Unix set date without touching timestamp - date

I want to set system date to different date for testing.
But, I want to revert the date to correct date + time after testing.
So, I wonder if there is a way to set only the date without touching the timestamp.
Or, if that is not possible. How can I set the date back to correct date + time easily after testing?


ExtJS Bug when selecting date from datefield

I have a:
Field in my store as date with dateFormat set to 'Y-m-d'
Column in my grid (datecolumn) - format set to 'Y-m-d'
Editor on Column (datefield editor) - format set to 'Y-m-d'
Postgresql Table with a date column (Note, not a timestamp or timestamptz, but date)
I have data that comes into the store from Postgresql like:
mydatefield: "2021-07-30"
Now, the date do dispay is 100% correct in the grid. Problem comes in when I select a new date, through the datefield editor, let's say
The moment it saves back to the server it passes:
mydatefield: '2021-07-30T22:00:00.000Z'
and the server saves it wrong as '2021-07-30' and the grid refreshes back to 2021-07-30.
We are on South African Standard Time (+2) Do not know if it something to do with Daylight Saving
So, to recap. It does not matter what date I select, it keeps saving a day less than the day I selected.
The date it's saving is in UTC, which is the timezone you ought to be using on your server(s) and database(s) - that's a good thing as it removes timezone related info and allows dates to be localized to any timezone.
When you transmit date values over the wire between the server and the browser, make sure you're using RFC-8701 formatted strings (what you get when you call new Date().toJSON() in JavaScript). Then you won't have to worry about timezone issues, as RFC-8701 dates are always in UTC. The browser will take care of transforming dates to local time - just call new Date(myRfcDateString).
More info: Storing date/times as UTC in database
Use convert method of store to process data for date column before storing it in store data. Then the store data will be submitted to server in proper format.
There was similar question asked, links below -
Question - Datefield in grid editor
Fiddle - https://fiddle.sencha.com/#view/editor&fiddle/2e0a

When using Flutter package mysql1, my dates seem to drift by the amount of my time zone

I save my date as a local date, but when I read it back, it treats it as if it was a UTC date so it slips by several hours.
The dates are passed in as strings in the form '2020-03-05 09:05:23' as query parameters but when they are retrieved they might look like '2020-03-04 10:05:23' because I am 13 hours ahead of Greenwich.
For MariaDB (or MySQL):
Use DATETIME as a picture of the clock on the wall.
Use TIMESTAMP to adjust to the system's timezone.
Set the system's timezone according to where it lives in the world.

How do I set Date AND time picker in MDriven?

I am trying to capture both date and time in MDriven, but the default for data type DateTime only shows a picker (in Web) for the date, but a time is stored in the persistency layer. How do I also capture the time?
I found this in the wiki.mdriven.net
Date-formatting You set date and time format in the Style attribute
enclosed in { }.
For example, for dates and time, {short} will show date and time in
compact format. The default date format is {shortDate}. Please refer
to the Angular guide for formatting dates
The date and time format are automatically localized depending on the

Using Current Date Time in SAS

I am selecting the data from a table using a date string. I would like to select all rows that have a update time stamp greater than or equal to today.
The simplest way that I can think of is to put today's date in the string, and it works fine.
WHERE UPDATE_DTM >'29NOV2016:12:00'DT;
However, if I want to put something like today's date or system date, what should I put?
I used today(), but it returned all rows in the table. I am not sure if it's because today() in SAS refers to the date 1/1/1960? I also tried &sysdate, but it returned an error message seems like it requires a date conversion.
Any ideas? Your thoughts are greatly appreciated!
DATETIME() is the datetime equivalent of TODAY() (but includes the current time). You could also use dhms(TODAY(),0,0,0) if you want effectively midnight (or, for your example above, dhms(TODAY(),12,0,0) to get noon today).

How to determine if a user has entered only date or also time in the form field?

I have a field where user can enter only date or also time in a text field. Now I know if I make 2 fields, one for date and one for time, I can check if the time field is empty or not.
What I'd like to do is have only one field. If user puts the ending date it takes time only, if user inputs date and time it takes both.
The problem I have is this: If user enters "8.12.2013" it in fact means "8.12.2013 0:0:0" where I convert it to Cdate. But then the end time is the first second of the date 8.12.2013 which means it 8.12.2013 means stop on that date (this is a stop time field). But in fact if a user writes 8.1.2013 it means roll till the end of the day.
Of course I can do date()>"8.12.2013" and it will work, but then if user enters date and time it will not work as it strips time part.
My question: Is there any function in ASP that would check if the time part of the date is set in a variable? I tried to use TIME but it shows 0 for hours, 0 for minutes and 0 for seconds even if the Cdate("8.12.2013") is used. I'd need the function to tell me that the time is not set so I could make a comparation using date() instead of now().
I hope that makes sense.
You could try something as simple as:
If CLng(myDate) = myDate Then ...
Dates are treated as time past a particular date etc., therefore integerising the date will remove the time.
-- EDIT --
Just to add to the above code: The CLng will convert a Date and Time into just a Date. By comparing this against the whole date you can see if any fractional part was included.
Please be aware that this would be considered bad practice in a strictly typed environment, such as .NET, but Classic ASP types are variants and are quite malleable.