The utilization based schedulability test can be used for FPS when rate monotonic scheduling is used. That's what my book says. However, can it be also used under different scheduling schemes (still under FPS)? Why, or why not?
I'm trying to understand how to compute the CPU utilisation for audio and video use cases.
In real time audio applications, this is what I typically do:
if an application takes 4ms to process 28ms of audio data, I say that the CPU utilisation is 14.28% (4/28).
How should this be done for applications like resize/crop? let's say I'm resizing an image from 162*122 to 128*128 size image at 1FPS, and it takes 11ms.. What would be the CPU utilisation?
CPU utilization is quite complicated, and strongly depends on stuff like:
The CPU itself
The algorithms utilized for the task
Other tasks running alongside the CPU
CPU utilization is also strongly related to the process scheduling of your PC, hence the operating system used, so most operating systems will expose some kind of API for CPU utilization diagnostics, but such API is highly platform-dependent.
But how does CPU utilization calculations work anyway?
The most simple way in which CPU utilization is calculated is taking a (for example) 1 second period, in which you observe how long the CPU has been idling (not executing any processes), and divide that by the time interval you selected. For example, if the CPU did useful calculations for 10 milliseconds, and you were observing for 500ms, this would mean that the CPU utilization is 2%.
Answering your question / TL; DR
You can apply this principle in your program. For the case you provided (processing video), this could be done in more or less the same way: you calculate how long it takes to calculate one frame, and divide that by the length of a frame (1 / FPS). Of course, this could be done for a longer period of time, to get a more accurate reading, in the following way: you track how much time it takes to process, for example, 2 seconds of video, and divide that by 2. Then, you'll have your CPU utilization.
NOTE: if you aren't able to process the frame in time, for example, your video is 10FPS (0.1ms), and processing one frame takes 0.5ms, then your CPU utilization will be seemingly 500%, but obviously you can't utilize more than 100% of your CPU, so you should just cap the CPU utilization at 100%.
I have a service deployed in Kubernetes and I am trying to optimize the requested cpu resources.
For now, I have deployed 10 instances and set spec.containers[].resources.limits.cpu to 0.1, based on the "average" use. However, it became obvious that this average is rather useless in practice because under constant load, the load increases significantly (to 0.3-0.4 as far as I can tell).
What happens consequently, when multiple instances are deployed on the same node, is that this node is heavily overloaded; pods are no longer responsive, are killed and restarted etc.
What is the best practice to find a good value? My current best guess is to increase the requested cpu to 0.3 or 0.4; I'm looking at Grafana visualizations and see that the pods on the heavily loaded node(s) converge there under continuous load.
However, how can I know if they would use more load if they could before becoming unresponsive as the node is overloaded?
I'm actually trying to understand how to approach this in general. I would expect an "ideal" service (presuming it is CPU-focused) to use close to 0.0 when there is no load, and close to 1.0 when requests are constantly coming in. With that assumption, should I set the cpu.requests to 1.0, taking a perspective where actual constant usage is assumed?
I have read some Kubernetes best practice guides, but none of them seem to address how to set the actual value for cpu requests in practice in more depth than "find an average".
Basically come up with a number that is your lower acceptable bound for how much the process runs. Setting a request of 100m means that you are okay with a lower limit of your process running 0.1 seconds for every 1 second of wall time (roughly). Normally that should be some kind of average utilization, usually something like a P99 or P95 value over several days or weeks. Personally I usually look at a chart of P99, P80, and P50 (median) over 30 days and use that to decide on a value.
Limits are a different beast, they are setting your CPU timeslice quota. This subsystem in Linux has some persistent bugs so unless you've specifically vetted your kernel as correct, I don't recommend using it for anything but the most hostile of programs.
In a nutshell: Main goal is to understand how much traffic a pod can handle and how much resource it consumes to do so.
CPU limits are hard to understand and can be harmful, you might want
to avoid them, see static policy documentation and relevant
github issue.
To dimension your CPU requests you will want to understand first how much a pod can consume during high load. In order to do this you can :
disable all kind of autoscaling (HPA, vertical pod autoscaler, ...)
set the number of replicas to one
lift the CPU limits
request the highest amount of CPU you can on a node (3.2 usually on 4cpu nodes)
send as much traffic as you can on the application (you can achieve simple Load Tests scenarios with locust for example)
You will eventually end up with a ratio clients-or-requests-per-sec/cpu-consumed. You can suppose the relation is linear (this might not be true if your workload complexity is O(n^2) with n the number of clients connected, but this is not the nominal case).
You can then choose the pod resource requests based on the ratio you measured. For example if you consume 1.2 cpu for 1000 requests per second you know that you can give each pod 1 cpu and it will handle up to 800 requests per second.
Once you know how much a pod can consume under its maximal load, you can start setting up cpu-based autoscaling, 70% is a good first target that can be refined if you encounter issues like latency or pods not autoscaling fast enough. This will avoid your nodes to run out of cpu if the load increases.
There are a few gotchas, for example single-threaded applications are not able to consume more than a cpu. Thus if you give it 1.5 cpu it will run out of cpu but you won't be able to visualize it from metrics as you'll believe it still can consume 0.5 cpu.
