PowerShell Compare-Object, results in context - powershell

I'm using Compare-Object in PowerShell to compare two XML files. It adequately displays the differences between the two using <= and =>. My problem is that I want to see the difference in context. Since it's XML, one line, one node, is different, but I don't know where that lives in the overall document. If I could grab say 5 lines before and 3 lines after it, it would give me enough information to understand what it is in context. Any ideas?

You can start from something like this:
$a = gc a.xml
$b = gc b.xml
if ($a.Length -ne $b.Length)
{ "File lenght is different" }
for ( $i= 0; $i -le $a.Length; $i++)
If ( $a[$i] -notmatch $b[$i] )
#for more context change the range i.e.: -2..2
-1..1 | % { "Line number {0}: value in file a is {1} - value in file b {2}" -f ($i+$_),$a[$i+$_], $b[$i+$_] }
" "

Compare-Object comes with an IncludeEqual parameter that might give what you are looking for:
[xml]$aa = "<this>
[xml]$bb = "<this>
Compare-Object $aa.this.they $bb.this.they -IncludeEqual
InputObject SideIndicator
----------- -------------
1 ==
2 =>
2> <=


Operator -gt and -le / Problem with negative numbers

i have the following code snippet where i change the values in a column (named G) of a csv to Y if the integer value is greater then 1 and to N if it is equal to 1 and smaller.
ForEach-Object {if ($_.G -gt '1') {$_.G = 'Y'} if ($_.G -le '1') {$_.G = 'N'} $_}
It works fine with the exception of negative numbers. I always get a Y. I don't have any idea. Example data:
item1, -58
item2, -77
item3, 562
Does anyone have an idea?
Regards, Hubertus
In order to evaluate the $_.G property as a number you need to specify the type as [int]. Example using your code:
$testObject = New-Object PSObject -Property #{
$testObject| %{
if ([int]$_.G -gt 1)
$out = "{0} is greater than 1" -f $_.G
Write-Host $out -ForegroundColor Green
[string]$_.G = "Y"
elseif ([int]$_.G -le 1)
$out = "{0} is Less than 1" -f $_.G
Write-Host $out -ForegroundColor Green
[string]$_.G = "N"
Note: In order to assign $_.G as a string you have to change the type to [string]. In my opinion, I would use another property to indicate "Y/N" instead of flipping the type back and forth on the property.
The left side of -le or -gt controls the type for both sides, int32 (integer) in this case. You probably want an else in there, to not look at the G again after changing it.
2' |
convertfrom-csv |
ForEach-Object {
if (1 -le $_.G)
{$_.G = 'Y'}
{$_.G = 'N'}

Code-challenge: How fast can you calculate 1000! with Powershell?

I have got a challenge to calculate 1000! with Powershell as fast as possible.
Here the given rules for this code-challenge:
no predefined arrays or strings (except for initial 0!-value)
no use of external modules or embedded C# code
routine must be correct for any input from 0 till 1000
result-string must be created as part of the measurement
Based on this conditions I could create the below code-snippet as a first draft.
Is there any idea to improve the speed? Inputs are more than welcome!
Remove-Variable * -ea 0
$in = 1000
$runtime = measure-command {
# define initial arr with 0! = 1:
$arr = [System.Collections.Generic.List[uint64]]::new()
if ($in -gt 1) {
# define block-dimension per array-entry:
$posLen = 16
$multiplier = [uint64][math]::Pow(10,$posLen)
# calculate faculty:
$start = 0
foreach($i in 2..$in) {
$div = 0
if ($arr[$start] -eq 0){$start++}
foreach($p in $start..($arr.Count-1)) {
$mul = $i * $arr[$p] + $div
$arr[$p] = $mul % $multiplier
$div = [math]::Floor($mul/$multiplier)
if ($div -gt 0) {$arr.Add($div)}
# convert array into string-result:
$max = $arr.count-1
$faculty = $arr[$max].ToString()
if ($max -gt 1) {
foreach($p in ($max-1)..0) {
$faculty += ($multiplier + $arr[$p]).ToString().Substring(1)
# check:
if ($in -eq 1000 -and !$faculty.StartsWith('402387260077') -or $faculty.length -ne 2568) {
write-host 'result is not OK.' -f y
# show result:
write-host 'runtime:' $runtime.TotalSeconds 'sec.'
write-host "`nfaculty of $in :`n$faculty"
The fastest way is to rely on the existing multiplication capabilities of a data type designed specifically for large integers - like [bigint]:
$in = 1000
$runtime = Measure-Command {
# handle 0!
$n = [Math]::Max($in, 1)
$b = [bigint]::new($n)
while(--$n -ge 1){
$b *= $n
Write-Host "Runtime: $($runtime.TotalSeconds)"
Write-Host "Factorial of $in is: `n$b"
This gives me a runtime of ~18ms, contrasting with ~300ms using your [uint64]-based carry approach :)
As Jeroen Mostert points out, you may be able to attain an additional improvement by side-stepping the *= operator and calling [BigInt]::Multiply directly:
# change this line
$b *= $n
# to this
$b = [bigint]::Multiply($b, $n)
I believe all the constraints are met as well:
no predefined arrays or strings (except for initial 0!-value)
no use of external modules or embedded C# code
Check! ([bigint] is part of the .NET base class library)
routine must be correct for any input from 0 till 1000
result-string must be created as part of the measurement
We're already tracking the result as an integer, thereby implicitly storing the string representation

