In my init.el I want use "use-package" to lazily load my mode and speed up my emacs start.
I want use-package automatically download my mode from elpa/melpa/... thanks to package lib.
But it seems I need to do a (package-refresh-contents) before each time otherwise use-package raise an error.
(error "Package `deft' is not available for installation")
my conf is
(require 'use-package)
(package-refresh-contents) ; take forever at each emacs start
(use-package deft
:ensure t)
but (package-refresh-contents) take forever.
can't we delegate the (package-refresh-contents) to use-package so it is done once ?
use-package does not provide this functionality. You could use the following instead:
(unless package-archive-contents
This will only update the package list, if it is empty, which should be sufficient to avoid your problem. You still need to manually update packages, though, with M-x list-packages and U.
I've been trying to get slime+sbcl working on my emacs (26.3) for a while. I first installed slime via melpa and that didn't work. I finally got slime able to work on a clean emacs (emacs -q) using quicklisp and the following code:
(load "~/quicklisp/slime-helper.el")
(setq inferior-lisp-program "sbcl")
However, when I put it into my actual init file and run it, it doesn't work. I figured that if I put package-enable-at-startup to nil and commented out package-initialize, that slime works. My guess is that the installed slime through melpa is "overriding" the slime initialization using slime-helper. I can't uninstall slime via melpa because of package dependencies and am worried I might mess something up. But I also need all of my packages to initialize except slime. So I was wondering if there was anyway to initialize all my packages, but suppress the slime package.
I think the easiest method would be to disable the loading of "elpa slime" with package-load-list. See its documentation with C-hv package-load-list Return. In short you'd put something like this in your init file.
(require 'package)
(setq gnutls-algorithm-priority "NORMAL:-VERS-TLS1.3")
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa" . "")
'("gnu" . ""))
(setq package-load-list '((slime nil))) ;; don't load slime
(load (expand-file-name "~/quicklisp/slime-helper.el"))
(setq inferior-lisp-program "sbcl")
package-initialize will skip loading slime (and manipulating your load-path), allowing the "quicklisp slime" to appear first on your load-path. This may or may not break dependencies loaded by the package system. If they do break, I'd see if quicklisp can manage them and deal with them that way, or I would manually manage them.
Like presumably many emacs users I have my own emacs config file ~/.emacs.d/init.el for configuring emacs the way I like. So when I start using a new machine I copy my emacs config file to it. Now, the problem is that my emacs config file depends on a few packages that I have installed via the emacs package manager, but due to the missing packages I'm unable to successfully install packages.
I can of course start emacs without my config file (emacs -q), but then the problem is that only the default repo is available, so I cannot actually install the package I need to install in order to successfully start emacs with my config file.
So what I have usually done is to temporarily comment out stuff in my emacs config file, so that I'm able to successfully install the packages, and then I can uncomment it and restart emacs with my full config. But this is cumbersome, and usually takes a few tries before I comment out all the needed stuff. Surely there must be a better way that I'm missing?
What you can do is to declare packages you use. Then add some code that runs every time you open Emacs. It checks each package from that list if it has been installed or not. When it's not, it installs it.
A quick example from my config file:
;; first, declare repositories
(setq package-archives
'(("gnu" . "")
("marmalade" . "")
("melpa" . "")))
;; Init the package facility
(require 'package)
;; (package-refresh-contents) ;; this line is commented
;; since refreshing packages is time-consuming and should be done on demand
;; Declare packages
(setq my-packages
;; Iterate on packages and install missing ones
(dolist (pkg my-packages)
(unless (package-installed-p pkg)
(package-install pkg)))
And you're good.
You can place the initialization elisp that installs the packages you need in a separate file, then start emacs -q, then load and evaluate the packages elisp file.
I'm using the following code, in a file of its own, to handle packages. This code also defines the packages I'm using and allows for dynamically adding and loading packages.
If you load this file first thing from your init.el, then you would probably be able to just start Emacs as usual, and missing required packages will be installed automatically.
I was somewhat bothered with the way I used defvar to define the package list variable. I've done some reading and fixed the code below—now it defvar a variable my-packages-package-list and then setq it to the list of packages to install. As far as I understand, this is a more idiomatic way of defining and using variables. As a result, this code now byte-compiled without any warnings.
For those who are interested, some information of using defvar and setq may be found here and in the Emacs` manual.
(require 'package)
(setq package-archives '(("gnu" . "")
;; ("marmalade" . "")
("melpa" . "")
("org" . "")))
(setq package-archive-priorities '(("melpa" . 10)
("gnu" . 5)
("org" . 2)
;; ("marmalade" . 0)
(when (not package-archive-contents)
;; the following code will install packages listed in myPackages if
;; they are not already installed
(defvar my-packages-package-list "List of custom packages to install.")
