QlikView - Display datas from a field of a table - charts

Can you help me to know, how can I display data in a chart only for a field of a table ?
For example, I have a table "Country" which have "France, Allemagne, Italie, ...".
In my chart, I only want to display datas from France, without any selection from the user.
Thanks for your help !

You can select certain values without user interaction with
set analysis.
Have a look at the 'QlikView Reference Manual' PDF.
Starting at page 799 you'll find the section about set analysis.
On page 801 you find the following description:
sum( {1<Region= {US} >} Sales )
returns the sales for region US disregarding the current selection.
In this case Region is the column with your country and US is the preselection.
Hope that helps


Tableau Calculated Field to Display Specific Rows

I'm trying to find a way to display only certain rows of my data based off a very specific criteria. I will try to explain it the best way I can. Let's start with a screenshot here:
Picture of part of the Tableau sheet as-is
What I'm trying to do is create a way to display only the values of "Order: Sales Order #" that have a value filled in for "Item: Connected Product Category". As you see on the screenshot, order number 15589543 has one Connected Product Category that displays "Connectable".
Since this order number does not only have null field for the Connect Product Category, I would like ALL of the rows (even the blank ones) be displayed for order # 15589543. If an order # has NO rows that have "connectable" displayed in them (orders 10305573, 15573299, 15699578, etc.) I would like these orders to be filtered out.
This is a screenshot of just a small part of the data. Basically, if an order has a "connectable" field in it, I need all of the rows for that order # to be displayed.
I tried to do logic such as IF [Item: Connected Product Category] = "Connectable" THEN [Order: Sales Order #] ELSE NULL END but this only displays the rows that literally contain "connectable" in them, not all of the rows for that order number.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. After extensive research I'm not sure if this is even possible. Thanks
It is simple. Create a calculated field desired filter as
{FIXED [Order: Sales Order #] : SUM(
IF [Item: Connected Product Category] = 'Connectable' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END
)} > 0
This calculated field will evalaute as TRUE/FALSE and setting filter on this field for TRUE will filter records as desired.
Try this. Good luck

How do I find the average age of users based on value of another column?

I have a dataset for health procedures with each patient listed under Index_Num. Most patients are listed several times as they have had several services. There is a column with their age.
There is another column called Portal_Use, which says "Yes" or "No" based on whether the user is a portal user.
The question I am trying to visualize in Tableau is the Average Age of Portal Users.
I created a group of the Index_Num, but don't know where to go from there. I'm essentially looking for a bar chart that has one bar for portal users and one bar for non portal users with the average age. This would be very easy if there weren't multiple rows per patient.
Based on your explanation I have used below data to generate the sample workbook.
Use your Portal_Use flag as a Columns
Add Age as an AVG value in Row section
From Show me section select the Type of Bar char you needed
Above will give you desired results as per below.
I hope this helps!!!

Tableau - Similar function to SQL Group by

I have recently started using Tableau but am still very new to it. I don't know enough of the Tableau vocabulary to be able to find this answer through brute force googling. Hopefully some one here can help point me in a good direction.
I have a simple table of data, containing the columns and types: Date (Date), ID (Numerical), and Status (Text)
I want to be able to generate a report that has: Date, and Percent of the IDs on that date where the Status is "Complete."
In SQL I could do this by running a query along the lines of:
select date, (count(status like "Complete")/count(status)*100) from table
group by date;
Where can I look for this in Tableau? I tried creating a new Calculated measure in the sheet I am working on, but I couldn't find any built in functions that would add this ability. Thanks for any assistance.
So this should be pretty easy. In your tableau screen(when in a sheet) on the left you will see a column which is broken into two. On the top are the "Dimensions"(these are the things you will organise your data on, usually strings or dates) and on the bottom are the "Measures"(these are integers).
So under dimensions you should see "Date" and "Status". In the Dimensions you should see "Number of Records" and "ID"(this is your variable, you can convert it to a dimension by right clicking and selecting that option).
So what you need to do:
You just want status = complete, so drag your "Status" field into the Filter box(just to the right of the dimension column). You will get a pop up of the different types, select "Complete".
This has filtered your data source for only complete rows.
Drag you "Date" field to the "Rows" shelf, on the top of the screen. This will default to the Year of the date.
It will automatically go to a bar chart, change it to a table by selecting "Show Me" on the top right and select the table icon.
Double click on your "Number of Records" measure. This will add it to your sheet. This will now be auto summed per year.
To convert it to % of, right click on the measure in the Marks window(it should look like a green box "SUM(Number ....)"). Right click and select the option "quick table calculation", here select "Percentage of Total".
You will now have the % total per year for all records where status is equal to correct.
(Optional) - To adjust the date dimension, right click on the "Date" Pill(its up the top in the rows shelf). Hear you can see different options for quarter, month, day. You can change it to any of these or a custom data format.

Display Records Horizontally Instead of Vertical in Cells, SSRS

I'm trying to display multiple values for one drive by adding a column for each additional record assigned to a drive. For example, a drive ID is unique but can have multiple promotional incentives assigned to it.
For example, if we go to a university on 1/23/2015, that will a unique event or record in the DriveMaster table, but if we are giving away T-Shirts and Pizza, those two records will be assigned to the drive in the EquipmentDetail table.
In SSRS, I'm trying to create a sub-report that will display the promotional items on one line instead of adding additional lines for each promotional item. See screenshot below.
What I'd like to have happen is have the each drive only account for 1 row, and each promotional item listed in a new column to the right. See mockup in Excel.
Is there a way to handle this? I know there is in Crytal Reports, but I can't figure this out in SSRS. I've tried using a Matrix, but I can't see to get the columns to grow if there are multiple incentives.
I added a column group on the Description field, and it looks like that it is close, but that the grouping will create blank spaces (cells) in it.
You have to set a Column Group for your promotional item in your Matrix.
Hope that helps.
It looks like there are some areas that contain no data (because of your groupings)
We can do something like the following:
In your query you can use the 'over'
Select DriveID, PromotionItem, ... ,
ROW_NUMBER() Over(Partition by Select DriveID, PromotionItem, ... Order by PromotionItem)
AS ColumnGroupNumber
Then in the Promotion Item group that you have change the field it groups on to the ColumnGroupNumber (or whatever you are going to call it). Just don't change the field in the detail row, or you will not see the details.
I have used this solution before. I found it here.

SugarCRM: Calculating Ratios?

SugarCRM Pro 6.5.8
In our Calls module we have an option for users to select what the results were for a particular logged call. This is done by selecting a value from a dropdown such as "Set Appointment."
I would like to create a report of some type that will display a ratio of the total number of an individual user's logged calls for the month versus how many appointments were set based on the "Set Appointment" option in a dropdown. Essentially, how many calls did certain users need to make in order to set X number of appointments for the month.
Is this something that can be done out-of-the-box with SugarCRM Pro 6.5.8? I was thinking of trying to use calculated fields, but I am unsure how exactly to build that with the formula builder, as I would need the report to calculate the ratio for each user out of a list of certain users.
Any help/insight would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
If I have understood your requirement correctly, you can do something like following,
Create Matrix report
Filter : Date Start :: This month
Group by : Assigned User (username) & Status (Or the field which has "Set Appointment")
Display summary : Calls(Assigned to User), Calls(Status), Calls(SUM: Duration hours) , Calls(SUM: Duration minutes)
Chart option : Vertical bar and Data series (Duration hours/minutes your choice)
Let me know if thats what you were looking for!