Elegant way of getting the Int value form Future[Option[Int]] - scala

Is there a more elegant way of getting the Int value from Future[Option[Int]] instead of using finalFuture.value.get.get.get?
This is what I have so far:
val finalFuture: Future[Option[Int]] = result.contents
finalFuture.onComplete {
case Success(value) => println(s"Got the callback with value = ", finalFuture.value.get.get.get)
case Failure(e) => e.printStackTrace

You could nest the match:
finalFuture.onComplete {
case Success(Some(value)) => println(s"Got the callback with value = ", value)
case Success(None) => ()
case Failure(e) => e.printStackTrace

You can use foreach to apply a A => Unit function to the value in Option[A], if it exists.
fut.onComplete {
case Success(opt) => opt.foreach { val =>
println(s"Got the callback with value = {}", val)
case Falure(ex) => ex.printStackTrace

You can use also the toOption of Try to get Option[Option[Int]] and then flatten to get Option[Int]
def printVal(finalFuture: Future[Option[Int]] ) = finalFuture.onComplete(
_.toOption.flatten.foreach(x=> println (s"got {}",x))
EDIT: That assuming you don't care about the stacktrace :)


Scala Found Unit Expected Future[Result]

def update() = AuthAction.async(parse.json) { implicit request =>
val list = request.body.asInstanceOf[JsArray].value
list.foreach( mapping => {
}.andThen {
case Success(value) => repository.update2()
case Failure(exception) => {
BadRequest(errorResponse(Json.toJson(""), "updation failed"))
I have a controller function where I want to wait for a DB repo function ( repository.update2() )to complete and then send a response, but its saying "Found Unit expected Future[Result]"
Your success claus is presumably returning Unit where a Future response is required. Try this:
.andThen {
case Success(value) =>
Future.successful(Ok("repository updated"))
case Failure(exception) =>

Scala get value from lambda

I want to get value from function that passed as parameter and returns Option[Int], after that if I have None throw an exception and in any other case return value
I tried to do like this:
def foo[T](f: T => Option[Int]) = {
def helper(x: T) = f(x)
val res = helper _
res match {
case None => throw new Exception()
case Some(z) => z
I call it like this:
val test = foo[String](myFunction(_))
test("Some string")
I have compilation error with mismatched types in match section (Some[A] passed - [T] => Option[Int] required)
As I understood res variable is reference to the function and I cannot match it with optional either call get\gerOrElse methods.
Moreover I probably just dont get how the underscore works and doing something really wrong, I'm using it here to pass a something as parameter to function f, can you explain me where I made a mistake?
helper is a method taking a T and returning an Option[Int].
res is a function T => Option[Int].
Difference between method and function in Scala
You can't match a function T => Option[Int] with None or Some(z).
You should have an Option[Int] (for example the function applied to some T) to make such matching.
Probably you would like to have
def foo[T](f: T => Option[Int]) = {
def helper(x: T) = f(x)
val res = helper _
(t: T) => res(t) match {
case None => throw new Exception()
case Some(z) => z
or just
def foo[T](f: T => Option[Int]): T => Int = {
t => f(t) match {
case None => throw new Exception()
case Some(z) => z
def foo[T](f: T => Option[Int]): T => Int =
t => f(t).getOrElse(throw new Exception())

in scala why does for yield return option instead of string

I'm new to scala I'm trying to understand for/yield and don't understand why the following code returns an option not a String
val opString: Option[String] = Option("test")
val optionStr : Option[String] = for {
op <- opString
} yield {
opString match {
case Some(s) => s
case _ => "error"
A for-expression is syntactic sugar for a series of map, flatMap and withFilter calls. Your specific for-expression is translated to something like this:
opString.map(op => opString match {
case Some(s) => s
case _ => "error"
As you can see, your expression will just map over opString and not unwrap it in any way.
Desugared expression for your for ... yield expression is:
val optionStr = opString.map {
op =>
opString match {
case Some(s) => s
case _ => "error"
The type of opString match {...} is String, so the result type of applying map (String => String) to Option[String] is Option[String]
What you're looking for is getOrElse:
This is equivalent to:
opString match {
case Some(s) => s
case _ => "error"

Type conversion from Unit to Future[Boolean]

