How can I create a foreign key constraint using Yesod/Persistent? - postgresql

Is there a way to create a foreign key constraint using Persistent's schema syntax with the Postgres backend? Or do I need to do this manually with SQL? Specifically, an ON DELETE CASCADE relationship such that when a HackDay is deleted, all of its child Projects are deleted:
title Text
created UTCTime default=now()
votingClosed Bool default=false
deriving Show
hackday HackDayId
title Text
creators Text
votes Int default=0
created UTCTime default=now()
deriving Show

Persistent does not currently have any built-in support for triggers, though it's something we've been wanting to add (simply lacking manpower). For now, you'll have to add the trigger manually.


How to get the ERD to show more information?

I want to discuss about my db and the ERD I have, shows only the table column names, their types and the relationships between tables (in the static view).
Is it possible to alter some setting and make it add more information(default value, foreign key relationships) to the ERD (The exported static view should show these)?
No, that is not possible. The shown values are hard coded.

How to correctly add a list of objects to database, working with multiple tables?

My database looks like this: Database Diagram MSSMS
So everytime i'm adding a fish to the database, i want to add the fishes's continent, waterlagen and verbanden.
Tables Continenten, Waterlagen & Verbanden are already filled with objects from an array after creating the database.
Im using List Continenten; for example to store multiple continents.
So i tryed:
Vis nieuweVis = new Fish();
nieuweVis.Naam = "Molly";
foreach(Continent c in Continenten)
so in the table VisContinenten
i assume that EF will automaticly fill in the FishId and ContinentId wich are foreignkeys.
I want records in that table also to be unique so i add a unique key to both the columns in VisContinenten so that fish 1 on continent 1 won't appear twice in that table.
Error i get:
An error occurred while saving entities that do not expose foreign key
properties for their relationships
Additional information: Unable to update the EntitySet 'VisContinenten' because it has a DefiningQuery and no element exists in the element to support the current operation.
Help me pls :)
Thank you

Primary key update in Realm migration

I have several cases where I have to update some object models, including the property that I use as a primary key.
For example :
Merge the primary key name (e.g. Georges, Anna...), and the familyName (e.g. Johnson, Smith...) property, and use that new merged name (e.g. Georges Johnson...) as a primary key.
Make the identifier primary key from type Int to type String
But of course the documentation clearly states that :
Once an object with a primary key is added to a Realm, the primary key cannot be changed
You can always remove old objects and create new ones, but this would add a lot of complexity to re-create the relationships.
And I'm pretty sure realm may not be happy with the identifier type change either way (judging by the thrown exceptions that I encountered).
So I was wondering if there was a simpler way to do so, or if I had to do a lot of manual grunt work to achieve my very simple goals.
Katsumi from Realm here. Realm supports primary key migration.
Primary keys can be changed only during migration. So you'd like to change the existing primary key values, you can write migration block, then you can assign new values for each new objects. The values must be unique of course.
let config = Realm.Configuration(schemaVersion: 1, migrationBlock: { (migration, schemaVersion) in
migration.enumerateObjects(ofType: "Person", { (oldObject, newObject) in
newObject!["key"] = ...
You can change primary key type as well.
In that case, you also need to write a migration block and assign new values. Because the primary key property is cleared when changing the type. Also, you can merge or split existing primary key property. You can add a new property, then specify it as a primary key, then you also should write migration block and assign new unique values as well.
However, the latest version of Realm (2.8.0 and 2.8.1) made unintentional bug that doesn't allow to modify primary key even during migration. So if you're urgent, you should use the previous version (2.7.x), if you are not urgent, please wait to be fixed the bug in next release.

Alembic not generating correct changes

I am using Flask-Migrate==2.0.0. Its not detecting the changes correctly. Every time I run python manage db migrate it generates a script for all models although they have been added successfully in previous revisions. I have added two new columns to a table, migration revision is supposed to have only those two new columns instead all tables are added to it. Is there anything I am missing?
Here is whats happening.
I added Flask_Migrate to my project.
python manage db init
python manage db migrate
python manage db upgrade
Flask-Migrate generated tables for models plus alembic_version table with having revision
After this I made some changes. I added two new columns in one of my table and run the command again
python manage db migrate
It generated new revision
but instead of adding just only those two new columns, the revision contains script for all tables plus those two new columns. So for instance in my first revision, I have something like this
sa.Column('code', sa.String(), nullable=False),
sa.Column('country', sa.String(), nullable=False),
sa.Column('rate', sa.Numeric(), nullable=False),
sa.PrimaryKeyConstraint('code', 'country', name='forex_costs_id'),
The second revision also contains exactly the same code. I don't understand why if its already generated.
I googled it a little and my problems looks exactly like this but I am not using oracle DB. I am using Postgresql. Also I don't know if it has any effect but I am not creating my tables in Default Public Schema, instead I am creating two new schemas (schema_a and schema_b) as I have a lot of tables(Around 100). So just to arrange them.
The first problem seems to have resolved by adding
Now the new migration is not trying to create already existing tables again but it has some issues with foreign keys. Every time I create a new revision, it tries to remove the already existing foreign keys and then tries to add them. Logs looks like this
INFO [] Detected removed foreign key (post_id)(post_id) on table album_photos
INFO [] Detected removed foreign key (album_id)(album_id) on table album_photos
INFO [] Detected removed foreign key (user_id)(user_id) on table album_photos
INFO [] Detected added foreign key (album_id)(album_id) on table prodcat.album_photos
INFO [] Detected added foreign key (post_id)(post_id) on table prodcat.album_photos
INFO [] Detected added foreign key (user_id)(user_id) on table prodcat.album_photos
I have tried adding name to each Foreign Key constraint but that doesn't have any effect.
Thanks for coming back and providing your feedback after you solved the issue. I had grief with the same issue for 2 hours while using postgres
Btw, I would like to point out that you would have to include the include_schemas option in the block context.configure, like so:
Setting search_path to public fixed this issue. I always thought that in addition to setting schema info explicitly on each model, we also need to add those schemas on search_path. I was wrong. Changing postgresql search_path is not necessary once schemas are defined explicitly on each model.
The search path means that reflected foreign key definitions will not
match what you have in your model. This only applies to foreign keys
because that's how Postgresql does it. Read through
for background. - Michael Bayer

Enterprise architect deletes foreign key when saving

When i do the CTRL+S combo to save my work, the foreign key that i have created dissapears and is missing when i reopen the file. Upon pressing CTRL+S the status line at the bottom says delete complete. I dont understand what its deleting when im asking it to save.
I have tried remaking it over 10 times now. Nothing seems to work, the data types are the same, databases have been selected. I dont know what else to try.
The way i generate the foreign keys.
Draw association from 1 to the other, foreign key dialog pops up, i check that the child and parent are correct, press OK.
I recently ran into the same issue. My workaround was not using the CTRL+S button. Instead just use the regular save button.
While creating the foreign key relation change the index name to something else then the default, and try to save. This usually indicate the exact foreign key is in use
This happened when I was connecting the foreign key for a child table that already had the column meant to be a foreign key. I deleted the column from that table and let the "Foreign Key Constraint" window create the column for me. It will create it for you if you have under a "Child: Table name", in a "Foreign Key Constraint" window a text "ForeignKey (*)".
In case you save the object containing external references and open it in another EAP, which don't contain such object all the relations are not recovered. Couldn't this be your case?