Matlab crop a polygon from an image - matlab

I have an image of a product on a solid background that I would like to crop as close as possible to the product.
I brighten it and find the edges with the following code:
limits = stretchlim(original, 0.01);
img1 = imadjust(original, limits, []);
img = rgb2gray(img1);
BW = edge(img,'canny',0.2);
[B,L,N,A] = bwboundaries(BW);
figure; imshow(BW); hold on;
for k=1:length(B),
boundary = B{k};
plot(boundary(:,2),boundary(:,1),'r','LineWidth',2);hold on;
Which give me the following image:
The following code gives me rectangles on every blob/line detected:
blobMeasurements = regionprops(logical(BW), 'BoundingBox');
numberOfBlobs = size(blobMeasurements, 1);
rectCollection = [];
for k = 1 : numberOfBlobs % Loop through all blobs.
rects = blobMeasurements(k).BoundingBox; % Get list ofpixels in current blob.
x1 = rects(1);
y1 = rects(2);
x2 = x1 + rects(3);
y2 = y1 + rects(4);
x = [x1 x2 x2 x1 x1];
y = [y1 y1 y2 y2 y1];
rectCollection(k,:,:,:) = [x1; y1; x2; y2];
I'm able to then draw a bounding rectangle and crop with all these points collected with the following code:
% get min max
% define outer rect:
outer_rect=[xmin ymin xmax-xmin ymax-ymin];
crop = imcrop(original,outer_rect);
Which gives me the following result:
My question is how can I get a polygon as close as possible to the product and crop it with the polygon or, alternatively, just crop as close as possible to the product and its cap?

If you don't want to get a bounding box but a polygon, I think you need to generate a mask - a matrix with the same size of your image, value 1 if the pixel in on your object, 0 if not.
I heard about an algorithm (sorry I can't find the name, I'll edit this post if I find it) which works with a lasso :
step 0 : your lasso is your bounding box.
step i : segment the lasso and for each part, you retract it if the color (or any other) gradient in the image is less than a fixed value.
step n (last) : you cannot retract any part of the lasso, it is finished. Inside your lasso : your object. Outside : the background.
As I remember there is a lot of work with this method : the definition of the lasso, the retractation step, the solidity of your lasso (to avoid too much deformation of the lasso).
Beside the lasso method you can search about the watershed transform, it can also work with your problem.
Finally, if you generate the pictures, take shots with a plained background (green, pink, blue, etc) and use a simple chromakey.

Using active contours also looks like a good approach but getting a nice mask is troublesome.
original = imread('1.jpg');
level = graythresh(original);
img = rgb2gray(original);
mask = im2bw(img,level+0.1);
mask = imfill(~mask,'holes');
bw = activecontour(img,mask);
rows = numel(original(:,1,1));
columns = numel(original(1,:,1));
for i = 1:rows
for j = 1:columns
if ( bw(i,j,1) == 0 )
original(i,j,:) = 255;


Matlab: patch area between two curves which depend on the curves values

I'm trying to fill an area between two curves with respect to a function which depends on the values of the curves.
Here is the code of what I've managed to do so far
cc = #(xx,x,y) 1./(1+(exp(-xx)/(exp(-x)-exp(-y))));
n_vec = 2:0.1:10;
x_vec = linspace(2,10,length(n_vec));
y_vec = abs(sin(n_vec));
hold on
hp = patch(N,X,'b')
plot([n_vec(i) n_vec(i)],[x_vec(i),y_vec(i)],'linewidth',5)
xlabel('n'); ylabel('x')
xx = linspace(y_vec(i),x_vec(i),100);
xlabel('x'); ylabel('c(x)')
This code produces the following graph
The color code which I've added represent the color coding that each line (along the y axis at a point on the x axis) from the area between the two curves should be.
Overall, the entire area should be filled with a gradient color which depends on the values of the curves.
I've assisted the following previous questions but could not resolve a solution
MATLAB fill area between lines
Patch circle by a color gradient
Filling between two curves, according to a colormap given by a function MATLAB
NOTE: there is no importance to the functional form of the curves, I would prefer an answer which refers to two general arrays which consist the curves.
