Facebook Graph v2: Request attenting friends from event - facebook

With Fb Graph v2 it isn't possible anymore to get a list of friends, {user-id}/friends only will only return any friends who have used (via Facebook Login) the app making the request.
A found solution would be {user-id}/taggable_friends, but this will not return an uid, so it is not possible to compare this list with {event-id}/attendings.
So to me it seems that with die new Open/Closed Graph Api it's not possible anymore to provide this feature to users of my app.
Is there any solution?

After extensive research it turns out that there's no possibiltiy to get attending friends from events with Fb Graph v2. The feature request friends information on FB was removed on purpose in Fb-Graph v2.
Friends request will always only return any friends who have used (via Facebook Login) the app making the request.
Graph API Reference /{user-id}/friends
For furhter information see this so-answer.


How does this facebook app got user's friends list through oauth

I am working with facebook graph and I believe that Facebook graph doesn't give access to users friends list but only total friends count is given on graph request in any of the present graph versions (2.0-2.7).
But this app has got over that restriction and it gets users friends list on oauth version 2.3 How did they got that ?
Facebook App with friends list resource available(meaww.com)
Did facebook made any exception for them or did I missed something ?
I would not authorize those spam apps, just to be safe. Anyway, i assume they are using taggable_friends or invitable_friends - i am pretty sure they shouldn´t though. There is more information in this thread: Facebook Graph Api v2.0+ - /me/friends returns empty, or only friends who also use my app

Facebook Graph API : find friends in a place

I use graph API Facebook to get list of a place I have been there (https://graph.facebook.com/myuserid/feed?with=location) and return place id. And I want to know my facebook friends that ever been there too by place id. Is it possible?
This is not really available in the Graph API. What is possible is to get the friends which have been tagged at a specific place_id.
But even there you have the restriction that
Only friends who use the requesting app will be returned.

fetching list of friends using facebook 2.0

is there any way to fetch list of friends using facebook 2.0 API?
I was reading this upgrade from the API and it seems it is quite difficult to fetch the friends now,
but I have seen 2 permissions
Is their any way to fetch list of friends? and what about the widgets that get friends from facebook, will they go down?
In v2.0 of the Graph API /me/friends returns the user's friends who also use the app. You need to be granted the user_friends permission in order to get even app-using friends.
There is no way in v2.0 to get the full user's friends.
However, you may use the https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.0/user/invitable_friends API or the https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/v2.0/user/taggable_friends APIs to get all the user's friends with tokens than can be used for tagging and inviting.
the read_friendlist perm doesn't get you a list of the user's friends, it gets you the list of a user's friendlists which may be used to build a custom privacy selector when publishing stories to Facebook.
As of 4/30/2014, you can only retrieve the friends who also use the app.
There are, however, specific methods for apps in the 'Game' category for inviting friends.

Since Feb. 6th, can I post to friends' timeline by Graph API call directly?

My question is,
if I am the user using an authorized web application, can I post something to my friends' timeline at once, and without any interactions with me?
I've read this topic and other relative posts on stackoverflow, and I understand that facebook had made some changes.
But when I read Feed Dialog document, I find out that it said:
Your application can also publish directly to a profile's timeline without interaction on the part of someone using your app. To accomplish this, use the corresponding Graph API call
while "Graph API call" is an unavailable link. And I can't figure out what the corresponding graph api call is.
You cannot Post to User's Friends timelines through the Graph API, as simple as that. You can only Post to the authorized User's wall through the Graph API.
The only way to achieve the similar functionality, as the blog post that you have checked suggests is,
If you want to allow people to post to their friend’s timeline from your app, you can invoke the feed dialog. Stories that include friends via user mentions tagging or action tagging will show up on the friend’s timeline (assuming the friend approves the tag).

Facebook Graph API shows different results in me/home

When I do a GET with my browser (already logged-in at Facebook):
the results are different than doing the same via a FB app using Facebook C# SDK.
Specifically, what the API is not returning are feeds posted by other applications.
Why can be this happening? Can't an application retrieve updates from other applications even if it has the read_stream permission?
I even requested for additional permissions: read_stream,user_activities,friends_activities,friends_likes,user_likes,read_requests
but nothing has changed.
What I need is to get ALL and the same stories an user would see at his FB news feed.
I use
Sample for a page: http://apps.facebook.com/anotherfeed/wallfeed.php uses the /pageid/feed
In filtering for my wall plugin. Even with perms, if a friend has interacted with a post and is not sharing interaction the post will not show in Graph. Technically unless you have perms from all friends, and friends of friends you can not fully emulate the wall feed.
I noticed the results are different according the geo-localisation.
If your server is hosted in another country it might be the reason why