How to create generic protocols in Swift? - swift

I'd like to create a protocol with a method that takes a generic input and returns a generic value.
This is what I've tried so far, but it produces the syntax error.
Use of undeclared identifier T.
What am I doing wrong?
protocol ApiMapperProtocol {
func MapFromSource(T) -> U
class UserMapper: NSObject, ApiMapperProtocol {
func MapFromSource(data: NSDictionary) -> UserModel {
var user = UserModel() as UserModel
var accountsData:NSArray = data["Accounts"] as NSArray
return user

It's a little different for protocols. Look at "Associated Types" in Apple's documentation.
This is how you use it in your example
protocol ApiMapperProtocol {
associatedtype T
associatedtype U
func MapFromSource(_:T) -> U
class UserMapper: NSObject, ApiMapperProtocol {
typealias T = NSDictionary
typealias U = UserModel
func MapFromSource(_ data:NSDictionary) -> UserModel {
var user = UserModel()
var accountsData:NSArray = data["Accounts"] as NSArray
// For Swift 1.2, you need this line instead
// var accountsData:NSArray = data["Accounts"] as! NSArray
return user

To expound on Lou Franco's answer a bit, If you wanted to create a method that used a particular ApiMapperProtocol, you do so thusly:
protocol ApiMapperProtocol {
associatedtype T
associatedtype U
func mapFromSource(T) -> U
class UserMapper: NSObject, ApiMapperProtocol {
// these typealiases aren't required, but I'm including them for clarity
// Normally, you just allow swift to infer them
typealias T = NSDictionary
typealias U = UserModel
func mapFromSource(data: NSDictionary) -> UserModel {
var user = UserModel()
var accountsData: NSArray = data["Accounts"] as NSArray
// For Swift 1.2, you need this line instead
// var accountsData: NSArray = data["Accounts"] as! NSArray
return user
class UsesApiMapperProtocol {
func usesApiMapperProtocol<
ApiMapperProtocolType: ApiMapperProtocol where
ApiMapperProtocolType.T == SourceType,
ApiMapperProtocolType.U == MappedType>(
apiMapperProtocol: ApiMapperProtocolType,
source: SourceType) -> MappedType {
return apiMapperProtocol.mapFromSource(source)
UsesApiMapperProtocol is now guaranteed to only accept SourceTypes compatible with the given ApiMapperProtocol:
let dictionary: NSDictionary = ...
let uses = UsesApiMapperProtocol()
let userModel: UserModel = uses.usesApiMapperProtocol(UserMapper()
source: dictionary)

In order to achieve having generics and as well having it declare like this let userMapper: ApiMapperProtocol = UserMapper() you have to have a Generic Class conforming to the protocol which returns a generic element.
protocol ApiMapperProtocol {
associatedtype I
associatedType O
func MapFromSource(data: I) -> O
class ApiMapper<I, O>: ApiMapperProtocol {
func MapFromSource(data: I) -> O {
fatalError() // Should be always overridden by the class
class UserMapper: NSObject, ApiMapper<NSDictionary, UserModel> {
override func MapFromSource(data: NSDictionary) -> UserModel {
var user = UserModel() as UserModel
var accountsData:NSArray = data["Accounts"] as NSArray
return user
Now you can also refer to userMapper as an ApiMapper which have a specific implementation towards UserMapper:
let userMapper: ApiMapper = UserMapper()
let userModel: UserModel = userMapper.MapFromSource(data: ...)

How to create and use generic Protocol:
protocol Generic {
associatedtype T
associatedtype U
func operation(_ t: T) -> U
// Use Generic Protocol
struct Test: Generic {
typealias T = UserModel
typealias U = Any
func operation(_ t: UserModel) -> Any {
let dict = ["name":"saurabh"]
return dict

You can use templates methods with type-erasure...
protocol HeavyDelegate : class {
func heavy<P, R>(heavy: Heavy<P, R>, shouldReturn: P) -> R
class Heavy<P, R> {
typealias Param = P
typealias Return = R
weak var delegate : HeavyDelegate?
func inject(p : P) -> R? {
if delegate != nil {
return delegate?.heavy(self, shouldReturn: p)
return nil
func callMe(r : Return) {
class Delegate : HeavyDelegate {
typealias H = Heavy<(Int, String), String>
func heavy<P, R>(heavy: Heavy<P, R>, shouldReturn: P) -> R {
let h = heavy as! H
return "Hello" as! R
let heavy = Heavy<(Int, String), String>()
let delegate = Delegate()
heavy.delegate = delegate
heavy.inject((5, "alive"))