The surf plot method
The same as the scatter plot method, i.e. generate a point grid.
y = [x_vec(:); y_vec(:)];
resolution = [500,500];
px = linspace(min(n_vec), max(n_vec), resolution(1));
py = linspace(min(y), max(y), resolution(2));
[px, py] = meshgrid(px, py);
Generate a logical array indicating whether the points are inside the polygon, but no need to extract the points:
in = inpolygon(px, py, N, X);
Generate Z. The value of Z indicates the color to use for the surface plot. Hence, it is generated using the your function cc.
pz = 1./(1+(exp(-py_)/(exp(-y_vec(i))-exp(-x_vec(i)))));
pz = repmat(pz',1,resolution(2));
Set Z values for points outside the area of interest to NaN so MATLAB won't plot them.
pz(~in) = nan;
Generate a bounded colourmap (delete if you want to use full colour range)
% generate colormap
c = jet(100);
[s,l] = bounds(pz,'all');
s = round(s*100);
l = round(l*100);
if s ~= 0
c(1:s,:) = [];
if l ~= 100
c(l:100,:) = [];
Finally, plot.
view(2) % x-y view
Feel free to turn the image arround to see how it looks like in the Z-dimention - beautiful :)
Full code to test:
cc = #(xx,x,y) 1./(1+(exp(-xx)/(exp(-x)-exp(-y))));
n_vec = 2:0.1:10;
x_vec = linspace(2,10,length(n_vec));
y_vec = abs(sin(n_vec));
% generate grid
y = [x_vec(:); y_vec(:)];
resolution = [500,500];
px_ = linspace(min(n_vec), max(n_vec), resolution(1));
py_ = linspace(min(y), max(y), resolution(2));
[px, py] = meshgrid(px_, py_);
% extract points
in = inpolygon(px, py, N, X);
% generate z
pz = 1./(1+(exp(-py_)/(exp(-y_vec(i))-exp(-x_vec(i)))));
pz = repmat(pz',1,resolution(2));
pz(~in) = nan;
% generate colormap
c = jet(100);
[s,l] = bounds(pz,'all');
s = round(s*100);
l = round(l*100);
if s ~= 0
c(1:s,:) = [];
if l ~= 100
c(l:100,:) = [];
% plot
You can use imagesc and meshgrids. See comments in the code to understand what's going on.
Downsample your data
% your initial upper and lower boundaries
n_vec_long = linspace(2,10,1000000);
f_ub_vec_long = linspace(2, 10, length(n_vec_long));
f_lb_vec_long = abs(sin(n_vec_long));
% downsample
n_vec = linspace(n_vec_long(1), n_vec_long(end), 1000); % for example, only 1000 points
% get upper and lower boundary values for n_vec
f_ub_vec = interp1(n_vec_long, f_ub_vec_long, n_vec);
f_lb_vec = interp1(n_vec_long, f_lb_vec_long, n_vec);
% x_vec for the color function
x_vec = 0:0.01:10;
Plot the data
% create a 2D matrix with N and X position
[N, X] = meshgrid(n_vec, x_vec);
% evaluate the upper and lower boundary functions at n_vec
% can be any function at n you want (not tested for crossing boundaries though...)
f_ub_vec = linspace(2, 10, length(n_vec));
f_lb_vec = abs(sin(n_vec));
% make these row vectors into matrices, to create a boolean mask
F_UB = repmat(f_ub_vec, [size(N, 1) 1]);
F_LB = repmat(f_lb_vec, [size(N, 1) 1]);
% create a mask based on the upper and lower boundary functions
mask = true(size(N));
mask(X > F_UB | X < F_LB) = false;
% create data matrix
Z = NaN(size(N));
% create function that evaluates the color profile for each defined value
% in the vectors with the lower and upper bounds
zc = #(X, ub, lb) 1 ./ (1 + (exp(-X) ./ (exp(-ub) - exp(-lb))));
CData = zc(X, f_lb_vec, f_ub_vec); % create the c(x) at all X
% put the CData in Z, but only between the lower and upper bound.
