matlab/octave - Generalized matrix multiplication - matlab

I would like to do a function to generalize matrix multiplication. Basically, it should be able to do the standard matrix multiplication, but it should allow to change the two binary operators product/sum by any other function.
The goal is to be as efficient as possible, both in terms of CPU and memory. Of course, it will always be less efficient than A*B, but the operators flexibility is the point here.
Here are a few commands I could come up after reading various interesting threads:
A = randi(10, 2, 3);
B = randi(10, 3, 4);
% 1st method
C = sum(bsxfun(#mtimes, permute(A,[1 3 2]),permute(B,[3 2 1])), 3)
% Alternative: C = bsxfun(#(a,b) mtimes(a',b), A', permute(B, [1 3 2]))
% 2nd method
C = sum(bsxfun(#(a,b) a*b, permute(A,[1 3 2]),permute(B,[3 2 1])), 3)
% 3rd method (Octave-only)
C = sum(permute(A, [1 3 2]) .* permute(B, [3 2 1]), 3)
% 4th method (Octave-only): multiply nxm A with nx1xd B to create a nxmxd array
C = bsxfun(#(a, b) sum(times(a,b)), A', permute(B, [1 3 2]));
C = C2 = squeeze(C(1,:,:)); % sum and turn into mxd
The problem with methods 1-3 are that they will generate n matrices before collapsing them using sum(). 4 is better because it does the sum() inside the bsxfun, but bsxfun still generates n matrices (except that they are mostly empty, containing only a vector of non-zeros values being the sums, the rest is filled with 0 to match the dimensions requirement).
What I would like is something like the 4th method but without the useless 0 to spare memory.
Any idea?

Here is a slightly more polished version of the solution you posted, with some small improvements.
We check if we have more rows than columns or the other way around, and then do the multiplication accordingly by choosing either to multiply rows with matrices or matrices with columns (thus doing the least amount of loop iterations).
Note: This may not always be the best strategy (going by rows instead of by columns) even if there are less rows than columns; the fact that MATLAB arrays are stored in a column-major order in memory makes it more efficient to slice by columns, as the elements are stored consecutively. Whereas accessing rows involves traversing elements by strides (which is not cache-friendly -- think spatial locality).
Other than that, the code should handle double/single, real/complex, full/sparse (and errors where it is not a possible combination). It also respects empty matrices and zero-dimensions.
function C = my_mtimes(A, B, outFcn, inFcn)
% default arguments
if nargin < 4, inFcn = #times; end
if nargin < 3, outFcn = #sum; end
% check valid input
assert(ismatrix(A) && ismatrix(B), 'Inputs must be 2D matrices.');
assert(isequal(size(A,2),size(B,1)),'Inner matrix dimensions must agree.');
assert(isa(inFcn,'function_handle') && isa(outFcn,'function_handle'), ...
'Expecting function handles.')
