Can't find the generated bulkloader.yaml - eclipse

I am trying to generate a bulkloader.yaml file in this way create_bulkloader_config --filename=bulkloader.yaml --url=
but I get this error
File "/Applications/", line 3839, in CheckOutputFile
raise FileExistsError('%s: output file exists' % filename)
I can't manage to find where such file is
consider I am using Eclipse PyDev on Mac Os through the GoogleAppEngineLauncher

Couple of things:
1) you are missing the --application=s~your_app_id tag
2) What directory are you in when you run this? If you are not sure run cd path/to/where/you/want/it
3) You can always try to find it using Mac's Spotlight, in case you are not sure where it saved.


Need help to write a basic Command Line code

I'm using Windows 10 if it matters and I'm trying to feed a file to the "oeminst" app that will convert this file from .EDR to .CCSS. According to the app's website its usage summary is this:
oeminst [-options] [inputfiles]
-v Verbose
-n Don't install, show where files would be installed
-c Don't install, save files to current directory
-S d Specify the install scope u = user (def.), l = local system]
infile Manufacturers setup.exe install file(s) or .dll(s) containing install files
infile.[edr|ccss|ccmx] EDR file(s) to translate and install or CCSS or CCMX files to install
If no file is provided, oeminst will look for the install CD.
more info can be found here
So far I tried this code:
C:\Users\PC>oeminst infile. [C:\Users\PC\testfile.edr]
oeminst: Error - Unable to load file 'infile [C:\Users\PC\testfile]'
I'd appreciate if someone at least could tell me if I'm doing it right or not.
P.S. sorry for the messed up text. Not sure how to fix it. It looks good in editing mode.
Try this : oeminst infile.edr C:\Users\PC\testfile.edr
Nevermind, I got it.
C:\Users\PC>oeminst C:\Users\PC\testfile.edr

Aborting wget on file found (Windows)

I am trying to use wget for Windows (on Windows 7) to find and download a file that I don't know the full name of (I have a partial name, and I know the form of the unknown part of the name). I am using an input file with a list of the possible file names, and I want to abort wget when the file is found (the rest of the possibilities will give 404 errors). How can I cause wget to abort automatically when that one file is found?

I am encountering an error while using imwrite

I am new to image processing and what I am trying to do is resize an image and store it in tif format, but command window reports an error saying "you don't have the permission to write"
my code is imwrite(B,'myNewFile.tif');
and after running it shows
Error using imwrite (line 10)
Unable to open file "myNewFile.tif" for writing. You may not have write permission.
Do I have to create a file by the name 'myNewFile' before writing the above code?
As the error message states, you are trying to write the file myNewFile.tif to the current working directory. However, you do not have writing permission in the current working direcoty. This is an OS issue, not a Matlab one.
What you can do is change the current working directory (using cd command) and write the image to a different folder where you do have writing permissions.
Alternatively, you can supply a full path to the image file name, directing it to a folder where you have writing permissions.
imwrite( B, fullfile( '/path/to/where/you/can/write', 'myNewFile.tif' ) );
Here are links to the description of some Matlab commands that might help you:
pwd can be used to check what is your current working directory.
You can use cd to change the current working directory.
fullfile helps you construct file names and paths in a generic way without worrying about OS pecularities.

postgreSQL COPY command error

Hallo everyone once again,
I did various searches but couldn't gind a suitable/applicable answer to the simple problem below:
On pgAdminIII (Windows 7 64-bit) I am running the following command using SQL editor:
COPY public.Raw20120113 FROM 'D:\my\path\to\Raw CSV Data\13_01_2012.csv';
I tried many different variations for the path name and verified the path, but I keep getting:
ERROR: could not open file "D:\my\path\to\Raw CSV Data\13_01_2012.csv" for reading: No such file or directory
Any suggestions why this happens?
Thank you all in advance
After some tests I came to the following conclusion: The reason I am getting this error is that the path includes some Greek characters. So, while Windows uses codepage 1253, the console is using 727 and this whole thing is causing the confusion. So, some questions arise, you may answer them if you like or prompt me to other questions?
1) How can I permanently change the codepageof the console?
2) How can I define the codepage is SQL editor?
Thank you again, and sorry if the place to post the question was inappropriate!
Try DIR "D:\my\path\to\Raw CSV Data\13_01_2012.csv" from command line and see if it works - just to ensure that you got the directory, file name, extension etc correct.
The problem is that COPY command runs on server so it takes the path to the file from the server's scope.
To use local file to import you need to use \COPY command. This takes local path to the file into account and loads it correctly.

Error while try to rename a file name in matlab

This is my code:
filename_date = strcat('Maayanei_yeshua-IC_',file_date,'.pdf')
filenamepdf = strcat(filename,'.pdf')
rename(['C:\Users\user\Desktop\' filenamepdf],['C:\Users\user\Desktop\' filename_date]);
And i get the error:
<??? Error using ==> movefile The system cannot find the path specified.>
<??? Undefined function or method 'rename' for input arguments of type 'char'.>
I checked hundreds of times and the file is there... i don't know why it can't find it, any help ?
Use the command
doc rename
to discover that rename is for working with ftp servers, which you are not doing here. What you want is the command movefile
Use the help window brought up by helpwin to look up all the commands you are using.
Also, from the command prompt try
dir(['C:\Users\user\Desktop\' filenamepdf])
to verify the file you want to move exists.