Swift Instance Variable Underscore Prefix? - swift

Did Swift drop the underscore-prefix convention for instance variables, e.g., _window? If so, why?

Apple still uses _ in its Xcode boilerplate code as a convention for a non-public variable. You'll see a pattern like such:
class Foo {
var _bar : Bar? = nil
var bar : Bar {
if _bar == nil {
/* compute some stuff */
_bar = Bar (/* ... */)
return _bar!
where access to the property is meant to be through the bar computed property. You find this in Apple CoreData templates.

In Objective-C when you declare a property #synthesize would create the getter and setters for you automatically since clang 3.2. So, the default #synthesize for a property "foo" would look like this:
#synthesize foo = _foo
because of that _foo would then be the iVar. In other words you could have done the #synthesize yourself and called the iVar whatever you liked:
#synthesize foo = myiVarFoo
so in this case there is no "_"
So now in Swift from the documentation:
Swift unifies these concepts into a single property declaration. A Swift property does not have a corresponding instance variable, and the backing store for a property is not accessed directly.
So from the documentation it's clear that swift does not have a corresponding instance variable thus no need to have the "_" around anymore.

The underscore prefix was meant not to confuse the instance variable _foo with its getter foo.
In swift there's not such distinction between ivars and getters. Instead you only have properties, making the _ convention non necessary.

The answer is no because there are no "instance variables" right now in Swift. Only properties (stored properties and computed properties).

I'd say this _underscoreName convention is dropped (although some Apple templates still have it).
Swift's "Lazy Stored Properties" make _these unnecessary. This post:
explains it well.

I use a leading underscore to denote a private symbol.
Yes, the underscores do hamper readability at first, but there is a valuable payoff in comprehension and maintainability.
final class SomeClass
fileprivate let _kMagicNumber: CGFloat = 3.14
fileprivate struct _PrivateInfo
let foo: Int
let bar: String
fileprivate var _privateInfo: _PrivateInfo
fileprivate func _setup(with info: _PrivateInfo) { ... }
At a glance, you can see which elements belong where.
You don't need to option-click or do the "who does this belong to?" dance.
Code comprehension shouldn't rely on an IDE's features. And there are times (GitHub, raw text files) where an IDE isn't available.
I understand the "it's not convention" argument. But conventions aren't written on stone tablets. Swift is rapidly evolving, as is our usage of it.
If the Swift team were to produce an annotation syntax for private symbols tomorrow, I'd use it. But until then...
Since I've got my soapbox out, please prefix your extensions.
Consider this snippet:
let color = "#ff7733".hexColor
Where does the "hexColor" come from? Your own code? The Swift standard library? Foundation? UKit? (Hah!) A CocoaPod? Who knows?
(Seasoned CocoaPods users will know that every second open-source library implements a "hexColor" property. With all the problems that entails.)
So, given a company or project name like "Double Secret Probation", consider using:
let color = "#ff7733".dsp_hexColor
Finally, I strongly recommend the books "Writing Solid Code" and "Code Complete".

The convention of a prefixing private vars long preceeded that of ObjCs (weird) property synthesis concept. Clarity was the original reason for such a prefix, not differentiation though it was useful and common to expose a public getter without the underscore...for obvious reasons. IMO, ObjC prop synthesis just put a big fat monkey wrench in the works confusing the h*** out of everyone...
What if you wanted a private synthesized property? In order to underscore-prefix your private synthesized property, you'd need a double underscore backing var. Apple specifically warned against double underscores and this created confusion. Should we bother to use synth'ed properties internally or stick with the backing var (which still had an underscore and was clearly private)? Should we just stop differentiating between private and public vars? Why??
In practice people would use the synthesized version internal to a class as a kind of smart setter, if and only if they wanted the smarts – but that broke down the ideal of encapsulation – choosing whether to use the synth'ed setter required apriori knowledge of what happened behind the scenes.
Meanwhile, as pointed out above, apple's internal code still used the convention, sometimes for synthesized properties too IIRC. And they still do for swift properties! But not consistently...The biggest evidence your language design policy is confusing is when your own devs aren't using it consistently!
Clarity was the original motive and it worked well. I say:
...for private vars and methods :)
(P.S. Dart even has this as an actual language convention in lieu of a private keyword!)


What's the mechanics behind extension's methods overriding with '#objc' attribute?