IndexOf() or .FindIndex() case-insensitive

I am trying to validate some XML with verbose logging of issues, including required order of attributes and miscapitalization. If the required order of attributes is one, two, three and the XML in question has one, three, two I want to log it. And if an attributes is simply miscapitalized, say TWO instead of two I want to log that as well.
Currently I have two arrays, $ordered with the names of the attributes as they should be (correct capitalization) and $miscapitalized with the names of the miscapitalized attributes.
So, given attributes of one, three, TWO and required order of one, two, three
$ordered = one, two, three
$miscapitalized = TWO
From here I want to append the miscapitalizion, so a new variable
$logged = one, two (TWO), three
I can get the index of $ordered where the miscapitalization occurs with
foreach ($attribute in $ordered) {
if ($attribute -iin $miscapitalized) {
$indexOrdered = [array]::IndexOf($ordered, $attribute)
However, I can't get the index in $miscapitalized based on the (correctly capitalized) $attribute. I tried
$miscapitalized = #('one', 'two', 'three')
which doesn't work because .IndexOf() is case sensitive. I found this that says [Collections.Generic.List[Object]] will work, so I thought perhaps Generic.List was where the functionality came from. So I tried
$miscapitalized = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]#('one', 'two', 'three')
Which throws
Cannot find an overload for "FindIndex" and the argument count: "1".
That led me to this that says I need an actual predicate type, not just a string. At which point I am in WAY over my head, and the only thing that I could come up with is $miscapitalized.FindIndex([System.Predicate]::new('TWO')) which doesn't work. I suspect a Predicate could/should be a regex somehow, but I can't seem to find anything that points me in the right direction, or at least that I can understand and recognize that it is pointing me in the right direction. I also found https://www.powershellstation.com/2010/05/18/passing-predicates-as-parameters-in-powershell/ that talks about a code block as predicate, but I am not clear that it's the same usage of the term predicate (it is a widely used term) nor can I grok how to even make a code block that would be helpful here.
I did come up with this approach, which uses the same foreach search in $miscapitalized as in $ordered and it does work. But I wonder if there is a more graceful approach that doesn't require nested loops. Plus, understanding Predicate as it applies here seems useful, as well as (possibly) how a codeblock might be used.
$ordered = #('one', 'two', 'three')
$miscapitalized = #('TWO')
$replacements = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]::new()
foreach ($orderedAttribute in $ordered) {
if ($orderedAttribute -iin $miscapitalized) {
$indexOrdered = [array]::IndexOf($ordered, $orderedAttribute)
foreach ($miscapitalizedAttribute in $miscapitalized) {
if (($miscapitalizedAttribute -iin $ordered) -and ($miscapitalizedAttribute -ieq $orderedAttribute) -and ($miscapitalizedAttribute -cne $orderedAttribute)) {
#$indexMiscapitalized = [array]::IndexOf($miscapitalized, $miscapitalizedAttribute)
$replacements.Add($indexOrdered, "$orderedAttribute ($miscapitalizedAttribute)")
if ($replacements.Count -gt 0) {
foreach ($index in $replacements.Keys) {
$ordered[$index] = $replacements.$index
EDIT: Based on comments below, I have tried this
$ordered = #('one', 'two', 'three')
$miscapitalized = #('TWO', 'Three')
$replacements = [System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary]::new()
foreach ($orderedAttribute in $ordered) {
if ($orderedAttribute -iin $miscapitalized) {
$indexOrdered = [array]::IndexOf($ordered, $orderedAttribute)
