How to set a timezone for MySql Google Cloud SQL - google-cloud-sql

Tried to create new costume flag from the developer console - doesn't work.
Tied from the command line: gcloud sql instances patch --database-flags time_zone
Doesn't work, get error: "invalidFlagName"

There is a database flag "default_time_zone" in developer console that you can use to specify timezone offset when you create a new instance or edit an existing instance.
See for detailed info.

The MySQL timezone tables are not populated so that flag is not supported via the --database-flags or web UI. If you are happy maintaining the tables yourself then ping us at with the setting you want and we'll manually set it.


yii, i am getting sql error when using restful api

I am writing restful API with Yii, but I am getting an SQL error in create function. My purpose is to add new data to the news table, but it asks me for the author_id. How can I do it without crushing the default create method?
Solution 1. Run this below query on mysql/phpmyadmin and restart server
Solution 2.
Open the my.ini or my.cnf file for editing (the file you have depends on whether you are running Windows or Linux).
Find the following line:
Replace it with the line below:
If the line is not found, insert the line under the [mysqld] section (if there is no [mysqld] section, create it).
sql_mode= ""
Restart the MySQL service for the change to take effect.
If restarting is not a feasible option at the moment, you may log into the database server and execute the below command for the changes to take effect immediately. However, the change will be discarded the next time the MySQL service restarts unless the above process is performed.
set global sql_mode='';

Error in Google Cloud Shell Commands while working on the lab (Securing Google Cloud with CFT Scorecard)

I am working in a GCP lab (Securing Google Cloud with CFT Scorecard). All instructions for the lab are given.
First I have to run the following two commands to set environment variables
In the second command given above I don't know what to replace with my own credentials? May be that is the reason I am getting error.
Now I have to enable the "" gcloud service. For this they gave the following command.
gcloud services enable \
Error for this is given in the screeshot attached herewith:
Error in the serviec enabling command
Next step is to clone the policy: The given command for that is:
git clone
After that they said: "You realize Policy Library enforces policies that are located in the policy-library/policies/constraints folder, in which case you can copy a sample policy from the samples directory into the constraints directory".
and gave this command:
cp policy-library/samples/storage_blacklist_public.yaml policy-library/policies/constraints/
On running this command I received this:
error on running the directory command
Finally they said "Create the bucket that will hold the data that Cloud Asset Inventory (CAI) will export" and gave the following command:
gsutil mb -l us-central1 -p $GOOGLE_PROJECT gs://$CAI_BUCKET_NAME
I am confused in where to replace my own credentials like in the place of project_Id I wrote my own project id.
Also I don't know these errors are ocurring. Kindly help me.
I'm unable to access the tutorial.
What happens if you run the following:
I suspect you'll get an empty result because I think this environment variable isn't actually set.
I think it should be:
Does that return a result?
If so, perhaps try using that variable instead:
It's not entirely clear to me why this tutorial is using this approach but, if the above works, it may get you further along.
We're you asked to create a Google Cloud Platform project?
As per the shared error, this seems to be because your env variable GOOGLE_PROJECT is not set. You can verify it by using echo $GOOGLE_PROJECT and seeing whether it returns the project ID or not. You could also use echo $DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID. If that returns the project ID and the former doesn't, it means that you didn't export the variable as stated at the beginning.
If the problem is that GOOGLE_PROJECT doesn't have any value, there are different approaches on how to solve it.
Set the env variable as you explained at the beginning. Obviously this will only work if the variable DEVSHELL_PROJECT_ID is also set.
Manually set the project ID into that variable. This is far from ideal because in Qwiklabs they create a new temporal project on every lab, so this would've only worked if you were still on that project. The project ID can be seen on both of your shared screenshots.
export GOOGLE_PROJECT=qwiklabs-gcp-03-c6e1787dc09e
Avoid using the argument --project. According to the documentation, the aforementioned argument is optional and if none is used the command will take the one by default, which will be on the configuration settings. You can get the current project by using this:
gcloud config get-value project
If the previous command matches the project ID you want to use, you can simply issue the following command:
gcloud services enable
Notice that the project ID is not being explicitly mentioned using --project.
Regarding your issue with the GitHub file, I have checked the repository and the file storage_blacklist_public.yaml doesn't seem to be in the directory policy-library/samples. There seems to be a trace that it was once there, but it isn't anymore, they should probably update the lab as it isn't anymore.
About your credentials confusion, you don't have to use your own project ID, just the one given on your lab. If I recall properly all the needed data should be on the left side of the lab. Still, you shouldn't need to authenticate in a normal situation as you are already logged in your temporal project if you are accessing it form the Cloud Shell, which is where you should be doing all this.
Adding this for the later versions
in the gcloud shell you can set a temp variable for the current project id with
PROJECT_ID="$(gcloud config get-value project)"
then use like
--project ${PROJECT_ID}

Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL `work_mem`

there. I want to tune Google Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL instance. Currently, I'm trying to eliminate sorting speed degradation:
Sort Method: external merge Disk: 39592kB
Right now work_mem is set to 4MB, and it seems that is too small. After reading docs, I didn't find the way how to change this setting. It's impossible via Web GUI and via command line:
$ gcloud sql instances patch reporting-dev --database-flags work_mem=128MB
The following message will be used for the patch API method.
{"project": "xxx-153410", "name": "reporting-dev", "settings": {"databaseFlags": [{"name": "work_mem", "value": "128MB"}]}}
WARNING: This patch modifies a value that requires your instance to be
restarted. Submitting this patch will immediately restart your
instance if it's running.
Do you want to continue (Y/n)? Y
ERROR: (gcloud.sql.instances.patch) HTTPError 404: Flag requested cannot be set.
Any thoughts on that?
You can change it by user or by database.
alter database db1 set work_mem='64MB';
alter user stan set work_mem='32MB';
User overides db, db overrides postgresql.conf / cluster settings. Both override alter system set ... which you might not be able to use due to security settings.

Configuring FQDN for GCE instance on startup

I am trying to start a google compute engine (GCE) instance with a pre-configured FQDN. We are intending to run an application that is licensed based on the contents of /etc/hosts.
I am starting the instances using the Google Cloud SDK utility - gcloud.
I have tried setting the "hostname" key using the metadata option like so:
gcloud compute instances create mynode (standard opts) --metadata
Whenever I log into the developer console, under computer, instances, I can see hostname under "Custom metadata". This appears to be a new, custome key - it has no impact on what:
I have also tried setting "instance/hostname" like the below, which causes a parsing error when using gcloud.
--metadata instance/
I have successfully used the startup scripts functionality of the metadata server to run a startup script that parses the new, internal IP address of the newly created instance, updated /etc/hosts. This appears to work but doesn't feel "like the google way".
Can I configure the FQDN (specifically, a domain name, as the instance name is always the hostname) of an instance, during instance creation, using the metaserver functionality?
try this:
Go to your GCE >> VM instances panel.
stop your gce instance.
clic on the instance name.
Edit your instance, adding this values on Custom metadata fields:
Key field: hostname / Value field: your.server.hostname
Key field: startup-script / Value field: sudo -s hostnamectl set-hostname your.server.hostname
Finally, start your instance and test with a hostnamectl command.
According to this article 'hostname' is part of the default metadata entries that provide information about your instance and it is NOT possible to manually edit any of the default metadata pairs. You can also take a look at this video from the Google Team. Within the first few minutes it is mentioned that you cannot modify default metadata pairs. As such, it does not seem like you can specify the hostname upon instance creation other than through the use of a start-up script like you've done already. It is also worth mentioning that the hostname you've specified will get deleted and auto-synced by the metadata server upon reboot unless you're using a start-up script or something that would modify it every time.
If what you're currently doing works for what you're trying to accomplish, it might be the only workaround to your scenario.
Here is a patch for /usr/share/google/set-hostname to set FQDN to GCE instance.
Before you use this patch, you must set your desired FQDN in your instance's metadata by specifying hostname key.
Hostname is set each time instance's IP address is renewed by dhclient. set-hostname is just a hook script which dhclient executes and serves new IP address and internal hostame to, and modifies /etc/hosts. This patch changes the source of hostname by querying instance's metadata from metadata server.
The original set-hostname script is here:
Use this patch at your own risk.
When creating a VM, you can specify a custom FQDN hostname as an optional parameter. This feature is currently in Beta.
$ gcloud beta compute instances create INSTANCE_NAME --hostname example.hostname
This should work across OSes, and eliminate the need for workaround scripts.
More info in the docs.
-- Sirui (Product Manager, Google Compute Engine)
I've looked throughout this site to find answered questions and found a few things that work but with a couple solutions combined. This thread seems the place to answer.
1) echo > /etc/hostname
2) add -- in /etc/hosts
3) add -- hostnamectl set-hostname -- command to /etc/rc.local script
4) uncomment /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf line:
supersede domain-name "";
5) profit.... Seems to stick after each reboot
(Note is your domain name: -
Also note this is for Ubuntu or Debian. Other Unix May slightly vary. I've tested this on Ubuntu 16.04
Always on the wording NOT possible to manually edit any of the default metadata pairs, how about the instant level default metadata "/scheduling"? we could set them manually as mentioned in this article

