GWT SuperDev - Can't find GWT Modules - gwt

I have followed the steps given on this page - getting-started-with-the-superdevmode
but I am still getting message - Can't find any GWT Modules on this page. I did some more googling but could not find any solution until now.
I am using GWT 2.6.1 and eclipse kepler 64 bit on ubuntu.
Here are the steps I did.
Created a new Web app project for GAE, using GWT 2.6.1 and GAE sdk 1.9.6.
Go to Run configurations. Create a new configuration for a "Java Application". Change the main class, Argument and add jar file as shown in the screenshot.
Check the apps .gwt.xml file. It already has <add-linker name="xsiframe"/>. I have tried adding devModeRedirectEnabled property also. It did not help.
GWT compile the project.
Run the application as Web application. Default jetty config serves the application at
I opened up this page in firefox. I can see the page content.
Launch the Java application configuration. It does compile again and gives a success message and tells me to launch
I opened it in firefox and it shows -
Dragged Dev Mode On to firefox's bookmark. And clicked.
I get the message - Can't find any GWT Modules on this page.
Following are the configurations for my superdev mode java app. Did I miss anything?

You need to click the bookmarklet when viewing your compiled web app.
The last steps should therefore be:
Dragged Dev Mode On to firefox's bookmark.
Switched back to my application at http://localhost:8888/SuperDev.html and clicked the bookmark
Once you have the bookmarklets, you actually don't really need to open http://localhost:9876 anymore (you'll find compile logs there, and can browser your code, including the code generated by GWT generators; so it can still be useful).

I tried to do it with Eclipse Oxygen, Java7 (for run application, for oxygen you have to have java 8), and GWT Eclipse Plugin 3.0.0.
In such an environment all you need to do is:
On project right click > Debug As > GWT Legacy Development Mode with Jetty.
you have to have address like this
NOT like :
After openning addres you must additionally install the plugin in the browser - you will be asked for it
It work on IE11


GWT module not detected by IntelliJ IDEA

I'm trying to enable GWT debugging in IntelliJ 14 Ultimate for an old project.
I have enabled gwt support in IntelliJ, downloaded the GWT version that is used by the project (2.2.0) and created a facet that targets that path:
I set it to target the web facet. I then got a warning about how the gwt compiler output and gwt-user.jar were not part of the artifact so I added them to it:
As I created the facet I added to the main app module. Finally I created a run/debug configuration where I specified the app module and enabled "User Super Dev Mode" but the "GWT Modules to load" field is disabled.
I built/compiled the project and am not getting any errors however I still can't see any GWT modules in the project Facets or Module sections.
This JetBrains article seems to imply that I should add framework support for GWT however I do not see it as an option when i right click the project>Add Framework Support..
Thank you
SuperDevMode was added in GWT 2.5; with 2.2 you're forced to use the legacy DevMode, with browser plugins, which means Internet Explorer or an old Firefox.
Unlike support for other frameworks, I cannot see GWT when I right click project root in Project tab and select "Add Framework support".
However, It still works when I select
Project Structure → Facets → Add → GWT
After a few hours of trying a bunch of different things (updated IDE, change JDK, recreate project, etc) the "culprit" turned out to be my VCS: I copied a colleague's local version and it IntelliJ was able to recognize the GWT module.
I was surprised since I had run multiple pulls (well 'updates' to be more exact since it is Perforce we're talking about) yesterday so I tried a force pull and voila... the modules are now showing:
Thanks for your replies Vojtech and Thomas!
I just had to move the gwt XML, for ex to the folder where client and server folders are. And Intellij recognised it.

How can I debug a GWT project in eclipse?

I have a GWT-Maven project and I want to debug it. I have not any Idea about debug in development mode or production mode. so I am giving some step which I did.
I deploy the war file on tomcat6 liferay server.
now I set a break point on server side(its work perfect)
when I set break point on client its not workig.
so is there is any way to debug GWT client on development or production mode.
I'm not sure if I'm following you correctly, but GWT is compiled into JS. Take a look at sourceMaps, I believe that's what you're looking for.
You should use the debugger of your browser. Chrome is best for this.
Launch your GWT app.
Press F12 to open developer tools.
Select "sources" tab
In the tree on the left open "Title of your page (xxxx.html)"
Below this you will see source maps with all your packages.
Open the java file you wish to put a breakpoint in and set a breakpoint using Chrome.
Doing client side GWT debugging in Eclipse is afaik not possible. But for me the Chrome debugger is more than enough.
I think IntelliJ can do client side debugging for GWT from whitin IntelliJ itself (for the paid version of IntelliJ).

