I want to use this JSON parser in my JAX-RS application that runs on Websphere Liberty.
I have done the following:
1) Right-click on Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Add External Jar -> C:\javalib\quick-json.jar
2) Added C:\javalib to enviroment variable CLASSPATH
3) Added fileset xml to serverl.xml
<library id="ExternalLibs">
<fileset dir="C:\javalib" includes="*.jar"/>
4) Unchecked 'Enable project specific settings' in 'Java Compiler'
5) Cleaned the Project
I was initially creating a new instance and then I turned it into an #ApplicationScoped bean and injected it. Now I get this error:
The JNDI lookup failed for JNDI name java:module/ConsoleREST with the following Exception CNTR4007E: An error occurred creating the websphere.jaxrs.service.ConsoleREST interface for the ConsoleREST enterprise bean in the WebApiConsole.war module in the WebApiConsole application. The enterprise bean look up failed using the java:module/ConsoleREST JNDI name. Exception: com/json/parsers/JsonParserFactory.
CNTR4007E: An error occurred creating the websphere.jaxrs.service.ConsoleREST interface for the ConsoleREST enterprise bean in the WebApiConsole.war module in the WebApiConsole application. The enterprise bean look up failed using the java:module/ConsoleREST JNDI name. Exception: com/json/parsers/JsonParserFactory
The first step was enough to get it to compile. Now I'm getting what I learned to be a runtime error. I would appreciate help!
You also need a <classloader> element in your application definition in the server.xml, which references the shared library. For example,
<application id="myapp" name="My App" type="war" location="somewhere.war">
<classloader commonLibraryRef="ExternalLibs" />
Alternatively, if your application is the only user of the library, you could package it in the WEB-INF/lib folder of your war. (Putting it in WebContent/lib in Eclipse should accomplish this.)
I am migrating from Jboss 6.4 to Jboss 7.4, First I have not made any changes in war file and tried to deploy it on Jboss 7.4, but I was getting below error. This error is coming for all filter and servlet classes which are configured in web.xml file.
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: UT010011: Filter log4jServletFilter of type class org.apache.logging.log4j.web.Log4jServletFilter does not implement javax.servlet.Filter
at io.undertow.servlet.api.FilterInfo.<init>(FilterInfo.java:74)
at org.wildfly.extension.undertow.deployment.UndertowDeploymentInfoService.createServletConfig(UndertowDeploymentInfoService.java:801)
at org.wildfly.extension.undertow.deployment.UndertowDeploymentInfoService.start(UndertowDeploymentInfoService.java:276)
at org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceControllerImpl$StartTask.startService(ServiceControllerImpl.java:1739)
at org.jboss.msc.service.ServiceControllerImpl$StartTask.execute(ServiceControllerImpl.java:1701)
... 6 more
Then I tried with excluding undertow subsystem in jboss-deployment-structure.xml file as below. This time I was able to deploy war file without error, but application is not accessible with root context or any different way. On jboss admin console War is showing in active state but still accessible.
<subsystem name="undertow" />
Could anyone advise me to resolve filter or servlet class error?
I am trying out the following tutorial which creates a simple EJB and then accesses via a Java SE client:
This tutorial uses ant but I am using maven. Now, in my client, I am getting the following error while creating the initial context:
javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class:
org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory [Root exception is java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
at javax.naming.spi.NamingManager.getInitialContext(NamingManager.java:674)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.getDefaultInitCtx(InitialContext.java:307)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.init(InitialContext.java:242)
at javax.naming.InitialContext.<init>(InitialContext.java:216)
at EJBDriver.main(EJBDriver.java:21)
I have added the following dependencies to my pom.xml:
Finally, the jndi properties:
How to solve this issue?
I solved the problem as follows
1- If the EJB classes are in different projects, than the project with EJB classes needs to be added to the classpath of the project containing the client. For Eclipse:
Right Click on project->Build Path->Configure Build Path-> Projects tab->Add->Select the desired project->OK->OK
2- The jboss-client.jar file needs to be added to the class path of the EJB client project as well.
Right Click on project->Build Path->Configure Build Path-> Projects tab->Librariers->Add External JAR
Browse to the jboss-client.jar file(In windows its located in JBoss_Installation/bin/client)
Select the file and click OK twice.
jboss 6 should use the following properties:
naming factory= org.jboss.naming.remote.client.InitialContextFactory
provider url= remote://localhost:4447
I have created a small sample project to have a reference implementation of OSGi with Spring (i.e. Blueprint), and I can get all bundles to install, resolve and start OK, but my service is not registered when the bundle starts.
I've made the entire project available on github so you can take a look at the source - the jars output from the build are in the artifacts folder, but you can also build the project yourself by running gradle assemble.
As I've understood the Blueprint specification, and particularly this guide, there is no need for an activator class to register the services if the configuration files are in the right place - in my jar, I have the following under OSGI-INF/blueprint/sillyservice.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns="http://www.osgi.org/xmlns/blueprint/v1.0.0">
<bean id="sillyService" class="se.sunstone.silly.service.ServiceImpl"
<service ref="helloservice"
interface="com.sample.blueprint.helloworld.api.HelloWorldService" />
When deploying this bundle, JBoss reports the bundle as ACTIVE.
