How do I start remote desktop from PowerShell? - powershell

How do I start an RDP session from powershell? I'm looking to avoid a custom script because I work at an MSP and end up remoting into machines across various domains in a day and so maintaining a selection of scripts across each is not trivial (unless you have a solution to that for me).

Same as in command line, you can launch the RDP client as so:
mstsc /v:

From your desktop, you can start an RDP session pointing to a remote system with this:
Start-Process "$env:windir\system32\mstsc.exe" -ArgumentList "/v:$machinename"
Where $machinename is the name of the remote system. You will be prompted for credentials.

Here it is in function format. As alorc said. Paste this into your $profile
function Start-RDP ($computername)
Start-Process "$env:windir\system32\mstsc.exe" -ArgumentList "/v:$computername"

Connection settings are stored in .rdp files. There is no need to specify a computer name and list other settings in the code.
Connect Hyper-V with settings from .rdp file:
$hyperv = Get-VM -Name "VM-Name"
if($hyperv.State -eq "Running") {
Write-Host "Hyper-V is Running."
Start-Process "$env:windir\system32\mstsc.exe" -ArgumentList "$env:userprofile\Documents\RDP-Name.rdp"
} else {
Write-Host "Hyper-V is Stopped."
Start-VM -Name "VM-Name"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 6
Start-Process "$env:windir\system32\mstsc.exe" -ArgumentList "$env:userprofile\Documents\RDP-Name.rdp"
Well, for the beauty of this whole process, create a .vbs file in the same folder that calls your .ps1 file in invisible mode.
Set objShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set F = FSO.GetFile(Wscript.ScriptFullName)
path = FSO.GetParentFolderName(F)
objShell.Run(CHR(34) & "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe "" -ExecutionPolicy Bypass & ""'" & path & "\Ps1File.ps1'" & CHR(34)), 0, True

at the console prompt type:

Try using this command: mstsc /v:<server>
additionally you can check the following link for further reference:

If you are working with remote hosts in domain, u can use this command:
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName host1 -Credential Username
If not, u should execute some steps.
This link has many other options:


Using PowerShell to execute a remote script that calls a batch file

I am having an issue with running a batch file that is located on a remote server.
I have a batch file located on a remote server that i want to run that kicks off an automated Selenium test. For simplicity, let's say the name of my batch file is mybatch.bat
I have the following code in a Powershell script located on the server:
$BatchFile = "mybatch.bat"
Start-Process -FilePath $BatchFile -Wait -Verb RunAs
If I run this PowerShell script locally on the server in ISE then it runs fine and it kicks off the selenium test which takes a couple minutes to run.
Now I want to try to execute this test from another machine by using PowerShell remoting. Let's assume that remoting is already configured on the servers.
I have a PowerShell script located on another server which has the following code segment. Assume that all of the session variables have the correct information set:
$CMD = "D:\mybatch.bat"
$TargetSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $FullComputerName -Credential $myCreds -ConfigurationName RemoteExecution
$command = "powershell.exe -File $CMD -Wait"
Invoke-Command -Session $TargetSession -ScriptBlock { $command }
When this script runs, it does connect to the remote machine and create a remote session. It does look like it kicks off the batch file because PowerShell does not give me an error. But it does not wait for the full 3 or 4 minutes for the Selenium test to finish. It seems like it just times out. Also if I am logged onto the other machine, I don't see any Selenium web test running. No Selenium log files or results files are created on remote server as should be expected.
I was wondering what I could be doing wrong with my code.
Also, it seems that the server always returns the echo outputs of the batch file to my local machine. I see these random blinking white screen on ISE which looks like output from the batch file
$command = "powershell.exe -File $CMD -Wait"
Invoke-Command -Session $TargetSession -ScriptBlock { $command }
There are 2 issues with the above code:
$command inside the scriptblock and $command outside the scriptblock are different variables due to different scopes. The variable inside the scriptblock is thus undefined and the scriptblock will simply echo an emtpy value.
Even if $command weren't undefined, the scriptblock would still just echo its value, since it's defined as a string. PowerShell does not execute strings unless you're using something like Invoke-Expression (which you shouldn't).
This should do what you want:
$CMD = "D:\mybatch.bat"
$TargetSession = New-PSSession -ComputerName $FullComputerName -Credential $myCreds -ConfigurationName RemoteExecution
Invoke-Command -Session $TargetSession -ScriptBlock { & $using:CMD }
If you would like execute a bat file from another machine by using PowerShell Remote Session, simply enter dot and then follow by a whitespace, then enter the exact path of bat file located on that remote machine.
Invoke-Command -ComputerName RemoteComputerName -Credential $credential -ScriptBlock {. "D:\Temp\Install_Something.bat"}