Z(mask) = CData(mask);
% normalize Z along 1st dim
Z = normalize(Z, 1, 'range'); % get all values between 0 and 1 for colorbar
% draw a figure!
figure(1); clf;
ax = axes; % create some axes
sc = imagesc(ax, n_vec, x_vec, Z); % plot the data
ax.YDir = 'normal' % set the YDir to normal again, imagesc reverses it by default;
This already looks kinda like what you want, but let's get rid of the blue area outside the boundaries. This can be done by creating an 'alpha mask', i.e. set the alpha value for all pixels outside the previously defined mask to 0:
figure(2); clf;
ax = axes; % create some axes
hold on;
sc = imagesc(ax, n_vec, x_vec, Z); % plot the data
ax.YDir = 'normal' % set the YDir to normal again, imagesc reverses it by default;
% set a colormap
% set alpha for points outside mask
Calpha = ones(size(N));
Calpha(~mask) = 0;
sc.AlphaData = Calpha;
% plot the other lines
plot(n_vec, f_ub_vec, 'k', n_vec, f_lb_vec, 'k' ,'linewidth', 1)
% set axis limits
xlim([min(n_vec), max(n_vec)])
ylim([min(x_vec), max(x_vec)])
there is no importance to the functional form of the curves, I would prefer an answer which refers to two general arrays which consist the curves.
It is difficult to achieve this using patch.
However, you may use scatter plots to "fill" the area with coloured dots. Alternatively, and probably better, use surf plot and generate z coordinates using your cc function (See my seperate solution).
The scatter plot method
First, make a grid of points (resolution 500*500) inside the rectangular space bounding the two curves.
y = [x_vec(:); y_vec(:)];
resolution = [500,500];
px = linspace(min(n_vec), max(n_vec), resolution(1));
py = linspace(min(y), max(y), resolution(2));
[px, py] = meshgrid(px, py);
scatter(px(:), py(:), 1, 'r');
The not-interesting figure of the point grid:
Next, extract the points inside the polygon defined by the two curves.
in = inpolygon(px, py, N, X);
px = px(in);
py = py(in);
hold on;
scatter(px, py, 1, 'k');
Black points are inside the area:
Finally, create color and plot the nice looking gradient colour figure.
% create color for the points
cid = 1./(1+(exp(-py)/(exp(-y_vec(i))-exp(-x_vec(i)))));
c = jet(101);
c = c(round(cid*100)+1,:); % +1 to avoid zero indexing
% plot
scatter(px,py,16,c,'filled','s'); % use size 16, filled square markers.
Note that you may need a fairly dense grid of points to make sure the white background won't show up. You may also change the point size to a bigger value (won't impact performance).
Of cause, you may use patch to replace scatter but you will need to work out the vertices and face ids, then you may patch each faces separately with patch('Faces',F,'Vertices',V). Using patch this way may impact performance.
Complete code to test:
cc = #(xx,x,y) 1./(1+(exp(-xx)/(exp(-x)-exp(-y))));
n_vec = 2:0.1:10;
x_vec = linspace(2,10,length(n_vec));
y_vec = abs(sin(n_vec));
% generate point grid
y = [x_vec(:); y_vec(:)];
resolution = [500,500];
px_ = linspace(min(n_vec), max(n_vec), resolution(1));
py_ = linspace(min(y), max(y), resolution(2));
[px, py] = meshgrid(px_, py_);
% extract points
in = inpolygon(px, py, N, X);
px = px(in);
py = py(in);
% generate color
cid = 1./(1+(exp(-py)/(exp(-y_vec(i))-exp(-x_vec(i)))));
c = jet(101);
c = c(round(cid*100)+1,:); % +1 to avoid zero indexing
% plot

How can i render lineseries/contour/etc objects to array of pixel data?

I have an array of pixel data frames for use with VideoWriter. I want to overlay lineseries/contour objects into each frame. I don't want to make the movie by iteratively drawing each frame to a figure and capturing it with getframe, because that gives poor resolution and is slow. I tried using getframe on a plot of just the contour, but that returns images scaled to the wrong size with weird margins, especially when using 'axis equal,' which I need.
Updated to accommodate feedback from OP
Getting the contour data as pixel data is not trivial (if possible at all) since using getframe doesn't yield predictable results
What we can do is to extract the contour data and then overlay it on the pixel data frames, forcing them to be to the same scale and then do a getframe on the resultant merged image. This will at least ensure that they two data sets area aligned.
