Why in immutable array in swift value can be changed? - swift

In swift a value in an immutable array can be changed but a value in an immutable dictionary can not be changed Why?
let imArray = ["Ram","Shyam","Bharat"]
imArray[2] = "Abhimanyu" // this change will be apply though it is immutable

EDIT: In Xcode 6 beta 3 notes, this is now changed. They now behave the same.
Array in Swift has been completely redesigned to have full value
semantics like Dictionary and String have always had in Swift.  This
resolves various mutability problems – now a 'let' array is
completely immutable, and a 'var' array is completely mutable –
composes properly with Dictionary and String, and solves other deeper
problems.  Value semantics may be surprising if you are used to
NSArray or C arrays: a copy of the array now produces a full and
independent copy of all of the elements using an efficient lazy copy
implementation.  This is a major change for Array, and there are
still some performance issues to be addressed.  Please see the Swift
Programming Language for more information.  (17192555)
I talked to an Apple engineer regarding this in WWDC
For arrays, when you define it as a constant, this means the backing buffer is constant, and thus you can change the contents of the buffer, but not swap out the buffer or modify its length.
For dictionaries, it is completely immutable.
Of course, if you think it should behave differently, submit a ticket to them!

From Apple's Swift documentation, under Mutability of Collections...
Immutability has a slightly different meaning for arrays, however. You are still not allowed to perform any action that has the potential to change the size of an immutable array, but you are allowed to set a new value for an existing index in the array. This enables Swift’s Array type to provide optimal performance for array operations when the size of an array is fixed.


Swift Disadvantages Array of Any

If I store a Tuple
var person = ("Steve", 22)
I cannot add more data easily into the structure.
However, if I use an array of Any
let steve: [Any] = ["Steve", 22]
I can easily add the elements.
Surely there are no real advantages to using a Tuple and we just always use an array of Any?
Any is weakly typed so you lose all of the static type checking guarantees that you get with strong types, including tuples. In addition, you cannot index out of bounds at run time on a tuple like you can with an array since the compiler knows how many components there are and it will fail to compile, and since a tuple is basically an anonymous struct, you can also name the components to make them more meaningful, which you cannot do with an array. You also pay a performance penalty for the array of Any since your data has to be boxed in the Any where as a tuple is just a struct and its components are not boxed.

Tuple vs. Object in Swift

I have read about the differences in Tuples and Dictionaries / Arrays, but I have yet to come across a post on Stack Overflow explaining the difference between a Tuple and an Object in Swift.
The reason I ask is that from experience, it seems that a Tuple could be interchangeable with an Object in Swift in many circumstances (especially in those where the object only holds other objects or data), but could lead to inconsistent / messy code.
In Swift, is there a time to use a Tuple and a time to use a basic Object based on performance or coding methodologies?
As vadian notes, Apple's advice is that tuples only be used for temporary values. this plays out. If you need to do almost anything non-trivial with a data structure, including store it in a property, you probably do not want a tuple. They're very limited.
I'd avoid the term "object" in this discussion. That's a vague, descriptive term that doesn't cleanly map to any particular data structure. The correct way to think of a tuple is as being in contrast to a struct. In principle, a tuple is just an anonymous struct, but in Swift a tuple is dramatically less flexible than a struct. Most significantly, you cannot add extensions to a tuple, and adding extensions is a core part of Swift programming.
Basically, about the time you're thinking that you need to label the fields of the tuple, you probably should be using a struct instead. Types as simple as "a point" are modeled as structs, not tuples.
So when would you ever use a tuple? Consider the follow (non-existent) method on Collection:
extension Collection {
func headTail() -> (Element?, SubSequence) {
return (first, dropFirst())
This is a good use of a tuple. It would be unhelpful to invent a special struct just to return this value, and callers will almost always want to destructure this anyway like:
let (head, tail) = list.headTail()
This is one thing that tuples can do that structs cannot (at least today; there is ongoing discussion of adding struct destructuring and pattern matching to Swift).
In Swift, Tuple is a Compound Type that holds some properties together which are built up from Objects of Swift Named Types for example class, struct and enum.
I would analogize Objects of these Named Types as minerals of chemical elements ( like carbon, calcium) and Tuple is just a kind of physical mixture of these minerals( eg a pack of 1 part of calcium ore and 3 parts of carbon ore). You can easily carry around this packed tuple and add it to “heat or press” method to return “limestone” your app use in construction.

