How to pass a class type as a function parameter - swift

I have a generic function that calls a web service and serialize the JSON response back to an object.
class func invokeService<T>(service: String, withParams params: Dictionary<String, String>, returningClass: AnyClass, completionHandler handler: ((T) -> ())) {
/* Construct the URL, call the service and parse the response */
What I'm trying to accomplish is is the equivalent of this Java code
public <T> T invokeService(final String serviceURLSuffix, final Map<String, String> params,
final Class<T> classTypeToReturn) {
Is my method signature for what I'm trying to accomplish correct?
More specifically, is specifying AnyClass as a parameter type the
right thing to do?
When calling the method, I'm passing MyObject.self as the returningClass value, but I get a compilation error "Cannot convert the expression's type '()' to type 'String'"
CastDAO.invokeService("test", withParams: ["test" : "test"], returningClass: CityInfo.self) { cityInfo in /*...*/
I tried using object_getClass, as mentioned by holex, but now I get:
error: "Type 'CityInfo.Type' does not conform to protocol 'AnyObject'"
What need to be done to conform to the protocol?
class CityInfo : NSObject {
var cityName: String?
var regionCode: String?
var regionName: String?

You are approaching it in the wrong way: in Swift, unlike Objective-C, classes have specific types and even have an inheritance hierarchy (that is, if class B inherits from A, then B.Type also inherits from A.Type):
class A {}
class B: A {}
class C {}
// B inherits from A
let object: A = B()
// B.Type also inherits from A.Type
let type: A.Type = B.self
// Error: 'C' is not a subtype of 'A'
let type2: A.Type = C.self
That's why you shouldn't use AnyClass, unless you really want to allow any class. In this case the right type would be T.Type, because it expresses the link between the returningClass parameter and the parameter of the closure.
In fact, using it instead of AnyClass allows the compiler to correctly infer the types in the method call:
class func invokeService<T>(service: String, withParams params: Dictionary<String, String>, returningClass: T.Type, completionHandler handler: ((T) -> ())) {
// The compiler correctly infers that T is the class of the instances of returningClass
Now there's the problem of constructing an instance of T to pass to handler: if you try and run the code right now the compiler will complain that T is not constructible with (). And rightfully so: T has to be explicitly constrained to require that it implements a specific initializer.
This can be done with a protocol like the following one:
protocol Initable {
class CityInfo : NSObject, Initable {
var cityName: String?
var regionCode: String?
var regionName: String?
// Nothing to change here, CityInfo already implements init()
Then you only have to change the generic constraints of invokeService from <T> to <T: Initable>.
If you get strange errors like "Cannot convert the expression's type '()' to type 'String'", it is often useful to move every argument of the method call to its own variable. It helps narrowing down the code that is causing the error and uncovering type inference issues:
let service = "test"
let params = ["test" : "test"]
let returningClass = CityInfo.self
CastDAO.invokeService(service, withParams: params, returningClass: returningClass) { cityInfo in /*...*/
Now there are two possibilities: the error moves to one of the variables (which means that the wrong part is there) or you get a cryptic message like "Cannot convert the expression's type () to type ($T6) -> ($T6) -> $T5".
The cause of the latter error is that the compiler is not able to infer the types of what you wrote. In this case the problem is that T is only used in the parameter of the closure and the closure you passed doesn't indicate any particular type so the compiler doesn't know what type to infer. By changing the type of returningClass to include T you give the compiler a way to determine the generic parameter.

you can get the class of AnyObject via this way:
Swift 3.x
let myClass: AnyClass = type(of: self)
Swift 2.x
let myClass: AnyClass = object_getClass(self)
and you can pass it as paramater later, if you'd like.