% preallocate output matrix
M = size(A,1);
N = size(B,2);
if issparse(A)
args = {'like',A};
elseif issparse(B)
args = {'like',B};
args = {superiorfloat(A,B)};
C = zeros(M,N, args{:});
% compute matrix multiplication
if M < N
% concatenation of products of row vectors with matrices
% A*B = [a_1*B ; a_2*B ; ... ; a_m*B]
for m=1:M
%C(m,:) = A(m,:) * B;
%C(m,:) = sum(bsxfun(#times, A(m,:)', B), 1);
C(m,:) = outFcn(bsxfun(inFcn, A(m,:)', B), 1);
% concatenation of products of matrices with column vectors
% A*B = [A*b_1 , A*b_2 , ... , A*b_n]
for n=1:N
%C(:,n) = A * B(:,n);
%C(:,n) = sum(bsxfun(#times, A, B(:,n)'), 2);
C(:,n) = outFcn(bsxfun(inFcn, A, B(:,n)'), 2);
The function is no doubt slower throughout, but for larger sizes it is orders of magnitude worse than the built-in matrix-multiplication:
(tic/toc times in seconds)
(tested in R2014a on Windows 8)
size mtimes my_mtimes
____ __________ _________
400 0.0026398 0.20282
600 0.012039 0.68471
800 0.014571 1.6922
1000 0.026645 3.5107
2000 0.20204 28.76
4000 1.5578 221.51
Here is the test code:
sz = [10:10:100 200:200:1000 2000 4000];
t = zeros(numel(sz),2);
for i=1:numel(sz)
n = sz(i); disp(n)
A = rand(n,n);
B = rand(n,n);
C = A*B;
t(i,1) = toc;
D = my_mtimes(A,B);
t(i,2) = toc;
assert(norm(C-D) < 1e-6)
clear A B C D
semilogy(sz, t*1000, '.-')
legend({'mtimes','my_mtimes'}, 'Interpreter','none', 'Location','NorthWest')
xlabel('Size N'), ylabel('Time [msec]'), title('Matrix Multiplication')
axis tight
For completeness, below are two more naive ways to implement the generalized matrix multiplication (if you want to compare the performance, replace the last part of the my_mtimes function with either of these). I'm not even gonna bother posting their elapsed times :)
C = zeros(M,N, args{:});
for m=1:M
for n=1:N
%C(m,n) = A(m,:) * B(:,n);
%C(m,n) = sum(bsxfun(#times, A(m,:)', B(:,n)));
C(m,n) = outFcn(bsxfun(inFcn, A(m,:)', B(:,n)));
And another way (with a triple-loop):
C = zeros(M,N, args{:});
P = size(A,2); % = size(B,1);
for m=1:M
for n=1:N
for p=1:P
%C(m,n) = C(m,n) + A(m,p)*B(p,n);
%C(m,n) = plus(C(m,n), times(A(m,p),B(p,n)));
C(m,n) = outFcn([C(m,n) inFcn(A(m,p),B(p,n))]);
What to try next?
If you want to squeeze out more performance, you're gonna have to move to a C/C++ MEX-file to cut down on the overhead of interpreted MATLAB code. You can still take advantage of optimized BLAS/LAPACK routines by calling them from MEX-files (see the second part of this post for an example). MATLAB ships with Intel MKL library which frankly you cannot beat when it comes to linear algebra computations on Intel processors.
Others have already mentioned a couple of submissions on the File Exchange that implement general-purpose matrix routines as MEX-files (see #natan's answer). Those are especially effective if you link them against an optimized BLAS library.

Why not just exploit bsxfun's ability to accept an arbitrary function?
C = shiftdim(feval(f, (bsxfun(g, A.', permute(B,[1 3 2])))), 1);
f is the outer function (corrresponding to sum in the matrix-multiplication case). It should accept a 3D array of arbitrary size mxnxp and operate along its columns to return a 1xmxp array.
g is the inner function (corresponding to product in the matrix-multiplication case). As per bsxfun, it should accept as input either two column vectors of the same size, or one column vector and one scalar, and return as output a column vector of the same size as the input(s).
This works in Matlab. I haven't tested in Octave.
Example 1: Matrix-multiplication:
>> f = #sum; %// outer function: sum
>> g = #times; %// inner function: product
>> A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6];
>> B = [10 11; -12 -13; 14 15];
>> C = shiftdim(feval(f, (bsxfun(g, A.', permute(B,[1 3 2])))), 1)
C =
28 30
64 69
>> A*B
ans =
28 30
64 69
Example 2: Consider the above two matrices with
>> f = #(x,y) sum(abs(x)); %// outer function: sum of absolute values
>> g = #(x,y) max(x./y, y./x); %// inner function: "symmetric" ratio
>> C = shiftdim(feval(f, (bsxfun(g, A.', permute(B,[1 3 2])))), 1)
C =
14.8333 16.1538
5.2500 5.6346
Check: manually compute C(1,2):
>> sum(abs( max( (A(1,:))./(B(:,2)).', (B(:,2)).'./(A(1,:)) ) ))
ans =

Without diving into the details, there are tools such as mtimesx and MMX that are fast general purpose matrix and scalar operations routines. You can look into their code and adapt them to your needs.