How safe are swift collections when used with invalidated iterators / indices?

I'm not seeing a lot of info in the swift stdlib reference. For example, Dictionary says certain methods (like remove) will invalidate indices, but that's it.
For a language to call itself "safe", it needs a solution to the classic C++ footguns:
get pointer to element in a vector, then add more elements (pointer is now invalidated), now use pointer, crash
start iterating through a collection. while iterating, remove some elements (either before or after the current iterator position). continue iterating, crash.
(edit: in c++, you're lucky to crash - worse case is memory corruption)
I believe 1 is solved by swift because if a collection stores classes, taking a reference (e.g. strong pointer) to an element will increase the refcount. However, I don't know the answer for 2.
It would be super useful if there was a comparison of footguns in c++ that are/are not solved by swift.
EDIT, due to Robs answer:
It does appear that there's some undocumented snapshot-like behavior going on
with Dictionary and/or for loops. The iteration creates a snapshot / hidden
copy of it when it starts.
Which gives me both a big "WAT" and "cool, that's sort of safe, I guess", and "how expensive is this copy?".
I don't see this documented either in Generator or in for-loop.
The below code prints two logical snapshots of the dictionary. The first
snapshot is userInfo as it was at the start of the iteration loop, and does
not reflect any modifications made during the loop.
var userInfo: [String: String] = [
"first_name" : "Andrei",
"last_name" : "Puni",
"job_title" : "Mad scientist"
userInfo["added_one"] = "1" // can modify because it's var
print("first snapshot:")
var hijacked = false
for (key, value) in userInfo {
if !hijacked {
userInfo["added_two"] = "2" // doesn't error
userInfo.removeValueForKey("first_name") // doesn't error
hijacked = true
print("- \(key): \(value)")
userInfo["added_three"] = "3" // modify again
print("final snapshot:")
for (key, value) in userInfo {
print("- \(key): \(value)")
As you say, #1 is not an issue. You do not have a pointer to the object in Swift. You either have its value or a reference to it. If you have its value, then it's a copy. If you have a reference, then it's protected. So there's no issue here.
But let's consider the second and experiment, be surprised, and then stop being surprised.
var xs = [1,2,3,4]
for x in xs { // (1)
if x == 2 {
xs.removeAll() // (2)
print(x) // Prints "1\n2\n3\n\4\n"
xs // [] (3)
Wait, how does it print all the values when we blow away the values at (2). We are very surprised now.
But we shouldn't be. Swift arrays are values. The xs at (1) is a value. Nothing can ever change it. It's not "a pointer to memory that includes an array structure that contains 4 elements." It's the value [1,2,3,4]. At (2), we don't "remove all elements from the thing xs pointed to." We take the thing xs is, create an array that results if you remove all the elements (that would be [] in all cases), and then assign that new array to xs. Nothing bad happens.
So what does the documentation mean by "invalidates all indices?" It means exactly that. If we generated indices, they're no good anymore. Let's see:
var xs = [1,2,3,4]
for i in xs.indices {
if i == 2 {
print(xs[i]) // Prints "1\n2\n" and then CRASH!!!
Once xs.removeAll() is called, there's no promise that the old result of xs.indices means anything anymore. You are not permitted to use those indices safely against the collection they came from.
"Invalidates indices" in Swift is not the same as C++'s "invalidates iterators." I'd call that pretty safe, except the fact that using collection indices is always a bit dangerous and so you should avoid indexing collections when you can help it; iterate them instead. Even if you need the indexes for some reason, use enumerate to get them without creating any of the danger of indexing.
(Side note, dict["key"] is not indexing into dict. Dictionaries are a little confusing because their key is not their index. Accessing dictionaries by their DictionaryIndex index is just as dangerous as accessing arrays by their Int index.)
Note also that the above doesn't apply to NSArray. If you modify NSArray while iterating it, you'll get a "mutated collection while iterating" error. I'm only discussing Swift data types.
EDIT: for-in is very explicit in how it works:
The generate() method is called on the collection expression to obtain a value of a generator type—that is, a type that conforms to the GeneratorType protocol. The program begins executing a loop by calling the next() method on the stream. If the value returned is not None, it is assigned to the item pattern, the program executes the statements, and then continues execution at the beginning of the loop. Otherwise, the program does not perform assignment or execute the statements, and it is finished executing the for-in statement.
The returned Generator is a struct and contains a collection value. You would not expect any changes to some other value to modify its behavior. Remember: [1,2,3] is no different than 4. They're both values. When you assign them, they make copies. So when you create a Generator over a collection value, you're going to snapshot that value, just like if I created a Generator over the number 4. (This raises an interesting problem, because Generators aren't really values, and so really shouldn't be structs. They should be classes. Swift stdlib has been fixing that. See the new AnyGenerator for instance. But they still contain an array value, and you would never expect changes to some other array value to impact them.)
See also "Structures and Enumerations Are Value Types" which goes into more detail on the importance of value types in Swift. Arrays are just structs.
Yes, that means there's logically copying. Swift has many optimizations to minimize actual copying when it's not needed. In your case, when you mutate the dictionary while it's being iterated, that will force a copy to happen. Mutation is cheap if you're the only consumer of a particular value's backing storage. But it's O(n) if you're not. (This is determined by the Swift builtin isUniquelyReferenced().) Long story short: Swift Collections are Copy-on-Write, and simply passing an array does not cause real memory to be allocated or copied.
You don't get COW for free. Your own structs are not COW. It's something that Swift does in stdlib. (See Mike Ash's great discussion of how you would recreate it.) Passing your own custom structs causes real copies to happen. That said, the majority of the memory in most structs is stored in collections, and those collections are COW, so the cost of copying structs is usually pretty small.
The book doesn't spend a lot of time drilling into value types in Swift (it explains it all; it just doesn't keep saying "hey, and this is what that implies"). On the other hand, it was the constant topic at WWDC. You may be interested particularly in Building Better Apps with Value Types in Swift which is all about this topic. I believe Swift in Practice also discussed it.
#KarlP raises an interesting point in the comments below, and it's worth addressing. None of the value-safety promises we're discussing are related to for-in. They're based on Array. for-in makes no promises at all about what would happen if you mutated a collection while it is being iterated. That wouldn't even be meaningful. for-in doesn't "iterate over collections," it calls next() on Generators. So if your Generator becomes undefined if the collection is changed, then for-in will blow up because the Generator blew up.
That means that the following might be unsafe, depending on how strictly you read the spec:
func nukeFromOrbit<C: RangeReplaceableCollectionType>(var xs: C) {
var hijack = true
for x in xs {
if hijack {
hijack = false
And the compiler won't help you here. It'll work fine for all of the Swift collections. But if calling next() after mutation for your collection is undefined behavior, then this is undefined behavior.
My opinion is that it would be poor Swift to make a collection that allows its Generator to become undefined in this case. You could even argue that you've broken the Generator spec if you do (it offers no UB "out" unless the generator has been copied or has returned nil). So you could argue that the above code is totally within spec and your generator is broken. Those arguments tend to be a bit messy with a "spec" like Swift's which doesn't dive into all the corner cases.
Does this mean you can write unsafe code in Swift without getting a clear warning? Absolutely. But in the many cases that commonly cause real-world bugs, Swift's built-in behavior does the right thing. And in that, it is safer than some other options.