The following code shows the principle though you'd need to modify it for your own needs:
%% Generate some random contours to use
x = linspace(-2*pi,2*pi);
y = linspace(0,4*pi);
[X,Y] = meshgrid(x,y);
Z = sin(X)+cos(Y);
[~,h] = contour(X,Y,Z);
This yields the following contours
Now we get the handles of the children of this image. These will all be 'patch' type objects
patches = get(h,'Children');
Also get the axis limits for the contours
lims = axis;
Next, create a new figure and render the pixel frame data into it
In this example I'm just loading an image but you get the idea.
%% Render frame data
i = imread( some_image_file_png );
This image is actually 194 x 259 x 3. I can display it and rescale the X and Y axes using
%% Set image axes
image(flipdim(i,1),'XData',[lims(1) lims(2)],'YData',[lims(4) lims(3)]);
Note the use of flipdim() to vertically flip the image since the image Y-axis runs in the opposite sense to the contour Y axis. This gives me:
Now I can plot the contours (patches) form the contour plot over the top of the image in the same coordinate space
%% Plot patches
for p =1:length(patches)
xd = get( patches(p), 'XData' );
yd = get( patches(p), 'YData' );
% This causes all contours to be rendered in white. You may
% want to play with this a little
cd = zeros(size(xd));
patch( xd, yd, cd, 'EdgeColor', 'w');
This yields
You can now use getframe to extract the frame. If it's important to have coloured contours, you will need to extract colour data from the original contour map and use it to apply an appropriate colouring in the overlaid image.
As a short cut, it's also possible to compile all patch data into a single MxN matrix and render with a single call to patch but I wrote it this way to demonstrate the process.
Well, here's a Bresenham-esque solution based on the ContourMatrix. Not ideal cuz doesn't handle line width, antialiasing, or any more than a single color. But it's pretty efficient (not quite Bham efficient).
function renderContour
close all
x = randn(100,70);
[c,h] = contour(x,[0 0],'LineColor','r');
axis equal
if ~isnumeric(h.LineColor)
error('not handled')
cs = nan(size(c,2),4);
k = 0;
ci = 1;
for i = 1:size(c,2)
if k <= 0
k = c(2,i);
if k > 1
cs(ci,:) = reshape(c(:,i+[0 1]),[1 4]);
ci = ci + 1;
k = k - 1;
pix = renderLines(cs(1:ci-1,:),[1 1;fliplr(size(x))],10,h.LineColor);
axis equal
function out = renderLines(cs,rect,res,color)
% cs = [x1(:) y1(:) x2(:) y2(:)]
% rect = [x(1) y(1);x(2) y(2)]
% doesnt handle line width, antialiasing, etc
% could do those with imdilate, imfilter, etc.
test = false;
if test
if false
cs = [0 0 5 5; 0 5 2.5 2.5];
rect = [0 0; 10 10];
cs = 100 * randn(1000,4);
rect = 200 * randn(2);
res = 10;
color = [1 .5 0];
out = nan(abs(res * round(diff(fliplr(rect)))));
cs = cs - repmat(min(rect),[size(cs,1) 2]);
d = [cs(:,1) - cs(:,3) cs(:,2) - cs(:,4)];
lens = sqrt(sum(d.^2,2));
for i = 1:size(cs,1)
n = ceil(sqrt(2) * res * lens(i));
if false % equivalent but probably less efficient
pts = linspace(0,1,n);
pts = round(res * (repmat(cs(i,1:2),[length(pts) 1]) - pts' * d(i,:)));
pts = round(res * [linspace(cs(i,1),cs(i,3),n);linspace(cs(i,2),cs(i,4),n)]');
pts = pts(all(pts > 0 & pts <= repmat(fliplr(size(out)),[size(pts,1) 1]),2),:);
out(sub2ind(size(out),pts(:,2),pts(:,1))) = 1;
out = repmat(flipud(out),[1 1 3]) .* repmat(permute(color,[3 1 2]),size(out));
if test
axis equal

How to draw a filled circle on a video frame using matlab

I have an "inverted-pendulum" video which I try to find the mid point of moving part. I am using Computer Vision Toolbox
I change the mid point's color using detected coordinates. Assume that X is the frame's row number for the detected mid point and the Y is the col number.
while ~isDone(hVideoFileReader)
frame = step(hVideoFileReader);
frame(X-3:X+3, Y-3:Y+3, 1) = 1; % # R=1 make the defined region red
frame(X-3:X+3, Y-3:Y+3, 2) = 0; % # G=0
frame(X-3:X+3, Y-3:Y+3, 3) = 0; % # B=0
step(hVideoPlayer, frame);
Then I easily have a red square. But I want to add a red filled circle on the detected point, instead of a square. How can I do that?