;;; this allows for dynamically update and install packages while
;;; Emacs is running, by modifying this list, and then evaluating it
;;; and tha mapc expression below it
(setq my-packages-package-list
'(;; add the ein package (Emacs ipython notebook)
;; python development environment
;; beutify python code
;; git emacs interface
;; debuggers front end
;; multiple major mode for web editing
;; multi-web-mode
;; major mode for editing web templates
;; docker modes
;; list library for emacs
;; collection of useful combinators for emacs lisp
;; major modes for yaml
;; major modes for markdown
;; major modes for lua
;; major modes for fvwm config files
;; treat undo history as a tree
;; flychek
;; flychek-clojure
;; flychek-pycheckers
;; Clojure for the brave and true - below; amit - some packages
;; commented out by me until I'll be sure they are needed
;; makes handling lisp expressions much, much easier
;; Cheatsheet:
;; key bindings and code colorization for Clojure
;; extra syntax highlighting for clojure
;; integration with a Clojure REPL
;; allow ido usage in as many contexts as possible. see
;; customizations/navigation.el line 23 for a description
;; of ido
;; ido-ubiquitous
;; Enhances M-x to allow easier execution of commands. Provides
;; a filterable list of possible commands in the minibuffer
;; smex
;; project navigation
;; projectile
;; colorful parenthesis matching
;; solarized theme
;; edit html tags like sexps
;; tagedit
;; help finding keys
;; xkcd
;; Clojure exercises
(mapc #'(lambda (package)
(unless (package-installed-p package)
(package-install package)))
I'm trying to install icicles in Emacs because I've read it makes for a more clear emacs experience. The problem is, even though I'm loading the Melpa repositories, and Checked melpa for if the package was available (it was) If I try package-install on it, it returns [no match].
I've tried package-refresh-contents to na avail. Please help with this, I could do it manually, but AUGH!
Just for context, here's the contents on my .emacs:
;; packages
(require 'package)
(setq package-archives '(("gnu" . "")
("org" . "")
("marmalade" . "")
("melpa" . "")))
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/elisp")
(defun require-package (package)
(setq-default highlight-tabs t)
"Install given PACKAGE."
(unless (package-installed-p package)
(unless (assoc package package-archive-contents)
(package-install package)))
(load-theme 'zenburn t)
(require 'php-mode)
(eval-after-load 'php-mode
'(require 'php-ext))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.json$" . js-mode))
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(custom-safe-themes (quote ("f5eb916f6bd4e743206913e6f28051249de8ccfd070eae47b5bde31ee813d55f" default))))
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
Thanks in advance, all help is very much appreciated
Icicles is no longer distributed on ELPA or MELPA:
Icicles, as well as my other libraries that are on EmacsWiki, used to be obtainable also from MELPA. You may still find some of them there, but they are likely not up-to-date.
As of 2017-10, MELPA has decided to no longer accept Lisp libraries from EmacsWiki. This includes my libraries, even though these libraries are read-only (administrator lock on the wiki pages). Too bad. This means that you must download Icicles and my other libraries only from Emacs Wiki. Sorry about that. I upload Icicles files only to the wiki.
Solved the problem by doing M-x eval-buffer on my .emacs.
I'm fairly new to emacs. In fact I'm learning the editor and trying to setup something that will replicate "go to a file inside the project" feature known from Code::Blocks or certain plugins of notepad++.
'projectile' fulfills this need, and I installed it through MELPA. Package installed properly, as I can start it with M-x projectile-global-mode and C-c p commands are recognized.
However, if I put it into my .emacs file, Emacs starts with an error:
Symbol's function definition is void: projectile-global-mode
Contents of my .emacs file are as follows:
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
;; custom-set-faces was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
(global-whitespace-mode 1)
(global-linum-mode 1)
(require 'package)
(add-to-list 'package-archives
'("melpa" . "") t)
(projectile-global-mode 1)
When I try to (require 'projectile) first, I only end up with another error:
'File error: Cannot open load file, projectile'
I'm using Emacs 24.3.1.
How do I put this on autostart properly?
By default, Emacs initializes packages after evaluated init.el. Hence, in a standard setup, packages are not yet available while init is evaluated.
Use (add-hook 'after-init-hook #'projectile-global-mode) to enable Projectile only after packages are initialized, or explicitly initialize packages at the beginning of your init.el with the following code:
(require 'package)
(setq package-enable-at-startup nil) ; To avoid initializing twice
You have to load projectile first, e.g. by using this:
(require 'projectile)
you can add
'(initial-major-mode (quote projectile-global-mode))
to your .emacs(or init.el or whatever your file is called) file in the custom-set-variable section.
Alternatively, in newer versions of emacs, the menu Options | Customize Emacs | Specific Option you can type 'initial-major-mode' and this will take you to an interface where emacs can customize itself with that setting. just remember to apply and save
(message "%S" load-path) and (describe-variable 'load-path)
give different results.
Several more path like "/Users/updogliu/.emacs.d/elpa/flycheck-20140323.828" appeared in the latter.
How can I make (require 'flycheck) use the "describe" one load-path?
To setup Flycheck properly, you do not need to require Flycheck. Instead, just enable Global Flycheck Mode:
(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'global-flycheck-mode)
This will enable Flycheck for all supported languages.
To make (require 'flycheck) work in your init.el, you need to add (package-initialize) at the very beginning of your init.el.
(package-initialize) sets up Emacs' built-in package system, which includes adding all packages to the load-path. Emacs calls this automatically, but only after your init.el has been processed, hence the use of after-init-hook to enable Flycheck.
If you added a message call to your init.el without calling (package-initialize) first, you'll hence see the standard load-path without any of your packages.
To make your packages available in your init.el right away, you need to call (package-initialize) manually, at the beginning of your init.el.