Kind of nerd question. It's unclear to me, what exactly makes this code works:
class Shape { }
extension Shape {
#objc func redraw() {
print("from ext")
class Circle: Shape { }
class Line: Shape {
override func redraw() { // Compiler error: Declarations from extensions cannot be overridden yet
print("from subclass")
let line = Line()
let shape:Shape = line
let circle = Circle()
line.redraw() //from subclass
circle.redraw() //from ext
shape.redraw() //from subclass
If I omit #objc keyword in extension, the code won't compile - it's expected behaviour since methods in extension use static method dispatch -> cannot be overridden.
But why adding #objc makes it work? According to documentation and most articles, all is #objc doing is making things visible to Objective-c runtime. To change method dispatch type there is a special keyword - dynamic. But seems it is not necessary here!
Help me figure out, why is adding #objc (and omitting dynamic) makes such things possible.
as the name already says, are supposed to extend/add/include methods
to an existing implementation, making them one of the most beautiful
things about Objective-C, and now Swift, since you can add code to a
class or framework you do not own. Therefore, it makes sense that
you’re not supposed to “replace” code in extensions, conceptually
That’s why the compiler complains when you try to do it.
Also Check out this answer.
however this seems to be a support issue too, as swift compiler simply throw this error:
overriding non-#objc declarations from extensions is not supported.
According to Apple,
Extensions can add new functionality to a type, but they cannot
override existing functionality.
But that is not the case, as we are overriding from the extension not vice versa,
which takes us back to the declaration of extension.
Extensions add new functionality to an existing class, structure, enumeration, or protocol type. This includes the ability to extend types for which you do not have access to the original source code (known as retroactive modeling). Extensions are similar to categories in Objective-C. (Unlike Objective-C categories, Swift extensions do not have names.) Here.
Going back to the legacy topic swift compiler vs Objc compiler,
Dynamic dispatch vs. Static dispatch .
And there is no official documentation from apple on why this is not supported from the swift compiler or if they have any future plans to fix this or consider it an issue at all.
However, there’s no such thing as Swift dynamic dispatch; we only have
the Objective-C runtime’s dynamic dispatch. That means you can’t have
just dynamic and you must write #objc dynamic. So this is effectively
the same situation as before, just made explicit.
And here is a great article talking about this topic deeply.

Any reason not use use a singleton "variable" in Swift?

For Sept 2015, here's exactly how you make a singleton in Swift:
public class Model
static let shared = Model()
// ( for ocd friends ... private init() {} )
func test()->Double { print("yo") }
then elsewhere...
blah blah
No problem.
However. I add this little thing...
public let model = Model.shared
public class Model
static let shared = Model()
func test()->Double { print("yo") }
then, you can simply do the following project-wide:
blah blah
Conventional idiom:
You see Model.shared.blah() everywhere in the code.
"My" idiom:
You see model.blah() everywhere in the code.
So, this results in everything looking pretty!
This then, is a "macro-like" idiom.
The only purpose of which is to make the code look pretty.
Simplifying appearances of ImportantSystem.SharedImportantSystem down to importantSystem. throughout the project.
Can anyone see any problems with this idiom?
Problems may be technical, stylistic, or any other category, so long as they are really deep.
As a random example, here's an "article in singletons in Swift" that happens to also suggest the idea: https://theswiftdev.com/swift-singleton-design-pattern/
Functionally, these are very similar, but I'd advise using the Model.shared syntax because that makes it absolutely clear, wherever you use it, that you're dealing with a singleton, whereas if you just have that model global floating out there, it's not clear what you're dealing with.
Also, with globals (esp with simple name like "model"), you risk of having some future class that has similarly named variables and accidentally reference the wrong one.
For a discussion about the general considerations regarding globals v singletons v other patterns, see Global Variables Are Bad which, despite the fairly leading title, presents a sober discussion, has some interesting links and presents alternatives.
By the way, for your "OCD friends" (within which I guess I must count myself, because I think it's best practice), not only would declare init to be private, but you'd probably declare the whole class to be final, to avoid subclassing (at which point it becomes ambiguous to what shared references).
There are a few things to look out for when using this approach:
The global variable
A global variable in itself is no big deal, but if you have quite some global variables, you might have trouble with autocompletion, because it will always suggest these global variables.
Another problem with global variables is that you could have another module in your application (written by you or otherwise) define the same global variable. This causes problems when using these 2 modules together. This can be solved by using a prefix, like the initials of your app.
Using global variables is generally considered bad practice.
The singleton pattern
A singleton is helpful when working with a controller, or a repository. It is once created, and it creates everything it depends on. There can be only one controller, and it opens only one connection to the database. This avoids a lot of trouble when working with resources or variables that need to be accessed from throughout your app.
There are downsides however, such as testability. When a class uses a singleton, that class' behaviour is now impacted by the singletons behaviour.
Another possible issue is thread safety. When accessing a singleton from different threads without locking, problems may arise that are difficult to debug.
You should watch out when defining global variables and working with singletons. With the appropriate care, not many problems should arise.
I can't see a single downside to this approach:
You can use different variables for different parts of the program (-> No namespace cramming if you don't like this I guess)
It's short, pretty, easy to use and makes sense when you read it. Model.shared.test() doesn't really make sense if you think about it, you just want to call test, why would I need to call shared when I just need a function.
It uses Swift's lazy global namespace: The class gets allocated and initialized when you use it the first time; if you never use it, it doesn't even get alloced/inited.
In general, setting aside the exact idiom under discussion, regarding the use of singletons:
Recall that, of course, instead of using static var shared = Model() as a kind of macro to a singleton, as suggested in this Q, you can just define let model = Model() which simply creates a normal global (unrelated to singletons).
With Swift singletons, there has been discussion that arguably you want to add a private init() {} to your class, so that it only gets initialized once (noting that init could still be called in the same file).
Of course in general, when considering use of a singleton, if you don't really need a state and the class instance itself, you can simply use static functions/properties instead. It's a common mistake to use a singleton (for say "calculation-like" functions) where all that is needed is a static method.

