Steps for creating a custom view - android-widget

How can I create a custom view with a custom style? I have many TextView's in my layout and its kind of difficult to manage all of them. I want to group them in a custom view with custom look (a box with rounded corners) and in my code just give the values to the custom view code to handle it itself.
What I am looking after is something like:
Can someone plesae tell me the steps to create such custom view with rounded box and few TextView's inside it?

Two approaches:
You can create a layout for your view. You need to take different layout widgets like textviews etc. and assign them values.
You can use canvas to draw such view.

The proper way is to inherit from View. Either programatically or in designer You assign any layout to this view. To the layout You assign Your elements ( TextViews, whatever ).
Create methods in the derived View class which fill the inner elements, something like getters/setters, like properties in c#. Those are public.
Then place Your custom compound control onto Your main view.
I for myself created a column orientated tablecontrol with custom scrollbar this way ( but pure via code ) and it works very well. Ah, and additionally You can draw shapes on Your derived view, which allow You relatively simple to apply round corners, and even color transitions.

I'm assuming you're using eclipse to create your android project.
Go to your src file and create a new layout (relative layout works best here). There is a visual representation of the layout you're creating so you should be able to play around with it. Drag and drop the textviews where you want them and give them unique names. Then in your java code, call the textviews like:
TextView text = (TextView) findViewById(;
text.setText("Your Text Here");
There are plenty of examples online.


iOS Create iBook like interface inside UITableViewCell

I need to display some content inside a grouped table view. At the same time, a cell inside my table has content that exceeds its bounds. I do not want user to scroll to view the entire content.
As an alternative, I want to make this cell such that it has a paged view - the pages are created on the fly based on content length. I will use its backgroundView property which will lay out as pages.
I found UIPageViewController but its design is too complex just for my one cell. Also I could not grasp many parts in it.
I found this library named Leaves but I am not sure there are many examples that have used it successfully. I do not know what I would need to modify in it so as to fit it inside my single cell. The example that is given with it successfully shows PDF and Image along pages, but there is no example of plaintext rendering.
Any pointers? Any other sources that can suit my purpose?
Why don't you use the cell view that would resize itself according to the text contet. So if some cells have larger text content and some have smaller text it would automatically resize the cell. Here is a two part tutorial that does exactly the trick you are looking for. Hope it helps you out.

Vertically add elements to a scrollview: diffs between Java and iPhone SDK?

coming from the Java/Swing world, I am sometimes puzzled by the UI programming on the iPhone. I've spent the last hours with Googling for information but it seems that I asked the wrong questions by thinking too much in Java. Could you please point me to resources to get more familiar with the GUI concepts to be able to achive the following functionality:
Basically, I want to create a vertically scrollable view that represents structured text (for example, a recipe). Each step consists of a title and a textual description. As I want to fold and unfold such steps, the title would be somehow interactive and by clicking it the description would be displayed or hidden.
In Java, I would create a component that renders one such section. The layout manager would compute the components preferred height (with or without description being displayed).
Then, in Java, I would create a panel with a vertical layout manager and sequentially add my components. This panel would be placed in a scroll pane; the scroll pane would ask the panel to layout itself and then show a viewport on it, if for example the height is bigger than the scroll pane's height.
What Java provides me is:
layouting of elements (computing their preferred height and width), thus no need to deal with coordinates and dimensions
dynamic creation of UIs by creating and adding components during runtime
What I understood on the iPhone:
I can dynamically add views as subview to a view, e.g. a scrollview by calling addSubview
I can even remove that stuff using removeFromSubview (as explained here Clear content of UIScrollView)
What I don't understand on the iPhone:
does one view always correspond to a visible screen (I did use tab and navbar navigation so far and there whenever I set a new view, it fills the current visible screen minus the space needed for the two bars)?
or is it possible to define a view that contains a label on top ("north") and a text in center; if so, could such a view automatically determine its height?
can I realize my example in a similar way like in Java or would I need to calculate all dimensions and coordinates of the individual components on my own? (This example seems to touch on that topic: iPhone scrollView add elements dynamically with id)
Alternatively, could I use a WebView and render my stuff as local HTML using JavaScript to show or hide nodes?
Thanks for any hint or link!
There are no layout managers in Cocoa, views are being reposition according to their struts and springs settings. For information on that read the documentation:
To create a "view that contains a label on top and a text in center" you create a view with subviews - one being a label at the top, second the textview in center. If you configure struts/springs for all of subviews properly, they will autoresize when the container view is resized.
You should also get accustomed to Interface Builder, creating views in code is real pain in the ass.