I have a similar use case in swift5:
class PlistUtils {
static let shared = PlistUtils()
// write data
func saveItem<T: Encodable>(url: URL, value: T) -> Bool{
let encoder = PropertyListEncoder()
do {
let data = try encoder.encode(value)
try data.write(to: url)
return true
}catch {
print("encode error: \(error)")
return false
// read data
func loadItem<T: Decodable>(url: URL, type: T.Type) -> Any?{
if let data = try? Data(contentsOf: url) {
let decoder = PropertyListDecoder()
do {
let result = try decoder.decode(type, from: data)
return result
print("items decode failed ")
return nil
return nil

Simply copy paste each code here into swift file:
# save as: APICaller.swift
import Foundation
struct APICaller
public static func get<T: Decodable>(url: String, receiveModel: T.Type, completion:#escaping (Decodable) -> ())
send(url: url, json: nil, receiveModel: receiveModel, completion: completion, httpMethod: "GET")
public static func post<T: Decodable>(url: String, json: [String: Any]?, receiveModel: T.Type, completion:#escaping (Decodable) -> ())
send(url: url, json: nil, receiveModel: receiveModel, completion: completion, httpMethod: "POST")
public static func delete<T: Decodable>(url: String, json: [String: Any]?, receiveModel: T.Type, completion:#escaping (Decodable) -> ())
send(url: url, json: nil, receiveModel: receiveModel, completion: completion, httpMethod: "DELETE")
private static func send<T: Decodable>(url: String, json: [String: Any]?, receiveModel: T.Type, completion:#escaping (Decodable) -> (), httpMethod: String)
// create post request
let urlURL: URL = URL(string: url)!
var httpRequest: URLRequest = URLRequest(url: urlURL)
httpRequest.httpMethod = httpMethod
if(json != nil)
// serialize map of strings to json object
let jsonData: Data = try! json!)
// insert json data to the request
httpRequest.httpBody = jsonData
httpRequest.addValue("application/json", forHTTPHeaderField: "Content-Type")
// create an asynchronus task to post the request
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: httpRequest)
{ jsonData, response, error in
// on callback parse the json into the receiving model object
let receivedModelFilled: Decodable = Bundle.main.decode(receiveModel, from: jsonData!)
// cal the user callback with the constructed object from json
DispatchQueue.main.async {
# save as: TestService.swift
import Foundation
struct TestService: Codable
let test: String
then you can use it like this:
let urlString: String = "http://localhost/testService" <--- replace with your actual service url
// call the API in post request urlString, json: ["test": "test"], receiveModel: TestService.self, completion: { testReponse in
// when response is received - do something with it in this callback
let testService: TestService = testReponse as! TestService
print("testService: \(testService)")
i use online service to turn my JSONs into swift files, so all i have left is to write the call and handle the response
i use this one: but you can search for the one you prefer

Swift 5
Not exactly the same situation, but I was having similar problem. What finally helped me was this:
func myFunction(_ myType: AnyClass)
switch myType
case is MyCustomClass.Type:
case is MyCustomClassTwo.Type:
default: break
Then you can call it inside an instance of said class like this:
myFunction(type(of: self))
Hope this helps someone in my same situation.

Use obj-getclass:
CastDAO.invokeService("test", withParams: ["test" : "test"], returningClass: obj-getclass(self)) { cityInfo in /*...*/
Assuming self is a city info object.

I recently came across this looking for a way to make my UINavigationController invisible to everything but the subview buttons. I put this in a custom nav controller:
// MARK:- UINavigationBar Override
private extension UINavigationBar {
override open func point(inside point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?) -> Bool {
// Make the navigation bar ignore interactions unless with a subview button
return self.point(inside: point, with: event, type: UIButton.self)
// MARK:- Button finding hit test
private extension UIView {
func point<T: UIView>(inside point: CGPoint, with event: UIEvent?, type: T.Type) -> Bool {
guard self.bounds.contains(point) else { return false }
if subviews.contains(where: { $0.point(inside: convert(point, to: $0), with: event, type: type) }) {
return true
return self is T
Don't forget to use bounds instead of frame as point is converted before calling.