My Mera VoIP Transit Softswitch (MVTS) shows very low ACD (about 0.3 min) for several directions (route groups) at peak hours. Looking for factors causing low ACD, I foung this topic:, but all mentioned parameters seem to be normal. There is another strange thing also. As seen at this graph, there are about 10 lines occupied for each real call. I guess these problems are related somehow, though not sure yet.
What can cause such behavior?
You should check the followings:
SIP trunk quality
Your trunk or service providers might have quality issues to these directions. You can easily test this by sending the same traffic in the same time to some other carriers.
Low call quality under high load
You can easily verify this by just making a call during peak time and hear it yourself.
Some other factor causing call drop in similar circumstances.
Causes might include maximum supported channels, billing cut-off or others.
You should grab a statistics about disconnect codes and compare it to off-peak time or to other directions
Is there a way to calculate the electricity consumed to load and render a webpage (frontend)? I was thinking of a 'test' made with phantomjs for example:
load a web page
scroll to the bottom
And measure how much electricity was needed. I can perhaps extrapolate from CPU cycle. But phantomjs is headless, rendering in real browser is certainly different. Perhaps it's impossible to do real measurements.. but with an index it may be possible to compare websites.
Do you have other suggestions?
It's pretty much impossible to measure this internally in modern processors (anything more recent than 286). By internally, I mean by counting cycles. This is because different parts of the processor consume different levels of energy per cycle depending upon the instruction.
That said, you can make your measurements. Stick a power meter between the wall and the processor. Here's a procedure:
Measure the baseline energy usage, i.e. nothing running except the OS and the browser, and the browser completely static (i.e. not doing anything). You need to make sure that everything is stead state (SS) meaning start your measurements only after several minutes of idle.
Measure the usage doing the operation you want. Again, you want to avoid any start up and stopping work, so make sure you start measuring at least 15 seconds after you start the operation. Stopping isn't an issue since the browser will execute any termination code after you finish your measurement.
Sounds simple, right? Unfortunately, because of the nature of your measurements, there are some gotchas.
Do you recall your physics classes (or EE classes) that talked about signal to noise ratios? Well, a scroll down uses very little energy, so the signal (scrolling) is well in the noise (normal background processes). This means you have to take a LOT of samples to get anything useful.
Your browser startup energy usage, or anything else that uses a decent amount of processing, is much easier to measure (better signal to noise ratio).
Also, make sure you understand the underlying electronics. For example, power is VA (voltage*amperage) where both V and A are in phase. I don't think this will be an issue since I'm pretty sure they are in phase for computers. Also, any decent power meter understands the difference.
I'm guessing you intend to do this for mobile devices. Your measurements will only be roughly the same from processor to processor. This is due to architectural differences from generation to generation, and from manufacturer to manufacturer.
Good luck.
Having looked for a description of the multicore design i keep finding several diagrams, but all of them look somewhat like this:
I know from looking at i7z command output that different cores can run at different frequencies.
This would suggest that the decisions regarding which core will be given a new process and for changing the frequency of the core itself are done either by the operating system or by the control block of the core itself.
My question is: What controls the frequencies of each individual core? Is the job of associating a READY process with the specific core placed upon the operating system or is it done by something within the processor.
Scheduling processes/threads to cores is purely up to the OS. The hardware has no understanding of tasks waiting to run. Maintaining the OS's list of processes that are runnable vs. waiting for I/O is completely a software thing.
Migrating a thread from one core to another is done by kernel code on the original core storing the architectural state to memory, then OS code on the new core restoring that saved state and resuming user-space execution.
Traditionally, frequency and voltage scaling decisions are made by the OS. Take Linux as an example: The decision-making code is called a governor (and also this arch wiki link came up high on google). It looks at things like how often processes have used their entire time slice on the current core. If the governor decides the CPU should run at a different speed, it programs some control registers to implement the change. As I understand it, the hardware takes care of choosing the right voltage to support the requested frequency.
As I understand it, the OS running on each core makes decisions independently. On hardware that allows each core to run at different frequencies, the decision-making code doesn't need to coordinate with each other. If running a high frequency on one core requires a high voltage chip-wide, the hardware takes care of that. I think the modern implementation of DVFS (dynamic voltage and frequency scaling) is fairly high-level, with the OS just telling the hardware which of N choices it wants, and the onboard power microcontroller taking care of the details of programming oscillators / clock dividers and voltage regulators.
Intel's "Turbo" feature, which opportunistically boosts the frequency above the max sustainable frequency, does the decision making in hardware. Any time the OS requests the highest advertised frequency, the CPU uses turbo when power and cooling allow.
Intel's Skylake takes this a step further: The OS can hand full control over DVFS to the hardware, optionally with constraints. That lets it react from microsecond to microsecond, rather than on a timescale of milliseconds. This does actually allow better performance in bursty workloads, because more power budget is available for turbo when it's useful. A few benchmarks are bursty enough to observe this, like some browser / javascript ones IIRC.
There was a whole talk about Skylake's new power management at IDF2015, check out the slides and/or archived webcast. The old method is described in a lot of detail there, too, to illustrate the difference, so you should really check it out if you want more detail than my summary. (The list of other IDF talks is here, thanks to Agner Fog's blog for the link)
The core frequency is controlled by a given voltage applied to a core's "oscillator".
This voltage can be changed by the Operating System but it can also be changed by the BIOS itself if a high temperature is detected in the CPU.