Can't see java code when runnig GWT 2.5 in SuperDev mode

I have a GWT 2.5 app following Thomas Broyer's maven archetypes. I've followed the guidelines explained in the SO question and everything seems to be OK.
The code server is running properly. I browse my app and I start the dev mode from bookmarks copied to the toolbar. After starting dev mode, I can see the dialog with the compile button. After clicking the button, I can see the compiler working in Eclipse console. However, when I try to see java code on Chrome browser I can see javascript code only.
I don't know if it could be relevant, but I'm starting the code server from maven with gwt-maven-plugin's gwt:run-codeserver goal.
This is a known issue: Chrome changed the way it deals with Source Maps and this lead to an incompatibility with how GWT produces them.
This is fixed in 2.5.1-rc1 that's just been published to Central (a couple days ago, not yet officially announced). See to use it into your build. I'll release a new version of the gwt-maven-plugin that "links" to this version, and then update the archetypes.

Eclipse Juno no JSP in Dynamic Web Project (but everything else is fine)

The short question, is when creating dynamic web project (1.6 jdk) I can see all file types to create but there is no option for jsp. To add to that when I check file associations there is no JSP editor to select from.
A slightly longer version is I simply want to edit JSP files, I have Juno EE version installed and it says web tools platform is installed and everything works just fine.
However while everything works, there was no *.jsp in file associations and on adding it there was no JSP editor in the list. This is an out of the box Juno EE.
So I checked installed plugins and it tells me that web tools is installed, there is an icon and a load of plugins. They are all listed under Java EE in the plugin/installation list. I even tried installing just 'java web develop tools' which lists as 'tools for working with jsp' but when I do that I get ""Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools" will be ignored because it is already installed." however I cannot uninstall it because it's part of Java EE eclipse platform. I have no other plugins installed that might have broken this, however it has taken some time to get all the settings good so I'd rather not install it all again.
So I tried to install the full WTP by hand and it said some things were already installed, but it installed others. However, still no JSP editor. Hence why I tried a dynamic web project to see if I could create JSP and it wasn't listed.
So, eclipse base install has absolutely everything (xml, html editor, java editor, all the tools) but just not JSP.
My JDK is fine as dynamic web project is not created unless you have a valid 1.6 or above.
Anyone help?
It seems your missing Eclipse web developer tools and Eclipse java web developer tools.
Help>Install new software>, select appropriate items under Web,XML,Java EE
Hope this helps
In Eclipse Juno, select File/New/Other, then type in jsp in the wizard field. Select jsp file or jsp tag and there you go. Hope that helps.
Try to install Eclipse with Java EE developer.It should work.
You can go to Eclipse Market place and search for "Java EE Developer tool". On clicking it you should be able to see if your Web developer tool is selected or not. Please select that option and your issue will be resolved.
Check your path. Make sure it is pointing to at least a 1.6 version of Java. Restart Eclipse. That fixed it for me.
If you have installed every thing proper and still it is not showing JSP option while creating new .jsp file then click to the web icon on top right corner of eclipse. If it doesn't work then you need to install updated version of eclipse.
I also faced the same problem; I looked through the "Web,XML,Java EE..." installables available at under Kepler downloads:
and that brought me the New->'JSP File' context menu item.

Why Am I Getting NullPointerException When I Run the HTML Playn Samples?

I'm trying to run the Playn html web application samples in Eclipse. I've followed the steps here:
I'm running Eclipse 3.7 on Ubuntu 11.10. I installed the plugins and I was able to run the Java version successfully.
However, when I run GWT Compile by right-clicking the html listing in the Package Explorer, I get the following error:
An internal error occurred during: "playn-showcase-html - GWT Compile".
This occurs with the other samples too. When I get to the GWT Compile dialogue box, a message at top says "The project has errors."
When I start Eclipse, I get the following message in the console:
GWT SDK not installed.
However, the SDK is installed. I double-checked by redoing the steps here:
And I get the following message:
"Google Web Toolkit SDK 2.4.0" will be ignored because it is already installed.
By reinstalling the GWT plugin and then editing the configuration settings in Eclipse, I was able to solve this problem. The general problem seems to be one of wiring the correct paths together. I'm not sure what exactly resolved it as I did a bit of fiddling but this is how I think I did it:
Clicked Preferences > Google > Web Toolkit
Added path: and hit OK
Right-clicked playn-showcase-html in Package Explorer
Selected Build Path > Configure Build Path...
Selected Google > Web Tool Kit from list in left panel
In GWT SDK box, clicked Use specific SDK, selected only option there, and hit OK
I was able to compile and generate a web server link.
I then loaded the link in Chrome. If you get a message saying the module needs to be recompiled, go back to Eclipse and recompile the HTML dir (right-click on the HTML directory > Google > GWT compile.) Then reload (F5) page in Chrome.