if ($indexMiscapitalized = $miscapitalized.FindIndex({param($s) $s -eq $orderedAttribute})) {
$replacements.Add($indexOrdered, "$orderedAttribute ($($miscapitalized[$indexMiscapitalized]))")
if ($replacements.Count -gt 0) {
foreach ($index in $replacements.Keys) {
$ordered[$index] = $replacements.$index
Which gets the last one (three/Three) but is missing two/TWO. But lots of possible solutions to try tomorrow, since there will be something to learn from each one.
You can substitute a scriptblock for the predicate required by FindIndex():
PS ~> $miscapitalized = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]#('one', 'two', 'three')
PS ~> $predicate = {param($s) $s -eq 'TWO'}
PS ~> $miscapitalized.FindIndex($predicate)
This will work as expected since PowerShell's -eq operator is case-insensitive by default.
Perhaps, you're overthinking this. You could use Compare-Object to do all the hard work and then you can inspect results and log them accordingly:
# Reference array for attributes order and capitalization
[array]$reference = #(
# Example XML
[xml]$xml = '<foo one="1" oNe="oNe" thrEE="thrEE" two="2">dummy</foo>'
# Compare XML attributes to refrerence array
# -SyncWindow 0 - Order of items in the array matters
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40507552/powershell-order-sensitive-compare-objects-diff
Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $reference -DifferenceObject $xml.foo.Attributes.Name -SyncWindow 0 -CaseSensitive -includeEqual
This will produce:
InputObject SideIndicator
----------- -------------
one ==
oNe =>
two <=
thrEE =>
three <=
two =>
four <=
As you can see, the one attribute is in at the correct index (==) and properly cased. We also have additional oNe attribute, that is out of place.
You could also group the Compare-Object result and produce hashtable, which you can use for advanced logging. You could do all kinds of lookups and comparisons using SideIndicator and InputObject properties.
$group = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $reference -DifferenceObject $xml.foo.Attributes.Name -SyncWindow 0 -CaseSensitive -includeEqual |
Group-Object -Property InputObject -AsHashTable -AsString
four {#{InputObject=four; SideIndicator=<=}}
one {#{InputObject=one; SideIndicator===}, #{InputObject=oNe; SideIndicator==>}}
thrEE {#{InputObject=thrEE; SideIndicator==>}, #{InputObject=three; SideIndicator=<=}}
two {#{InputObject=two; SideIndicator=<=}, #{InputObject=two; SideIndicator==>}}
In this case hashtable keys will be case-insensitive, so you can do stuff like this:
foreach ($r in $reference) {
$ret = $group.$r | Where-Object {
$_.SideIndicator -ne '==' -and $_.InputObject -cne $r
} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty InputObject |
ForEach-Object {
'Index of {0}: {1}' -f $_, $xml.foo.Attributes.Name.IndexOf($_)
if ($ret) {
#{ $r = $ret }
Name Value
---- -----
one Index of "oNe": 1
three Index of "thrEE": 2
You could add a small helper function that finds the index case-insensitive:
function Find-Index {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)]
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Array.Count; $i++) {
if ($Array[$i] -eq $Value) { return $i }
# or combine the elements with some unlikely string
# convert that to lowercase and split on the same unlikely string
# then use regular IndexOf() against the value which is also lower-cased:
# (($Array -join '~#~').ToLowerInvariant() -split '~#~').IndexOf($Value.ToLowerInvariant())
Then below that, use it like this:
# if any of the below arrays has only one item, wrap it inside #()
$ordered = 'one','two','three'
$miscapitalized = 'One','TWO'
$logged = foreach ($item in $ordered) {
$index = Find-Index $miscapitalized $item
if ($index -ge 0) {
'{0} ({1})' -f $item, $miscapitalized[$index]
else { $item }
$logged -join ','
one (One),two (TWO),three

