Can you use MapDotNet with Leaflet? - leaflet

Is is possible to hook up Leaflet to a MapDotNet server?

Yes, you can. MapDotNet Features
MapDotNet offers a WMS service, that Leaflet can hook up. MapDotNet WMS Service
And Leaflet can consume a WMS Service, see this


Can I use Esri JavaScript Api with OGC Services from Open source Like QGis?

Can I use Esri JavaScript Api with OGC Services from Opensource Like QGis?
ArcGIS JavaScript 4 library supports several OGC standards, including WMS, WMTS, KML, and OGC API Features. WFS it is supported in version 3 but not yet supported in version 4, it is marked as coming soon although.
You can find much more information on the external data sources that are supported by the API in the documentation (ArcGIS API - External data sources).
If you are only looking for a JavaScript library to work exclusively with OGC services, with that I mean you have no intention of using ArcGIS services, maybe you can go with OpenLayers of Leaflet. Both are major libraries with great communities behind. I would say that OpenLayers is more comparable to ArcGIS JS, in vast functionalities.
Anyways, which one to use depends of many factors, including requirements, expertise, budget, etc.

Extending Leaflet Routing Machine to work with Here Maps

Leaflet Routing Machine provides an easy way to integrate directions capabilities in Leaflet. Out of the box it used to work with MapBox but it is a while since it has been updated and I find thaat it does not quite work anymore. In any case I want to use Leaflet + LRM with my chosen provider - HERE maps. The HERE Maps directions URL bears the form<API_KEY>&waypoint0=geo!lat0,lng0
How can I modify Leaflet Routing machine to access and then use the results provided by the Here Directions API?
There is a plugin for here's routing API:
Haven't used it myself, but looks good.

How to Post layer of Openlayer to the GeoServer using GeoServer Rest API?

I am using Openlayer 3 at the client side to add raster and vector layer to the map.
Now i want to post this layer(OpenLayer object) on the GeoServer using Rest Api from the client side.
Does anyone has any idea how can i implement this?
Any help will be appreciable.

Self hosting GraphHopper Directions API

We are looking for an offline routing and reverse geocoding service.
GraphHopper advertises that its Directions API can be self-hosted:
GraphHopper Directions API Self-Hosting / On-Premises
The Directions API comes as a cloud service where you pay on-demand. The API is also
available as on-premises solution (self-hosted), which gives you
maximum performance, customization possibilities, independence; all in
your hands!
After installing GraphHopper on my local instance as per these instructions, I am able to perform routing queries successfully through the localhost HTTP API.
How do I get reverse geocoding working? I cannot find any documentation on this and the code on GitHub doesn't seem to hint towards anything.
The GraphHopper Directions API is a different product than the open source GraphHopper routing engine. The GraphHopper Directions API currently consists of
the Routing API (based on the GraphHopper routing engine),
the Matrix API,
the Geocoding API and
the Route Optimization API.
Currently they are no longer available for self-hosting. Note: I'm one of the authors.
GraphHopper is a routing service, not a geocoder.
According to this issue the Geocoder is separate from GraphHopper and only available in the Directions API for business.
If you are looking for a free OSM-based geocoding service then take a look at search engines in the OSM wiki.
I don't think the geocoding comes with the current version. Only the route api seems to be available.

Graphhopper geocode not initialized by osm.pbf

i have set up a graphhopper server, it work perfectly.
direction http api working well.
but geocode API not found anything.
i use a docker container :
initialized with an osm.pbf file.
that's sounds like it missing a config step...
could you help me?
Geocoding is supported by another external program (in the case of GraphHopper Maps it is the GraphHopper Geocoding API). GraphHopper only does routing, also the maps are not served from GraphHopper, just external services.