You can use the insertShape function. Example:
img = imread('peppers.png');
img = insertShape(img, 'FilledCircle', [150 280 35], ...
'LineWidth',5, 'Color','blue');
The position parameter is specified as [x y radius]
Here is an alternative where we manually draw the circular shape (with transparency):
% some RGB image
img = imread('peppers.png');
[imgH,imgW,~] = size(img);
% circle parameters
r = 35; % radius
c = [150 280]; % center
t = linspace(0, 2*pi, 50); % approximate circle with 50 points
% create a circular mask
BW = poly2mask(r*cos(t)+c(1), r*sin(t)+c(2), imgH, imgW);
% overlay filled circular shape by using the mask
% to fill the image with the desired color (for all three channels R,G,B)
clr = [0 0 255]; % blue color
a = 0.5; % blending factor
z = false(size(BW));
mask = cat(3,BW,z,z); img(mask) = a*clr(1) + (1-a)*img(mask);
mask = cat(3,z,BW,z); img(mask) = a*clr(2) + (1-a)*img(mask);
mask = cat(3,z,z,BW); img(mask) = a*clr(3) + (1-a)*img(mask);
% show result
I'm using the poly2mask function from Image Processing Toolbox to create the circle mask (idea from this post). If you don't have access to this function, here is an alternative:
[X,Y] = ndgrid((1:imgH)-c(2), (1:imgW)-c(1));
BW = (X.^2 + Y.^2) < r^2;
That way you get a solution using core MATLAB functions only (no toolboxes!)
If you have an older version of MATLAB with the Computer Vision System Toolbox installed, you can use vision.ShapeInserter system object.
Thanks #Dima, I have created a shapeInserter object.
greenColor = uint8([0 255 0]);
hFilledCircle = vision.ShapeInserter('Shape','Circles',...
'CustomBorderColor', greenColor ,...
'Fill', true, ...
'FillColor', 'Custom',...
'CustomFillColor', greenColor );
fc = int32([Y X 7;]);
frame = step(hFilledCircle, frame, fc);
I then applied it to detected point.

Code efficiency, Rotating image without imrotate [duplicate]

I am trying to rotate an image with Matlab without using imrotate function. I actually made it by using transformation matrix.But it is not good enough.The problem is, the rotated image is "sliding".Let me tell you with pictures.
This is my image which I want to rotate:
But when I rotate it ,for example 45 degrees, it becomes this:
I am asking why this is happening.Here is my code,is there any mathematical or programming mistakes about it?
%image padding
[Rows, Cols] = size(image);
Diagonal = sqrt(Rows^2 + Cols^2);
RowPad = ceil(Diagonal - Rows) + 2;
ColPad = ceil(Diagonal - Cols) + 2;
imagepad = zeros(Rows+RowPad, Cols+ColPad);
imagepad(ceil(RowPad/2):(ceil(RowPad/2)+Rows-1),ceil(ColPad/2):(ceil(ColPad/2)+Cols-1)) = image;
for i=1:size(imagepad,1)
for j=1:size(imagepad,2)
if (x>=1 && y>=1)
imagerot(x,y)=imagepad(i,j); % k degrees rotated image
The reason you have holes in your image is because you are computing the location in imagerot of each pixel in imagepad. You need to do the computation the other way around. That is, for each pixel in imagerot interpolate in imagepad. To do this, you just need to apply the inverse transform, which in the case of a rotation matrix is just the transpose of the matrix (just change the sign on each sin and translate the other way).
