Is 35.+(10) still called infix notation? - scala

I nearly talked about
as an example of postfix notation because I understood
35 + 10
to be infix notation (at least everyone talks about that as an example of infix notation). But that's wrong isn't it?
35 10 +
would be postfix.
So how do I distinguish between the first two examples by name? Are they both "infix" but the second just a neater way?

Indeed it is still "infix".
Postfix means that all operands to an operator come in the stream before the operator itself. (an example is the factorial "!" operator in mathematics)
Prefix means the operator comes before the operands (an example is the "negate"/"-" operator to make a number negative).
Infix simply means that the operator is somewhere between the operands.

To decide how to name the application syntax, break the fragment up into tokens.
[35] [.] [+] [(] [10] [)]
dropping the redundant parens, and let's name '.' as 'apply' we get:
[35] [apply] [+] [10]
So it most certainly is infix, as the binary operator is between the first and second argument.
It's just a bit noisy for what is also written as 35 + 10


What is the general pattern behind (dyadic) function composition's syntax?

The Q Tips book (Nick Psaris) shows the
following function (Chapter 10):
q)merge:`time xdesc upsert
As it is stated, it corresponds to function composition. I see the pattern: the
expression supplies a function that takes both arguments for upsert and then
uses its result to feed time xdesc. However the syntax feels weird, since
I would expect upsert to be the second argument of the xdesc invocation.
Aiming at simplifying the expression, I could see that the very same scenario
applies here:
If we show its result, we can clearly see that f behaves as expected:
However, If we slightly modify the function, the meaning of the expression is
completely different:
[0] g[2;3]
In fact, +[1;] is passed as first argument to the * operator instead,
leading us to a rank error:
I could also notice that the pattern breaks when the first function is
q)h:neg *
[0] h[2;3]
Also here:
q)i:neg neg
[0] i:neg neg
At this point, my intuition is that this pattern only applies when we are
interested on composing dyadic standard (vs user-defined) operators that exploit infix
notation. Am I getting it right? Is this syntactic sugar actually more general? Is there any
documentation where the pattern is fully described? Thanks!
There are some documented ways to achieve what you wish:
You can create a unary train using #
q)r:neg neg#
q)r 1
You can use ' to compose a unary value with another of rank >=1
Likely the behaviour you are seeing is not officially there to be exploited by users in q so should not be relied upon. This link may be of interest:

What is (!). in kdb and are below usecases valid to use it?

What is (!). called in kdb?
and are below use cases valid to use (!). to convert a list to a dictionary or are there better ways and other uses of (!). ?
q)(!). (`A`B;(`C`D`E;`F`G`H));
q).[(!);flip (`A`B;`C`D;`E`F)]
I cannot find any documentation on the use cases on (!). in kdb tutorials. Please share any information on (!). and its uses?
It's a version of apply & yep your use case is valid. The reason the operator is wrapped in parentheses is because it itself is a dyadic infix operator as is dot apply (.)
If you attempt to apply it as is, your expression is like so, which Q doesn't like
// infixOp infixOp operand
q)+ . 4 5
[0] + . 4 5
Wrapping the operator within parentheses effectively transforms it so the expression now becomes
// operand infixOp operand
q)(+). 4 5
If you define a function which can't be used infix, then there's no need to wrap it
q)4 f 5
[0] 4 f 5
q)f . 4 5
If using apply with bracket notation as in your example, there's no need to wrap the function
q).[+;4 5]
In terms of use-cases, I find it very useful when defining dictionaries/tables as configs particularly when dictionaries are too wide (horizontal) for the screen or when it's more useful to see fields/mappings vertically as pairs. From a code/script point of view that is.
For example:
mapping:(!) . flip(
(`one; 1);
(`two; 2);
(`three; 3));
is much easier to read when scanning through a q script than
mapping2:`one`two`three!1 2 3
when the latter gets very wide.
It makes no difference to the actual dictionary of course because as Jason pointed out it's the same thing.

Unary "Not" or bit-flip operator in PowerShell?