var vs let in Swift [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the difference between `let` and `var` in Swift?
(32 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm new to Swift programming, and I've met the var and let types. I know that let is a constant and I know what that means, but I never used a constant mainly because I didn't need to. So why should I use var instead of let, at what situation should I use it?
Rather than constant and variable, the correct terminology in swift is immutable and mutable.
You use let when you know that once you assign a value to a variable, it doesn't change - i.e. it is immutable. If you declare the id of a table view cell, most likely it won't change during its lifetime, so by declaring it as immutable there's no risk that you can mistakenly change it - the compiler will inform you about that.
Typical use cases:
A constant (the timeout of a timer, or the width of a fixed sized label, the max number of login attempts, etc.). In this scenario the constant is a replacement for the literal value spread over the code (think of #define)
the return value of a function used as input for another function
the intermediate result of an expression, to be used as input for another expression
a container for an unwrapped value in optional binding
the data returned by a REST API call, deserialized from JSON into a struct, which must be stored in a database
and a lot more. Every time I write var, I ask myself: can this variable change?. If the answer is no, I replace var with let. Sometimes I also use a more protective approach: I declare everything as immutable, then the compiler will let me know when I try to modify one of them, and for each case I can proceed accordingly.
Some considerations:
For reference types (classes), immutable means that once you assign an instance to the immutable variable, you cannot assign another instance to the same variable.
For value types (numbers, strings, arrays, dictionaries, structs, enums) immutable means that that once you assign a value, you cannot change the value itself. For simple data types (Int, Float, String) it means you cannot assign another value of the same type. For composite data types (structs, arrays, dictionaries) it means you cannot assign a new value (such as a new instance of a struct) and you cannot change any of their stored properties.
Also an immutable variable has a semantic meaning for the developer and whoever reading the code - it clearly states that the variable won't change.
Last, but maybe less important from a pure development point of view, immutables can be subject to optimizations by the compiler.
Generally speaking, mutable state is to avoid as much as possible.
Immutable values help in reasoning about code, because you can easily track them down and clearly identify the value from the start to the end.
Mutable variables, on the other hand, make difficult to follow your data flow, since anyone can modify them at any time. Especially when dealing with concurrent applications, reasoning about mutable state can quickly become an incredibly hard task.
So, as a design principle, try to use let whenever possible and if you need to modify an object, simply produce a new instance.
Whenever you need to use a var, perhaps because using it makes the code clearer, try to limit their scope as much as possible and not to expose any mutable state. As an example, if you declare a var inside a function, it's safe to do so as long as you don't expose that mutability to the caller, i.e. from the caller point of view, it must not matter whether you used a var or a val in the implementation.
In general, if you know a variable's value is not going to change, declare it as a constant. Immutable variables will make your code more readable as you know for sure a particular variable is never being changed. This might also be better for the compiler as it can take advantage of the fact that a variable is constant and perform some optimisations.
This doesn't only apply to Swift. Even in C when the value of a variable is not be changed after being initialised, it's good practise to make sure it's const.
So, the way you think about "I didn't need to" should change. You don't need a constant only for values like TIMEOUT etc. You should have a constant variable anywhere you know the value of a variable doesn't need to be changed after initialisation.
Note: This is more of a general "programming as a whole" answer and not specific to Swift. #Antonio's answer has more of a focus on Swift.

