Array of functions in Swift - swift

How can I store an array of functions to callback later in an array like in JavaScript? Any and AnyObject type cannot hold functions with different types of method signatures.

You can use an enum to put various functions into the Array and then extract the functions with a switch.
enum MyFuncs {
case Arity0 ( Void -> Void )
case Arity2 ( (Int, String) -> Void)
func someFunc(n:Int, S:String) { }
func boringFunc() {}
var funcs = Array<MyFuncs>()
funcs.append( MyFuncs.Arity2(someFunc))
for f in funcs {
switch f {
case let .Arity0(f):
f() // call the function with no arguments
case let .Arity2(f):
f(2,"fred") // call the function with two args

Note: this answer is for Swift versions 1.0 and lower.
Functions that have different parameters and return types are of a different type so they can't be stored in an array together. They also don't conform to the Any or AnyObject protocols.
If you have functions with the same parameters though you can work around that. Even though the functions below return a tuple of Double and an Int, they can both be defined as () -> Any function types.
func func1 () -> Int {
return 1
func func2 () -> (Double, Double){
return (2, 3)
var a: () -> Int = func1
var b: () -> (Double, Double) = func2
var arr: Array< () -> Any> = [a, b]

Below is an example with both an array and a dictionary. Tested and working in Xcode 6.1 (6A1046a). Note that functions from dictionaries must first be unwrapped.
This technique does however fall apart when the functions have different parameter or return types, for the reasons explained by connor in his answer.
class MyViewController: UIViewController
let arrayOfFunctions = [function1, function2]
let dictionaryOfFunctions = [
"function1": function1,
"function2": function2
func function1() {
func function2() {
override func viewDidLoad()
let fn1 = arrayOfFunctions[0]
let fn2 = dictionaryOfFunctions["function2"]

As of Swift 1.1, all function types conform to Any, so you can hold functions in an Any array.
func foo (str: String) -> Int {
return 1
func bar () -> (Double, Double){
return (2, 3)
var a: Any = foo
var b: Any = bar
var arr: Any = [a, b]

A simpler approach to call stored function in array on demand , to use parameters a simple workaround is to make dict args and use it inside the function.
var args = [ "a" : 1, "b" : 2 ]
var requestQueue : [() -> Void] = []
func a() -> Void {
let param = args["a"]
func b() -> Void {
let param = args["b"]
for item in requestQueue {
item() //calling the functions


Pass in argument predefined or custom function in swift

I want to pass to setter as argument one of predefined functions (in enum maybe or static) or custom function in closure.
like UIColor to UIView.backgroundColor (i can set .black or UIColor(...)). How can I do it with my custom class?
class MyClass {
var fun: ((String)->Void)?
var obj = MyClass() = {print($0)} . // It works now = .predefinedFunc // It's how i want to be able do
What you seem to want to do is "implicit member access". Unfortunately, this is not possible on closure types like (String) -> Void, because it only works on enums, as well as types with static members. (String) -> Void doesn't and can't have any static members.
It seems like what you want is simply a bunch of predefined functions. This can be done with an enum:
enum Function {
case predefinedFunc1
case predefinedFunc2
case predefinedFunc3 // name these properly!
var closure: (String) -> Void {
switch self {
case .predefinedFunc1: return { print($0) }
case .predefinedFunc2: ...
case .predefinedFunc3: ...
And then you'll be able to do:
class MyClass {
var fun: Function?
var obj = MyClass()
obj.func = .predefinedFunc1
If you also want to include an option to use a custom function, add an extra case with an associated value:
enum Function {
case custom((String) -> Void)
var closure: (String) -> Void {
switch self {
case .predefinedFunc1: return { print($0) }
case .custom(let f): return f
view.backgroundColor = .black
works because black is a static property of struct UIColor. The right-hand side is called an “implicit member expression,” see for example What is the Swift syntax " .bar" called?.
Function types are neither classes nor structs, and you cannot define a static property for a function type. Therefore an identical syntax is not possible.
What you can do is to define a “wrapper” struct for the function, with static properties for the predefined functions. Here is a simple example:
struct Fun {
let f: (String) -> Void
init(_ f: #escaping (String) -> Void) {
self.f = f
// Predefined functions:
static var printer = Fun( { print($0) } )
// ...
class MyClass {
var fun: Fun?
And then you can do
let obj = MyClass() = Fun( { print($0) } ) // set to custom function = .printer // set to predefined function
This approach also allows to extend the wrapper type by more predefined functions:
extension Fun {
static var printReversed = Fun( { print($0.reversed()) } )
// ... = .printReversed
Please define the func same as you callback func or nameless fun, then you can pass it as an argument.
class MyClass {
var fun: ((String)->Void)?
//MARK:- you have to provide the same param and return type in your predefined func.
func printer(Str :String)->Void{
var obj = MyClass() = {print($0)} = printer