It would most likely be faster than matlab's bsxfun.

After examination of several processing functions like bsxfun, it seems it won't be possible to do a direct matrix multiplication using these (what I mean by direct is that the temporary products are not stored in memory but summed ASAP and then other sum-products are processed), because they have a fixed size output (either the same as input, either with bsxfun singleton expansion the cartesian product of dimensions of the two inputs). It's however possible to trick Octave a bit (which does not work with MatLab who checks the output dimensions):
C = bsxfun(#(a,b) sum(bsxfun(#times, a, B))', A', sparse(1, size(A,1)))
C = bsxfun(#(a,b) sum(bsxfun(#times, a, B))', A', zeros(1, size(A,1), 2))(:,:,2)
However do not use them because the outputted values are not reliable (Octave can mangle or even delete them and return 0!).
So for now on I am just implementing a semi-vectorized version, here's my function:
function C = genmtimes(A, B, outop, inop)
% C = genmtimes(A, B, inop, outop)
% Generalized matrix multiplication between A and B. By default, standard sum-of-products matrix multiplication is operated, but you can change the two operators (inop being the element-wise product and outop the sum).
% Speed note: about 100-200x slower than A*A' and about 3x slower when A is sparse, so use this function only if you want to use a different set of inop/outop than the standard matrix multiplication.
if ~exist('inop', 'var')
inop = #times;
if ~exist('outop', 'var')
outop = #sum;
[n, m] = size(A);
[m2, o] = size(B);
if m2 ~= m
error('nonconformant arguments (op1 is %ix%i, op2 is %ix%i)\n', n, m, m2, o);
C = [];
if issparse(A) || issparse(B)
C = sparse(o,n);
C = zeros(o,n);
A = A';
for i=1:n
C(:,i) = outop(bsxfun(inop, A(:,i), B))';
C = C';
Tested with both sparse and normal matrices: the performance gap is a lot less with sparse matrices (3x slower) than with normal matrices (~100x slower).
I think this is slower than bsxfun implementations, but at least it doesn't overflow memory:
A = randi(10, 1000);
C = genmtimes(A, A');
If anyone has any better to offer, I'm still looking for a better alternative!


Get binomial coefficients

In an attempt to vectorize a particular piece of Matlab code, I could not find a straightforward function to generate a list of the binomial coefficients. The best I could find was nchoosek, but for some inexplicable reason this function only accepts integers (not vectors of integers). My current solution looks like this:
mybinom = #(n) arrayfun(#nchoosek, n*ones(1,n), 1:n)
This generates the set of binomial coefficients for a given value of n. However, since the binomial coefficients are always symmetric, I know that I am doing twice as much work as necessary. I'm sure that I could create a solution that exploits the symmetry, but I'm sure that it would be at the expense of readability.
Is there a more elegant solution than this, perhaps using a Matlab function that I am not aware of? Note that I am not interested in using the symbolic toolbox.
If you want to minimize operations you can go along these lines:
n = 6;
k = 1:n;
result = [1 cumprod((n-k+1)./k)]
>> result
result =
1 6 15 20 15 6 1
This requires very few operations per coefficient, because each cofficient is obtained exploiting the previously computed one.
You can reduce the number of operations by approximately half if you take into account the symmetry:
m1 = floor(n/2);
m2 = ceil(n/2);
k = 1:m2;
result = [1 cumprod((n-k+1)./k)];
result(n+1:-1:m1+2) = result(1:m2);
What about a modified version of Luis Mendo's solution - but in logarithms:
n = 1e4;
m1 = floor(n/2);
m2 = ceil(n/2);
k = 1:m2;
% Attempt to compute real value
out0 = [1 cumprod((n-k+1)./k)];
out0(n+1:-1:m1+2) = out0(1:m2);
% In logarithms
out1 = [0 cumsum((log(n-k+1)) - log(k))];
out1(n+1:-1:m1+2) = out1(1:m2);
plot(log(out0) - out1, 'o-')
The advantage of working with logarithms is that you can set n = 1e4; and still obtain a good approximation of the real value (nchoosek(1e4, 5e3) returns Inf and this is not a good approximation at all!).