Loop over pixels in imagerot:
imagerot=zeros(size(imagepad)); % midx and midy same for both
for i=1:size(imagerot,1)
for j=1:size(imagerot,2)
x= (i-midx)*cos(rads)+(j-midy)*sin(rads);
if (x>=1 && y>=1 && x<=size(imagepad,2) && y<=size(imagepad,1))
imagerot(i,j)=imagepad(x,y); % k degrees rotated image
Also note that your midx and midy need to be calculated with size(imagepad,2) and size(imagepad,1) respectively, since the first dimension refers to the number of rows (height) and the second to width.
NOTE: The same approach applies when you decide to adopt an interpolation scheme other than nearest neighbor, as in Rody's example with linear interpolation.
EDIT: I'm assuming you are using a loop for demonstrative purposes, but in practice there is no need for loops. Here's an example of nearest neighbor interpolation (what you are using), keeping the same size image, but you can modify this to produce a larger image that includes the whole source image:
imagepad = imread('peppers.png');
[nrows ncols nslices] = size(imagepad);
Mr = [cos(pi/4) sin(pi/4); -sin(pi/4) cos(pi/4)]; % e.g. 45 degree rotation
% rotate about center
[X Y] = meshgrid(1:ncols,1:nrows);
XYt = [X(:)-midx Y(:)-midy]*Mr;
XYt = bsxfun(#plus,XYt,[midx midy]);
xout = round(XYt(:,1)); yout = round(XYt(:,2)); % nearest neighbor!
outbound = yout<1 | yout>nrows | xout<1 | xout>ncols;
zout=repmat(cat(3,1,2,3),nrows,ncols,1); zout=zout(:);
xout(xout<1) = 1; xout(xout>ncols) = ncols;
yout(yout<1) = 1; yout(yout>nrows) = nrows;
xout = repmat(xout,[3 1]); yout = repmat(yout,[3 1]);
imagerot = imagepad(sub2ind(size(imagepad),yout,xout,zout(:))); % lookup
imagerot = reshape(imagerot,size(imagepad));
imagerot(repmat(outbound,[1 1 3])) = 0; % set background value to [0 0 0] (black)
To modify the above to linear interpolation, compute the 4 neighboring pixels to each coordinate in XYt and perform a weighted sum using the fractional components product as the weights. I'll leave that as an exercise, since it would only serve to bloat my answer further beyond the scope of your question. :)
The method you are using (rotate by sampling) is the fastest and simplest, but also the least accurate.
Rotation by area mapping, as given below (this is a good reference), is much better at preserving color.
But: note that this will only work on greyscale/RGB images, but NOT on colormapped images like the one you seem to be using.
image = imread('peppers.png');
figure(1), clf, hold on
degree = 45;
switch mod(degree, 360)
% Special cases
case 0
imagerot = image;
case 90
imagerot = rot90(image);
case 180
imagerot = image(end:-1:1, end:-1:1);
case 270
imagerot = rot90(image(end:-1:1, end:-1:1));
% General rotations
% Convert to radians and create transformation matrix
a = degree*pi/180;
R = [+cos(a) +sin(a); -sin(a) +cos(a)];
% Figure out the size of the transformed image
[m,n,p] = size(image);
dest = round( [1 1; 1 n; m 1; m n]*R );
dest = bsxfun(#minus, dest, min(dest)) + 1;
imagerot = zeros([max(dest) p],class(image));
% Map all pixels of the transformed image to the original image
for ii = 1:size(imagerot,1)
for jj = 1:size(imagerot,2)
source = ([ii jj]-dest(1,:))*R.';
if all(source >= 1) && all(source <= [m n])
% Get all 4 surrounding pixels
C = ceil(source);
F = floor(source);
% Compute the relative areas
A = [...
% Extract colors and re-scale them relative to area
cols = bsxfun(#times, A, double(image(F(1):C(1),F(2):C(2),:)));
% Assign
imagerot(ii,jj,:) = sum(sum(cols),2);
Rotates colored image according to angle given by user without any cropping of image in matlab.
Output of this program is similar to output of inbuilt command "imrotate" .This program dynamically creates background according to angle input given by user.By using rotation matrix and origin shifting, we get relation between coordinates of initial and final image.Using relation between coordinates of initial and final image, we now map the intensity values for each pixel.
[rowsi,colsi,z]= size(img);
%calculating array dimesions such that rotated image gets fit in it exactly.
% we are using absolute so that we get positve value in any case ie.,any quadrant.