Can a Swift subscript return a variable?

In C#, the only indexer that actually returns a variable1,2 are array indexers.
void Make42(ref int x) {x=42;}
void SetArray(int[] array){
Make42(ref array[0]);} //works as intended; array[0] becomes 42
void SetList(List<int> list){
Make42(ref list[0]);} //does not work as intended, list[0] stays 0
In the example above, array[0] is a variable, but list[0] is not. This is the culprit behind many developers, writing high-performance libraries, being forced to write their own List implementations (that, unlike the built-in List, expose the underlying array) to get benchmark worthy performance out of the language.
In Swift, ref is called inout and indexer seems to be called subscript. I'm wondering if there's any mechanisms in Swift's subscript to explicitly return a variable rather than a value (a value can be a value-type or reference-type).
If I may bring in C++ parlance, you'd be looking to return a reference to a value. I'm using the term here because it's generally better understood by the programming crowd.
The reason C# limits it to just arrays is that returning arbitrary references may compromise the language's safety guarantees if not done properly.
There appears to be no syntax to return a reference in Swift. Since returning references is hard to verify, and since Swift is rather new and since it aims at being a safe language, it is understandable that Apple didn't go this way.
If you get to a level where you need this kind of performance, you may want to consider C++, in which you can sacrifice almost all the safety you want to get performance.