how to add ojdbc14.jar to maven project in eclipse - eclipse

How can I add the ojdbc14.jar file to a maven project in eclipse? In other posts, there is a mention of a installing the jar into the local repository. However, I cannot install maven on this machine and eclipse is the only way in.


Running Eclipse project with maven dependency to another project in same workspace?

In my workspace i have many maven projects with dependecies between them managed by maven.
When i try to navigate through the types it shows the maven installed artifact and not the actual class in the workspace residing in another project.
It will be of much help if eclipse autoresolves the maven dependency and point to the local project instead of installed artifact. Is there any we can force that.

How to add Maven dependencies in Eclipse libaries

Can any one explain how to add Maven dependency JAR i.e. build path libraries? To be very specific how to include JAR file mentioned in pom.xml to Java build path? Maven dependencies - unable to see jars over here.
Don't have a option to update Maven dependencies. Also executed the script mvn eclipse:eclipse, seen on StackOverflow.
Generally, you should not have any need to deal with such a task manually. Here is the correct procedure for importing of maven project to your Eclipse IDE:
Make sure you have m2eclipse plugin installed (Maven support for Eclipse). As far I remember it is included to Eclipse IDE for JEE developers by default.
Checkout your maven project to any directory
From this directory (root pom.xml is located in), run: mvn eclipse:eclipse
Go to Eclipse, File -> Import, select "Existing maven project"
Select directory where your root pom.xml is located, Eclipse should find all maven modules.
Optional: if eclipse will tell you that it can't recognize some maven plugins - ignore this, just continue.
If you follow this instruction, IDE will create all maven modules as eclipse projects and you will have an option to update maven dependencies and also willsee all of them rigth in IDE.

Setting up project is eclipse

I want to setup my work project in Eclipse, with following features:
1) Connect to SVN repository
2) It is a maven - multi module project
3) It is a spring project
If I import this project as Maven project I am not able to connect it to SVN repository.
If I check - out SVN repository, I am not able to set it up as Maven/Spring project.
And ideally I want to make it hot deployable, (as eclipse dynamic web project), so Development can be efficient.
How can I possibly do this.
I have setup eclipse Juno SR1 with Maven, STS, and SVN plugins.
What you can do is follow the below steps :-
Checkout from svn to your local drive.
As it is a mave nbuild project you will have the pom.xml file in the root of the project. Do a mvn eclipse:eclipse -Dwtpversion=2.0 on the project.
3.Open eclipse and go to File-->Import--> Existing projects into workspace.
This should do.
FYR see this
After the project is checked out into the Eclipse workspace, just remove the project by using the following action: -
right click at the project ---> delete ---> click ok
Please take a note, do not check the check box named "Delete project content on disk". We have just want to remove and re-import again.
All we need to do is re-importing by using the following action: -
File ---> Import ---> Maven ---> Existing Maven projects
This will help us to integrate the Maven with the SVN in Eclipse. We will see the revision information after the project name, folders, packages, classes, etc.
Anyhow to use Maven in the Eclipse, you should install the Maven Integration (m2e). Furthermore there is a useful plug-in to integrate the Eclipse WTP with the Maven as well. It is named Maven Integration for WTP.
I hope this may help.

How do I have Maven install and/or configure eclipse plugins automatically

I am new to eclipse and the interaction between eclipse and maven.
Is it possible to have Maven automatically install Eclipse plugins if the eclipse path is known?
Is it possible to configure specific project settings for each installed plugin when the eclipse project is created? Is it easy to update these configuration settings once the eclipse project is created?
How may I go about this using Maven? Or is it not possible/ideal?
To install a plugin, you would have to copy the plugin files to the eclipse/plugins folder as described in the Eclipse wiki
You can use maven to copy the plugin files/folders to the eclipse plugins directory. This question will show how: Best practices for copying files with Maven
However, I would not advise to use maven to configure the IDE and its plugins, you should manage your projects and not your IDEs with maven.

why do i have to manually download the jars in maven2 repository when m2e already downloaded the pom and sha1

I've installed elcipse 3.6.2 and m2e plugin
M2E - Maven Integration for Eclipse (Incubation)
I have imported an existing maven pom project. I right clicked on the project then went to
Debug As > Maven Install.
It downloads most of the things but leaves out a lot of jar even though it's corresponding .pom and .sha2 are downloaded. So it leaves me with error messages like missing .jar.
So i had to download it manually from the ibiblio site.
Is there something wrong with my configuration?
BTW, the imported projects are from jetty 8.0.3M.
I don't think their pom needs changing.
I suppose it's in the eclipse/m2e plugin config?
This has worked for me almost always:
Delete your .pom and .sha2 files for the jar that is missing.
From Eclipse run the menu command "Update All Maven Dependencies" under Project.
This seems to download what is missing.
Hope that helps.