Unable to install program in self extracting cabinet using Invoke-Command

I'm writing a script to set up a test SharePoint server for trusted (AD FS) authentication on a stamped test environment that consists of a SharePoint server (server 2016) and a domain controller (server 2008R2). I'm writing the script to run on the SharePoint server and use a remote session to configure the DC because the DC only has PowerShell 2.0 which is missing some convenient functionality.
I have a specific segment of the script that runs a script block on the DC which downloads the AD FS 2.0 installer, a self extracting cabinet, and tries to install it. Every line of the block executes except for the actual installation. If I log onto the machine and run those same lines it works perfectly.
Invoke-Command -Session $domainControllerSession -ScriptBlock {
$installerUrl = ""
$filename = "$($PWD.Path)\AdfsSetup.exe"
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.DownloadFile($installerUrl, $filename)
Start-Process -FilePath $filename -ArgumentList "/quiet" -Wait
I tried manually extracting the contents (using /x:) and then executing the setup file but there was no change in result (Note: The files are extracted but the extractor process never exits, this doesn't seem pertinent to the problem). I also moved to the DC and created a session to localhost and got the same exact behavior.
PS C:\Users\Administrator> $session = New-PSSession -ComputerName Localhost
PS C:\Users\Administrator> Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {
>> $filename = "$($PWD.Path)\AdfsSetup.exe"
>> write-host $filename
>> Test-Path -Path $filename
>> Start-Process -FilePath $filename -ArgumentList "/quiet" -Wait
>> Test-Path -Path 'C:\Program Files\Active Directory Federation Services 2.0'
>> }
PS C:\Users\Administrator>
Update 1
I ran the process with the /Logfile parameter and confirmed that the installation is failing due to an access denied error. I've also confirmed that, as expected, the remote session is running under the same administrator account that I am using to initiate the session. I am assuming that the missing ingredient here is that the remote session is not running in an elevated shell. However, I can't seem to get that working either.
Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock {
Start-Process PowerShell -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList "& C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\AdfsSetup.exe /quiet /Logfile C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\AdfsSetup.log" -Wait -PassThru
The error is the same.

PowerShell Invoke-Command using Start-Process is not creating log file

I have a command line exe on a remote server which I need to execute remotely (running on the remote server). This exe connects to the DB, and writes a log file.
I have enabled WinRM by executing these PowerShell commands:
netsh http add iplisten localip {add local ip here}
netsh http add iplisten
Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value "*" -Force
Enable-PSRemoting -Force
This works and I was able to test by executing
Test-WSMan {computername}
I am now trying to execute the command line exe via Invoke-Command and expecting a log file entry to be created with this script.
Invoke-Command –ComputerName MyServer –ScriptBlock {
Start-Process "C:\TheRemotePath\ToTheExe.exe"
PowerShell does not display any errors. However, no log file is generated. I have full rights to the directory of the exe as well as the log file directory. I am able to successfully run the exe via Windows Explorer (navigate to the remote exe and double click to run).
Any idea why this does not seem to work or what tools I can use to try and diagnose?
I would try testing the path and switching to the call operator as Ansgar mentioned, i.e.:
Invoke-Command –ComputerName MyServer –ScriptBlock {
$path = "C:\TheRemotePath\ToTheExe.exe"
if (Test-Path $path) {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Confirmed access to $path!"
& $path
else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "Unable to reach $path!"
Doing those will help you diagnose where it's getting tripped up. Depending on the EXE, I've had to use different methods of starting the process from Powershell.
Change the working directory to the location of your executable before running it. I would also recommend using the call operator (&) instead of Start-Process, unless you have reason to use the latter.
Invoke-Command –ComputerName MyServer –ScriptBlock {
Set-Location 'C:\MyDirectory'
& 'MyApp.Console.exe'

