How do you deploy to only one server with Capistrano v3? - capistrano

How do you deploy to only one server with Capistrano v3? All the solutions I found out there deploy to every server, so, I would assume they are for v2.
I don't want to deploy a stage, I'm already using multistaging and I want to deploy to only one server in one of the stages.

As pointed out, in Capistrano 3 the way to deploy specific parts of your app to a single server is making use of HOST filtering. Let’s imagine that you are deploying directly to production and you have this configuration in config/deploy/production.rb
set :stage, :production
server "”, roles: [:web]
server "", roles: [:app]
server "", roles: [:app]
server "", roles: [:app]
server “”, roles: [:db]
server “”, roles: [:db]
Then if you want to deploy only to your webserver1, you just run the command:
cap production deploy

You must use settings multistage.
Capistrano 3.x is multistage by default.
In one of his stage you define only the server you want.
set :stage, :staging
server '', roles: %w{web app db}, port: 22
set :deploy_to, '/var/www/'
Run command:
cd /home/deploy/capistrano/example
cap staging something:to:do
This tutorial is old but may help you.


Running Powershell scripts on Web App machine

I have an Azure web app. This web app has a QA deployment slot for pre-production testing. When I check in my code from VS, I have it setup to build and deploy to the QA deployment slot. This works great. However, a few configurations need to be updated in the QA web app so the application points to the correct service endpoints (i.e. not dev). To do this, my initial approach was to add a PS task to the Release that unzips my deployment zip, updates the configuration files, rezips them and then allows the Release flow to deploy the updated zip. This works locally, but running into filename length issues on the server when unzipping, which I can't change.
Now I'm trying to just include my update PS scripts in my deployment package, and then run the scripts AFTER the deployment has occurred. So, I'm looking at this Powershell on Target Machines task to run a PS on the QA slot server to update configurations. However, it's asking for Machines, which would be the server name of the slot server. I don't have that. I also don't know where to get it. I also don't have the path to the PS scripts once I have the server name. I dumped out the server variables and none of them help me, unless there is a cmdlet to look up environments that I'm not aware of.
System.DefaultWorkingDirectory: 'C:\a\2ed23b64d'
System.TeamFoundationServerUri: ''
System.TeamFoundationCollectionUri: ''
System.TeamProject: 'REDACTED'
System.TeamProjectId: 'REDACTED'
Release.DefinitionName: 'REDACTED'
Release.EnvironmentUri: 'vstfs:///ReleaseManagement/Environment/46'
Release.EnvironmentName: 'QA'
Release.ReleaseDescription: 'Triggered by REDACTED Build Definition 20160425.4.'
Release.ReleaseId: '31'
Release.ReleaseName: 'Release-31'
Release.ReleaseUri: 'vstfs:///ReleaseManagement/Release/31'
Release.RequestedFor: 'Matthew Mulhearn'
Release.RequestedForId: ''
Agent.HomeDirectory: 'C:\LR\MMS\Services\Mms\TaskAgentProvisioner\Tools\agents\1.98.1'
Agent.JobName: 'Release'
Agent.MachineName: 'TASKAGENT5-0020'
Agent.Name: 'Hosted Agent'
Agent.RootDirectory: 'C:\a'
Agent.WorkingDirectory: 'C:\a\SourceRootMapping\REDACTED'
Agent.ReleaseDirectory: 'C:\a\2ed23b64d'
Anyone have any idea, or a better approach, to accomplish what I'm attempting?

