Raffle price change on input - irc

My Code for mIRC;
on *:text:!raffle *:#:{
var %hash $+(raffle.,#)
if ($nick isop #) && $2 == on && !$hget(%hash) {
hmake %hash
msg # The raffle now is open. Use !raffle and the amount of time you would like to enter to join. Remember, 1 entry = 3 PuroPoints! }
elseif $2 isnum && $2 > 0 && $hget(%hash) {
var %topic $+(#,.,$nick), %point $readini(points.ini,%topic,points)
var %ra $calc( $2 * 3 - 0)
if %point >= %ra {
var %p $calc( %point - %ra )
writeini points.ini %topic points %p
var %i $hget(%hash,0).item, %t $calc(%i + $2)
while %i < %t { inc %i | hadd %hash %i $nick }
msg # $nick $+ , You bought $2 ticket, you now have %p points
else { msg # $nick Sorry, you don't have enough PuroPoints }
elseif ($nick isop #) && $2 == winner && $hget(%hash) {
var %i $rand(1,$hget(%hash,0).data)
msg # The winner is $hget(%hash,%i).data $+ .
elseif ($nick isop #) && $2 == over && $hget(%hash) {
var %i $rand(1,$hget(%hash,0).data)
hfree %hash
How do I make it so that when !raffle on (number) is put in by a moderator. The number will be the price that a ticket shall cost. At the moment a ticket costs 3.
I thought it would be like;
var %ra $calc( $2 * $3 - 0)
But it won't work>
Any ideas please

Based on your commentes the following should suite you well.
var %ra $calc( $2 * 3 - 0)
var %ra = $calc($2 * %pricePerTicket)
And write at mIRC command the following:
/set %pricePerTicket 3
This will set the price per ticket to 3, and you can change it at will.


How to subtract a column of values with another column of values?

I have two files with one column of values, like attachments below. I want to subtract the first value of file2 with all values in file1, these subtractions fill the first column in the output file, and then second value of file2 with all values in file1 ...
The output would look like this:
-4(2-6) -5 0 1
0(2-2) -1 4 5
-2(2-4) -3 2 3
-3(2-5) -4 1 2
-6(2-8) -7 -2 -1
Expressions in brackets in first column are only for explanation use and need to be discarded in output.
Also, the number of values in the column can vary.
Many thanks!
file1 file2
6 2
2 1
4 6
5 7
If I understand this correctly, then
awk 'NR == FNR { src[FNR] = $1; next } { for(i = 1; i <= length(src); ++i) { printf("%d\t", src[i] - $1); } print ""; }' file2 file1
produces the desired output. This works as follows:
NR == FNR { # while the first file (file2) is read:
src[FNR] = $1 # remember the numbers in an array
next # and we're done
{ # after that (when processing file1):
for(i = 1; i <= length(src); ++i) { # loop through the saved numbers
printf("%d\t", src[i] - $1) # subtract the current number from it,
# print result followed by tab
print "" # when done, print a newline
EDIT: Since the question was edited to use one file with two columns instead of two with one each: The code can be slightly tweaked for that scenario as follows:
awk 'NR == FNR && NF > 1 { src[FNR] = $2 } NR != FNR && $1 != "" { for(i = 1; i <= length(src); ++i) { printf("%d\t", src[i] - $1); } print ""; }' file file
This follows the same basic pattern: Two passes are done over the file, one in which the numbers of the second column are saved and another in which the output is calculated and printed. The main addition is handling for empty fields:
NR == FNR && NF > 1 { # If this is the first pass and there is
src[FNR] = $2 # a second field, remember it
NR != FNR && $1 != "" { # If this is the second pass and there is
for(i = 1; i <= length(src); ++i) { # a first field, process it as before.
printf("%d\t", src[i] - $1)
print ""
Alternatively, it could be done in one pass as follows:
awk '$1 != "" { a[NR] = $1 } NF > 1 { b[NR] = $2 } END { for(i = 1; i <= length(b); ++i) { for(j = 1; j <= length(a); ++j) { printf("%d\t", b[i] - a[j]) } print "" } }' file
That is:
$1 != "" { a[NR] = $1 } # If there is a first field, remember it
NF > 1 { b[NR] = $2 } # If there is a second field, remember it
END { # After reaching the end of the file,
for(i = 1; i <= length(b); ++i) { # process the saved data as before.
for(j = 1; j <= length(a); ++j) {
printf("%d\t", b[i] - a[j])
print ""

