract the pixels in columns 1,2,3... from the columns 2,3,4...
%# create a random image with four values
randomImage = randi(4,[100,90]); %# use different numbers of rows and cols so we know which is which
%# catenate the first column of the image with the difference from the pixel to the left
%# for all pairs of columns in the image
differenceImage = [randomImage(:,1),randomImage(:,1:end-1)-randomImage(:,2:end)];
Yes, you'd expect quite a few uniform patches (which will be gray, since unless you plot the absolute value of the differences, there will be some that are negative).