.net How to make a search method non case sensitive? - entity-framework

In my MVC web application I am creating a search function where i need to compare a search string with objects in my product repository - But how do I make sure that the search is not case sensitive?
I can use ToLower() on my search string - but the repository?
public ActionResult Search(string q, int page = 1)
string search = q.ToLower();
int productCounter = repository.Products.Where(p => p.Name.Contains(search) || p.Description.Contains(search)).Count();
ProductsListViewModel model = new ProductsListViewModel
Products = repository.Products
.Where(p => p.Name.Contains(search) || p.Description.Contains(search))
.OrderBy(p => p.ProductID)
.Skip((page - 1) * PageSize)
PagingInfo = new PagingInfo
CurrentPage = page,
ItemsPerPage = PageSize,
TotalItems = productCounter == 0 ? 0 : productCounter
return View("List", model);

You can replace this:
with this:
p.Name.IndexOf(search, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0

You can use IndexOf to get access to IgnoreCase in In memory collections.
You may be disappointed when you apply this to EF provider scenarios.
Is this correctly tagged EF ?
EF Provider specification does not use IndexOf.
For that matter the Contains(str,comparer) is also not supported.
Supported Linq to Entities features
If using SQLServer with EF the original issue is governed by the column collation property. eg SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS case insensitive latin.
If you have DB first, you control the collation sequence at DB level.
All explained here nicely ... LINQ to Entities case sensitive comparison
If using code first the DEFAULT sql server db collation is used.
more info on default collation Set database collation in Entity Framework Code-First Initializer

You can use Invariant Culture and enhance the query a bit by using Length as well:
public ActionResult Search(string q, int page = 1)
string s;
string search = q.ToUpperInvariant();
int productCounter = repository.Products.Where(p => p.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(search) || p.Description.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(search)).Count();
int searchlength = search.Length;
ProductsListViewModel model = new ProductsListViewModel
Products = repository.Products
.Where(p => (p.Name.Length >= searchlength && p.Name.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(search)) || (p.Description.Length >= searchlength && p.Description.ToUpperInvariant().Contains(search)))
.OrderBy(p => p.ProductID)
.Skip((page - 1) * PageSize)
PagingInfo = new PagingInfo
CurrentPage = page,
ItemsPerPage = PageSize,
TotalItems = productCounter == 0 ? 0 : productCounter
return View("List", model);