mIRC - Pausing hash table

on *:text:!ticket *:#:{
var %hash $+(ticket.,#)
if $istok(%owner,$nick,32) && $2 == on && !$hget(%hash) {
hmake %hash
msg # Ticket now is open. Use !ticket <point> to join.
elseif $2 isnum && $2 > 0 && $hget(%hash) {
var %topic $+(#,.,$nick), %point $readini(points.ini,%topic,points)
if %point >= $2 {
var %p $calc(%point - $2)
writeini points.ini %topic points %p
var %i $hget(%hash,0).item, %t $calc(%i + $2)
while %i < %t { inc %i | hadd %hash %i $nick }
msg # $nick $+ , You bought $2 ticket, you now have %p points
else { msg # $nick Sorry, you only have %point points }
elseif ($nick isop #) && $2 == roll && $hget(%hash) {
var %i $rand(1,$hget(%hash,0).data)
msg # The winner is $hget(%hash,%i).data $+ .
//I want to pause the raffle here so no more people can buy tickets but it sill keeps the entrys
elseif ($nick isop #) && $2 == over && $hget(%hash) {
hfree %hash
elseif ($nick isop #) && $2 == go && $hget(%hash) {
//I want people to be allowed to by more tickets and have the old tickets still count
It's all good. I just need to be able to pause the raffle but not get rid of the entries and then be able to resume the raffle. Comments in code to explain
this is the part you want
on *:text:!ticket *:#:{
var %hash $+(ticket.,#)
if $istok(%owner,$nick,32) && $2 == on && !$hget(%hash) {
hmake %hash
msg # Ticket now is open. Use !ticket <point> to join.
elseif $2 isnum && $2 > 0 && $hget(%hash) {
var %topic $+(#,.,$nick), %point $readini(points.ini,%topic,points)
if %point >= $2 && !%pause {
// here script will check if %pause is not set, so script will run normal, if yes, it wont work
var %p $calc(%point - $2)
writeini points.ini %topic points %p
var %i $hget(%hash,0).item, %t $calc(%i + $2)
while %i < %t { inc %i | hadd %hash %i $nick }
msg # $nick $+ , You bought $2 ticket, you now have %p points
else { msg # $nick Sorry, you only have %point points }
elseif ($nick isop #) && $2 == roll && $hget(%hash) {
var %i $rand(1,$hget(%hash,0).data)
msg # The winner is $hget(%hash,%i).data $+ .
inc -u10 %pause
//10 is time in seconds you can choose whatever time you want, so in this way, no one can buy tickets for 10 seconds
elseif ($nick isop #) && $2 == over && $hget(%hash) {
hfree %hash
elseif ($nick isop #) && $2 == go && $hget(%hash) {
unset %pause
// if someone typed "roll" and then you want to buy more tickes, typing "go" will just unset %pause
// you can set %pause for more time, or just an unlimmited time
i didnt test it yet

