How do I load StringTemplateGroup files from a jar file? - stringtemplate-4

What is the best practice for including template group files in a jar?
I would like to include my StringTemplateGroup file in my executable jar. I'm using Eclipse and have put the template group file in a folder called "template" under the project. In my java code, I create the files using:
STGroup File templates = new STGroupFile("template/file.stg");
This works fine in Eclipse, but when I export the jar and run it, I get the following error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No such group file: template\HasbroServiceHelper.stg
How do I get the name of the file in the jar file itself, so I can prefix with "jar:file" or is there a better way to package the template file in the jar?

I have not tested it, but something like this should work.
String fullPath = getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("/template/file.stg").getFile();
STGroup File templates = new STGroupFile(fullPath);

There are two approaches to do this
In my case I have package the "templates" Folder along with the jar file.
Why: so the benefit of doing this if I need to change the template then in that case we don't need to regenerate or redeploy the jar
When we run the above code from the eclipse then eclipse knows that you are running from the project directory. That's the reason its running fine from the eclipse
|-- myapp.jar
|---Templates folder
If you run the jar from the "myapp" folder then you will not get the above exception.
Second Possible way to do this you have to keep your template files in your classpath means move them into resources folder and call it by the ResourceLoader
But in this case if you have some changes in the templates then you have re-build your entire project
ResourceLoader resourceLoader;
Hope that Helps :)


NetBeans Include External JAR in Export to Zip

I have a NetBeans project that uses the GSON library. I've tried including the GSON.jar file without requiring future users to separately download it. However it doesn't seem to work. The project looks for the file from the relative path of my computer so the file isn't found on another user's computer. Is there a way to include GSON.jar and "Export to Zip" and keep the reference in the project itself? I'm lost!
Thank you
Exporting a Project to ZIP zips up the project folder only, and not anything outside of the folder, including dependencies. If you include the GSON.jar file in the project folder, then the JAR file will be included in the .ZIP file. It's a good practice anyway since NetBeans will use a relative classpath and thus if you move the project itself NetBeans won't give you an error message when loading the project.

MyBatis looking for xml files in Tomcat directory

I'm testing a web application with Eclipse + Tomcat, Eclipse deploys the web application files and launches Tomcat, and the application runs fine. But when MyBatis is trying to open it's XML configuration files, it looks for them in
C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\lib\persistence\db\oracle.xml
instead of the correct place:
Where is MyBatis supposed to look for XML files?
This is where I specify the relative path:
String cfgFile = "persistence/db/oracle.xml";
Reader reader = Resources.getResourceAsReader(cfgFile);
session.put(db, new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(reader));
Resources.getResourceAsReader looks files in classpath. For web application running in tomcat classpath consist of WEB-INF/classes and all jars from WEB-INF/lib and tomcat folders like $TOMCAT_HOME\lib.
The issue you encounter most probably is caused by the fact that oracle.xml file is not added to deployment. It looks like c:\workspace\myweapp\src is not among source folder of eclipse project so eclipse doesn't copy files from it to the folder which is deployed to tomcat. Depending on your existing project structure you may need to create subfolder in src and add persistence with all subfolders there. This will allow you to avoid clash if some subfolder of src is already a source folder in eclipse. I would recommend to use maven project structure:
* java
you java source code here organized by package
* resources
I marked folders which should be added as source folder to eclipse with *.
Please note that it is not correct to say that C:\workspace\mywebapp\src\persistence\db\oracle.xml is a correct place to search for it. After you create a war to deploy it on production this path most probably will not be available at your production server. What you really need is to include persistence\db\oracle.xml to the war in appropriate place (under WEB-INF/classes).
Maybe you need another class loader 1. Try this:
String cfgFile = "persistence/db/oracle.xml";
ClassLoader classloader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
Reader reader = Resources.getResourceAsReader(classloader, cfgFile);
See Difference between thread's context class loader and normal classloader and you may want to see the code of You find it here.

Eclipse build path: library with native library folder

I created an Eclipse project and I need to use the Super CSV library with Dozer. I downloaded the Super CSV and created a new folder "super-csv" in /usr/lib.
Now I have: /usr/lib/super-csv/super-csv that contains the super csv jar (+ javadoc and source),
/usr/lib/super-csv/super-csv-dozer that contains the super csv dozer jar, javadoc and source plus a "lib" folder.
Inside /usr/lib/super-csv/super-csv-dozer/lib there are many .jar files that are needed for super-csv-dozer to work, so I added it as native library for super-csv-dozer entry in library tab of java build path in Eclipse.
When I try to compile the project, I receive a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException pointing a class that is contained in one of the jar files in the lib folder.
Everything works only if I manually add every jar in lib folder as an external jar.
Can someone explain me where I am doing wrong?
I'd recommend using Maven - it's a widely used tool for Java builds. To start using Super CSV, it would be as simple as adding the 2 dependencies (listed on the Super CSV website), and your Eclipse project would be ready to go.
There's a bit of a learning curve though, so if you want to just add the jars to Eclipse's build path manually, I'd recommend creating a lib directory at the root of your project and putting all of the jars there.
| |- (your source in here)
You can then add them to the build path (here's a good guide).
Just a note: if you're not using the Dozer extension, then you'll only need super-csv-2.0.1.jar on the build path.

How can my project access its "resources" directory both when run in Eclipse and from a Maven-packaged jar file?

I'm working with Maven project in Eclipse (with help of m2e plugin). When I pack my project into jar-file (mvn install), all files from "resources" are located in the root of jar.
Therefore, in my program I should use only bare file names:
File file = new File("foo.txt");
But when I build and run my project by Eclipse, I would have to use the relative path to the file:
File file = new File("src/main/resources/foo.txt");
What should I do to solve this problem?
To access your program's resources, don't use File, FileInputStream and similar classes.
They will not work for anything inside a jar file.
Instead, use Foo.class.getResource(...) or .getResourceAsStream() to access your resources. (Read the documentation before doing so.)
I'm not sure if a program started from eclipse can access these - please try and report back!
Your package configuration in Eclipse is wrong, cause it sees src/main/resources as a package instead of a source folder.
The configuration in Eclipse must look like this:

Deploying netbeans applications - jar file error (could not find main class)

I have a small GUI application developed with netbeans.
I used the 'clean and build' option to build an executable jar file. .jar file works in my pc. But when i sent the application to my friend he says that it throws 'cannot find the main class' error.
what could be the reason?
Thanks in advance...
Open project property, select run and set Main-Class (textfield) attribute.
Execute the main class in .jar application,
java -jar Application.jar
If you have used any library, try giving the library jar files along with the jar file. For example if your libraries are present in suppose lib folder then give the complete lib folder along with the jar file.