Get different class types by `var` from inherited objects

I need to get different class types by var from inherited objects. and I need these objects to be not generic. something like this
import Foundation
protocol MyClassProtocol {
associatedtype MyClass: Any
var myClass: MyClass.Type { get }
extension MyClassProtocol {
var myClass: MyClass.Type {
get { Self.MyClass.self }
class A: MyClassProtocol {
typealias MyClass = String
class B: A {
typealias MyClass = Int64
let a = A().myClass // String.Type
let a1 = A.MyClass.self // String.Type
let b = B().myClass // String.Type
let b1 = B.MyClass.self // Int64.Type
let list: [A] = [A(),B()]
// any way, how i get from this list different classes?
let la = list[0].myClass // String.Type
let la1 = type(of: list[0]).MyClass.self // String.Type
let lb = list[1].myClass // String.Type
let lb1 = type(of: list[1]).MyClass.self // String.Type
how I can resolve it? I cant use generic because I have array: [A]
If you want to achieve this kind of functionality, you will have store the class type as an instance variable and utilize class types that conform to AnyClass aka AnyObject.Type like below.
There is no practical reason to do this, and it is highly discouraged, but if you want to call something like classB.staticMethod() this is how you would do it.
class MyCustomClass: NSObject {
static func myStaticMethod() { print("why the heck do i need this?") }
protocol MyClassProtocol {
var myClass: AnyClass { get }
class A: MyClassProtocol {
var myClass: AnyClass { return NSString.self }
class B: A {
override var myClass: AnyClass { return MyCustomClass.self }
var list: [MyClassProtocol] = [A(), B()]
let classA: AnyClass = list[0].myClass.self // NSString
let classB: AnyClass = list[1].myClass.self // MyCustomClass
if classB.responds(to: #selector(MyCustomClass.myStaticMethod)) {
classB.performSelector(inBackground: #selector(MyCustomClass.myStaticMethod),
with: nil)

How can I implement a generic class that conforms to a protocol with associated type?

Following swift code gives the Protocol 'DataSource' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements error. How can it be fixed?
protocol DataSource {
associatedtype DataItem
func getItem(at index: Int) -> DataItem
struct DataSourceAgent: DataSource {
typealias DataItem = Int
func getItem(at index: Int) -> DataItem {
return 0
class SomeClass<T> {
private var dataSource: DataSource!
init(dataSource: DataSource) {
self.dataSource = dataSource
func getSomeStuff() -> T {
return dataSource.getItem(at: 0)
let sc = SomeClass<Int>(dataSource: DataSourceAgent())
You can't use a protocol with associated type the same way as you would use normal protocol, but you can use DataSource as type constraint in SomeClass in this way:
class SomeClass<T, D:DataSource> where D.DataItem == T {
private let dataSource:D
init(dataSource: D) {
self.dataSource = dataSource
func getSomeStuff() -> T {
return dataSource.getItem(at: 0)
let sc = SomeClass<Int, DataSourceAgent>(dataSource: DataSourceAgent())

swift 3 downcast to dynamic class

I am trying to create a couple of objects which are dependent one to each other and they mush have a method to downcast directly the concrete class of the other object. Something like this:
protocol aProt
var bVar:bProt! { get set }
protocol bProt
var aVar:aProt! { get set }
class a: aProt
var bVar: bProt!
func bConcrete() -> b {
return bVar as! b
class b: bProt
var aVar: aProt!
func aConcrete() -> a {
return aVar as! a
Now, the problem is that I want this behavior (func aConcrete(),func bConcrete()) to be inherited by the subclasses of a and b. Then I thought the perfect way of doing this was using generics, but... There's no way of doing this.
class a: aProt
var bVar: bProt!
func bConcrete() -> T {
return bVar as! T
class b: bProt
var aVar: aProt!
func aConcrete<T>() -> T {
return aVar as! T
You can do it but when you have to use it you must downcast the variable anyway, so there is no way of doing it in a clean manner:
let aObject = a()
let bSubclassObject = a.bConcrete() // The compiler complains it cannot infer the class of T
let bSubclassObject = a.bConcrete() as! bSubclass // this works, but this is exactly which I wanted to avoid... :(
Define the generic function and add where to T:
protocol aProt {
var bVar: bProt! { get set }
protocol bProt {
var aVar:aProt! { get set }
class a: aProt {
var bVar: bProt!
func bConcrete<T: b>(_ type: T.Type) -> T? {
return bVar as? T
class b: bProt {
var aVar: aProt!
func aConcrete<T: a>(_ type: T.Type) -> T? {
return aVar as? T
class a1: a { }
class b1: b {
var fullName: String = "new object"
let aObj = a()
aObj.bVar = b1()
let bObj = aObj.bConcrete(b1.self)
According to your requirement, calls bConcrete(b1.self) might still not good enough, but at least you need to know what type of data you are expecting to return.

