Eclipse error log pops up after every save - eclipse

Whenever I make any edits in eclipse (using STS) and save them the error log pops up. It's extremely annoying and I have no idea how to get rid of it. Anyone face a similar issue and how to resolve it?


Have to restart Visual Studio Code to elimante mistakenly shown errors

sometimes my changes cause an error and after fixing it, VS Code wont get rid of the error. In that case I have to close VS Code and reopen it.
I add at first an click-event to an html-element, that isnt defined yet in the component.ts File. Angular shows the red unterline and the error message. After defining the missing function, the error does not disapper (even if I save all files and/or refresh explorer). I have to restart VS Code.
Of course I can prevent this using the right order. But sometimes there are errors like this.
Does anybody have an idea how to fix this?
Thanks and best regards

File Search has encountered a problem in Eclipse

I deleted some lib files from my existing project, and now everytime I want to do a file search, this error pops up at then end of the search :-
It's not really interfering with the search results I think, but it is kinda annoying since every search brings this error out. Any suggestions on how to stop this?
I know this question is old and probably duplicate, but I happen to encounter the same issue today, and found this solution:
On Package Explorer, select the your project then press F5 (Refresh). Do this to all opened projects."File search has encountered a problem" error happens when your workspace is not sync with your file system (e.g. when you deleted a file that is currently opened in eclipse, etc.)

Eclipse took overnight to close and is still trying to close

I tried closing Eclipse because there was a bug in the Java code, and then I successfully closed it. "Success" may not be what was expected. Now, the closing message shows up... I thought it would finally close after I went to sleep, but NO! It's still on and I don't know what happend to Eclipse. Here's the message:
Does anyone know what's wrong with Eclipse? I have no clue why this is happening, and I can't even open eclipse anymore, but that's a different problem.
Thanks for anyone who could help.

Eclipse keeps hanging/not responding

I am using Eclipse Indigo v.3.7.2. For the past few weeks it has been really slow and keeps throwing not responding notification. Every time i click, scroll, type etc it freezes. I viewed the .log file but not sure what most of it means. I was told that there is an issue with the package and/or memory issues since cleanup is not getting done.
so my question is where do i find the above package? I tried opening the resource but it was not found. Also, how can I do a cleanup?
ty in advance..

working with workspaces and Pydev in Eclipse

im not sure what i did.. but i am working through some tutorials to get up to speed on python, and i started getting this error message... any ideas on how to fix this? from the error, i looked up the message, and it looks like wham i press the run button it is looking for a file that is no longer there.... but I'm not even working on that file anymore... I'm trying to run something different that does not refer to the previous file.
what does work is if i do run as.. but id rather not do that every time. I'm sure there is a setting I'm just not aware of that i messed up.
Well, not sure how exactly you're getting to that point from your explanation, but please take a look at: to see how to properly run a module inside PyDev.