Simulating `ls` in Powershell

I'm trying to get something that looks like UNIX ls output in PowerShell. This is getting there:
Get-ChildItem | Format-Wide -AutoSize -Property Name
but it's still outputting the items in row-major instead of column-major order:
PS C:\Users\Mark Reed> Get-ChildItem | Format-Wide -AutoSize -Property Name
Contacts Desktop Documents Downloads Favorites
Links Music Pictures Saved Games
Searches Videos
Desired output:
PS C:\Users\Mark Reed> My-List-Files
Contacts Downloads Music Searches
Desktop Favorites Pictures Videos
Documents Links Saved Games
The difference is in the sorting: 1 2 3 4 5/6 7 8 9 reading across the lines, vs 1/2/3 4/5/6 7/8/9 reading down the columns.
I already have a script that will take an array and print it out in column-major order using Write-Host, though I found a lot of PowerShellish idiomatic improvements to it by reading Keith's and Roman's takes. But my impression from reading around is that's the wrong way to go about this. Instead of calling Write-Host, a script should output objects, and let the formatters and outputters take care of getting the right stuff written to the user's console.
When a script uses Write-Host, its output is not capturable; if I assign the result to a variable, I get a null variable and the output is written to the screen anyway. It's like a command in the middle of a UNIX pipeline writing directly to /dev/tty instead of standard output or even standard error.
Admittedly, I may not be able to do much with the array of Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Internal.Format.* objects I get back from e.g. Format-Wide, but at least it contains the output, which doesn't show up on my screen in rogue fashion, and which I can recreate at any time by passing the array to another formatter or outputter.
This is a simple-ish function that formats column major. You can do this all in PowerShell Script:
function Format-WideColMajor {
begin {
$list = new-object System.Collections.Generic.List[PSObject]
process {
end {
if ($Property) {
$output = $list | Foreach {"$($_.$Property)"}
else {
$output = $list | Foreach {"$_"}
$conWidth = $Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width - 1
$maxLen = ($output | Measure-Object -Property Length -Maximum).Maximum
$colWidth = $maxLen + 1
$numCols = [Math]::Floor($conWidth / $colWidth)
$numRows = [Math]::Ceiling($output.Count / $numCols)
for ($i=0; $i -lt $numRows; $i++) {
$line = ""
for ($j = 0; $j -lt $numCols; $j++) {
$item = $output[$i + ($j * $numRows)]
$line += "$item$(' ' * ($colWidth - $item.Length))"

Powershell - Remove space between two variables

I have two array's which contain a selection of strings with information taken from a text file. I then use a For Loop to loop through both arrays and print out the strings together, which happen to create a folder destination and file name.
Get-Content .\PostBackupCheck-TextFile.txt | ForEach-Object { $a = $_ -split ' ' ; $locationArray += "$($a[0]):\$($a[1])\" ; $imageArray += "$($a[2])_$($a[3])_VOL_b00$($a[4])_i000.spi" }
The above takes a text file, splits it into separate parts, stores some into the locationArray and other information in the imageArray, like this:
locationArray[0] would be L:\Place\
imageArray[0] would be SERVERNAME_C_VOL_b001_i005.spi
Then I run a For Loop:
for ($i=0; $i -le $imageArray.Length - 1; $i++)
{Write-Host $locationArray[$i]$imageArray[$i]}
But it places a space between the L:\Place\ and the SERVERNAME_C_VOL_b001_i005.spi
So it becomes: L:\Place\ SERVERNAME_C_VOL_b001_i005.spi
Instead, it should be: L:\Place\SERVERNAME_C_VOL_b001_i005.spi
How can I fix it?
Option #1 - for best readability:
{Write-Host ("{0}{1}" -f $locationArray[$i], $imageArray[$i]) }
Option #2 - slightly confusing, less readable:
{Write-Host "$($locationArray[$i])$($imageArray[$i])" }
Option #3 - more readable than #2, but more lines:
$location = $locationArray[$i];
$image = $imageArray[$i];
Write-Host "$location$image";