I have the following function and I would like to return Future[Boolean] but the IDE prompts that I return Unit. I am new in Scala. Can someone point me out what I am doing wrong?
def remove(loginInfo: LoginInfo): Future[Boolean] = {
val result = findObject(loginInfo)
result.onSuccess {
case Some(persistentPasswordInfo) =>
val removeResult = remove(persistentPasswordInfo._id.toString)
removeResult.map {
case Left(ex) => Future.successful(false)
case Right(b) => Future.successful(b)
case None => Future.successful(false)
Replace onSuccess with flatMap. Assuming your remove(x: String) method also returns a Future, that will also need to be flatMapped:
def remove(loginInfo: LoginInfo): Future[Boolean] = {
val result = findObject(loginInfo)
result.flatMap {
case Some(persistentPasswordInfo) =>
val removeResult = remove(persistentPasswordInfo._id.toString)
removeResult.flatMap {
case Left(ex) => Future.successful(false)
case Right(b) => Future.successful(b)
case None => Future.successful(false)

scala's Try elegant on error behavior

Is there a more elegant way of doing this in scala?
def doTheDangerousThing(): Try[Result] = {
val result = Try(dangerousOp)
if (result.isFailure) {
I think your if statement is perfectly valid. Here is another alternative:
def doTheDangerousThing(): Try[Result] = Try(dangerousOp) recoverWith {
case exception => println("error"); Failure(exception)
Something like this:
def doTheDangerousThing[Result](dangerousOp: =>Result): Try[Result] = Try(dangerousOp) match {
case o # Failure(_) => println("error"); o
case _ => _
Not sure if this is more idiomatic, but sometimes I find that placing the recoverWith in this manner improves readability for me:
def doDangerousThing(): Try[Result] = Try {
} recoverWith {
case t: Throwable => println("error"); Failure(t)
My preferred,
def doTheDangerousThing(): Option[Result] = Try (dangerousOp) toOption
If the Try is successful you will get a Some(value), if it fails a None.
For a large compilation on Try uses, have a look at Try introduced in Scala 2.10.0 .
There are ways. For instance:
def doTheDangerousThing(): Try[Result] = {
val result = Try(dangerousOp)
result.failed foreach { _ =>
Or, if you don't want to repeat result all through, then:
def doTheDangerousThing(): Try[Result] = {
Try(dangerousOp) recover {
case ex => println("error"); throw ex
Well, I suppose you could do something like this:
def doTheDangerousThing(): Option[Result] =
Try(dangerousOp) match {
case Success(result) => Some(result)
case Failure(e) => None //might want to log the error as well
In some cases I love to use two-step approach which will allow me a more granular error message control:
def retrieveData(dataId: String): Try[String] = {
Try {
.getOrElse(throw SomeApiFailedException("invalid dataId"))
} recoverWith {
case e: SomeApiFailedException => Failure(e)
case e: Throwable => Failure(SomeApiFailedException("failed retrieve dataId"))
case class SomeApiFailedException(err: String) extends RuntimeException(err)
I could choose from either of the three implementations, depending on whether I want to:
Simply propagate it upwards ( doTheDangerousThing1 )
Ignore the error ( doTheDangerousThing2 )
Intercept the error while propagating it upwards ( doTheDangerousThing3 )
Here is the code:
import scala.util.{Try,Success,Failure}
object temp {
type Result = Int
def dangerousOp = {
val r = scala.util.Random.nextInt(10)
if (r > 5) r else throw new RuntimeException("Failed on " + r)
def logMessage[T](t: T) = println(t)
def doTheDangerousThing1(): Try[Result] = Try(dangerousOp)
def doTheDangerousThing2(): Option[Result] = {
Try(dangerousOp) match {
case Success(r) => Option(r)
case _ => None
def doTheDangerousThing3(): Try[Result] = {
Try(dangerousOp) match {
case t # Success(r) => t
case t # _ => logMessage("failed: "+t); t
Inside the REPL
scala> doTheDangerousThing1
res0: scala.util.Try[Result] = Success(9)
scala> doTheDangerousThing1
res1: scala.util.Try[Result] = Success(9)
scala> doTheDangerousThing2
res2: Option[Result] = None
scala> doTheDangerousThing2
res3: Option[Result] = Some(7)
scala> doTheDangerousThing3
failed: Failure(java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed on 0)
res4: scala.util.Try[Result] = Failure(java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed on 0)
scala> doTheDangerousThing3
failed: Failure(java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed on 0)
res5: scala.util.Try[Result] = Failure(java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed on 0)