Using #discardableResult for Closures in Swift

Swift 3 has introduced the #discardableResult annotation for functions to disable the warnings for an unused function return value.
I'm looking for a way to silence this warning for closures.
Currently, my code looks like this:
func f(x: Int) -> Int -> Int {
func g(_ y: Int) -> Int {
doSomething(with: x, and: y)
return x*y
return g
In various places I call f once to obtain a closure g which I then call repeatedly:
let g = f(5)
In most places I'm only interested in the side effects of the nested call to doSomething, and not in the return value of the closure g. With Swift 3, there are now dozens of warnings in my project for the unused result. Is there a way to suppress the warnings besides changing the calls to g to _ = g(...) everywhere? I couldn't find a place where I could place the #discardableResult annotation.
I don't think there's a way to apply that attribute to a closure. You could capture your closure in another that discards the result:
func discardingResult<T, U>(_ f: #escaping (T) -> U) -> (T) -> Void {
return { x in _ = f(x) }
let g = f(5)
g(3) // warns
let h = discardingResult(g)
h(4) // doesn't warn
I was looking for an answer to this recently, and I've found another way (a newer way) to do this!
It could arguably be overkill for some simple problems, but I just thought that this is an interesting yet neat approach that's worth sharing.
Say you have a closure that doubles an integer value:
let double = { (int: Int) -> Int in
return int * 2
With Swift 5.0 (SE-0216) introducing the #dynamicCallable attribute, you can "wrap" your closure with #discardableResult by creating a dynamically callable class or struct as such:
// same for struct, except without the need of an initializer
class DiscardableResultClosure<T, U> {
var closure: (T) -> U
func dynamicallyCall(withArguments args: [Any]) -> U {
let arg = args.first as! T
return self.closure(arg)
// implicit for struct
init(closure: #escaping (T) -> U) {
self.closure = closure
double(5) // warning: result of call to function returning 'Int' is unused
let discardableDouble = DiscardableResultClosure(closure: double)
discardableDouble(5) // * no warning *
Even better, in Swift 5.2 (SE-0253), you can create a dynamically callable struct using a built-in callAsFunction method without going through the trouble of using the attribute #dynamicCallable (or using class) with its sometimes cumbersome declaration.
struct DiscardableResultClosure<T, U> {
var closure: (T) -> U
func callAsFunction(_ arg: T) -> U {
return closure(arg)
let discardableDouble = DiscardableResultClosure(closure: double)
discardableDouble(5) // * no warning *

How to pass closure with argument as argument and execute it?