EDIT following horchler's comment
You can use the gammaln function to obtain the same result but it's not faster. The two approximations seem to be quite different:
n = 1e7;
m1 = floor(n/2);
m2 = ceil(n/2);
k = 1:m2;
% In logarithms
out1 = [0 cumsum((log(n-k+1)) - log(k))];
out1(n+1:-1:m1+2) = out1(1:m2);
% Elapsed time is 0.912649 seconds.
k = 0:m2;
out2 = gammaln(n + 1) - gammaln(k + 1) - gammaln(n - k + 1);
out2(n+1:-1:m1+2) = out2(1:m2);
% Elapsed time is 1.020188 seconds.
tmp = out2 - out1;
plot(tmp, '.')
prctile(tmp, [0 2.5 25 50 75 97.5 100])
% 1.0e-006 *
% -0.2217 -0.1462 -0.0373 0.0363 0.1225 0.2943 0.3846
Is adding three gammaln worse than adding n logarithms? Or viceversa?
This works for Octave only
You can use bincoeff function.
Example: bincoeff(5, 0:5)
Only improvement I can think of goes like this. Maybe you already thought this trivial solution and didn't like it.
# Calculate only the first half
mybinomhalf = #(n) arrayfun(#nchoosek, n*ones(1,n/2+1), 0:n/2)
# pad your array symmetrically
mybinom = #(n) padarray(mybinomhalf(n), [0 n/2], 'symmetric', 'post')
# I couldn't test it and this line may not work

Can I do the following fast in Matlab?

I have three matrices in Matlab, A which is n x m, B which is p x m and C which is r x n.
Say we initialize some matrices using:
A = rand(3,4);
B = rand(2,3);
C = rand(5,4);
The following two are equivalent:
>> s=0;
>> for i=1:3
for j=1:4
s = s + A(i,j)*B(:,i)*C(:,j)';
>> s
s =
2.6823 2.2440 3.5056 2.0856 2.1551
2.0656 1.7310 2.6550 1.5767 1.6457
>> B*A*C'
ans =
2.6823 2.2440 3.5056 2.0856 2.1551
2.0656 1.7310 2.6550 1.5767 1.6457
The latter being much more efficient.
I can't find any efficient version for the following variant of the loop:
for i=1:3
for j=1:4
x = A(i,j)*B(:,i)*C(:,j)';
s = s + x/sum(sum(x));
Here, the matrices being added are normalized by the sum of their values after each step.
Any ideas how to make this efficient like the matrix multiplication above? I thought maybe accumarray could help, but not sure how.
You can do it efficiently with bsxfun:
aux1 = bsxfun(#times, permute(B,[1 3 2]), permute(C,[3 1 4 2]));
aux2 = sum(sum(aux1,1),2);
s = sum(sum(bsxfun(#rdivide, aux1, aux2),3),4);
Note that, because of the normalization, the result is independent of A, assuming it doesn't contain any zero entries (if it does the result is undefined).

special add in matlab [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to Add a row vector to a column vector like matrix multiplication
I have a nx1 vector and a 1xn vector. I want to add them in a special manner like matrix multiplication in an efficient manner (vectorized):
A=[1 2 3]'
B=[4 5 6]
A \odd_add B =
[1+4 1+5 1+6
2+4 2+5 2+6
3+4 3+5 3+6
I have used bsxfun in MATLAB, but I think it is slow. Please help me...
As mentioned by #b3. this would be an appropriate place to use repmat. However in general, and especially if you are dealing with very large matrices, bsxfun normally makes a better substitute. In this case:
>> bsxfun(#plus, [1,2,3]', [4,5,6])
returns the same result, using about a third the memory in the large-matrix limit.
bsxfun basically applies the function in the first argument to every combination of items in the second and third arguments, placing the results in a matrix according to the shape of the input vectors.
