Automation of Cygwin configuration with PowerShell - powershell

I have installed Cygwin using PowerShell scripting.
I am doing the following step manually:
Running a new cygwin bash shell (after the edit of cygwin.bat) and enter:
mount --change-cygdrive-prefix /
chmod +r /etc/passwd /etc/group
chmod 755 /var
Start Cygwin bash shell and run ssh-host-config. Answer yes to all the key generation questions.
Is it possible to automate these things in PowerShell scripts, like installing Cygwin, then doing steps 1 and 2 in a single shot?

Use this command:
bash.exe ssh-host-config --yes -u "Cygwinuser" -c "binmode ntsec tty" -w "pwd#123"
cygrunsrv -S sshd
Later go to services.msc to check if the service is running or not


Deleted Shell on WSL and Cannot Access WSL

During an attempt to remove zsh from Ubuntu running on WSL, I ran:
sudo apt-get --purge remove zsh
Foolishly, I did not reset my default shell, so I cannot access WSL. The windows flashes open and then closes.
I can see from powershell that all of my files in WSL are still available, but I do not know how to reset the default shell in WSL from Powershell.
How can I reinstall bash or zsh from Powershell?
So I figured this out. From an 'elevated' powershell I executed the following commands:
cd \wsl$<distro name>
wsl -e bash
sudo vipw
From there, I went to /etc/passwd and changed the shell on my username to bash.

I need to run a script every time I open WSL Ubuntu 18.04 on Windows 10

Every time I open WSL Ubuntu 18.04 on Windows 10 I want to run these settings automatically.
alias desktop='cd /mnt/c/Users/Dot/Desktop/ai_files'
export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:${HOME}/ai-safety-gridworlds
export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
I tried making .sh script with the following content in /etc/init.d/ but it didn't work.
alias desktop='cd /mnt/c/Users/Dot/Desktop/ai_files'
export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:${HOME}/ai-safety-gridworlds
export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
To run these commands every time you open WSL, you will want to append the commands to .bashrc.
In bash, run
echo "alias desktop='cd /mnt/c/Users/Dot/Desktop/ai_files'" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:${HOME}/ai-safety-gridworlds" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0" >> ~/.bashrc
To create an environment variable which will be visible for all users on Ubuntu you can create a sh file in /etc/profile.d folder.
In example :
sudo vi /etc/profile.d/ && sudo chmod o+r /etc/profile.d/
then include there your variables. For example:
export ORACLE_HOME="/opt/oracle/instantclient_11_2"
terminate and start wsl again. Variables should be accessible for all users.

Powershell Core - How to make linux file type executable

Is there a powershell core equivalent to the following bash command when running on linux:
sudo chmod +x myexec
I want to make this file type executable. This is simple to do using bash but I would prefer to use powershell if it is possible.
So far I am using the following command:
bash -c "chmod +x myexec"
you can use next code, it worked very well for my needs i tested on pwsh version 7 on opensuse.
function Invoke-Sudo {
& /usr/bin/env sudo pwsh -command "& $args"
Invoke-Sudo "chmod +x /usr/bin/filename"
I hope this help you!
Executable flag is a linux/unix term.
... on windows it is not relevant.
Stick with the solution you currently have of invoking the bash command from inside the PS script

cannot execute binary file centos?

I am using centos 6.9 and want to install xampp. But when I run the command on the terminal it showing error i.e. cannot execute binary file. So, How can I fix this problem and successfully install xampp ? Please help me.
chmod +x
after this command it showing
bash: ./ cannot execute binary file
You're probably running the install (binary) with a lesser privileged user. You'll have to use root user for modifying SELinux settings as such:
semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_script_exec_t '/<install-location>(/.*)/?'
restorecon -R -v /<install-location>/

Start shrew vpn client (iked & ikec) on start-up of OSMC on Raspberry 2

I would like to connect to a VPN on start-up of OSMC.
installed OSMC on Raspberry 2
downloaded, compiled and installed shrew soft vpn on the device
As user 'osmc' with ssh
> sudo iked starts the daemon successfully
> ikec -r "test.vpn" -a starts the client, loads the config and connects successfully
#!/bin/sh -e
# rc.local
# This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
# Make sure that the script will "exit 0" on success or any other
# value on error.
# In order to enable or disable this script just change the execution
# bits.
# By default this script does nothing.
sudo iked >> /home/osmc/iked.log 2>> /home/osmc/iked.error.log &
ikec -a -r "test.vpn" >> /home/osmc/ikec.log 2>> /home/osmc/ikec.error.log &
exit 0
after start of raspberry iked is as process visible with ps -e
but ikec is not running
osmc#osmc:~$ /etc/rc.local starts the script and connects to vpn successfully
Why does the script not working correctly on start-up?
Thank you for your help!
I was also looking to do the same thing as you and ran into the same problem. I'm no linux expert, but I did figure out a workaround.
I created a script called and it looks like this...
$ cat
echo "Starting ikec"
ikec -r test.vpn -a
I then installed cron.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cron
Edit the cron job as root and run the ikec script 60 seconds after reboot.
sudo crontab -e
#reboot sleep 60 && /home/osmc/ & >> /home/osmc/ikec.log 2>&1
Now edit your /etc/rc.local file and add the following.
sudo iked >> //home/osmc/iked.log 2>> /home/osmc/iked.error.log &
exit 0
Hopefully, this is helpful to you.