How to push my project from Eclipse to my Github? - eclipse

I created a project on Eclipse and I've working on it.
Some days ago I was trying to save it on Github.
Then I did like this:
Team -> Share Project -> Git -> Create
Now, there is a label next to the name of the project: [MyProject master].
I've already did some commits but when I go to my github using a browser, I can't find my project there.
So, how do I make it appears in ?
Please help me. I am new on Git. I am still learning its concepts.
Thank you!

FYI: I found my solution here:


Creating and sharing a git repository in Eclipse

when I create a new maven project in Eclipse (version 2022-03) I run into strange problems that I don't understand. Probably I am just too stupid;-)
Let's say I have a project called HelloWorld and I want to put it under version control in the directory d:/git/HelloWorld
When I do that in Eclipse (Team - Share project) I get a dialog (Configure git repository) and when I try to create a repository d:/git/HelloWorld, Eclipse shows me in the target location "d:/git/HelloWorld/HelloWorld" - but that's not what I want.
I'd like to have a separate repository for each project, but directly under the top level directory "d:/git".
I have found out that everything's ok, if I create the git repository in the eclipse workspace but that's not what I want either.
How can I achieve this? What am I missing here?
Strangely if I try to do the same thing in Intellij there's no problem at all
Surely I am doing something stupid - hopefully some of you can explain me what I am doing wrong here:
Thx a lot for your help,
If you look at the git documentation here
you'll find the missing part: you need to create the git repository before sharing. You can use the basic wizard to do 'create new git repository'.
Then when you are ready to share the project, your repository will already be in the selection list for you to pick.

Clone from github to Unity not working as intended

I am trying to help a friend of mine on his unity project, but I can't clone his project properly. The project I get doesn't have any scenes and no sln file. Does anybody know a solution?
From what you've said, it seems like your friend hasn't put the scenes and the sln file in his project. Check the repository on github to see if they are in there. If not, ask him to put them in there, but if so it's probably a problem with Git.
Also, how are you cloning it?

GitHub issue - With Eclipse

I am getting this issue while pushing my code from eclipse to github. Can anyone please help me with this
I want to add my project on github

I've only uploaded eclipse-workspace/ProjectName/src/packageName/* on github, how can I make it less dirty?

I'm sorry for the title, but that's the easiest way I could describe it.
So I didn't know how to use eclipse integrated git tool, so during last few weeks, I worked with eclipse on a project and didn't git push from there. Instead, i copied every file in eclipse-workspace/ProjectName/src/packageName in another folder which I remoted with my git and stuff, and did the usuals git add/merge/push
So basically, my github project is only the content of this file and a README, and I realize that it's really messy. How could I change that and make it right ? Is it already too late and should I just create a new project from eclipse git tool or can I rectify it ?
Thank you in advance
It is probably easier to create a new project locally, and make sure its content looks OK for you.
Clone the repo and empty its content.
Recreate your project with your new organization, add, commit and push back.

Egit: How do I add a project from another computer to mine?

My team and I are working on a project.
I'm new to git. My friend set up egit on eclipse and created a repository.
How do I get the project from that repository?
PS. We don't want to post our project online anywhere. We don't want to post it on github either.
In the right bottom of the project page you can download the project as zip file.
you unpack it, and import("files" menu) it via eclipse.
in the settings of your project(github) you can set it to private or delete it, but i think the private setting needs you to pay.
alternatives could be an ftp server or perhaps a drop-box. but it won't be as easy to combine your work with that of the others.