Github for Windows gui + Eclipse - eclipse

I'm Switching from svn to git for couple of projects that will need to be published on GitHub.
I have a brand new Java project on my workspace, (Eclipse ide), and its under version control (Git), i have a local git repository under D:\repository.
Remotely (on github) i have created a new empty project.
Now, i have downloaded the github gui for windows, and i have (i think succesfully) let the gui to recognize my local repository (i see the little screen icon on the left and all source code on the right), but how can i upload the entire project to github via the gui?
The docs in the help pages of the gui do not (surprisingly) explain this.
Also, is it possible that whenever i commit a new change, the changes are pushable via the gui to github?

Do some changes and it will show "uncommited changes". Click on it and type in the message, press "commit to [branch]".
Then just press the Sync button on the top right.
See this link


Connection to Github from VS code fails

I am trying to connect VS code (on win10 machine) to github.
The GitHub Pull Requests and Issues is installed and enabled.
I followed few YouTube guides in which it was mentioned the git button that should appear on the upper right side of the explorer window, in order to add the project to the source control section.
This button doesn't appear at all.
Any idea?
Thank you
Since I post this message, VScode released a new version which makes the connection to Github very simple. For newbies like me that need to establish the connection, you may use the process I use:
1- Create a repository on github, and copy the link to the repo
2- In VScode, in view, command palette: GitClone, then add the link you just copied, select the folder where you want to store the repo on your local drive, and that's it.
3- Use the Source Control button on right, and them stage your changes, commit - and now only push/pull or sync.
Good luck.

How do I commit to a remote repository on Visual Studio?

I figure this may be somewhat of a common question, but I am still having trouble with what I am finding. Note: I am very new to deploying applications. I have created my first application, an ASP.NET MVC application using Visual Studio Community 2015(I am using enitity framework for the database if that matters). It is time for me to deploy it. I have all my files on gitHub. Now I believe it is time for me to commit to my remote repository on AppHarbor (which I have the link for), but I just can't seem where to do it. It seems to be so simple. I'm using the team explorer. Again, I am very new to programming and deploying applications, so any help would be amazing. Again, from what I understand I need to connect to my remote repository now. I could be wrong. Thank you very much for any insight.
Inside Visual Studio, open the 'Team Explorer - Connect' Window. Default Shortcut for that should be Ctrl+/ + Ctrl+M.
Inside the Team Explorer window, Click on the green plug like button that you see that says "Manage Connections". You will be able to connect to your remote repo from here.
After that, Click on 'Clone' and paste your repo's URL in the yellow text box:
If your remote repo is on the GitHub, this is where you can find the URL to your remote repo:
Well, that's it.. you're connected! To commit your changes, you can easily find the "Changes" section in 'Team Explorer' window. Here's a screenshot for that too:
Note that in my case some of the buttons shown may be Disabled. That should not be a problem to you if you have files with changes, etc.
I don't know about Visual Studio, but with git you need to push your changes to a remote repo, so maybe you have a "push" somewhere ?
First you need to add this remote repository.

no commit button in Team menu in eclipse when checking out project from github

I create a local maven project in eclipse. I share the project on github remote repository. and the Team menu comes to have a list of buttons like commit, revert etc. Just like using svn.
Now I checked out the same project from the same remote repository on another machine. The project was checked out successfully but the Team menu has only Share button. Eclipse dose not recognize it is checked out from a scm.
What to do to make eclipse has the list of buttons in Team menu when checking out a git project?
Chances are, you have not installed the egit plugin on the second machine, therefore Eclipse doesn't know anything about git repositories.

Eclipse Egit Not Detecting Changed Files

I have been using Egit and Eclipse together for well over a year. I recently upgraded my computer and had to reinstall everything. Previously whenever I would make a change to a file it would immediately get picked up by Egit and show with the red highlight and star next to the file name in the project explorer.
I have everything back up and running exactly as it was, however whenever I make a change the change is not picked up by Egit. I have to perform a 'git status' in order for the files to show as ready to be staged in the file explorer. Am I doing something wrong to have Egit automatically detect changed files and has anyone else had this problem?
which version of EGit are you using
do you get the egit team menu if you right-click any resource in your git tracked project ?
if not then you need to do "Team > Share > Git", then check "Use or create repository in
parent folder of project". If you are using a very recent nightly build version this
will be checked automatically.
when you modify a file tracked by (e)git a text decorator ">" should
appear in front of the modified file
as soon as you stage the modified file (Team > Add) the decorator should show the star
also the staging view should always show the git status for all modified files
You need to "Add to index" all files again probably
Track Changes Click Team > Add on the project node. (This menu item
may read Add to Index on recent versions of Egit)
(From the EGit docs:)
What I've found is that you need to make sure that your git repositories are showing up in the Eclipse Git Repositories view.
In the repositories view, you click on the [very] little Git icon with a green + (plus) sign to Add and Existing Local Git Repository.
Browse to the directory that already has a .git subdir and click Finish. You should then see you local repo show up in that list.
Then you can right click on the repo while still in the repositories view and add pull down to Import Projects.
"Import existing projects" is selected. Click Next.
Your project should be checked off. Add it to a working set if necessary. Click Next (maybe Finish).
I had a similar issue where all my changes just disappeared. Somehow, Eclipse had unselected my Git repository. Once I selected it again, they all came back.
If you have already added your files to Stage then change the branch it will ask you to commit/stash/reset
I faced the same problem. From your git repository view: Right-click -> Show in git staging
For me I have clicked Team --> Advanced --> No Assume Unchanged, fixed the issue
I faced the same problem using eclipse version 2021.12. Whenever I made changes on file, the eclipse didn't detect it.
I solve it by using Intelij IDE.
i just faced this problem by now, and i resolved by clicking in button Refresh in Git Staging:

How to use MercurialEclipse?

I have been using the built in mercurial support in NetBeans for a while now and its great. I just recently installed MercurialEclipse from so I can start using Mercurial for my Flex projects as well.
I can't seem to figure out how to use it.
I watched the video, when I right click files in the Package Explorer and go to tools I only have 2 or 3 options: Apply Patch, Share Project [, Show Local History]
When I click show local history, it says:
No local history for selected resource.
My project is a repository and I have made some changes since the last commit. I would like to see a diff of those changes so I can review them before committing.
Is this possible?
You need to click "Share Project" and enable Mercurial support for this project.