Shipping Handling Charge CGI/Perl

I want to add a flat $25 handling fee for Alaska (AK) and Hawaii (HI) - my test breaks when I add the states and flat fee to the shipping matrix below. Can someone point me in the right direction?
my $totalPounds = sprintf("%.2f",($totalWeight / 16));
#my $shipping = &getShipUPS($totalPounds, $zip, $shipType);
if ($subtotal <= 24.99) {$shipping = '10.95';}
elsif (($subtotal > 24.99) && ($subtotal <= 74.99)) {$shipping = '13.95';}
elsif (($subtotal > 74.99) && ($subtotal <= 149.99)) {$shipping = '14.95';}
elsif ($subtotal >= $150) {$shipping = '18.95';}
elsif ($state eq 'HI','AK') ($subtotal <= 24.99) {$shipping = '10.95'+'25.00';}
elsif ($state eq 'HI','AK') (($subtotal > 24.99) && ($subtotal <= 74.99)) {$shipping = '13.95'+'25.00';}
elsif ($state eq 'HI','AK') (($subtotal > 74.99) && ($subtotal <= 149.99)) {$shipping = '14.95'+'25.00';}
elsif ($state eq 'HI','AK') ($subtotal >= $150) {$shipping = '18.95'+'25.00';}else
$shipping = sprintf("%.2f", $shipping);
my $total = $subtotal + $tax + $shipping;
$subtotal = sprintf("%.2f", $subtotal);
$total = sprintf("%.2f", $total);
You cannot use multiple parameters with eq like this
$state eq 'HI','AK'
You need to do
$state eq 'HI' or $state eq 'AK'
ALso, you cannot put another parenthesis after the first after elsif like this
elsif ($state eq 'HI','AK') ($subtotal >= $150)
You need to do
elsif ( ($state eq 'HI' or $state eq 'AK') or ($subtotal >= $150) )
# ^---- main parantheses -------^
Of course, the smarter choice might be to use a hash
%extra_charges = ( AK => 25,
HI => 25,
# etc
$subtotal += $extra_charges{$state}; # assuming no missing states
The if-else logic is also all kinds of redundant. This ought to be the equivalent of your code:
if ($subtotal <= 24.99) { $shipping = '10.95' }
elsif ($subtotal <= 74.99) { $shipping = '13.95' }
elsif ($subtotal <= 149.99) { $shipping = '14.95' }
else { $shipping = '18.95' }
if ($state eq 'AK' or $state eq 'HI') { $shipping += 25 }
Those meandering forests of ifs are enough to make one dizzy, and most of them were not required. If a value is not less than or equal to 24.99, it must be bigger than 24.99, so no need to double check that.
That code is a total mess, has multiple syntax errors, and violates DRY.
It would be best to first calculate the basic shipping fee, depending on the subtotal. In a second step you add the $25 charge if the state is Hawaii or Alaska:
my #shipping_fees = (
# max subtotal => fee
[ 24.99 => 10.95 ],
[ 74.99 => 13.95 ],
[ 149.99 => 14.95 ],
[ inf => 18.95 ],
my %extra_fees_per_state = (
AK => 25.00,
HI => 25.00,
my $shipping;
for my $shipping_fee (#shipping_fees) {
my ($max, $fee) = #$shipping_fee;
if ($subtotal <= $max) {
$shipping = $fee;
if (defined( my $extra = $extra_fees_per_state{$state})) {
$shipping += $extra;

Add time script Perl

I would like to create a script that will receive 2 paramerters (hours and minutes) ( HH1:MN1 and HH2:MN2)
It has to valid if the #ARGV = 2
Valide if the time provide is correct (hours between 0 to 200 and minutes between 0 to 59)
Add those thow time and print to results
If it is more than 24 hr to print Nbday; HH:Min
if it is more than 7 days it will print Week; nddays; HH:Min.
I started with this but cant figureout how to continue
Any help or idea will be welcomed for the calculation
if ($#ARGV != 2)
print STDERR "Erreur Parameters have to be 2\n";
exit (-1);
if ($ARGV[0] = ~ / ([0-9] | 1 [0-9] ? [0-9] | 200 ) : ( [0-5] ? [0-9] ) /)
$heures1 = $1;
$minutes1 = $2;
print STDERR "first parameter invalid\";
exit (-1);
if ($ARGV[1] = ~ / ([0-9] | 1 [0-9] ? [0-9] | 200 ) : ( [0-5] ? [0-9] ) /)
$heures2 = $3;
$minutes2 = $4;
`else `
print STDERR "Second parameter invalid\";
exit (-1);
$heures = $heures1 + $heures2;
$minutes = $minutes1 + $minutes2'
The validation code is pretty straightforward:
sub usage {
print STDERR $_[0] if #_;
print STDERR "usage: ...\n";
usage() if #ARGV != 2;
my ($hours1, $minutes1) = $ARGV[1] =~ /^([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\z/ or usage();
my ($hours2, $minutes2) = $ARGV[1] =~ /^([0-9]+):([0-9]+)\z/ or usage();
0 <= $hours1 && $hours1 <= 200 or usage("Invalid number of hours for first argument\n");
0 <= $minutes1 && $minutes1 <= 59 or usage("Invalid number of minutes for first argument\n");
0 <= $hours2 && $hours2 <= 200 or usage("Invalid number of hours for second argument\n");
0 <= $minutes2 && $minutes2 <= 59 or usage("Invalid number of minutes for second argument\n");
The range check can be done by regex, but it's error prone and unreadable.
(The regex could be a little simpler, but it's written to virtually eliminate the possibility of backtracking.)
You already asked and we gracefully provided solutions to the math part, so why are you asking again?
my ($hours1, $minutes1) = split /:/, $arg1;
my ($hours2, $minutes2) = split /:/, $arg2;
my $hours = $hours1 + $hours2;
my $minutes = $minutes1 + $minutes2;
$hours += ($minutes - ($minutes % 60)) / 60; $minutes %= 60;
my $days = ($hours - ($hours % 24)) / 24; $hours %= 24;
my $weeks = ($days - ($days % 7)) / 7; $days %= 7;
As for the output part, you should be able to manage on your own. One useful tip:
sprintf('%02d', $minutes) # 0-padded to two digits
die "Erreur Parameters have to be 2" if (scalar(#ARGV) != 2)
if ($ARGV[0] =~ /^([0-9]|1[0-9]?[0-9]|200):([0-5]?[0-9])$/) {
$heures1 = $1;
$minutes1 = $2;
} else {
die "first parameter invalid";
if ($ARGV[1] =~ /^([0-9]|1[0-9]?[0-9]|200):([0-5]?[0-9])$/) {
$heures2 = $3;
$minutes2 = $4;
} else {
die "Second parameter invalid";
$heures = $heures1 + $heures2;
$minutes = $minutes1 + $minutes2'