Why does adding 'dynamic' fix my bad access issues?

I'm having a strange issue that appeared with iOS 8 Beta 5 (this issue did not occur with previous versions).
I tried to create an empty project and try to replicate the issue, but I'm unable to do so, so I'm not quite sure where the issue lies.
What I'm seeing is that attempting to access methods of a custom NSManagedObject subclass results in a strange EXC_BAD_ACCESS error.
For example:
var titleWithComma: String {
return "\(self.title),"
This method, out of many others, causes this issue when called. However, adding a dynamic keyword before it makes the issue go away:
dynamic var titleWithComma: String {
return "\(self.title),"
I know I'm not giving enough info, because I honestly don't know how to pinpoint the actual issue, but can anyone explain what is possibly happening, and why adding dynamic might resolve this issue?
From Swift Language Reference (Language Reference > Declarations > Declaration Modifier)
Apply this modifier to any member of a class that can be represented
by Objective-C. When you mark a member declaration with the dynamic
modifier, access to that member is always dynamically dispatched using
the Objective-C runtime. Access to that member is never inlined or
devirtualized by the compiler.
Because declarations marked with the dynamic modifier are dispatched
using the Objective-C runtime, they’re implicitly marked with the objc
It means that your property/method can be accessed by Objective-C code or class. Normally it happens when you sub-classing a Swift class of Objective-C base class.
This is from the prerelease Swift / Objective-C interoperability documentation:
Implementing Core Data Managed Object Subclasses
Core Data provides the underlying storage and implementation of properties in subclasses of the NSManagedObject class. Add the #NSManaged attribute before each property definition in your managed object subclass that corresponds to an attribute or relationship in your Core Data model. Like the #dynamic attribute in Objective-C, the #NSManaged attribute informs the Swift compiler that the storage and implementation of a property will be provided at runtime. However, unlike #dynamic, the #NSManaged attribute is available only for Core Data support.
So, because of some of the Objective-C runtime features that Core Data uses under the covers, Swift properties need to be specially annotated.

Private property declaration in your class implementation?

Sorry if it's too obvious for you. I'm still learning objetive-c and proper design patterns.
Could you explain me why it is a good idea to declare a property inside #interface in implementation file of a class as a private property? You just can use a local declaration of your type with a class scope, since nobody outside your class would use any getter or setter for this property.
By using the property semantics, you get memory management behavior handled 'for free' by the compiler. Even if your data is private within your class, having the compiler emit correct release/retain/copy saves time and mistakes down the line.
With the modern ARC compiler, this is probably less of an issue now.
When you declare something as #private, usually an instance variable or a property, it became only accessible in methods of the class that declared it. Trying to access it from a subclass results in an error.
I know you didn't asked for this but there is also #protected, when a property is declared like this, it becomes only accessible in methods of the class that declared it and in the methods of any class that inherits from that class.
The source for this info is the best book I know about Objective-C - Learning Objective-C 2.0 by Robert Clair.

#properties question on iPhone development

From what I've read, #properties and #synthesize are used to tell the compiler to to generate getters and setters for various properties of our class.
So I am confused when I see the source code of an Apple example, the GKTank, that uses only one class for the whole game (apart from the app delegate) and still most of the attributes of that class are defined in #property() and are synthesized, even if no other class will try to get/set them. What am I misunderstanding here?
Using properties is generally good practice as the synthesized setters will do the right thing when it comes to memory management (retain, or simply assign, depending on how you've configured your property).
They are also a means of providing a clean separation between the public interface of your class and it's internal implementation.
This article offers some good advice on when and why to use properties and dot-notation.
It also allows you to use the dot syntax:
self.myProperty = something;
I don't know that particular example. However, it is considered good style to access members of the same class through accessors rather than referencing the members directly. By encapsulating the members as a property with getters and setters, the implementation details of the field may change while those details are abstracted by the getter/setter.
Furthermore, the declaration of properties on the class allows you to use the .-notation to access the properties so it might lead to more consistent code if you want to use that notation.