Column must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function - postgresql

I'm updating a Qt software, to make it compatible with both SQLite and PostgreSQL.
I have a C++ method that is used to count elements of a given table with given clauses.
In SQLite, the following worked and gave me a number N (the count).
ON table_b.fk_table_a =
WHERE table_a.start_date_time <> 0
ORDER BY table_a.creation_date_time DESC
With PostgreSQL (I'm using 9.3), I have the following error :
ERROR: column "table_a.creation_date_time" must appear in the
GROUP BY clause or be used in an aggregate function
table_a.creation_date_time DESC
If I add, GROUP BY table_a.creation_date_time, it gives me a table with N rows.
I've read a lot of stuff about how different DBMS allow you to omit columns in the GROUP BY clause. Now, I'm just confused.
For those who are curious, the C++ method is:
static int count(const QString &table, const QString &clauses = QString(""))
int success = -1;
if (!table.isEmpty())
QString statement = QString("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ");
if (!clauses.isEmpty())
statement.append(" ").append(clauses) ;
QSqlQuery query;
qWarning() << query.lastError();
qWarning() << statement;
if (query.isActive() && query.isSelect() && query.first())
bool ok = false;
success = query.value(0).toInt(&ok);
if (ok == false)
success = -1;
return success;
return success;

If you're just doing a count(*) on the table in order to get a single scalar-value result, then surely having the order by present is obsolete ?
Remove the obsolete order by to get "standard" query behavior across multiple dbms


How to get Function arguments in Postgresql

I am changing pg-pool to cater cypher queries for Apache AGE and I have the following code, which takes the select statement. From that it gets the FROM clause, then from the FROM clause it gets the function names. So now I want that function arguments also. How would I do that. The code is as follows:
if (IsA(node, SelectStmt))
SelectStmt *stmt = (SelectStmt *) node;
List* fromClause = stmt->fromClause;
ListCell *fl;
//Match the first cypher function call in the FROM clause. Could be multiple tables
// e.g. FROM table1, table2, cypher(),table3....
foreach(fl, fromClause)
Node *n = lfirst(fl);
if (IsA(n, RangeFunction))
RangeFunction *rf = (RangeFunction*) n;
List* functions = rf->functions;
if (functions->length == 1)
List *sublist = (List *) lfirst(list_head(functions));
FuncCall *fntree = (FuncCall *) lfirst(list_head(sublist));
StringInfoData str;
if (!strcmp("\"cypher\"",{
return true;
The arguments are stored in FuncCall. Since you already have that, you can get them with
Note that your code only covers function calls in the top FROM list. What if there are subqueries?

Force Entity Framework to read each line with all details

I am having trouble with en EF method returning duplicate rows of data. When I am running this, in my example, it returns four rows from a database view. The fourth row includes details from the third row.
The same query in SSMS returns four individual rows with the correct details. I have read somewhere about EK and problems with optimization when there are no identity column. But - is there anyway to alter the below code to force EK to read all records with all details?
public List<vs_transactions> GetTransactionList(int cID)
using (StagingDataEntities db = new StagingDataEntities())
var res = from trans in db.vs_transactions
where trans.CreditID == cID
orderby trans.ActionDate descending
select trans;
return res.ToList();
Found the solution :) MergeOption.NoTracking
public List<vs_transactions> GetTransactionList(int cID)
db.vs_transactions.MergeOption = MergeOption.NoTracking;
using (StagingDataEntities db = new StagingDataEntities())
var res = from trans in db.vs_transactions
where trans.CreditID == cID
orderby trans.ActionDate descending
select trans;
return res.ToList();

What is the relevant rules of Flink Window TVF and CEP SQL?

I am trying to parse Flink windowing TVF sql column level lineage, I initial a custom FlinkChainedProgram and set some Opt rules.
Mostly works fine except Window TVF SQL and CEP SQL.
for example, I get a logical plan as
insert into sink_table(f1, f2, f3, f4)
SELECT cast(window_start as String),
cast(window_start as String),
cast(SUM(price) as Bigint)
GROUP BY window_start, window_end, GROUPING SETS ((user_id), ());
rel#1032:FlinkLogicalCalc.LOGICAL.any.None: 0.[NONE].[NONE](input=FlinkLogicalAggregate#1030,select=CAST(window_start) AS EXPR$0, CAST(window_start) AS EXPR$1, null:BIGINT AS EXPR$2, user_id, null:VARCHAR(2147483647) CHARACTER SET "UTF-16LE" AS EXPR$4, CAST($f4) AS EXPR$5)
As we seen, the Optimized RelNode Tree contains null column so that MetadataQuery can't get origin column info.
What rules should I set in Logical Optimized phase to parse Window TVF SQL and CEP SQL? Thanks
I solved the field blood relationship method of Flink CEP SQL and added the getColumnOrigins(Match rel, RelMetadataQuery mq, int iOutputColumn) method in RelMdColumnOrigins:
* Support field blood relationship of CEP.
* The first column is the field after PARTITION BY, and the other columns come from the measures in Match
public Set<RelColumnOrigin> getColumnOrigins(Match rel, RelMetadataQuery mq, int iOutputColumn) {
if (iOutputColumn == 0) {
return mq.getColumnOrigins(rel.getInput(), iOutputColumn);
final RelNode input = rel.getInput();
RexNode rexNode = rel.getMeasures().values().asList().get(iOutputColumn - 1);
RexPatternFieldRef rexPatternFieldRef = searchRexPatternFieldRef(rexNode);
if (rexPatternFieldRef != null) {
return mq.getColumnOrigins(input, rexPatternFieldRef.getIndex());
return null;
private RexPatternFieldRef searchRexPatternFieldRef(RexNode rexNode) {
if (rexNode instanceof RexCall) {
RexNode operand = ((RexCall) rexNode).getOperands().get(0);
if (operand instanceof RexPatternFieldRef) {
return (RexPatternFieldRef) operand;
} else {
// recursive search
return searchRexPatternFieldRef(operand);
return null;
Source address:
I have given detailed test cases, you can refer to:
Flink CEP SQL test case:

How to assure the return StringList will be ordered : Scala

I am using Scala 2.11.8
I am trying to read queries from my Property File. Each Query Set has multiple parts (explained below)
And i have certain sequence in which these queries must execute.
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
object ReadProperty {
def main(args : Array[String]): Unit = {
val queryRead = ConfigFactory.load("").getConfig("select").getStringList("caseInc").toArray()
val localRead = ConfigFactory.load("").getConfig("select").getStringList("caseLocal").toArray.toSet
PropertyFile Content :
select.caseInc.2 = Select emp_salary, emp_dept_id from employees
select.caseLocal.1 = select one
select.caseLocal.3 = select three
select.caseRemote.2 = Select e1.emp_name, d1.dept_name, e1.salary from emp_1 e1 join dept_1 d1 on(e1.emp_dept_id = d1.dept_id)
select.caseRemote.1 = Select * from departments
select.caseInc.1 = Select emp_id, emp_name from employees
select.caseLocal.2 = select two
select.caseLocal.4 = select four
Select emp_id, emp_name from employees
Select emp_salary, emp_dept_id from employees
select one
select two
select three
select four
As we can see in output, The result is Sorted . In the property if you see i have tried numbering the queries in the sequence it should run.(passing the caseInc, caseLocal as arguments).
With getStringList() i am always getting the Sorted List on the basis of the sequence number i am providing.
Even when i tried using toArray() & toArray().toSet i am getting sorted output.
So far its Good
But how to be sure that it will always return in Sorted Order which i have provided in the property file. I am confused because somehow i am not able to find the API which says that the returned List will be Sorted.
I think you can rely on this fact. Looking into the code of DefaultTransformer you can see following piece of logic:
} else if (requested == ConfigValueType.LIST && value.valueType() == ConfigValueType.OBJECT) {
// attempt to convert an array-like (numeric indices) object to a
// list. This would be used with .properties syntax for example:
// -Dfoo.0=bar -Dfoo.1=baz
// To ensure we still throw type errors for objects treated
// as lists in most cases, we'll refuse to convert if the object
// does not contain any numeric keys. This means we don't allow
// empty objects here though :-/
AbstractConfigObject o = (AbstractConfigObject) value;
Map<Integer, AbstractConfigValue> values = new HashMap<Integer, AbstractConfigValue>();
for (String key : o.keySet()) {
int i;
try {
i = Integer.parseInt(key, 10);
if (i < 0)
values.put(i, o.get(key));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
if (!values.isEmpty()) {
ArrayList<Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractConfigValue>> entryList = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractConfigValue>>(
// sort by numeric index
new Comparator<Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractConfigValue>>() {
public int compare(Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractConfigValue> a,
Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractConfigValue> b) {
return, b.getKey());
// drop the indices (we allow gaps in the indices, for better or
// worse)
ArrayList<AbstractConfigValue> list = new ArrayList<AbstractConfigValue>();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, AbstractConfigValue> entry : entryList) {
return new SimpleConfigList(value.origin(), list);
Note how keys are parsed as integer values and then sorted using

Extending Zend_Db

I apologize if my title is a bit misleading and it turns out that it's some other class under Zend_Db.
I use the following method of extracting data from a MSSQL:
// $_config contains information about how to connect to my MSSQL server
$config = new Zend_Config($_config);
$db = Zend_Db::factory($config->database);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM table1";
So far no problem and everything runs smooth :).
Now I need to run some more complex queries with multiple rowsets:
$sql2 = <<<EOD
SET #test = 42
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE col1 = #test
SELECT col3 FROM table2
SELECT * FROM table3
I hope you get the idea.
Using $db->fetchAll($sql2); will result in
Fatal error: Uncaught exception
'Zend_Db_Statement_Exception' with
message 'SQLSTATE[HY000]: General
error: 10038 Attempt to initiate a new
SQL Server operation with results
pending. [10038] (severity 7)
[(null)]' in
The following function will return all the correct rowsets:
function sqlquery_multiple($zdb, $sql) {
$stmt = $zdb->query($sql);
$rowsets = array();
do {
if ($stmt->columnCount() > 0) {
$rowsets[] = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
} while ($stmt->nextRowset());
return $rowsets;
print_r(sqlquery_multiple($db, $sql2));
Now my big question is:
How do I extend Zend_Db, so I can implement and use the function above as $db->fetchMulti($sql2); instead of sqlquery_multiple($db, $sql2)?
Thanks in advance :)
NB: It's worth mentioning that I'm using the ODBC-patch in order to be able to fetch multiple rowsets in the first place.