Set Executable's Working Directory When PowerShell Remoting

I'm using PowerShell remoting to execute an exe file on a remote server. The problem is that the exe needs to have its Working Directory set to the directory that the exe is in for it to run properly. If I run the exe locally (on the server) from a command prompt it works fine, and if I use Enter-PSSession (from my workstation) and then use Start-Process -FilePath [PathToExe] -WorkingDirectory [DirectoryPath] that works fine, but if I use Invoke-Command -ComputerName [Blah] -ScriptBlock [MyScriptBlock] or $session = New-PSSession -ComputerName [Blah]; Invoke-Command -Session $session -ScriptBlock [MyScriptBlock] (from my workstation) then the working directory does not get set.
This is what [MyScriptBlock] looks like:
$scriptBlock = {
param($version, $database)
$hubSyncronizerExeDirectoryPath = "C:\inetpubLive\ScheduledJobs\$version\"
$hubSyncronizerExePath = Join-Path $hubSyncronizerExeDirectoryPath 'Test.exe'
Set-Location -Path $hubSyncronizerExeDirectoryPath
Write-Output "$version $database"
Start-Process -FilePath $hubSyncronizerExePath -WorkingDirectory $hubSyncronizerExeDirectoryPath -ArgumentList '/database',$database
I've also tried using Invoke-Command instead of Start-Process, but it has the same effect; the Working Directory does not get set.
I've verified this by using the SysInternals Process Explorer, right-clicking on the process and choosing Properties. When I launch it locally or use Enter-PSSession, the Command Line and Current Directory properties are set, but not when using New-PSSession or just Invoke-Command with ComputerName.
I'm using both Set-Location and setting the -WorkingDirectory, which are the 2 typical recommended approaches for setting the working directory, and Get-Location does display the expected (server's local) path (e.g. C:\inetpubLive\ScheduledJobs\ I'm guessing that this is just a bug with PowerShell (I'm using V4 on workstation and server), or maybe there's something I'm missing?
It turns out that the working directory was a red herring (at least, I think it was). For some reason everything works fine if I called my executable from a command prompt.
So in my Invoke-Command (I replaced Start-Process with Invoke-Command), changing this:
& ""$hubSyncronizerExePath"" /database $database
to this:
& cmd /c ""$hubSyncronizerExePath"" /database $database
fixed the problem.
Thanks for all of the suggestions guys :)
Try looking at New-PSDrive and see if that helps
I guess you'll want something like
New-PSDrive -Name WorkingDir -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "\\RemoteServer\c$\inetpubLive\ScheduledJobs\"
CD WorkingDir:
I assume you should be able to amend your script to include and put in the $version variable in to the path on the New-PSDrive command...
Not certain this will do what you need it to do, but it's the first thing that sprang to mind...
Alternatively, try amending your script as follows:
$hubSyncronizerExeDirectoryPath = "\\remoteserver\C$\inetpubLive\ScheduledJobs\$version\"

How do I remotely start a VM on VMWare Workstation using Powershell?

I have VMWare Workstation and beginner's knowledge of PowerShell.
I've created a script that successfully starts a VM on my local machine by using the vmrun tool. However, if I run it through a remote session, nothing happens. Any idea why?
Get-PSSession | Remove-PSSession
$VMHostMachine | New-PSSession
$rs = Get-PSSession # testing using localhost
Write-Debug ("Now starting VM on host: " + $VMHostMachine)
$script = {param($VMImagePath, $VMConsolePath);
$QuotedVMPath = "`"{0}`"" -f $VMImagePath
$Result = Start-Process -FilePath $VMConsolePath -ArgumentList "-T", "ws", "start", $QuotedVMPath -Wait -PassThru -NoNewWindow
Invoke-Command -Session $rs -ScriptBlock $script -ArgumentList $vmConfig.VMImagePathOnHost, $vmConfig.VMRunUtiltyPath
Invoke-Command works if I remove the session parameter:
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock $script -ArgumentList $vmConfig.VMImagePathOnHost, $vmConfig.VMRunUtiltyPath
I have a similar script that successfully reverts to a snapshot on my localhost through a PSSession, so why is starting a VM giving me trouble?
Does it work if you "enter-pssession" and then try to invoke?
I'm assuming it's "not working" for you here, because you invoke commands through PSSession where there are no visible desktops / gui-session, and you are expecting the VMWare workstation to appear? The receiving end is a service.
You could check if the process is running VMWare with Get-Process.
To do what you want to achieve here you could take a look at PsExec, which allows to start applications into an active session.
Note the "-i" parameter on PSExec.