Perl: getting all increasing and decreasing Strips in an array (use in Bioinformatics)

I'm new at Perl and im having trouble at designing a certain function in Perl.
The Function should find and return all Increasing and Decreasing Strips.
What does that mean? Two Positions are neighbors if they're neighboring numbers. i.e. (2,3) or (8,7). A Increasing Strip is an increasing Strip of neighbors. i.e. (3,4,5,6). Decreasing Strip is defined similar. At the beginning of every Array a 0 gets added and at the end the length of the array+1. Single Numbers without neighbors are decreasing. 0 and n+1 are increasing.
So if i have the array (0,3,4,5,9,8,6,2,1,7,10) i should get the following results:
Increasing Strips are: (3,4,5) (10) (0)
Decreasing Strips are: (9,8), (6), (2,1) (7)
I tried to reduce the problem to only getting all Decreasing Strips, but this is as far as i get: http://pastebin.com/yStbgNme
Code here:
sub getIncs{
my #$bar = shift;
my %incs;
my $inccount = 0;
my $i=0;
for($j=$i; 1; $j++;){
if($bar[$j] == $bar[$j+1]+1){
$incs{$inccount} = ($i,$j);
} else {
//edit1: I found a Python-Program that contains said function getStrips(), but my python is sporadic at best. http://www.csbio.unc.edu/mcmillan/Media/breakpointReversalSort.txt
//edit2: Every number is exactly one Time in the array So there can be no overlap.
use strict;
my #s = (0,3,4,5,9,8,6,2,1,7,10);
my $i = 0;
my $j = 0; #size of #s
my $inc = "Increasing: ";
my $dec = "Decreasing: ";
# Prepend the beginning with 0, if necessary
if($s[0] != 0 || #s == 0 ) { unshift #s, 0; }
$j = #s;
foreach(#s) {
# Increasing
if( ($s[$i] == 0) || ($i == $j-1) || ($s[$i+1] - $s[$i]) == 1 || ($s[$i] - $s[$i-1] == 1)) {
if($s[$i] - $s[$i-1] != 1) { $inc .= "("; }
$inc .= $s[$i];
if($s[$i+1] - $s[$i] != 1) { $inc .= ")"; }
if($s[$i+1] - $s[$i] == 1) { $inc .= ","; }
if( ($s[$i]-$s[$i-1] != 1) && ($s[$i+1] - $s[$i] != 1) && ($s[$i] != 0) && ($i != $j-1) ) {
if($s[$i-1] - $s[$i] != 1) { $dec .= "("; }
$dec .= $s[$i];
if($s[$i] - $s[$i+1] != 1) { $dec .= ")"; }
if($s[$i] - $s[$i+1] == 1) { $dec .= ","; }
$inc =~ s/\)\(/\),\(/g;
$dec =~ s/\)\(/\),\(/g;
print "$inc\n";
print "$dec\n";
Increasing: (0),(3,4,5),(10)
Decreasing: (9,8),(6),(2,1),(7)