Smartgwt - create a panel with title and a border

This sounds like a pretty simple thing to do but I havent been able to find an easy way to do this. How do I create a panel with a title and a border which can contain my widgets? I have seen the SectionStack class which provides this. But I dont want to create a section stack.
Window can be added to a layout and drawn. But is it the only way or is there a container class that I am missing?
Also, how does one center things? Say a textfield and a button at the center of the page. How is this achieved?
If you are using a DynamicForm, you can give it a border and title with
This actually works for Canvas, too (which is the superclass of most widgets and layouts in SmartGWT).
(I just had the same problem, and found this question, as well as the thread Is there a "titled Border" on the SmartGWT Forums, which gave this answer. I tried and it seems to work.)
To do form-related tasks, look into DynamicForm. To set the inputs in the form, you use setItems(Item...). A text field is a TextItem. You set it's title to control the label that SmartGWT will build. To get a title for the form, the best I've come up with is to use a container canvas that will contain both the title (probably a Label element) and the DynamicForm. To center the inputs, I believe you'd need to use setAlignment on the DynamicForm.
You could create an object that is actually a VLayout that contains a Label (the tile), has a border as you need and includes a Canvas (the generic stuff you want included).
In my experience, I noticed that very often I have a DynamicForm visible, so I just add a BlurbItem control to diplay the tile and a small explanation.

distribute option in interface builder of iPhone

i have following buttons in my application.
Now i want to set equal spacing among all buttons.
Suppose If I am using corelDraw or Photoshop, there is always an option for align & distribute.
Here I need to distribute my objects vertically.
How is that possible in interface builder of iPhone?
Sample image is given below, in which distribution is required.
alt text
I know this post is ages ago, but for the sake of simplicity (maybe) and to avoid using table views (for sure)...
In your example, if you select the first UIButton, keyword, and press option key, interface builder shows you the relative distance from the center to any other object you hover with the mouse. So if you decide the optimal distance is the one between keyword and category buttons, you can apply that distance for the rest of objects simply adding or substracting the appropriate amount of pixels from the button size inspector.
Hope it helps!
Depending on the type of object, you might do this.
Select all implied objects.
Select Editor->Embed in->Matrix;
this will place the objects regularly.
Then select the option Editor->Unembed
and the objects will keep their new positions. Hope this helps!
I dont think there an option to do it automatically, you can do some math though and get them to have equal spacing by setting their frames...
Another option is to place all of these in a table (since they look like table view cells anyway), and adjust an empty footer view height to get the spacing you want between elements.
Of course that means you don't get to view the layout in IB.
It's even simpler - Simply drag a "Flexible Space Bar Button Item" from the Object Library in Xcode into each gap. It will automatically expand to equispace your other items.

How do I create a rounded table with controls in the cells?

I'm exploring the iPhone SDK and want to create and use a UI component like the figure below. A rounded table with cells in which each cell can have some label text, maybe an input text field and an action button that would take it to the next screen. The table should not be screen filling.
But... I can't figure out how to do it or find example code. The 'Table View' always seems to result in a screen filling table and although the 'Table View Cell' looks like what I need I can't find any good examples. I'm sure it's all not that hard, but I just can't find it. Any tips, pointers are appreciated.
(This figure is just an example of the sort of UI component I'm looking for, I'm not build something related to flight tracking...)
Table like component
Try looking at the "5_CustomTableViewCell" project of the TableViewSuite code sample from Apple. It should how to create custom subclasses of UITableViewCell.
The short answer is, as alluded to above, you'll want to subclass UITableViewCell and add your custom UI elements to it. For the example you provided, you'd want two different types of cells; one with a label (in light blue) and content (in black) for 4 of your cells, and then a more complex one with additional text on the right.
You want a Grouped style table, which has sections with rounded elements as you lay out instead of filling the screen.
You also want custom table cells, which you can search here to find example code for.
As mentioned by other answers, what you want is a grouped TableView with custom UITableViewCells. Take a look at the Table View Programming Guide, in particular this section on table view creation and this section on custom cells.