When I then deploy the client bundle, there is an activator class that runs the following snippet to list all registered services:
ServiceReference[] refs = context.getAllServiceReferences(null, null);
if (refs != null) {
logger.info(String.format("There are %s references", refs.length));
for (ServiceReference ref : refs) {
} else {
logger.info("There are no registered services.");
A bunch of services that are registered by the OSGi framework inside JBoss are listed, but not my SillyService.
What do I need to do to make this work?
To enable Blueprint functionality, you need to install a Blueprint Extender bundle. There are two implementations available: Apache Aries and Eclipse Gemini. I recommend Aries, which is available from http://aries.apache.org/
I have a jar file with source code packed.
i inserted the jar in war/WEB-INF/lib/xxx.jar Add to build path
but when i run the project i got an error
Edited Added gwt.xml
<module rename-to='bookmanagementsystem'>
<inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.User'/>
<inherits name='com.google.gwt.user.theme.standard.Standard'/>
<inherits name='com.example.Book'></inherits>
<entry-point class='com.example.Book.client.Index'/>
I solved
Plugin failed to connect to Development Mode server at
Now i got a problem
Loading inherited module 'com.example.book'
[ERROR] Unable to find 'com/example/book.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?
[ERROR] Line 6: Unexpected exception while processing element 'inherits'
If you want to include external jar to GWT then make sure you did the following
check the jar has .gwt.xml file and it must specify the source.
add it to lib folder
configure build path and add jar to libraries
select the jar from Order and Export
inherits this module in your .gwt.xml file
Eg. if you have a package in jar named "sample.source" and your .gwt.xml file in jar is "Source.gwt.xml" and this .gwt.xml file in "sample" folder and classes or entities in "source" folder
Then your current project must inherits it. ie it must have the following tag
<inherits name='sample.Source'/>
Eg :
Sorce.gwt.xml in jar file
<source path="">
<include name="**/MyEntity.java"/>
For reference :http://jonathan.lalou.free.fr/?p=1077
GWT is not supporting serialization in client side so try to use RPC and use these classes from jar in server or you just copy the packages of jar and add to src of gwt project.
I solved the problem the jar files must have java source code along with class files or pack java source code into jar and use.
I am trying to use the sparklines add on in my application. However, eclipse systematically refuses to compile the corresponding widgetset, i.e. if I specify the inherit tag in my widgetset that refers to the sparklines widgetset as follows:
<inherits name="org.vaadin.artur.icepush.IcepushaddonWidgetset" />
<inherits name="org.vaadin.hezamu.googlemapwidget.widgetset.GooglemapwidgetWidgetset" />
<inherits name="org.vaadin.sparklines.SparklinesWidgetset" />
<inherits name="com.fluxtream.widgets.FluxtreamwidgetsWidgetset" />
...eclipse complains with the following error:
Loading inherited module 'com.fluxtream.widgets.FluxtreamwidgetsWidgetset'
Loading inherited module 'com.fluxtream.dashboard.widgetset.FlxDashboardWidgetset'
Loading inherited module 'org.vaadin.sparklines.SparklinesWidgetset'
[ERROR] Unable to find 'org/vaadin/sparklines/SparklinesWidgetset.gwt.xml' on your classpath; could be a typo, or maybe you forgot to include a classpath entry for source?
[ERROR] Line 26: Unexpected exception while processing element 'inherits'
However, I have verified that the widgetset was indeed declared as a dependency in my project's pom, and I have also verified that it appears under the "Maven Dependencies" library icon in the eclipse IDE.
Also, whenever I attempt to recompile my widgetset, and after the aforementioned error is displayed, I can see that my original widgetset.gwt.xml file has been modified, and as a result would look as follows:
<inherits name="org.vaadin.artur.icepush.IcepushaddonWidgetset" />
<inherits name="org.vaadin.hezamu.googlemapwidget.widgetset.GooglemapwidgetWidgetset" />
<inherits name="com.fluxtream.widgets.FluxtreamwidgetsWidgetset" />
<inherits name="com.fluxtream.dashboard.widgetset.FlxDashboardWidgetset" />
I'm really confused, as I don't understand what I am doing wrong. I am using other add-ons which work just fine (icepush and googlemap) and I really don't understand what I am doing wrong here.
The Vaadin Eclipse plugin manages your gwt.xml, that is why it is modifies if you add/remove add-on from classpath.
Basically this means that you don't have to modify the gwt.xml by hand, if working in Eclipse. Furthermore, the Eclipse plugin does not know anything about maven (or pom files) and any information in those does not affect to it.
You can compile the widgetset two ways. First with the Eclipse plugin (the button on toolbar) or with maven. This sounds that you are mixing those.
Easiest setup is to put all add-on jars to WEB-INF/lib and use the eclipse plugin to compile the widgetset. The gwt.xml should be automatically updated, but sometimes a refresh (or jar remove/add procedure) is needed to let the plugin notice change.
Also, check the Vaadin settings in project preferences are the way you want.