Use of flatMap on a generic Publisher results in a compile error

I'm writing a transform function that would take network request results and try to parse them automatically using a dict to Model transformer(not Decodable due to several backend reasons).
So the chain should look like this:
func getModel -> Single<Model> {
return networkRequest(requestParameters).parse(modelTranslator)
The translator is a generic protocol:
public protocol Translator {
associatedtype Model
func translateFrom(dictionary json: [String: Any]) throws -> Model
Single is a wrapper around Deferred and Future:
public typealias Single<T> = Deferred<Future<T, Error>>
The problematic parse extension method here is:
public extension Publisher {
func parse<T: Translator, M>(translator: T) -> Single<M> where T.Model == M {
return self.flatMap { (data: Data) -> Single<M> in
return Deferred {
return Future<M, any Error> { promise in
let json = try? JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data, options: []),
let dict = json as? [String : Any]
else {
let error: any Error = TranslatorError.invalidJSONObject
return promise(Result.failure(error))
do {
let translatedModel: M = translator.translateFrom(dictionary: dict)
return promise(Result.success(translatedModel))
} catch let error {
return promise(Result.failure(error))
It won't compile. It shows 2 errors on the .flatmap row:
No 'flatMap' candidates produce the expected contextual result type 'Single' (aka 'Deferred<Future<M, any Error>>')
No exact matches in call to instance method 'flatMap'
I believe that it has something to do with a type mismatch?
Could you please help me see the problem?
Thank you in advance!
You are trying too hard. A simple tryMap is all you need to parse your [String: Any] into the appropriate model type. Here is a complete example:
func getFoo(_ requestParameters: RequestParameters) -> AnyPublisher<Foo, Error> {
getModel(requestParameters, modelTranslator: FooTranslator())
func getModel<T>(_ requestParameters: RequestParameters, modelTranslator: T) -> AnyPublisher<T.Model, Error> where T: Translator {
.tryMap { try modelTranslator.translateFrom(dictionary: $0) }
The above assumes the following declarations:
func networkRequest(_ params: RequestParameters) -> Single<[String: Any]> ...
struct FooTranslator: Translator {
func translateFrom(dictionary json: [String : Any]) throws -> Foo ...

Store Swift closures and cast them back to their original type

I'm trying to create a class that can save different closures (or methods) with an argument of a specific subtype of Decodable that should be called later. This way I can predefine what actions, or methods, can be called on that class in response to some input. For example, the line addCallback(setOption(_:), SetOptionRequest.self) should result in the subsequent call to try! performCallback("setOption", JSONEncoder().encode(SetOptionRequest()) to call setOption(data) where the argument data has type SetOptionRequest.
Here is the code I have so far (I took the bit about DecodableWrapper from here). The problem is that at runtime the cast callback.callback as! (ActionRequest) throws -> Void fails, since the type of the closure is not (ActionRequest) throws -> Void but (SetOptionRequest) throws -> Void. But I have no idea if and how I can cast the closure back to its original type. I considered using Selectors but I would like to keep the compile-time check that I'm binding methods with their correct argument type.
struct DecodableWrapper: Decodable {
static var baseType: ActionRequest.Type!
var base: ActionRequest
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
self.base = try DecodableWrapper.baseType.init(from: decoder)
open class Server {
private var actionCallbacks = [String: (callback: Any, dataType: ActionRequest.Type)]()
open func setup() {
addCallback(setOption, action: SetOptionRequestResponse.self)
public func addCallback<T: ActionRequest>(_ callback: #escaping (_ data: T) throws -> Void, action: T.Type) {
actionCallbacks[T.action] = (callback, T.self)
private func performCallback(action: String, data: Data) throws {
let callback = actionCallbacks[action]!
DecodableWrapper.baseType = callback.dataType
let data = try! JSONDecoder().decode(DecodableWrapper.self, from: data).base
try (callback.callback as! (ActionRequest) throws -> Void)(data)
private func setOption(_ data: SetOptionRequest) {
protocol ActionRequest {
static var action: String
struct Request: SetOptionRequest {
Thanks to this article, I came up with a solution. The trick is to store a custom closure that always accepts the same argument type (in this case Data), does whathever needs to be done with the generic type T and then calls the nested closure.
open class Server {
private var actionCallbacks = [String: (Data) throws -> Void]()
open func setup() {
public func addCallback<T: ActionRequest>(_ callback: #escaping (_ data: T) throws -> Void) {
actionCallbacks[T.action] = { data in
let data = try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: data)
try callback(data)
private func performCallback(action: String, data: Data) throws {
if let callback = actionCallbacks[action] {
try callback(data)
private func setOption(_ data: SetOptionRequest) {
public protocol ActionRequest: Codable {
static var action: String { get }
struct SetOptionRequest: ActionRequest {
static var action = "setOption"

What is the type of struct.self in swift?