Using as a concrete type conforming to protocol AnyObject is not supported

I'm using Swift 2 and using WeakContainer as a way to store a set of weak objects, much like NSHashTable.weakObjectsHashTable()
struct WeakContainer<T: AnyObject> {
weak var value: T?
public protocol MyDelegate : AnyObject {
Then in my ViewController, I declare
public var delegates = [WeakContainer<MyDelegate>]
But it is error
Using MyDelegate as a concrete type conforming to protocol AnyObject is not supported
I see that the error is that WeakContainer has value member declared as weak, so T is expected to be object. But I also declare MyDelegate as AnyObject, too. How to get around this?
I ran into the same problem when I tried to implement weak containers. As #plivesey points out in a comment above, this seems to be a bug in Swift 2.2 / Xcode 7.3, but it is expected to work.
However, the problem does not occur for some Foundation protocols. For example, this compiles:
let container = WeakContainer<NSCacheDelegate>()
I found out that this works for protocols marked with the #objc attribute. You can use this as a workaround:
Workaround 1
public protocol MyDelegate : AnyObject { }
let container = WeakContainer<MyDelegate>() // No compiler error
As this can lead to other problems (some types cannot be represented in Objective-C), here is an alternative approach:
Workaround 2
Drop the AnyObject requirement from the container, and cast the value to AnyObject internally.
struct WeakContainer<T> {
private weak var _value:AnyObject?
var value: T? {
get {
return _value as? T
set {
_value = newValue as? AnyObject
protocol MyDelegate : AnyObject { }
var container = WeakContainer<MyDelegate>() // No compiler error
Caveat: Setting a value that conforms to T, but is not an AnyObject, fails.
I had the same idea to create weak container with generics.
As result I created wrapper for NSHashTable and did some workaround for your compiler error.
class WeakSet<ObjectType>: SequenceType {
var count: Int {
return weakStorage.count
private let weakStorage = NSHashTable.weakObjectsHashTable()
func addObject(object: ObjectType) {
guard object is AnyObject else { fatalError("Object (\(object)) should be subclass of AnyObject") }
weakStorage.addObject(object as? AnyObject)
func removeObject(object: ObjectType) {
guard object is AnyObject else { fatalError("Object (\(object)) should be subclass of AnyObject") }
weakStorage.removeObject(object as? AnyObject)
func removeAllObjects() {
func containsObject(object: ObjectType) -> Bool {
guard object is AnyObject else { fatalError("Object (\(object)) should be subclass of AnyObject") }
return weakStorage.containsObject(object as? AnyObject)
func generate() -> AnyGenerator<ObjectType> {
let enumerator = weakStorage.objectEnumerator()
return anyGenerator {
return enumerator.nextObject() as! ObjectType?
protocol MyDelegate : AnyObject {
func doWork()
class MyClass: AnyObject, MyDelegate {
fun doWork() {
// Do delegated work.
var delegates = WeakSet<MyDelegate>()
for delegate in delegates {
It's not the best solution, because WeakSet can be initialized with any type, and if this type doesn't conform to AnyObject protocol then app will crash. But I don't see any better solution right now.
Why are you trying to use generics? I would suggest doing the following:
import Foundation
import UIKit
protocol MyDelegate : AnyObject {
class WeakContainer : AnyObject {
weak var value: MyDelegate?
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var delegates = [WeakContainer]()
There is also NSValue's nonretainedObject
If your Protocol can be marked as #obj then you can use code below
protocol Observerable {
associatedtype P : AnyObject
var delegates: NSHashTable<P> { get }
#objc protocol MyProtocol {
func someFunc()
class SomeClass : Observerable {
var delegates = NSHashTable<MyProtocol>.weakObjects()
Your issue is that WeakContainer requires its generic type T to be a subtype of AnyObject - a protocol declaration is not a subtype of AnyObject. You have four options:
Instead of declaring WeakContainer<MyDelegate> replace it with something that actually implements MyDelegate. The Swift-y approach for this is to use the AnyX pattern: struct AnyMyDelegate : MyDelegate { ... }
Define MyDelegate to be 'class bound' as protocol MyDelegate : class { ... }
Annotate MyDelegate with #obj which, essentially, makes it 'class bound'
Reformulate WeakContainer to not require its generic type to inherit from AnyObject. You'll be hard pressed to make this work because you need a property declared as weak var and there are limitation as to what types are accepted by weak var - which are AnyObject essentially.
Here is my implementation of WeakSet in pure Swift (without NSHashTable).
internal struct WeakBox<T: AnyObject> {
internal private(set) weak var value: T?
private var pointer: UnsafePointer<Void>
internal init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value
self.pointer = unsafeAddressOf(value)
extension WeakBox: Hashable {
var hashValue: Int {
return self.pointer.hashValue
extension WeakBox: Equatable {}
func ==<T>(lhs: WeakBox<T>, rhs: WeakBox<T>) -> Bool {
return lhs.pointer == rhs.pointer
public struct WeakSet<Element>: SequenceType {
private var boxes = Set<WeakBox<AnyObject>>()
public mutating func insert(member: Element) {
guard let object = member as? AnyObject else {
fatalError("WeakSet's member (\(member)) must conform to AnyObject protocol.")
public mutating func remove(member: Element) {
guard let object = member as? AnyObject else {
fatalError("WeakSet's member (\(member)) must conform to AnyObject protocol.")
public mutating func removeAll() {
public func contains(member: Element) -> Bool {
guard let object = member as? AnyObject else {
fatalError("WeakSet's member (\(member)) must conform to AnyObject protocol.")
return self.boxes.contains(WeakBox(object))
public func generate() -> AnyGenerator<Element> {
var generator = self.boxes.generate()
return AnyGenerator {
while(true) {
guard let box = else {
return nil
guard let element = box.value else {
return element as? Element