I present a comparison of the different methods mentioned here. I am using the TIMEIT function to get robust estimates (takes care of warming up the code, average timing on multiple runs, ..):
function testBSXFUN(N)
%# data
if nargin < 1
N = 500; %# N = 10, 100, 1000, 10000
A = (1:N)';
B = (1:N);
%# functions
f1 = #() funcRepmat(A,B);
f2 = #() funcTonyTrick(A,B);
f3 = #() funcBsxfun(A,B);
%# timeit
t(1) = timeit( f1 );
t(2) = timeit( f2 );
t(3) = timeit( f3 );
%# time results
fprintf('N = %d\n', N);
fprintf('REPMAT: %f, TONY_TRICK: %f, BSXFUN: %f\n', t);
%# validation
v{1} = f1();
v{2} = f2();
v{3} = f3();
assert( isequal(v{:}) )
function C = funcRepmat(A,B)
N = numel(A);
C = repmat(A,1,N) + repmat(B,N,1);
function C = funcTonyTrick(A,B)
N = numel(A);
C = A(:,ones(N,1)) + B(ones(N,1),:);
function C = funcBsxfun(A,B)
C = bsxfun(#plus, A, B);
The timings:
>> for N=[10 100 1000 5000], testBSXFUN(N); end
N = 10
REPMAT: 0.000065, TONY_TRICK: 0.000013, BSXFUN: 0.000031
N = 100
REPMAT: 0.000120, TONY_TRICK: 0.000065, BSXFUN: 0.000085
N = 1000
REPMAT: 0.032988, TONY_TRICK: 0.032947, BSXFUN: 0.010185
N = 5000
REPMAT: 0.810218, TONY_TRICK: 0.824297, BSXFUN: 0.258774
BSXFUN is a clear winner.
In matlab vectorization, there is no substitute for Tony's Trick in terms of speed in comparison to repmat or any other built in Matlab function for that matter. I am sure that the following code must be fastest for your purpose.
>> A = [1 2 3]';
>> B = [4 5 6];
>> AB_sum = A(:,ones(3,1)) + B(ones(3,1),:);
The speed differential will be much more apparent (at LEAST an order of magnitude) for larger size of A and B. See this test I conducted some time ago to ascertain the superiority of Tony's Trick over repmatin terms of time consumption.
REPMAT is your friend:
>> A = [1 2 3]';
>> B = [4 5 6];
>> AplusB = repmat(A, 1, 3) + repmat(B, 3, 1)
AplusB =
5 6 7
6 7 8
7 8 9

Vectorizing sums of different diagonals in a matrix

I want to vectorize the following MATLAB code. I think it must be simple but I'm finding it confusing nevertheless.
r = some constant less than m or n
[m,n] = size(C);
S = zeros(m-r,n-r);
for i=1:m-r+1
for j=1:n-r+1
S(i,j) = sum(diag(C(i:i+r-1,j:j+r-1)));
The code calculates a table of scores, S, for a dynamic programming algorithm, from another score table, C.
The diagonal summing is to generate scores for individual pieces of the data used to generate C, for all possible pieces (of size r).
Thanks in advance for any answers! Sorry if this one should be obvious...
The built-in conv2 turned out to be faster than convnfft, because my eye(r) is quite small ( 5 <= r <= 20 ). convnfft.m states that r should be > 20 for any benefit to manifest.
If I understand correctly, you're trying to calculate the diagonal sum of every subarray of C, where you have removed the last row and column of C (if you should not remove the row/col, you need to loop to m-r+1, and you need to pass the entire array C to the function in my solution below).
You can do this operation via a convolution, like so:
S = conv2(C(1:end-1,1:end-1),eye(r),'valid');
If C and r are large, you may want to have a look at CONVNFFT from the Matlab File Exchange to speed up calculations.
Based on the idea of JS, and as Jonas pointed out in the comments, this can be done in two lines using IM2COL with some array manipulation:
B = im2col(C, [r r], 'sliding');
S = reshape( sum(B(1:r+1:end,:)), size(C)-r+1 );
Basically B contains the elements of all sliding blocks of size r-by-r over the matrix C. Then we take the elements on the diagonal of each of these blocks B(1:r+1:end,:), compute their sum, and reshape the result to the expected size.