Can I CREATE TRIGGER in an rds DB?

I'm trying to create a trigger on a table in my Amazon RDS database, and I can't seem to make it happen.
I tried to create a trigger on a table in the mysql client I use (Navicat), and got the error that I needed the SUPER privilege to do so. After some searching, I found that you could SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1 to get around this. I tried that using these instructions: (and then restarting the DB server for good measure), but no luck.
I also tried creating the trigger and setting the variable via the mysql commmand line to make sure Navicat wasn't adding anything unwanted to my sql commands, but that failed, too. It also seems from searching that there's no way to grant yourself the SUPER privilege.
So ... is creating a trigger possible in RDS?
Its easy!
Open the RDS web console.
Open the “Parameter Groups” tab.
Create a new Parameter Group. On the dialog, select the MySQL family compatible to your MySQL database version, give it a name and confirm.
Select the just created Parameter Group and issue “Edit Parameters”.
Look for the parameter ‘log_bin_trust_function_creators’ and set its value to ’1′.
Save the changes.
Open the “Instances” tab. Expand your MySQL instance and issue the “Instance Action” named “Modify”.
Select the just created Parameter Group and enable “Apply Immediately”.
Click on “Continue” and confirm the changes.
Again, open the “Instances” tab. Expand your MySQL instance and issue the “Instance Action” named “Modify”.
Dont forget: Open the “Instances” tab. Expand your MySQL instance and issue the “Instance Action” named “Reboot”.
Via -
No it is actually not impossible it just takes far too much extra work.
First off it seems to be impossible to apply Super Privileges to a default parameter group.
So what I had to do was to create a new DB Parameter group either through the Console, or the CLI.
What I found was, the key is that the default region was not the region I was trying to use so I had to use a --region parameter to apply it to the group in the correct region where I was deploying my DB Instance
rds-create-db-parameter-group --db-parameter-group-name allow-triggers --description 'parameter group to allow triggers' --region your-region
Next I had to create a DB Instance which used that parameter group. (Again through the console or CLI)
Then I had to modify the Parameter group to allow log_bin_trust_function_creators only accomplishable through the CLI
rds-modify-db-parameter-group --db-parameter-group-name yourgroupname --region yourRegion --parameters 'name=log_bin_trust_function_creators,value=true,method=immediate'
Lastly I had to modify the created DB Instance to allow triggers, also CLI only.
rds-modify-db-instance --db-instance-identifier your-db-instance-id --db-parameter-group-name allow-triggers --apply-immediately
In addition to the parameter group modification that others have already mentioned, there is a further challenge that arises when using a MySQL database dump (via mysqldump) to create triggers in an AWS RDS instance. You may get a message like this:
ERROR 1227 (42000) at line 875: Access denied; you need (at least one of) the SUPER privilege(s) for this operation
This happens because the dump contains "definer" entries with a username that's different than your RDS master username. One solution is to replace the definer username with your RDS master username. Another solution is not to use mysqldump to create your database.
See this blog post for more information:
EDIT: It turns out Multi-AZ for MySQL uses "physical replication" and not logical replication, so this may not be correct. At least that's what their documentation says: - I have asked on their forums what this means, but did not get a reply. What's weird is that my RDS Multi-AZ instance claims it's a "master in a replication setup", even though I have no read replicas.
As the question has already been addressed, this is a comment more than an answer:
I'm surprised nobody takes into account why this feature is not available as a default. Amazon wouldn't disable it just to make people's lives harder.
In a master/slave replication it can be dangerous to use stored procedures and triggers that modify data (as in perform queries other than SELECT).
