Joomla 3.3 modules not sending e-mails to different domains - email

I'm trying to confugure a contact form module to send the forms to custom e-mails other than the administrator's, wich is from the same domain as Joomla installation.
When I configure the module to send to administrator's e-mail, it works fine. However when I input other e-mail adresses from different domains to be the recipient, the e-mail isn't sent.
I already tested with Breezing Forms and B2J Contact, and this problem happened with both of them so I suppose it's a Joomla configuration problem. Using B2J Contact allows me to add two e-mail recipients, so I tested using the administrator's as main and the other from a different domain as copy, and I receive the e-mail only on the main recipient.
I'm using PHP Mail as the send method and my Joomla version is 3.3.0.
I've been researching for days and can't seem to find a solution.
Any help would be much appreciated.

I solved this problem by changing the send mail method to SMTP and placing the right port number, which I got from my host provider.


PHPMailer hosting site using 123-reg

basically I'm hosting my site on 123-reg and have a contact form on my site which i want people to send me emails to my email address, i was using the basic php mail() but found all emails are constantly going into junk folder which i rather it go into inbox so was told to use phpmailer
looking into phpmailer i get to the code which asks for smtp but I'm lost with this as I'm not sure what i should be putting for the host username and password as i want the website to send emails to a given email address , any advice on what i should be putting this and why would be great
Thank You
You don't need to use SMTP - you can use a local mail server and call isMail() instead of isSMTP() - though you don't even need to do that since it's the default. In the examples folder provided with PHPMailer, look at the one called mail.phps.

How to send email from Contact Form in Drupal 7?

Currently, I am developing a website using Drupal 7 in my local computer.
I have set up Contact Form (Drupal core module) for user to send feedbacks.
However, I have no idea how to send email from Contact form. I didn't receive any email after I filled in and submitted the contact form. And website displays the status "The message has been sent." But there is no email received.
I know there must be something I need to setup before using Contact Form. Maybe mail server?
I use Drupal 7 with XAMPP.
Is there any step-by-step guideline on sending email? Maybe for both cases
Local machine as web server (for testing on my local computer)
Real web server (for publishing after everything is done)
I have searched some solutions in some forums but I do not understand.
I am new to Drupal.
Thank you so much for your help and guidance.
For getting mail from contact form,
Enable the module
Go to admin-> structure-> contact form
Create new category
Fill the details Category, Recipients (you need to give the mail you need to get notified), etc...
If you need to test the mail in local then you need to setup SMTP module in your drupal, this will work in server also.
If you don't have any any SMTP settings then you need to test in server. In server you may don't need any smtp mail, simply php mail may work if your hosting server is support. So no need to do any extra effort for that.

send mail from joomla to gmail address

I'm new with Joomla and I'm currently trying to set up a contact form. I searched on several forums but I didn't find an answer to my problem. First thing I want to know is if it's possible to send an email with a local web server. Secondly, is it possible to send the mails to a gmail adress and, if yes, what parameters - and where- do I have to change.
Joomla Version: 3.2.2

Can't receive emails send from php

I have set up several email accounts on my vps hosting but I can't receive any emails that are send via php from another hosting. Everything works fine when I send emails from gmail for example, I receive them without a trouble. Does anyone know any reason why emails sent from php can't be received?
Try using phpmailer, it's a good mailing class which automatically sets well defined headers so that the mail is more likely to not land in the spam folder.
Sounds like a spam filter issue. Have you set up a proper Sender ID/SPF framework in your domain name service so that the host appears to be a valid MTA for this domain? Look here for a detailed explanation of Sender ID/SPF/DKIM, etc.
Check your spam folder.
GMail is able to differenciate if a mail has been sent from outlook for example or an automated application. (I dont know how, but they can). If i send an email from my work account to GMAil works, if its a web app or executable with the same email adress, it ends up on the spam folder.

Wordpress: Contact Form 7 accepts one email address but not another

I've been using Contact Form 7 in Wordpress without too many problems. In a current installation, I can send mail to but get an error when trying to send mail to I've checked this Stack Overflow ticket:
Wordpress - Contact Form 7 Not Sending to Certain Email
But enabling the SMTP mail plugin doesn't modify the behavior of the bug, and the mail server is not external (like the ticket in question). Any idea what the issue might be? Thanks!
EDIT: is a valid email address and also succeeds when running it against open source online email checkers.
Kind of a hack, but I had this happen to me when I tried to have the emails sent outside of the domain to a gmail account. I ended up adding CC: to the Additional Headers and it worked well afterwards.