I have a structural variable that extends Codable protocol, and want to memorize its type, so that I can use it next time in JSONDecoder. However, when a private variable is declared, its class needs to be specified, but whatever class I'm trying use, I cannot use the result later in JSONDecoder. So my question is what is the type of myVariable.self?
I have this problem, because I want to specify the class when a view decoder is initialized. During the initialization, I call the following function (this part of the code works well):
func getData<T: Codable>(fromURL: String, onSuccess: #escaping (T) -> Void, onError: #escaping (String) -> Void) {
let url = URL(string: fromURL)!
let task = session.dataTask(with: url) {(data, response, error) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let error = error {
guard let data = data, let response = response as? HTTPURLResponse else {
onError("Invalid data or response")
do {
if response.statusCode == 200 {
let ret = try JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: data)
} else {
let err = try JSONDecoder().decode(APIError.self, from: data)
} catch {
This part of the code works well. However, if I need to upload more data, I need to know T.self for proper decoder, so I need to keep it. A solution could be to create a private variable:
private var type: ??? // what type should I put here?
and to write in the function's body
type = T.self
But whichever type I try, it doesn't work.
What type should I put there? Or, maybe, there are some other solutions?
You can declare the property
private var type: Codable.Type
or wrap the method in a generic struct or class and declare the property
class CodableWrapper<T : Codable> {
private var type: T.Type

Argument type not conforming to decodable

Not sure what to do where; I believe my type is conforming to decodable!
let dm = DataManager(networkManagers: [mockHTTPManager])
let ep = Endpoint(scheme: .http, host: "",path: "/search/repositories")
dm.object(from: ep, with: DisplayContent.self) {result in
print (result)
where DisplayContent is a struct
struct DisplayContent:Decodable {
var title: String?
var abstract: String?
var thumbnailImageString: String?
var date: String?
var image: String?
and I'm trying to create a method to generically convert data to an object, but I think just the singature is relevant here
func object<T : Decodable>(from endpoint: Endpoint, with object: T, completion: #escaping (Result<T, Error>) -> Void) {
let error = NSError(domain:"", code:-1009, userInfo:[ NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Internet Offline"]) as Error
let url = endpoint.url!
networkManagers.first!.get(url: url) { result in
switch result {
case .failure: print ("failure")
case .success(let success) :
do {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let content = try decoder.decode(T.self, from: success)
print ("content")
} catch {
The error is "Argument type 'DisplayContent.Type' does not conform to expected type 'Decodable'" yet DisplayContent conforms to decodatble!
Your function is expecting an object of type T (with object: T) but you are trying to pass a type (DisplayContent.self).
You can either:
Pass an object of the correct type (e.g. DisplayContent()), or
Tell the function to expect a type to be passed (e.g. with object: T.type).

Cannot convert value of type 'MyEnum<T.Type>' to expected argument type 'MyEnum<_>'