Get dependent ids when querying principal

I'm trying to get just the ids for dependents if a principal is queried, every time the principal is queried.
My initial thought is to add it somehow in the OnModelCreating definitions, however that appears to be limited to filtering down larger sets of data, unless I'm missing something.
Something like this:
x => x.MenuIds.AddRange(
Menus.Where(y => y.ListingId == x.Id).Select(y => y.Id).ToList()
There is a need to not do this in code for each individual place I have a Select, since that functionality is normalized in some base classes. The base classes have a <TModel> passed in and don't inherently know what properties need to be handled this way.
I do have a workaround where I'm grabbing everything with an AutoInclude(), then filtering it out in the model definition with customer getter/setter to return a list of ids. But rather than being more performant (grabbing related FK ids at the DB level) it's transferring all of that data to the server and then programmatically selecting a list of ids, as far as I understand it.
private List<int> _topicsIds = new();
public List<int> TopicsIds
get { return Topics.Count > 0 ? Topics.Select(x => x.Id).ToList() : _topicsIds; }
set { _topicsIds = value; }
public List<TopicModel> Topics { get; set; } = new();
"Extra SQL that gets called with every select in a context" is (to my limited knowledge) almost what HasQueryFilter does, with a just slightly broader operation. I think this is the approach I'm looking for, just selecting more stuff instead of filtering stuff out.
You can project everything via Select
var result = ctx.ListingModels
.Select(lm => new // or to DTO
Id = lm.Id,
OtherProperty = lm.OtherProperty,
Ids = x.MenuIds.Select(m => m.Id).ToList()
To make more general solution we can use annotations and define how to project such entities.
During Model defining:
x => x.MenuIds,
x => x.Menus.Where(y => y.ListingId == x.Id).Select(y => y.Id).ToList()
Then usage in common code:
public virtual List<TModel> GetList(List<int> ids)
var list = _context.Set<TModel>().Where(x => ids.Any(id => id == x.Id))
return list;
ApplyCustomProjection(_context) will find previously defined annotation and will apply custom projection.
And extensions implementation:
public static class ProjectionExtensions
public const string CustomProjectionAnnotation = "custom:member_projection";
public class ProjectionInfo
public ProjectionInfo(MemberInfo member, LambdaExpression expression)
Member = member;
Expression = expression;
public MemberInfo Member { get; }
public LambdaExpression Expression { get; }
public static bool IsUnderDotnetTool { get; }
= Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName == "dotnet";
public static EntityTypeBuilder<TEntity> WithProjection<TEntity, TValue>(
this EntityTypeBuilder<TEntity> entity,
Expression<Func<TEntity, TValue>> propExpression,
Expression<Func<TEntity, TValue>> assignmentExpression)
where TEntity : class
// avoid registering non serializable annotations during migrations update
if (IsUnderDotnetTool)
return entity;
var annotation = entity.Metadata.FindAnnotation(CustomProjectionAnnotation);
var projections = annotation?.Value as List<ProjectionInfo> ?? new List<ProjectionInfo>();
if (propExpression.Body is not MemberExpression memberExpression)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"'{propExpression.Body}' is not member expression");
if (memberExpression.Expression is not ParameterExpression)
throw new InvalidOperationException($"'{memberExpression.Expression}' is not parameter expression. Only single nesting is allowed");
// removing duplicate
projections.RemoveAll(p => p.Member == memberExpression.Member);
projections.Add(new ProjectionInfo(memberExpression.Member, assignmentExpression));
return entity.HasAnnotation(CustomProjectionAnnotation, projections);
public static IQueryable<TEntity> ApplyCustomProjection<TEntity>(this IQueryable<TEntity> query, DbContext context)
where TEntity : class
var et = context.Model.FindEntityType(typeof(TEntity));
var projections = et?.FindAnnotation(CustomProjectionAnnotation)?.Value as List<ProjectionInfo>;
// nothing to do
if (projections == null || et == null)
return query;
var propertiesForProjection = et.GetProperties().Where(p =>
p.PropertyInfo != null && projections.All(pr => pr.Member != p.PropertyInfo))
var entityParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(TEntity), "e");
var memberBinding = new MemberBinding[propertiesForProjection.Count + projections.Count];
for (int i = 0; i < propertiesForProjection.Count; i++)
var propertyInfo = propertiesForProjection[i].PropertyInfo!;
memberBinding[i] = Expression.Bind(propertyInfo, Expression.MakeMemberAccess(entityParam, propertyInfo));
for (int i = 0; i < projections.Count; i++)
var projection = projections[i];
var expression = projection.Expression.Body;
var assignExpression = ReplacingExpressionVisitor.Replace(projection.Expression.Parameters[0], entityParam, expression);
memberBinding[propertiesForProjection.Count + i] = Expression.Bind(projection.Member, assignExpression);
var memberInit = Expression.MemberInit(Expression.New(typeof(TEntity)), memberBinding);
var selectLambda = Expression.Lambda<Func<TEntity, TEntity>>(memberInit, entityParam);
var newQuery = query.Select(selectLambda);
return newQuery;

EF Core 2+ - Eager loading using generic repository [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
.ThenInclude for sub entity in Entity Framework Core 2
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
My BaseRespository is like so:
public abstract class BaseRespository<TEntity, TContext> : IBaseRepository<TEntity>
where TEntity : class
where TContext : DbContext
private readonly TContext _context;
protected BaseRespository(TContext context)
_context = context;
public async Task<TEntity> GetByCondition(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate)
return await _context.Set<TEntity>().Where(predicate).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
And I access the GetByCondition method like so:
public async Task<Tips> GetTipBySlug(string slug)
Expression<Func<Tips, bool>> predicate = (t) => t.Slug == slug &&
t.Status == (int)LU_Status.active &&
t.User.Status == (int)LU_Status.active;
return await _tipRepository.GetByCondition(predicate);
I want to use the Include and ThenInclude of EF Core with the predicate(This is just my desire) like so:
public async Task<Tips> GetTipBySlug(string slug)
Expression<Func<Tips, bool>> whereExpr = (t) => t.Include(t=>t.User).ThenInclude(u=>u.UserImages)
t.Slug == slug &&
t.Status == (int)LU_Status.active &&
t.User.Status == (int)LU_Status.active;
return await _tipRepository.GetByCondition(whereExpr);
How can I add the desired t.Include(t=>t.User).ThenInclude(u=>u.UserImages) to the predicate using EF CORE 2 and above?
Even if this worked without the need to split up your logic across multiple repository argumets, would you really prefer to write
Expression<Func<Tips, bool>> whereExpr = (t) => t.Include(t=>t.User).ThenInclude(u=>u.UserImages)
t.Slug == slug &&
t.Status == (int)LU_Status.active &&
t.User.Status == (int)LU_Status.active;
return await _tipRepository.GetByCondition(whereExpr);
over the way EF was designed to be used:
var q = _tipRepository.Set<Tips>()
.Where(t => t.Status == (int)LU_Status.active)
.Where(t => t.User.Status == (int)LU_Status.active);
return await q.FirstOrDefaultAsync();
Why would you want to create an Expression<Func<Tips,bool>> instead of just an IQueryabe<T>. It has nothing do do with whether the repository is "generic", and everything to do with how you want to write queries. Queries are written by the consumers of the repository. Not by or in the repository (except to the extent you want to reuse a query across consumers).
The crazy thing about this design is that it allows the repo's consumer to specify the query. It just forces them to do it through a clunky, bespoke API.
You could write it like this:
public async Task<TEntity> GetByCondition<TEntity>(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> predicate, Func<DbSet<TEntity>, IQueryable<TEntity>> baseQuery = null) where TEntity : class
IQueryable<TEntity> q = Set<TEntity>();
if (baseQuery != null)
q = baseQuery(Set<TEntity>());
return await q.Where(predicate).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
You don't need Expression for that one because the Include is not deferred. It's a function that returns an IIncludableQueryable, so it's a query transformation function.
And then:
public async Task<Tips> GetTipBySlug(string slug)
Expression<Func<Tips, bool>> whereExpr = (t) => t.Slug == slug &&
t.Status ==1 &&
t.User.Status == 1;
return await GetByCondition(whereExpr, s => s.Include(t => t.User).ThenInclude(u => u.UserImages)) ;