Please have a read below before disabling this restriction in a master/slave setup, which Amazon RDS is when you use Multi-AZ (and you should, for production at least).
I followed the above but it did not work for me. I spent almost a day to figure out why it is not working and now I know why. I am listing down steps that I followed to make it work.
Created mysql parameters group using aws web console (make sure that it should have same family as the default parameter group. Earlier, I had created a parameter group but it had different family and so it did not work. This is critical step.
Using aws web console change value of log_bin_trust_function_creators to 1
Apply new parameter group. This is another critical step
rds-modify-db-instance –I $AWS_ACCESS_KEY –S $AWS_SECRET_KEY –region $EC2_REGION \ –db-instance-identifier $DB_INSTANCE \
–db-parameter-group-name $DB_GROUPNAME \
You need RDSCli from -
Then verify if parameter group is associated with your db instance
rds-describe-db-instances \
–region $EC2_REGION
And then reboot before you try creating trigger
rds-reboot-db-instance \
–region $EC2_REGION \
–db-instance-identifier $DB_INSTANCE
Remember to set below environment variable before you try above commands.
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY=’*****’
export AWS_SECRET_KEY=’*****’
export EC2_REGION=’region’
export AWS_RDS_BIN=”$AWS_RDS_HOME/bin”
export JAVA_HOME=c:/jdk1.6_25 (in most cases this is already set)
Thanks to for full details.
AWS lays out how to enable functions and triggers in this post
Create a DB parameter group for your MySQL instance:
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon RDS console.
In the navigation pane, choose Parameter Groups.
Choose Create Parameter Group. The Create Parameter Group window appears.
For Parameter Group Family, choose the parameter group family.
For Group Name, type the name of the new DB parameter group.
For Description, type a description for the new DB parameter group.
Choose Create.
After you create a DB parameter group, you should wait at least 5 minutes before creating your first DB instance that uses that DB parameter group.
For more information about creating a DB parameter group, see Working with DB Parameter Groups - Creating a DB Parameter Group.
Modify the newly created parameter group and set the following parameter:
In the navigation pane, choose Parameter Groups. The available DB parameter groups appear in a list.
In the list, select the parameter group you want to modify.
Choose Edit Parameters and set the following parameter to the specified value:
log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1
Choose Save Changes.
After you modify a DB parameter group, you should wait at least 5 minutes before creating your first DB instance that uses that DB parameter group.
For information about modifiying a DB parameter group, see Working with DB Parameter Groups - Modifying Parameters in a DB Parameter Group.
Associate your RDS DB instance with the new or modified DB parameter group:
In the navigation pane, choose Instances.
Select the DB instance you want to associate with a DB parameter group.
On the Instance Actions menu, choose Modify.
In the Modify DB Instance dialog box, under Database Options, choose the parameter group you want to associate with the DB instance. Changing this setting does not result in an outage. The parameter group name changes immediately, but the actual parameter changes are not applied until you reboot the instance without failover.
Apply changes by rebooting the instance.
For me, it worked as the #foxybagga's answer suggest, but I needed to update the generated sql's dump (from mysqlworkbench) to have CURRENT_USER as the DEFINER
/*!50003 CREATE*/ /*!50017 DEFINER=CURRENT_USER*/ /*!50003 TRIGGER `sod_db`.`date`
BEFORE INSERT ON `sod_db`.`CashOut`
SET NEW.created = NOW();
END */;;
/*!50003 SET sql_mode = #saved_sql_mode */ ;
/*!50003 SET character_set_client = #saved_cs_client */ ;
/*!50003 SET character_set_results = #saved_cs_results */ ;
/*!50003 SET collation_connection = #saved_col_connection */ ;
I hope this helps someone is having the same problem.