I have a network layer working with generics and I'm using protocols so I can test it later. I have followed this tutorial
This is my Mock for testing:
import Foundation
#testable import TraktTest
class MockUrlSessionProvider: ProviderProtocol {
enum Mode {
case success
case empty
case fail
private var mode: Mode
init(mode: Mode) {
self.mode = mode
func request<T>(type: T.Type, service: ServiceProtocol, completion: #escaping (NetworkResponse<T>) -> Void) where T: Decodable {
switch mode {
case .success: completion(NetworkResponse.success(T))
case .empty: completion(.failure(.noData))
case .fail: completion(.failure(.unknown("Error")))
I'm getting the error: Cannot convert value of type 'NetworkResponse<T.Type>' to expected argument type 'NetworkResponse<_>' in this line: completion(NetworkResponse.success(T))
If I send this to my completion success it compile:
try? JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: data!)
(dummy data that I created using encode and my model), but crash when get to my model because is nil despite I had encoded using JSONEncoder() with a correct model.
I think it works, because is the same logic that I use in my class that implements ProviderProtocol in my app:
final class URLSessionProvider: ProviderProtocol {
private var session: URLSessionProtocol
init(session: URLSessionProtocol = URLSession.shared) {
self.session = session
func request<T>(type: T.Type, service: ServiceProtocol, completion: #escaping (NetworkResponse<T>) -> Void) where T: Decodable {
let request = URLRequest(service: service)
session.dataTask(request: request) { [weak self] data, response, error in
let httpResponse = response as? HTTPURLResponse
self?.handleDataResponse(data: data, response: httpResponse, error: error, completion: completion)
private func handleDataResponse<T: Decodable>(data: Data?, response: HTTPURLResponse?, error: Error?, completion: (NetworkResponse<T>) -> Void) {
guard error == nil else { return completion(.failure(.unknown(error?.localizedDescription ?? "Error"))) }
guard let response = response else { return completion(.failure(.unknown("no_response".localized()))) }
switch response.statusCode {
case 200...299:
guard let data = data, let model = try? JSONDecoder().decode(T.self, from: data) else { return completion(.failure(.noData)) }
default: completion(.failure(.unknown("no_response".localized())))
URLSessionProtocol is just a protocol which has a method dataTask same as the one in URLSession.shared (receive a URLRequest and returns Data, Response and Error in a completion).
My Network responses are a couple of enums:
enum NetworkResponse<T> {
case success(T)
case failure(NetworkError)
enum NetworkError {
case unknown(String)
case noData
My provider protocol just have a function to make the request using generics:
protocol ProviderProtocol {
func request<T>(type: T.Type, service: ServiceProtocol, completion: #escaping(NetworkResponse<T>) -> Void) where T: Decodable
I don't think I need to use ServiceProtocol in my test because is to setup the request with endpoint, headers, body, id, etc. But this is the protocol I created:
typealias Headers = [String: String]
typealias Parameters = [String: Any]
protocol ServiceProtocol {
func baseURL() -> URL
var path: String? { get }
var id: String? { get }
var method: HTTPMethod { get }
var task: Task { get }
var headers: Headers? { get }
var parametersEncoding: ParametersEncoding { get }
enum HTTPMethod: String {
case get = "GET"
case post = "POST"
enum Task {
case requestPlain
case requestParameters(Parameters)
enum ParametersEncoding {
case url
case json
In my app, I have a class that implement ProviderProtocol and use a URLSession.shared to make the dataTask when some viewModel call the request with the appropiate model.
I'm use to make test with protocols and a specific model, but with generics is showing me that error. How can I achieve to have a mock provider using generics so I can test any viewModel who make a call to network using different kinds of models (stubs).
The error occurs because NetworkResponse expects an instance of T, while the mock tries to provide the actual T.
So, you need to somehow provide an instance, however this cannot be generated by the mock as it doesn't have enough information about how to construct an instance.
I recommend injecting the success value from the outside, when creating the mock. You can do this either by making the mock class generic, or by making the Mode enum generic. Below is a sample implementation for the latter:
class MockUrlSessionProvider: ProviderProtocol {
// making the enum generic, to support injecting the success value
enum Mode<T> {
case success(T)
case empty
case fail
// need to have this as `Any` to cover all possible T generic arguments
private var mode: Any
// however the initializer can be very specific
init<T>(mode: Mode<T>) {
self.mode = mode
func request<T>(type: T.Type, service: ServiceProtocol, completion: #escaping (NetworkResponse<T>) -> Void) where T: Decodable {
// if the mock was not properly configured, do nothing
guard let mode = mode as? Mode<T> else { return }
// alternatively you force cast and have the unit test crash, this should help catching early configuration issues
// let mode = mode as! Mode<T>
switch mode {
case let .success(value): completion(NetworkResponse.success(value))
case .empty: completion(.failure(.noData))
case .fail: completion(.failure(.unknown("Error")))