ASP.NET Core Entity Framework SQL Query SELECT

I am one of the many struggling to "upgrade" from ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core.
In the ASP.NET project, I made database calls from my DAL like so:
var result = context.Database.SqlQuery<Object_VM>("EXEC [sp_Object_GetByKey] #Key",
new SqlParameter("#Key", Key))
return result;
My viewmodel has additional fields that my object does not, such as aggregates of related tables. It seems unnecessary and counter intuitive to include such fields in a database / table structure. My stored procedure calculates all those things and returns the fields as should be displayed, but not stored.
I see that ASP.NET Core has removed this functionality. I am trying to continue to use stored procedures and load view models (and thus not have the entity in the database). I see options like the following, but as a result I get "2", the number of rows being returned (or another mysterious result?).
string cmd = "EXEC [sp_Object_getAll]";
var result = context.Database.ExecuteSQLCommand(cmd);
But that won't work because context.Database.ExecuteSQLCommand is only for altering the database, not "selecting".
I've also seen the following as a solution, but the code will not compile for me, as "set" is really set<TEntity>, and there isn't a database entity for this viewmodel.
var result = context.Set().FromSql("EXEC [sp_Object_getAll]");
Any assistance much appreciated.
(per Tseng's advice)
On the GitHub Entity Framework Issues page, there is a discussion about this problem. One user recommends creating your own class to handle this sort of requests, and another adds an additional method that makes it run smoother. I changed the methods slights to accept slightly different params.
Here is my adaptation (very little difference), for others that are also looking for a solution:
Method in DAL
public JsonResult GetObjectByID(int ID)
SqlParameter[] parms = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("#ID", ID) };
var result = RDFacadeExtensions.GetModelFromQuery<Object_List_VM>(context, "EXEC [sp_Object_GetList] #ID", parms);
return new JsonResult(result.ToList(), setting);
Additional Class
public static class RDFacadeExtensions
public static RelationalDataReader ExecuteSqlQuery(
this DatabaseFacade databaseFacade,
string sql,
SqlParameter[] parameters)
var concurrencyDetector = databaseFacade.GetService<IConcurrencyDetector>();
using (concurrencyDetector.EnterCriticalSection())
var rawSqlCommand = databaseFacade
.Build(sql, parameters);
return rawSqlCommand
parameterValues: rawSqlCommand.ParameterValues);
public static IEnumerable<T> GetModelFromQuery<T>(
DbContext context,
string sql,
SqlParameter[] parameters)
where T : new()
DatabaseFacade databaseFacade = new DatabaseFacade(context);
using (DbDataReader dr = databaseFacade.ExecuteSqlQuery(sql, parameters).DbDataReader)
List<T> lst = new List<T>();
PropertyInfo[] props = typeof(T).GetProperties();
while (dr.Read())
T t = new T();
IEnumerable<string> actualNames = dr.GetColumnSchema().Select(o => o.ColumnName);
for (int i = 0; i < props.Length; ++i)
PropertyInfo pi = props[i];
if (!pi.CanWrite) continue;
System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema.ColumnAttribute ca = pi.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema.ColumnAttribute)) as System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.Schema.ColumnAttribute;
string name = ca?.Name ?? pi.Name;
if (pi == null) continue;
if (!actualNames.Contains(name)) { continue; }
object value = dr[name];
Type pt = pi.DeclaringType;
bool nullable = pt.GetTypeInfo().IsGenericType && pt.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(Nullable<>);
if (value == DBNull.Value) { value = null; }
if (value == null && pt.GetTypeInfo().IsValueType && !nullable)
{ value = Activator.CreateInstance(pt); }
pi.SetValue(t, value);
}//for i
return lst;
}//using dr