% define an array withcalculated dimensionsand fill the array with zeros ie.,black
C=uint8(zeros([rowsf colsf 3 ]));
%calculating center of original and final image
% in this loop we calculate corresponding coordinates of pixel of A
% for each pixel of C, and its intensity will be assigned after checking
% weather it lie in the bound of A (original image)
for i=1:size(C,1)
for j=1:size(C,2)
x= (i-midx)*cos(rads)+(j-midy)*sin(rads);
y= -(i-midx)*sin(rads)+(j-midy)*cos(rads);
if (x>=1 && y>=1 && x<=size(img,1) && y<=size(img,2) )
Check this out.
this is fastest way that you can do.
img = imread('Koala.jpg');
theta = pi/10;
rmat = [
cos(theta) sin(theta) 0
-sin(theta) cos(theta) 0
0 0 1];
mx = size(img,2);
my = size(img,1);
corners = [
0 0 1
mx 0 1
0 my 1
mx my 1];
new_c = corners*rmat;
T = maketform('affine', rmat); %# represents translation
img2 = imtransform(img, T, ...
'XData',[min(new_c(:,1)) max(new_c(:,1))],...
'YData',[min(new_c(:,2)) max(new_c(:,2))]);
subplot(121), imshow(img);
subplot(122), imshow(img2);

Image rotation by Matlab without using imrotate

I am trying to rotate an image with Matlab without using imrotate function. I actually made it by using transformation matrix.But it is not good enough.The problem is, the rotated image is "sliding".Let me tell you with pictures.
This is my image which I want to rotate:
But when I rotate it ,for example 45 degrees, it becomes this:
I am asking why this is happening.Here is my code,is there any mathematical or programming mistakes about it?
%image padding
[Rows, Cols] = size(image);
Diagonal = sqrt(Rows^2 + Cols^2);
RowPad = ceil(Diagonal - Rows) + 2;
ColPad = ceil(Diagonal - Cols) + 2;
imagepad = zeros(Rows+RowPad, Cols+ColPad);
imagepad(ceil(RowPad/2):(ceil(RowPad/2)+Rows-1),ceil(ColPad/2):(ceil(ColPad/2)+Cols-1)) = image;
for i=1:size(imagepad,1)
for j=1:size(imagepad,2)
if (x>=1 && y>=1)
imagerot(x,y)=imagepad(i,j); % k degrees rotated image
The reason you have holes in your image is because you are computing the location in imagerot of each pixel in imagepad. You need to do the computation the other way around. That is, for each pixel in imagerot interpolate in imagepad. To do this, you just need to apply the inverse transform, which in the case of a rotation matrix is just the transpose of the matrix (just change the sign on each sin and translate the other way).
Loop over pixels in imagerot:
imagerot=zeros(size(imagepad)); % midx and midy same for both
for i=1:size(imagerot,1)
for j=1:size(imagerot,2)
x= (i-midx)*cos(rads)+(j-midy)*sin(rads);
if (x>=1 && y>=1 && x<=size(imagepad,2) && y<=size(imagepad,1))
imagerot(i,j)=imagepad(x,y); % k degrees rotated image
Also note that your midx and midy need to be calculated with size(imagepad,2) and size(imagepad,1) respectively, since the first dimension refers to the number of rows (height) and the second to width.
NOTE: The same approach applies when you decide to adopt an interpolation scheme other than nearest neighbor, as in Rody's example with linear interpolation.
EDIT: I'm assuming you are using a loop for demonstrative purposes, but in practice there is no need for loops. Here's an example of nearest neighbor interpolation (what you are using), keeping the same size image, but you can modify this to produce a larger image that includes the whole source image:
imagepad = imread('peppers.png');
[nrows ncols nslices] = size(imagepad);
Mr = [cos(pi/4) sin(pi/4); -sin(pi/4) cos(pi/4)]; % e.g. 45 degree rotation
% rotate about center
[X Y] = meshgrid(1:ncols,1:nrows);
XYt = [X(:)-midx Y(:)-midy]*Mr;
XYt = bsxfun(#plus,XYt,[midx midy]);
xout = round(XYt(:,1)); yout = round(XYt(:,2)); % nearest neighbor!
