How to execute shell command before compile task? - scala

I'd like to execute a shell command - rm -r a directory - whenever my sbt project builds. This would be before compile.
Reasoning: There's a cache file that never gets updated. If I delete it before each compile, it forces the update.
Please advise.

You can create a task that deletes the file:
val removeCacheTask = TaskKey[Unit]("removeCacheFile", "Deletes a cache file")
val removeCacheSettings = removeCacheTask := {
import sys.process._
Seq("rm", "/path/to/file") !
Then require that the task be run before compilation by adding these settings to your project:
compile in Compile <<= (compile in Compile).dependsOn(removeCacheTask)
In build.sbt it would look like this:
lazy val removeCacheTask = TaskKey[Unit]("removeCacheFile", "Deletes a cache file")
removeCacheTask := {
import sys.process._
Seq("rm", "/path/to/file")!
compile in Compile <<= (compile in Compile).dependsOn(removeCacheTask)

#LimbSoup answer is fine, but there're some improvements to consider.
The command to execute rm might not be available on other non-rm OSes, like Windows, so it's much safer to use sbt.IO.delete method.
Since it's about deleting files, there's the clean task that relies on def doClean(clean: Seq[File], preserve: Seq[File]): Unit method (from sbt.Defaults) and with proper changes it could also be of some help. I think it would require a new config, though.
See How to exclude files in a custom clean task? for some guidance regarding a custom clean task.


Running Wget in scala build.sbt

I have a requirement where I need to download a bunch of jars from a url and then place them inside a lib directory and then add them to unmanaged dependancy.
I am kind of stuck on how to do this in build.sbt. Went over sbt documentation and I found processbuilder. With that in mind, I came up with the below code.
for(i <- jarUrls) {
val wget = s"wget -P $libDir $anonUser#$hgRootURL/$i"
wget !
This runs wget on a bunch of jars and then places the file in the mentioned folder. Pretty simple code, but I am unable to run this. The error that I get is "Expression of type Unit must confirm to DslEntry in SBT file".
How to accomplish this?
build.sbt isn't just scala file, sbt does special preprocessing on it (that's why you don't have to def project = etc).
Your problem happens because every line of code (except imports and definitions) in build.sbt must return expression of type DslEntry as sbt sees every line of code as setting. When do you want your wget to get executed? usual way is to define Task:
lazy val wget = taskKey[Unit]("Wget")
wget := {
for(i <- List(1,2,3)) {
val wget = s"wget -P $libDir $anonUser#$hgRootURL/$i"
wget !
and run it like sbt wget.
You can also make wget task dependent on some other task (or you can think of them as events) in sbt.
Of course, there are tricky unsafe ways, like:
val init: Unit = {
//any code you want here
But I wouldn't recommend it since you probably want those files during let's say compile stage or something:
wget := {
your code here
} dependsOn compile
you can also use regular scala build instead of build.sbt:

Watch for project files also

I use sbt in the following fashion: I run ~ test:compile in sbt and then work in IDE, watching occasionaly if the project still compiles, because the IDE's presentation compiler tends to be buggy. When I git pull some code, there might be changes in the project/ files, so I want to have reload. Is there a way, how to watch both source files and project files, so when there is change in project files, I actually get the update?
As jsuereth explained this isn't a task SBT can handle in 1 instance. What's required is a reboot of SBT to abort the watching process and reload it's own configuration.
The following Scala script does exactly this, it uses Java NIO WatchService and Scala Process to monitor a path and restart a process. The code should be fairly simple to understand:
#!/usr/bin/env scala
import java.nio.file._
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import scala.sys.process._
val file = Paths.get(args(0))
val cmd = args(1)
val watcher = FileSystems.getDefault.newWatchService
def exec = cmd run true
def watch(proc: Process): Unit = {
val key = watcher.take
val events = key.pollEvents
val newProc =
if (!events.isEmpty) {
} else proc
if (key.reset) watch(newProc)
else println("aborted")
Usage in your sbt dir would be:
watchr.scala project/ "sbt ~ test:compile"
If anything is unclear don't hesitate to ask, of course any scripting language could be used to implement this behavior.
You actually can't use ~ <task> and have it rebuild the project itself right now, because ~ <task> needs to read the build definition itself to determine:
What source files to watch
How to run the task.
What you're doing is altering the config whe project/ changes. This requires a full reload or reboot of sbt to pull in the new configuration.
So, as of sbt 0.13, this isn't possible. You can have it so it will rebuild your source code when project/ changes, but without rebuilding the build definition, not much help.
You could create a new sbt prompt, or task, that when run could check to see if source files in project/ are updated and issue a warning/error so you know to reboot. That's probably the best option right now.