Comparing this to the convolution-based solution by Jonas, this does not perform any matrix multiplication, only indexing...
I would think you might need to rearrange C into a 3D matrix before summing it along one of the dimensions. I'll post with an answer shortly.
I didn't manage to find a way to vectorise it cleanly, but I did find the function accumarray, which might be of some help. I'll look at it in more detail when I am home.
Found a simpler solution by using linear indexing, but this could be memory-intensive.
At C(1,1), the indexes we want to sum are 1+[0, m+1, 2*m+2, 3*m+3, 4*m+4, ... ], or (0:r-1)+(0:m:(r-1)*m)
sum_ind = (0:r-1)+(0:m:(r-1)*m);
create S_offset, an (m-r) by (n-r) by r matrix, such that S_offset(:,:,1) = 0, S_offset(:,:,2) = m+1, S_offset(:,:,3) = 2*m+2, and so on.
S_offset = permute(repmat( sum_ind, [m-r, 1, n-r] ), [1, 3, 2]);
create S_base, a matrix of base array addresses from which the offset will be calculated.
S_base = reshape(1:m*n,[m n]);
S_base = repmat(S_base(1:m-r,1:n-r), [1, 1, r]);
Finally, use S_base+S_offset to address the values of C.
S = sum(C(S_base+S_offset), 3);
You can, of course, use bsxfun and other methods to make it more efficient; here I chose to lay it out for clarity. I have yet to benchmark this to see how it compares with the double-loop method though; I need to head home for dinner first!
Is this what you're looking for? This function adds the diagonals and puts them into a vector similar to how the function 'sum' adds up all of the columns in a matrix and puts them into a vector.
function [diagSum] = diagSumCalc(squareMatrix, LLUR0_ULLR1)
% Input: squareMatrix: A square matrix.
% LLUR0_ULLR1: LowerLeft to UpperRight addition = 0
% UpperLeft to LowerRight addition = 1
% Output: diagSum: A vector of the sum of the diagnols of the matrix.
% Example:
% >> squareMatrix = [1 2 3;
% 4 5 6;
% 7 8 9];
% >> diagSum = diagSumCalc(squareMatrix, 0);
% diagSum =
% 1 6 15 14 9
% >> diagSum = diagSumCalc(squareMatrix, 1);
% diagSum =
% 7 12 15 8 3
% Written by M. Phillips
% Oct. 16th, 2013
% MIT Open Source Copywrite
% Contact fmi.
if (nargin < 2)
disp('Error on input. Needs two inputs.');
if (LLUR0_ULLR1 ~= 0 && LLUR0_ULLR1~= 1)
disp('Error on input. Only accepts 0 or 1 as input for second condition.');
[M, N] = size(squareMatrix);
if (M ~= N)
disp('Error on input. Only accepts a square matrix as input.');
diagSum = zeros(1, M+N-1);
if LLUR0_ULLR1 == 1
squareMatrix = rot90(squareMatrix, -1);
for i = 1:length(diagSum)
if i <= M
countUp = 1;
countDown = i;
while countDown ~= 0
diagSum(i) = squareMatrix(countUp, countDown) + diagSum(i);
countUp = countUp+1;
countDown = countDown-1;
if i > M
countUp = i-M+1;
countDown = M;
while countUp ~= M+1
diagSum(i) = squareMatrix(countUp, countDown) + diagSum(i);
countUp = countUp+1;
countDown = countDown-1;

Multiply a 3D matrix with a 2D matrix

Suppose I have an AxBxC matrix X and a BxD matrix Y.
Is there a non-loop method by which I can multiply each of the C AxB matrices with Y?
As a personal preference, I like my code to be as succinct and readable as possible.
Here's what I would have done, though it doesn't meet your 'no-loops' requirement:
for m = 1:C
Z(:,:,m) = X(:,:,m)*Y;
This results in an A x D x C matrix Z.
And of course, you can always pre-allocate Z to speed things up by using Z = zeros(A,D,C);.