outbound = yout<1 | yout>nrows | xout<1 | xout>ncols;
zout=repmat(cat(3,1,2,3),nrows,ncols,1); zout=zout(:);
xout(xout<1) = 1; xout(xout>ncols) = ncols;
yout(yout<1) = 1; yout(yout>nrows) = nrows;
xout = repmat(xout,[3 1]); yout = repmat(yout,[3 1]);
imagerot = imagepad(sub2ind(size(imagepad),yout,xout,zout(:))); % lookup
imagerot = reshape(imagerot,size(imagepad));
imagerot(repmat(outbound,[1 1 3])) = 0; % set background value to [0 0 0] (black)
To modify the above to linear interpolation, compute the 4 neighboring pixels to each coordinate in XYt and perform a weighted sum using the fractional components product as the weights. I'll leave that as an exercise, since it would only serve to bloat my answer further beyond the scope of your question. :)
The method you are using (rotate by sampling) is the fastest and simplest, but also the least accurate.
Rotation by area mapping, as given below (this is a good reference), is much better at preserving color.
But: note that this will only work on greyscale/RGB images, but NOT on colormapped images like the one you seem to be using.
image = imread('peppers.png');
figure(1), clf, hold on
degree = 45;
switch mod(degree, 360)
% Special cases
case 0
imagerot = image;
case 90
imagerot = rot90(image);
case 180
imagerot = image(end:-1:1, end:-1:1);
case 270
imagerot = rot90(image(end:-1:1, end:-1:1));
% General rotations
% Convert to radians and create transformation matrix
a = degree*pi/180;
R = [+cos(a) +sin(a); -sin(a) +cos(a)];
% Figure out the size of the transformed image
[m,n,p] = size(image);
dest = round( [1 1; 1 n; m 1; m n]*R );
dest = bsxfun(#minus, dest, min(dest)) + 1;
imagerot = zeros([max(dest) p],class(image));
% Map all pixels of the transformed image to the original image
for ii = 1:size(imagerot,1)
for jj = 1:size(imagerot,2)
source = ([ii jj]-dest(1,:))*R.';
if all(source >= 1) && all(source <= [m n])
% Get all 4 surrounding pixels
C = ceil(source);
F = floor(source);
% Compute the relative areas
A = [...
% Extract colors and re-scale them relative to area
cols = bsxfun(#times, A, double(image(F(1):C(1),F(2):C(2),:)));
% Assign
imagerot(ii,jj,:) = sum(sum(cols),2);
Rotates colored image according to angle given by user without any cropping of image in matlab.
Output of this program is similar to output of inbuilt command "imrotate" .This program dynamically creates background according to angle input given by user.By using rotation matrix and origin shifting, we get relation between coordinates of initial and final image.Using relation between coordinates of initial and final image, we now map the intensity values for each pixel.
[rowsi,colsi,z]= size(img);
%calculating array dimesions such that rotated image gets fit in it exactly.
% we are using absolute so that we get positve value in any case ie.,any quadrant.
% define an array withcalculated dimensionsand fill the array with zeros ie.,black
C=uint8(zeros([rowsf colsf 3 ]));
%calculating center of original and final image
% in this loop we calculate corresponding coordinates of pixel of A
% for each pixel of C, and its intensity will be assigned after checking
% weather it lie in the bound of A (original image)
for i=1:size(C,1)
for j=1:size(C,2)
x= (i-midx)*cos(rads)+(j-midy)*sin(rads);
y= -(i-midx)*sin(rads)+(j-midy)*cos(rads);
if (x>=1 && y>=1 && x<=size(img,1) && y<=size(img,2) )
Check this out.
this is fastest way that you can do.
img = imread('Koala.jpg');
theta = pi/10;
rmat = [
cos(theta) sin(theta) 0
-sin(theta) cos(theta) 0
0 0 1];
mx = size(img,2);
my = size(img,1);
corners = [
0 0 1
mx 0 1
0 my 1
mx my 1];
new_c = corners*rmat;
T = maketform('affine', rmat); %# represents translation
img2 = imtransform(img, T, ...
'XData',[min(new_c(:,1)) max(new_c(:,1))],...
'YData',[min(new_c(:,2)) max(new_c(:,2))]);
subplot(121), imshow(img);
subplot(122), imshow(img2);