Passing a comparison function as a parameter into Entity Framework

I have a couple of Entity Framework functions that only differ in operators, e.g.
public int GetCountEqual(int i)
return Context.Entity.Where(e => e.Value == i).Count();
public int GetCountLess(int i)
return Context.Entity.Where(e => e.Value < i).Count();
public int GetCountLessOrEqual(int i)
return Context.Entity.Where(e => e.Value <= i).Count();
and so on. Obviously, this is a dumbed down version of my real program...
I guess it must be possible to somehow pass the operator as a parameter / lambda expression (since they're sort of canonical), but whatever I've tried so far along those lines results in the infamous
"The LINQ expression node type 'Invoke' is not supported in LINQ to Entities."
Any hints as to how to pass a comparison function as a parameter so that it can be translated into SQL? The query needs to run at the database level, I can't load the entities into memory and then run a lambda there...
public int GetCount(Expression<Func<Entity, bool>> whereExpression)
return Context.Entity.Where(whereExpression).Count();
int countEqual = GetCountEqual(e => e.Value == i);
int countLess = GetCountEqual(e => e.Value < i);
int countLessOrEqual = GetCountEqual(e => e.Value <= i);

Entity Framework 5. Multiple Include. Is this possible?

I am trying to create a multiple include method in my repository to use as follows:
repository.Include<Post>(x => x.Images, x => x.Tags).First(x => x.Id == 1)
I tried something as:
public IQueryable<T> Include<T>(params Expression<Func<T, Object>>[] paths) where T : class {
return paths.Aggregate(_context.Set<T>(), (x, path) => x.Include(path));
} // Include
But I get the error:
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Linq.IQueryable' to 'System.Data.Entity.DbSet'.
Note that the original include is the following:
public static IQueryable Include(
this IQueryable source,
Expression> path
) where T : class;
Can I make this work without turning my repository method into static?
Thank You,
If you really want to create your own .Include non-extension method that allows for multiple paths in one call, internally translating to the already provided .Include method, you can do something like
public IQueryable<T> Include<T>(params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] paths)
where T : class
IQueryable<T> query = _context.Set<T>();
foreach (var path in paths)
query = query.Include(path);
return query;
This is pretty close to what you have already, but avoids the pitfall with Enumerable.Aggregate that you encountered: you'd have the same problem if you replace IQueryable<T> query with var query in my version.
Note that using many .Include may harm performance. If it does in your situation, you can rewrite it to use multiple queries, which you can run one after the other in a transaction.
Personally, as you can call the already provided .Include extension method (using System.Data.Entity;) on any IQueryable, I'd just write it as:
repository.Posts.Include(x => x.Images).Include(x => x.Tags).First(x => x.Id == 1)
public ICollection<SomeClass> Filter(string name, int skip, int take,out int total, params Expression<Func<SomeClass, object>>[] includeProperties) {
IQueryable<SomeClass> query = Session.All<SomeClass>().AsNoTracking();
//query = includeProperties.Aggregate(query, (current, property) => current.Include(property));
foreach (var property in includeProperties){
query = query.Include(property);
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name)){
query = query.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(name));
var page = query.OrderBy(x => x.Name)
.GroupBy(p => new{Total = query.Count()})
total = (page != null) ? page.Key.Total : 0;
if (page == null) {
return new List<SomeClass>();
return page.ToList();
} else {
var page = query.OrderBy(x => x.Name)
.GroupBy(p => new { Total = query.Count() })
total = (page != null) ? page.Key.Total : 0;
if (page == null) {
return new List<SomeClass>();
return page.ToList();
I guess the shortest way is as follows:
public static class LinqExtensions
/// <summary>
/// Acts similar of .Include() LINQ method, but allows to include several object properties at once.
/// </summary>
public static IQueryable<T> IncludeMultiple<T>(this IQueryable<T> query, params Expression<Func<T, object>>[] paths)
where T : class
foreach (var path in paths)
query = query.Include(path);
return query;