strongloop slc deploy env var complications

I've been deploying a loopback app via a custom init.d/app.conf script, using slc run --detach --cluster "cpu", but want to move to using strong-pm, as recommended.
But I've come across some limitations and am looking for any guidance on how to replicate the setup with which I'm currently familiar.
Currently I set app-specific configuration inside server/config.local.js and server/datasources.local.js, most importantly the PORT at which the app should listen for connections on. This works perfectly using slc run for local development and remote deploying for staging, all I do is set different env vars for each distinct app:
module.exports = {
"mysqlDS": {
name: "mysqlDS",
connector: "mysql",
host: process.env.PROTEUS_MYSQL_HOST,
port: process.env.PROTEUS_MYSQL_PORT,
database: process.env.PROTEUS_MYSQL_DB,
username: process.env.PROTEUS_MYSQL_USER,
password: process.env.PROTEUS_MYSQL_PW
module.exports = {
port: process.env.PROTEUS_API_PORT
When I deploy using strong-pm, I am not able to control this port, and it always gets set to 3000+N, where N is just incremented based on the service ID assigned to the app when it's deployed.
So even when I deploy and then set env using
slc ctl -C http://localhost:8701 env-set proteus-demo PROTEUS_API_PORT=3033 PROTEUS_DB=demo
I see that strong-pm completely ignores PROTEUS_API_PORT when it redeploys with the new env vars:
ENV has changed, restarting
Service "1" listening on
Restarting next commit Runner: commit 1/deploy/default/demo-deploy
Start Runner: commit 1/deploy/default/demo-deploy
Request (status) of current Runner: child 20066 commit 1/deploy/default/demo-deploy
Request {"cmd":"status"} of Runner: child 20066 commit 1/deploy/default/demo-deploy
3001! Not 3033 like I want, and spec'd in config.local.js. Is there a way to control this explicitly? I do not want to need to run an slc inspection command to determine the port for my nginx upstream block each time I deploy an app. Would be awesome to be able to specify listen PORT by service name, too.
FWIW, this is on an aws instance that will host demo and staging apps pointing to separate DBs and on different PORTs.
strong-pm only sets a PORT environment variable, which the app is responsible for honouring.
Based on loopback-boot/lib/executor:109, it appears that loopback actually prefers the PORT environment variable over the value in the config file. In that case it seems your best bet is to either:
pass a port in to app.listen() yourself
set one of the higher priority environment variables such as npm_config_port (which would normally be set via npm start --port 1234).

capistrano (v3) deploys the same code on all roles

If I understand correctly the standard git deploy implementation with capistrano v3 deploys the same repository on all roles. I have a more difficult app that has several types of servers and each type has its own code base with its own repository. My database server for example does not need to deploy any code.
How do I tackle such a problem in capistrano v3?
Should I write my own deployment tasks for each of the roles?
How do I tackle such a problem in capistrano v3?
All servers get the code, as in certain environments the code is needed to perform some actions. For example in a typical setup the web server needs your static assets, the app server needs your code to serve the app, and the db server needs your code to run migrations.
If that's not true in your environment and you don't want the code on the servers in some roles, you could easily send a pull request to add the no_release feature back from Cap2 in to Cap3.
You can of course take the .rake files out of the Gem, and load those in your Capfile, which is a perfectly valid way to use the tool, and modify them for your own needs.
The general approach is that if you don't need code on your DB server, for example, why is it listed in your deployment file?
I can confirm you can use no_release: true to disable a server from deploying the repository code.
I needed to do this so I could specifically run a restart task for a different server.
Be sure to give your server a role so that you can target it. There is a handy function called release_roles() you can use to target servers that have your repository code.
Then you can separate any tasks (like my restart) to be independent from the deploy procedure.
For Example:
server '', port: 22, user: 'deploy', roles: %w{web app db assets}
server '', port: 22, user: 'deploy', roles: %w{frontend}, no_release: true
namespace :nginx do
desc 'Reloading PHP will clear OpCache. Remove Nginx Cache files to force regeneration.'
task :reload do
on roles(:frontend) do
execute "sudo /usr/sbin/service php7.1-fpm reload"
execute "sudo /usr/bin/find /var/run/nginx-cache -type f -delete"
after 'deploy:finished', 'nginx:reload'
after 'deploy:rollback', 'nginx:reload'
# Example of a task for release_roles() only
desc 'Update composer'
task :update do
on release_roles(:all) do
execute "cd #{release_path} && composer update"
before 'deploy:publishing', 'composer:update'
I can think of many scenarios where this would come in handy.
FYI, this link has more useful examples:

Capistrano in Open Source Projects and different environments

I consider to use Capistrano to deploy my rails app on my server. Currently I'm using a script, which does all the work for me. But Capistrano looks pretty nice and I want to give it a try.
My first problem/question now is: How to use Capistrano properly in open source projects? I don't want to publish my deploy.rb for several reasons:
It contains sensible informations about my server. I don't want to publish them :)
It contains the config for MY server. For other people, which deploy that open source project to their own server, the configuration may differ. So it's pretty senseless to publish my configuration, because it's useless for other people.
Second problem/question: How do I manage different environments?
Background: On my server I provide two different environments for my application: The stable system using the current stable release branch and located under And a integration environment for the develop team under running the master branch.
How do I tell Capistrano to deploy the stable system or the dev system?
The way I handle sensitive information (passwords etc.) in Capistrano is the same way I handle them in general: I use an APP_CONFIG hash that comes from a YAML file that isn't checked into version control. This is a classic technique that's covered e.g. in RailsCast #226, or see this StackOverflow question.
There are a few things you have to do a little differently when using this approach with Capistrano:
Normally APP_CONFIG is loaded from your config/application.rb (so it happens early enough to be usable everywhere else); but Capistrano cap tasks won't load that file. But you can just load it from config/deploy.rb too; here's the top of a contrived config/deploy.rb file using an HTTP repository that requires a username/password.
require 'bundler/capistrano'
APP_CONFIG = YAML.load_file("config/app_config.yml")
set :repo_user, APP_CONFIG['repo_user']
set :repo_password, APP_CONFIG['repo_password']
set :repository, "http://#{repo_user}:#{repo_password}#hostname/repositoryname.git/"
set :scm, :git
# ...
The config/app_config.yml file is not checked into version control (put that path in your .gitignore or similar); I normally check in a config/app_config.yml.sample that shows the parameters that need to be configured:
repo_user: 'usernamehere'
repo_password: 'passwordhere'
If you're using the APP_CONFIG for your application, it probably needs to have different values on your different deploy hosts. So have your Capistrano setup make a symlink from the shared/ directory to each release after it's checked out. You want to do this early in the deploy process, because applying migrations might need a database password. So in your config/deploy.rb put this:
after 'deploy:update_code', 'deploy:symlink_app_config'
namespace :deploy do
desc "Symlinks the app_config.yml"
task :symlink_app_config, :roles => [:web, :app, :db] do
run "ln -nfs #{deploy_to}/shared/config/app_config.yml #{release_path}/config/app_config.yml"
Now, for the second part of your question (about deploying to multiple hosts), you should configure separate Capistrano "stages" for each host. You put everything that's common across all stages in your config/deploy.rb file, and then you put everything that's unique to each stage into config/deploy/[stagename].rb files. You'll have a section in config/deploy.rb that defines the stages:
# Capistrano settings
require 'bundler/capistrano'
require 'capistrano/ext/multistage'
set :stages, %w(preproduction production)
set :default_stage, 'preproduction'
(You can call the stages whatever you want; the Capistrano stage name is separate from the Rails environment name, so the stage doesn't have to be called "production".) Now when you use the cap command, insert the stage name between cap and the target name, e.g.:
$ cap preproduction deploy #deploys to the 'preproduction' environment
$ cap production deploy #deploys to the 'production' environment
$ cap deploy #deploys to whatever you defined as the default

How to deploy to multiple redundant production servers with "cap deploy"?

Capistrano is working great to deploy to a single server. However, I have multiple production API servers for my web application. When I deploy, my code needs to get deployed to every API server at once. Specifying each server manually is NOT the solution I am looking for (e.g. I don't want to do "cap api1 deploy; cap api2 deploy").
Is there a way, using Capistrano, to deploy to all servers at once, with just a simple "cap deploy"? I'm wondering what changes I would need to make to a typical deploy.rb file, whether I'd need to create a separate file for each server, and whether and how the Capfile would need to be changed. Also, I need to be able to specify a different deploy_to path for each server. And ideally, I wouldn't have to repeat things in different config files for different servers (eg. wouldn't have to specify :repository, :application, etc. multiple times).
I have spent hours searching Google on this and looking through tutorials, but I have found nothing helpful.
Here is a snippet from my current deploy.rb file:
set :application, "testapplication"
set :repository, "ssh://{application}"
set :scm, :mercurial
set :deploy_to, "/srv/www/#{application}"
role :web, ""
role :app, ""
role :db, "", :primary => true, :norelease => true
Should I just use the multistage extension and do this?
task :deploy_everything do
system "cap api1 deploy"
system "cap api2 deploy"
system "cap api2 deploy"
That could work, but I feel like this isn't what this extension is meant for...
It seems like you might be interested in the "Multiple Servers" heading on the Getting Started page. Is that what you're after?