How can i create a sticky tabhost on android applications? - android-tabhost

I want to create a tabhost that can be sticky under the action bar, here is some concept image
this is the normal condition of the view, the app will have some other content above the tabhost, which the coding is also include in the tab activity and the app will have few tabs and each tabs will use listview to show the information.
i want the tabhost will be sticky just under the action bar when i scroll down the listview, is this possible?

Using the Android-ParallaxHeaderViewPager a good example of scrolling tab header by kmshack Github page
The Sample code is give in this Here Git Hub link
The explanation for the solution is begin described in the github page
Hope this will help you


Creating tabs ,each with different content in flutter

I am making a blogging application using flutter. I want to create a tab bar with each tab showing different content. The number of tabs is determined by the number of different categories obtained through an API. Also the content of each tab is obtained through api.
It is silimilar to what we see in Google news application.
How to ceate such tab view? Also I want to make sure that apis for fetching the content of each tab are called only once.
You can use persistent tabbar solutions.
Cupertino tabbar provides a solution. Also you can use these packages

Flutter make a tab bar that picks the first element when user scrolls ( like in Airbnb home page)

As you can see in the gif here, the tab selects the appropriate item in the seen whenever the user scrolls, unlike the regular tab bar which require click action to change the selected item. Need help pls
This is a custom widget with animation controller , you must have some basic knowledge of animation in flutter .
but if you want to have a look at the code check this .

Flutter on tap not working on Html element view

The webpage I'm loading contains a HtmlElementView class which will load an URL. And I am having an action in app bar and when I am tapping on a option, It is not responding.
In the reference image the account settings option is clickable because it is outside the HtmlElementView but the others two options are not clickable because it is on top of the HtmlElementView. Help me with an solution for this.
There seems to be no in easy way of dealing with this in flutter.
So the best option is to use
Thanks to #Pat9RB for finding this!

Ionic Vue - Master Detail View

I'm developing an app for PC, tab and mobile, which consists in a list of items. Each item has a detail page. The idea is to display each item's detail page when the user clicks on that specific item, but with different behaviour depending on the device. In PC/tablet, the detail view will be displayed on the right side of the list, and in mobile the detail page will be opened in a new page. You can see the idea in this image:
The image was made by Martin Pritchard, who wrote this Medium post some years ago about how to solve the same problem I'm facing now. He used IonSplitPane in Ionic 3 with Angular. I'm afraid I can't use this approach, or at least I'm not able to replicate it with Vue.
I've tried IonSplitPane alongside with IonMenu, but the behaviour is not the expected, because I don't need a 'hamburguer' menu that collapses in mobile view. Besides, I've tried with IonSplitPane only and I'm not able to put the collapsible side at the end (as it should be the detail view which hides in mobile, and not the left (master) pane). I'm not even sure this could be a solution, as I need that in mobile the detail page displays in a new view.
Has anyone faced this problem and could help me?
Thank you very much in advance.

Multiple stacks with a persistent navigation bar?

I am trying to build an app using flutter that has a bottom navigation bar that remains in view through sub pages. Any help?
I'm very new to flutter and coding in general. I've been able to get a working material navigation bar that highlights the current page but when I push to another route on that page, the bar disappears. This convention would work for some areas of my app, but a few pages are 3 "layers" deep and I would like to keep the bar so the user maintains a sense of place.
From what I've researched, Cupertino's navigation bar allows for this but I would prefer accomplishing this with material bottom navigation and routing.
Here's a general look at what I'm trying to accomplish (minus login/splashpage/onboard/etc.)
Prototype showing the routing of my app
Thanks to anyone who can help!