Disallow URLs with empty parameters in robots.txt - robots.txt

Normally I have this URL structure:
But sometimes my CMS generates URLs without name:
and then it’s 404.
How to disavow such URLs when they are empty?
Probably it would be possible with regex for empty symbol here, but I dont want to mess up with Googlebot, better do good from the beginning.

If you want to block URLs like http://example./com/team//16356**, where the number part can be different, you could use the following robots.txt:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /team//
This will block crawling of any URL whose path starts with /team//.


Disallow /*foo but allow /*bar?foo=foo (i.e. how to disallow an API if query string might contain the same name?)

I want to disallow /*foo endpoint regardless of its query string, but allow /*bar regardless of its query string.
A robots.txt like below would also disallow /*bar?foo=foo with query string or with higher path which contains foo such as /foo/bar.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /*foo
How should I set robots.txt in this case? Does putting $ at the end work in this scenario?
The "standard" robots.txt doesn't accept wildcards, so I'm talking about the ones like used by Google.

Disallow dynamic URL in robots.txt

Our URL is:
I want to disallow URLs to be crawled after collection, but before collection there are categories that are dynamically coming.
How would I disallow URLs in robots.txt after /collection?
This is not possible in the original robots.txt specification.
But some (!) parsers extend the specification and define a wildcard character (typically *).
For those parsers, you could use:
Disallow: /*/collection
Parsers that understand * as wildcard will stop crawling any URL whose path starts with anything (which may be nothing), followed by /collection/, followed by anything, e.g.,
Parsers that don’t understand * as wildcard (i.e., they follow the original specification) will stop crawling any URL whose paths starts with /*/collection/, e.g.

Disallow dynamic urls using robots.txt

I have URLs like example.com/post/alai-fm-sri-lanka-listen-online-1467/
I want to remove all URLs which have post word in them using robots.txt
So which is corrent format?
Disallow: /post-*
Disallow: /?page=post
Disallow: /*page=post
(Note that the file has to be called robots.txt; I corrected it in your question.)
You only included one example URL, where "post" is the first path segment. If all your URLs look like that, the following robots.txt should work:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /post/
It would block the following URLs:
The following URLs would still be allowed:
Googlebot and Bingbot both handle limited wildcarding, so this will work:
Disallow: /*post
Of course, that will also disallow any url that contains the words "compost", "outpost", "poster", or anything that contains the substring "post".
You could try to make it a little better. For example:
Disallow: /*/post // any segment that starts with "post"
Disallow: /*?post= // the post query parameter
Disallow: /*=post // any value that starts with "post"
Understand, though, that not all bots support wildcards, and of those that do some are buggy. Bing and Google handle them correctly. There's no guarantee if other bots do.

Check if an url is blocked by robots.txt using Perl

Can anybody tell me sample code to check if an url has been blocked by robots.txt?
We can specify full url or directory in the robots.txt.
Is there any helper function in Perl?
Check out WWW::RobotRules:
The following methods are provided:
$rules = WWW::RobotRules->new($robot_name)
This is the constructor for WWW::RobotRules objects. The first
argument given to new() is the name of the robot.
$rules->parse($robot_txt_url, $content, $fresh_until)
The parse() method takes as arguments the URL that was used to
retrieve the /robots.txt file, and the contents of the file.
Returns TRUE if this robot is allowed to retrieve this URL.
WWW::RobotRules is the standard class for parsing robots.txt files and then checking URLs to see if they're blocked.
You may also be interested in LWP::RobotUA, which integrates that into LWP::UserAgent, automatically fetching and checking robots.txt files as needed.
Load the robots.txt file and search for "Disallow:" in the file. Then check if the following pattern (after the Disallow:) is within your URL. If so, the URL is banned by the robots.txt
Example -
You find the following line in the robots.txt:
Disallow: /cgi-bin/
Now remove the "Disallow: " and check, if "/cgi-bin/" (the remaining part) is directly after the TLD.
If your URL looks like:
it is banned.
If your URL looks like:
it is ok. The complete set of rules you'll find on http://www.robotstxt.org/. This is the way, if you can not install additional modules for any reason.
Better would be to use a module from cpan:
There is a great module on cpan that I use to deal with it: LWP::RobotUA. LWP (libwww) is imho the standard for webaccess in perl - and this module is part of it and ensures your behaviour is nice.
Hum, you don't seem to have even looked! On the first page of search results, I see various download engines that handle robots.txt automatically for you, and at least one that does exactly what you asked.
WWW::RobotRules skips rules "substring"
User-agent: *
Disallow: *anytext*
url http://example.com/some_anytext.html be passed (not banned)

Help to rightly create robots.txt

I have dynamic urls like this.
When the page is requested for ex. mydomainname.com/?pg=login index.php include login.php file.
some of the urls are converted to static url like
I need to allow index mydomainname.com/aboutus.html, mydomainname.com/termsofuse.html
and disallow mydomainname.com/?pg=login, mydomainname.com/?pg=reguser, please help to manage my robots.txt file.
I have also mydomainname.com/posted.php?details=50 (details can have any number) which I converted to mydomainname.com/details/50.html
I need also to allow all this type of urls.
If you wish to only index your static pages, you can use this:
Disallow: /*?
This will disallow all URLs which contain a question mark.
If you wish to keep indexing posted.php?details=50 URLs, and you have a finite set of params you wish to disallow, you can create a disallow entry for each, like this:
Disallow: /?pg=login
Or just prevent everything starting with /?
Disallow: /?*
You can use a tool like this to test a sampling of URLs to see if it will match them or not.