I have a decimal value 163 that I need to do a unary "not" operation on. In C++ and Java, this would look like ~(163). Essentially, I want every bit to flip.
Is there a way to do this in PowerShell using a unary operator or, if needed, a subroutine? I would also need this to flip all the bits of the entire 32-bit address. In other words, 163 in binary is 0b10100011, but I would want the entire 32-bit container to be flipped including the 163 at the end (e.g. 0b11111......01011100).
As Bill_Stewart commented, the -bnot (binary not or bitwise not) operator does what you want. It works in PowerShell 2.0.
Just be aware that PowerShell's default integers are generally signed, and the result of this operation will be different depending on that.
You may need to cast to one of the unsigned types to get the result you want:
-bnot ([uint32]163)

what are the rules for spaces in swift

I practicing in swift's playground and I couldn't figure out why swift is too specific about where programmer should provide spaces and where not. I asked this question on many sites and chatrooms but didn't got any answer.
var j: Int = 34 // Right
var j:Int=23 //Wrong
Also, In class
self.variable-= 5 //Wrong. Error: Consecutive statements must be followed by ;
self.variable-=5 // Right
self.variable -= 5 // Right
Even this ":" creates some issues with spaces sometimes.
I think spaces should have absolutely no effect on the code. It's usually just for a programmer's benefit. It just makes the code more readable nothing else. What's the best resource to read all swift rules about spaces.
Answer to the second part of your question can be found here swift docs
The whitespace around an operator is used to determine whether an operator is used as a prefix operator, a postfix operator, or a binary operator. This behavior is summarized in the following rules:
If an operator has whitespace around both sides or around neither side, it is treated as a binary operator. As an example, the + operator in a+b and a + b is treated as a binary operator.
If an operator has whitespace on the left side only, it is treated as a prefix unary operator. As an example, the ++ operator in a ++b is treated as a prefix unary operator.
If an operator has whitespace on the right side only, it is treated as a postfix unary operator. As an example, the ++ operator in a++ b is treated as a postfix unary operator.
If an operator has no whitespace on the left but is followed immediately by a dot (.), it is treated as a postfix unary operator. As an example, the ++ operator in a++.b is treated as a postfix unary operator (a++ .b rather than a ++ .b).
etc... (read the docs for more on this)
As for the first part of your question, I didn't see any issue with either way of declaring the variables.
var j: Int = 34
var j:Int=23
The only issue with that provided code is that you declare j twice in the same scope. Try changing one of the j's to an x or y or something else.
If you were wondering about
var j:Int =10
var j:Int= 10
look at the rules above. = is an operator so if you were to do either of those, it would be treated as prefix or postfix, and you would get the error that prefix/postfix = is reserved
These rules are important due to the existence of operators such as the unary plus and unary minus operators. The compiler needs to be able to distinguish between a binary plus and a unary plus operator. List of operators

Why is the `unary_` prefix needed in scala?

Beginner Scala question, but I couldn't find the answer on here.
Similar to overloading in C++, I would expect the compiler can tell the difference between a method called - which takes one parameter (with the same type as the class) and the unary version of - which takes no parameters, so why is unary_ needed?
The unary_ prefix for unary prefix operators is a bit misleading: it's more about the prefix part than the unary part. You need some way to distinguish
!foo // unary prefix !
foo! // unary postfix !
Remember: Scala doesn't actually have operators. There are two ways to call a method, either with a . or with whitespace:, "two")
foo bar(1, "two")
And when you have a single argument, you can leave off the parentheses:
foo plus(1)
foo plus 1
Lastly, (almost) any character is legal in an identifier:
foo plus 1
foo + 1
Now it looks like Scala has a binary infix + operator, but it actually doesn't. It's just a normal method called with normal method calling syntax.
What I said above isn't fully true, however. If Scala didn't have support for operators and it all was just normal method calling, then
2 + 3 * 4
would evaluate to 20 (like it does in Smalltalk, Self and Newspeak for example) instead of 14. So, there is a little bit of support for operators in Scala (two little bits, actually). When a method is called with whitespace (so-called "operator syntax") instead of the ., and that method starts with an operator character, then Scala will respect operator precedence.
And the other little bit of operator support is that there are some operators that you would like to have, but that cannot be easily expressed as a method call. It works fine for binary infix operators and unary postfix operators:
foo op bar // same as:
foo op // same as:
But not for prefix or "around-fix" operators:
So, there are a couple of special syntactic sugar translation rules:
// same for +, - and ~
foo(bar) = 1
foo.update(bar, 1)
foo += 1
foo.+=(1) // but if this doesn't compile, then the compiler will also try
foo = foo.+(1)
And the reason why there needs to be an underscore between the alphanumeric and the "operator" part in a method name is because you wouldn't know whether
Thus, foo! as a method name is illegal, it needs to be called foo_!.
Because in scala it is totally fine to create a method named -, that takes no arguments. How would you distinguish between a normal and a unary method? For example ! has a totally different meaning as unary, than as post fix operator.