Initializer of class A takes an optional closure as argument:
class A {
var closure: ()?
init(closure: closure()?) {
self.closure = closure
I want to pass a function with an argument as the closure:
class B {
let a = A(closure: action(1)) // This throws the error: Cannot convert value of type '()' to expected argument type '(() -> Void)?'
func action(_ i: Int) {
Class A should execute the closure action with argument i.
I am not sure about how to write this correctly, see error in code comment above. What has to be changed?
Please make your "what-you-have-now" code error free.
Assuming your class A like this:
class A {
typealias ClosureType = ()->Void
var closure: ClosureType?
init(closure: ClosureType?) {
self.closure = closure
//`closure` would be used later.
//To use the closure in class A
func someMethod() {
//call the closure
With A given above, you need to rewrite your class B as:
class B {
private(set) var a: A!
init() {
//initialize all instance properties till here
a = A(closure: {[weak self] in self?.action(1)})
func action(i: Int) {
The problem is that closure()? is not a type. And ()? is a type, but it is probably not the type you want.
If you want var closure to have as its value a certain kind of function, you need to use the type of that function in the declaration, e.g.
var closure: (Int) -> Void
Similarly, if you want init(closure:) to take as its parameter a certain kind of function, you need to use the type of that function in the declaration, e.g.
init(closure: (Int) -> Void) {
Types as Parameters
In Swift, every object has a type. For example, Int, String, etc. are likely all types you are extremely familiar with.
So when you declare a function, the explicit type (or sometimes protocols) of any parameters should be specified.
func swallowInt(number: Int) {}
Compound Types
Swift also has a concept of compound types. One example of this is Tuples. A Tuple is just a collection of other types.
let httpStatusCode: (Int, String) = (404, "Not Found")
A function could easily take a tuple as its argument:
func swallowStatusCode(statusCode: (Int, String)) {}
Another compound type is the function type. A function type consists of a tuple of parameters and a return type. So the swallowInt function from above would have the following function type: (Int) -> Void. Similarly, a function taking in an Int and a String and returning a Bool would have the following type: (Int, String) -> Bool.
Function Types As Parameters
So we can use these concepts to re-write function A:
class A {
var closure: (() -> Void)?
init(closure: (() -> Void)?) {
self.closure = closure
Passing an argument would then just be:
func foo(closure: (Int) -> Void) {
// Execute the closure
One way to do what I think you're attempting is with the following code:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
let _ = A.init(){Void in self.action(2)}
func action(i: Int) {
class A: NSObject {
var closure : ()?
init(closure: (()->Void)? = nil) {
// Notice how this is executed before the closure
// Make sure closure isn't nil
self.closure = closure?()

How do I write map that works for all types in Swift?

As an exercise, I'm implementing a map function that takes an array and a function and applies the function to all elements of the array, but I don't know how to declare it such that it works for any type of array.
I can do something like
func intMap(var arr: [Int], fun: (Int) -> Int) -> [Int] {
for i in 0 ..< arr.count {
arr[i] = fun(arr[i])
return arr
intMap([1,2,3], {x in return x * x})
But this only works for int.
What is the type signature for Swift's built-in map?
So I was missing the fact that I can declare param type signatures without declaring their types explicitly.
func myMap<T>(var arr: [T], fun: (T) -> T) -> [T] {
for i in 0 ..< arr.count {
arr[i] = fun(arr[i])
return arr
myMap([1,2,3], fun: {
x in return x * x
Create a new Playground
Just under where it has import UIKit type import Swift
Command click on the word Swift
This will open the Swift library and you can see all the type definitions there.
And you can see:
extension CollectionType {
/// Return an `Array` containing the results of mapping `transform`
/// over `self`.
/// - Complexity: O(N).
#rethrows public func map<T>(#noescape transform: (Self.Generator.Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T]
Edited to add
Alternatively, you can write a more generalised map
func myMap<T, U>(var arr: [T], fun: T -> U) -> [U] {
var a: [U] = []
for i in 0 ..< arr.count {
return a
Which returns a new array, of a possibly different type, which you can see for yourself by putting this in your playground.
let a = [1, 2, 3]
let b = myMap(a, fun: { x in Double(x) * 2.1 })

Im confused on how this function is being called, there is no call for it?

I'm confused on how getFunctionNeededForReference is running. There is no call for it and where are the functions returned to? where are they going? I know they are being referenced but where are the functions going to, there is not call for getFunctionNeededForReference in the beginning? there is no call sending the argument flag anyway?
func add ( a: Int , b : Int)-> Int {
//returing a result and not a variable
return a + b
func multiply ( a: Int, b: Int) -> Int{
return a * b
// declaring a function as a variable, it takes in 2 Ints and returns an Int
var f1 : (Int, Int)-> Int
f1 = add
f1 = multiply
// Function as a parameter
func arrayOperation (f: (Int, Int) -> Int , arr1: [Int] , arr2: [Int]) -> [Int]
// Declaring and initializing an empty array to return
var returningArray = [Int]()
for (i, val) in enumerate(arr1)
returningArray.append(f(arr1 [i], arr2 [i]))
return returningArray
arrayOperation(add, [2,3,4], [4,5,6])
arrayOperation(multiply, [2,3,4], [4,5,6])
//Function as a return value
func getFunctionNeededForReference (flag : Int) -> (Int,Int) ->Int
if flag == 0 {
return add
}else {
return multiply
What you've posted is just some example code showing things that Swift supports. It's not code that's useful for anything. It's just demonstrating Swift's syntax for first-class functions.
If you don't understand what “first-class functions” means, you can look up the term in your favorite search engine and find many explanations.