You can do this in one line using the functions NUM2CELL to break the matrix X into a cell array and CELLFUN to operate across the cells:
Z = cellfun(#(x) x*Y,num2cell(X,[1 2]),'UniformOutput',false);
The result Z is a 1-by-C cell array where each cell contains an A-by-D matrix. If you want Z to be an A-by-D-by-C matrix, you can use the CAT function:
Z = cat(3,Z{:});
NOTE: My old solution used MAT2CELL instead of NUM2CELL, which wasn't as succinct:
[A,B,C] = size(X);
Z = cellfun(#(x) x*Y,mat2cell(X,A,B,ones(1,C)),'UniformOutput',false);
Here's a one-line solution (two if you want to split into 3rd dimension):
A = 2;
B = 3;
C = 4;
D = 5;
X = rand(A,B,C);
Y = rand(B,D);
%# calculate result in one big matrix
Z = reshape(reshape(permute(X, [2 1 3]), [A B*C]), [B A*C])' * Y;
%'# split into third dimension
Z = permute(reshape(Z',[D A C]),[2 1 3]);
Hence now: Z(:,:,i) contains the result of X(:,:,i) * Y
The above may look confusing, but the idea is simple.
First I start by take the third dimension of X and do a vertical concatenation along the first dim:
XX = cat(1, X(:,:,1), X(:,:,2), ..., X(:,:,C))
... the difficulty was that C is a variable, hence you can't generalize that expression using cat or vertcat. Next we multiply this by Y:
ZZ = XX * Y;
Finally I split it back into the third dimension:
Z(:,:,1) = ZZ(1:2, :);
Z(:,:,2) = ZZ(3:4, :);
Z(:,:,3) = ZZ(5:6, :);
Z(:,:,4) = ZZ(7:8, :);
So you can see it only requires one matrix multiplication, but you have to reshape the matrix before and after.
I'm approaching the exact same issue, with an eye for the most efficient method. There are roughly three approaches that i see around, short of using outside libraries (i.e., mtimesx):
Loop through slices of the 3D matrix
repmat-and-permute wizardry
cellfun multiplication
I recently compared all three methods to see which was quickest. My intuition was that (2) would be the winner. Here's the code:
% generate data
A = 20;
B = 30;
C = 40;
D = 50;
X = rand(A,B,C);
Y = rand(B,D);
% ------ Approach 1: Loop (via #Zaid)
Z1 = zeros(A,D,C);
for m = 1:C
Z1(:,:,m) = X(:,:,m)*Y;
% ------ Approach 2: Reshape+Permute (via #Amro)
Z2 = reshape(reshape(permute(X, [2 1 3]), [A B*C]), [B A*C])' * Y;
Z2 = permute(reshape(Z2',[D A C]),[2 1 3]);
% ------ Approach 3: cellfun (via #gnovice)
Z3 = cellfun(#(x) x*Y,num2cell(X,[1 2]),'UniformOutput',false);
Z3 = cat(3,Z3{:});
All three approaches produced the same output (phew!), but, surprisingly, the loop was the fastest:
Elapsed time is 0.000418 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.000887 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.001841 seconds.
Note that the times can vary quite a lot from one trial to another, and sometimes (2) comes out the slowest. These differences become more dramatic with larger data. But with much bigger data, (3) beats (2). The loop method is still best.
% pretty big data...
A = 200;
B = 300;
C = 400;
D = 500;
Elapsed time is 0.373831 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.638041 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.724581 seconds.
% even bigger....
A = 200;
B = 200;
C = 400;
D = 5000;
Elapsed time is 4.314076 seconds.
Elapsed time is 11.553289 seconds.
Elapsed time is 5.233725 seconds.
But the loop method can be slower than (2), if the looped dimension is much larger than the others.
A = 2;
B = 3;
C = 400000;
D = 5;
Elapsed time is 0.780933 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.073189 seconds.
Elapsed time is 2.590697 seconds.
So (2) wins by a big factor, in this (maybe extreme) case. There may not be an approach that is optimal in all cases, but the loop is still pretty good, and best in many cases. It is also best in terms of readability. Loop away!