How do I invoke a shell command during a Play 2.0 build (sbt)?

I would like to add a symlink from the .git/hooks directory to a file in my working tree during a regular Play! framework 2.0 build. According to the Play documentation, all sbt functionality is available as normal in a Play build. Based on google searches, I'm trying to add this code to the ApplicationBuild object in my project/Build.scala file:
val symlinkGitPrepushHookTask = compile in Compile <<= compile in Compile map {comp =>
val output = "ln -sf ../../.hooks/ .git/hooks/pre-push".!!
From my reading of the sbt docs, this should be adding a dependency to the compile task in the Compile scope. The dependency is on its existing value, but with my additional function mapped to it. Now when the compile task runs, my anonymous function should be run too. This does not successfully create the symlink, and does not even seem to run.
Immediately after posting this, I thought I would try adding the example I had found to the project/plugins.sbt file. This works, although it seems an abuse of a file to specify plugins.
... existing plugins.sbt content ...
compile in Compile <<= compile in Compile map { comp =>
"ln -sf ../../.hooks/ .git/hooks/pre-push".!!
The blank line is critical, as this is the delimiter in the .sbt format.

How can I change the directory into which SBT puts test resources?

I want the test-compile action to put the contents of src/test/resources into target/scala_2.8.1/test-classes.
The reason for this is that I'm running SBT with IntelliJ IDEA, which puts the test-classes directory on the classpath when it runs tests.
My logback-test.xml file (configuration for logback logging framework) lives in src/test/resources, and it's not being found during testing.
This doesn't directly answer your question, but instead shows an the alternative that I use.
I add two new tasks: prepare and test-prepare.
lazy val prepare = task{
} dependsOn (compile, copyResources) describedAs ("Compiles main, copies main resources. Use for the before-action in the idea-sbt-plugin")
lazy val testPrepare = task{
} dependsOn (testCompile, copyResources, copyTestResources) describedAs ("Compiles main and test, copies all resources. Use for the before-action in the idea-sbt-plugin")
I then configure the 'before run' SBT action to these. This requires the idea-sbt-plugin.
I use the sbt-idea SBT Processor to configure the IntelliJ module setup. This includes target/scala_2.8.1/[test-]resources as a dependency.
While there might be a better way of doing it, this should work as well as long as nothing else overrides testCompile. Just add the following into your project definition.
override lazy val testCompile = testCompileAction dependsOn task {
import sbt.Process._
"cp -R src/test/resources/* target/scala_2.8.1/test-classes" ! log
override lazy val testCompile = testCompileAction dependsOn copyTestResources
override def testResourcesOutputPath = testCompilePath

How to create a compiler Action for SBT

I want to create an Action to automate GCJ compilation. Since I couldn't make it work with Ant, I decided to try SBT. The docs say how to create an Action and how to run an external process. What I don't yet see is how to reuse the directory tree traversal which exists for java and scala compiler Actions. In this case my input files would be all the .class files under a certain root folder. I would also need to specify a specific classpath for GCJ. Any pointers for this would be appreciated too.
I haven't used GCJ much at all and I'm still pretty new at SBT, but this is how I believe you could write a quick task to do exactly what you are looking for with SBT 0.7.1. You can use a PathFinder to grab all of the class files like so:
val allClasses = (outputPath ##) ** "*.class"
Using that PathFinder and the "compileClasspath" top level method, you can construct a task like this which will run gcj using the current project's classpath and compose all of the .class files into one gcjFile:
val gcj = "/usr/local/bin/gcj"
val gcjFile = "target/my_executable.o"
val allClasses = (outputPath ##) ** "*.class"
lazy val gcjCompile = execTask {
<x>{gcj} --classpath={":")} -c {"-c ")} -o {gcjFile}</x>
} dependsOn(compile) describedAs("Create a GCJ executable object")