Swift delegate for a generic class

I have a class that needs to call out to a delegate when one of its properties changes. Here are the simplified class and protocol for the delegate:
protocol MyClassDelegate: class {
func valueChanged(myClass: MyClass)
class MyClass {
weak var delegate: MyClassDelegate?
var currentValue: Int {
didSet {
if let actualDelegate = delegate {
init(initialValue: Int) {
currentValue = initialValue
This all works just fine. But, I want to make this class generic. So, I tried this:
protocol MyClassDelegate: class {
func valueChanged(genericClass: MyClass)
class MyClass<T> {
weak var delegate: MyClassDelegate?
var currentValue: T {
didSet {
if let actualDelegate = delegate {
init(initialValue: T) {
currentValue = initialValue
This throws two compiler errors. First, the line declaring valueChanged in the protocol gives: Reference to generic type 'MyClass' requires arguments in <...>. Second, the call to valueChanged in the didSet watcher throws: 'MyClassDelegate' does not have a member named 'valueChanged'.
I thought using a typealias would solve the problem:
protocol MyClassDelegate: class {
typealias MyClassValueType
func valueChanged(genericClass: MyClass<MyClassValueType>)
class MyClass<T> {
weak var delegate: MyClassDelegate?
var currentValue: T {
didSet {
if let actualDelegate = delegate {
init(initialValue: T) {
currentValue = initialValue
I seem to be on the right path, but I still have two compiler errors. The second error from above remains, as well as a new one on the line declaring the delegate property of MyClass: Protocol 'MyClassDelegate' can only be used as a generic constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements.
Is there any way to accomplish this?
It is hard to know what the best solution is to your problem without having more information, but one possible solution is to change your protocol declaration to this:
protocol MyClassDelegate: class {
func valueChanged<T>(genericClass: MyClass<T>)
That removes the need for a typealias in the protocol and should resolve the error messages that you've been getting.
Part of the reason why I'm not sure if this is the best solution for you is because I don't know how or where the valueChanged function is called, and so I don't know if it is practical to add a generic parameter to that function. If this solution doesn't work, post a comment.
You can use templates methods with type erasure...
protocol HeavyDelegate : class {
func heavy<P, R>(heavy: Heavy<P, R>, shouldReturn: P) -> R
class Heavy<P, R> {
typealias Param = P
typealias Return = R
weak var delegate : HeavyDelegate?
func inject(p : P) -> R? {
if delegate != nil {
return delegate?.heavy(self, shouldReturn: p)
return nil
func callMe(r : Return) {
class Delegate : HeavyDelegate {
typealias H = Heavy<(Int, String), String>
func heavy<P, R>(heavy: Heavy<P, R>, shouldReturn: P) -> R {
let h = heavy as! H // Compile gives warning but still works!
return "Hello" as! R
let heavy = Heavy<(Int, String), String>()
let delegate = Delegate()
heavy.delegate = delegate
heavy.inject((5, "alive"))
Protocols can have type requirements but cannot be generic; and protocols with type requirements can be used as generic constraints, but they cannot be used to type values. Because of this, you won't be able to reference your protocol type from your generic class if you go this path.
If your delegation protocol is very simple (like one or two methods), you can accept closures instead of a protocol object:
class MyClass<T> {
var valueChanged: (MyClass<T>) -> Void
class Delegate {
func valueChanged(obj: MyClass<Int>) {
print("object changed")
let d = Delegate()
let x = MyClass<Int>()
x.valueChanged = d.valueChanged
You can extend the concept to a struct holding a bunch of closures:
class MyClass<T> {
var delegate: PseudoProtocol<T>
struct PseudoProtocol<T> {
var valueWillChange: (MyClass<T>) -> Bool
var valueDidChange: (MyClass<T>) -> Void
Be extra careful with memory management, though, because blocks have a strong reference to the object that they refer to. In contrast, delegates are typically weak references to avoid cycles.