Nope. There are several ways, but it always comes out in a loop, direct or indirect.
Just to please my curiosity, why would you want that anyway ?
To answer the question, and for readability, please see:
ndmult, by ajuanpi (Juan Pablo Carbajal), 2013, GNU GPL
2 arrays
nT = 100;
t = 2*pi*linspace (0,1,nT)’;
# 2 experiments measuring 3 signals at nT timestamps
signals = zeros(nT,3,2);
signals(:,:,1) = [sin(2*t) cos(2*t) sin(4*t).^2];
signals(:,:,2) = [sin(2*t+pi/4) cos(2*t+pi/4) sin(4*t+pi/6).^2];
sT(:,:,1) = signals(:,:,1)’;
sT(:,:,2) = signals(:,:,2)’;
G = ndmult (signals,sT,[1 2]);
Original source. I added inline comments.
function M = ndmult (A,B,dim)
dA = dim(1);
dB = dim(2);
# reshape A into 2d
sA = size (A);
nA = length (sA);
perA = [1:(dA-1) (dA+1):(nA-1) nA dA](1:nA);
Ap = permute (A, perA);
Ap = reshape (Ap, prod (sA(perA(1:end-1))), sA(perA(end)));
# reshape B into 2d
sB = size (B);
nB = length (sB);
perB = [dB 1:(dB-1) (dB+1):(nB-1) nB](1:nB);
Bp = permute (B, perB);
Bp = reshape (Bp, sB(perB(1)), prod (sB(perB(2:end))));
# multiply
M = Ap * Bp;
# reshape back to original format
s = [sA(perA(1:end-1)) sB(perB(2:end))];
M = squeeze (reshape (M, s));
I highly recommend you use the MMX toolbox of matlab. It can multiply n-dimensional matrices as fast as possible.
The advantages of MMX are:
It is easy to use.
Multiply n-dimensional matrices (actually it can multiply arrays of 2-D matrices)
It performs other matrix operations (transpose, Quadratic Multiply, Chol decomposition and more)
It uses C compiler and multi-thread computation for speed up.
For this problem, you just need to write this command:
here is a benchmark for all possible methods. For more detail refer to this question.
1.6571 # FOR-loop
4.3110 # ARRAYFUN
3.3731 # NUM2CELL/FOR-loop/CELL2MAT
0.0244 # Loop Unrolling
0.0221 # MMX toolbox <===================
I would like to share my answer to the problems of:
1) making the tensor product of two tensors (of any valence);
2) making the contraction of two tensors along any dimension.
Here are my subroutines for the first and second tasks:
1) tensor product:
function [C] = tensor(A,B)
C = squeeze( reshape( repmat(A(:), 1, numel(B)).*B(:).' , [size(A),size(B)] ) );
2) contraction:
Here A and B are the tensors to be contracted along the dimesions i and j respectively. The lengths of these dimensions should be equal, of course. There's no check for this (this would obscure the code) but apart from this it works well.
function [C] = tensorcontraction(A,B, i,j)
sa = size(A);
La = length(sa);
ia = 1:La;
ia(i) = [];
ia = [ia i];
sb = size(B);
Lb = length(sb);
ib = 1:Lb;
ib(j) = [];
ib = [j ib];
% making the i-th dimension the last in A
A1 = permute(A, ia);
% making the j-th dimension the first in B
B1 = permute(B, ib);
% making both A and B 2D-matrices to make use of the
% matrix multiplication along the second dimension of A
% and the first dimension of B
A2 = reshape(A1, [],sa(i));
B2 = reshape(B1, sb(j),[]);
% here's the implicit implication that sa(i) == sb(j),
% otherwise - crash
C2 = A2*B2;
% back to the original shape with the exception
% of dimensions along which we've just contracted
sa(i) = [];
sb(j) = [];
C = squeeze( reshape( C2, [sa,sb] ) );
Any critics?
I would think recursion, but that's the only other non- loop method you can do
You could "unroll" the loop, ie write out all the multiplications sequentially that would occur in the loop