MongoDB: Modify a field from a document using a function - mongodb

The documents in my collection have the following format:
{ word: 'apple', number: 5 }
I want to increment the value of number from a javascript function. Yes, I know you can do that with a simple upsert, but I'm planning to do this for arrays and more complicated decisions that can't expressed by operators in a single upsert. This is just a simplified example.
What I've tried so far:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("53c98ff18b95662af1148ad7"), "word" : "test", "number" : 5 }
db.a.find({word:'test'}).forEach(function(entry) {
inc: entry.number, 5;
print("test", entry.number);
test 5
(but it should be 10)
Could you please tell me what am I doing wrong?

findAndModify: "people",
query: { name: "Andy" },
sort: { rating: 1 },
update: { $inc: { score: 1 } },
upsert: true
As per my comment above. This should work in bulk operations as opposed to an update on each foreach iteration.


Update array filtering by 2 fields [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Update array with multiple conditions in mongodb
(1 answer)
Closed 4 years ago.
I don't know if it is possible.
I'm trying to do an automatic process to update all elements of a nested array in some documents. The array hasn't a fixed length.
Below is a simplified example of the collection:
"_id" : ObjectId("5ba2e413a4dd01725a658c63"),
"MyOwnID" : "123456789",
"MyArray" : [
Field1: 'FooName1',
Field2: 'FooSpec1',
FieldToUpdate: '...'
Field1: 'FooName1',
Field2: 'FooSpec2',
FieldToUpdate: '...'
... More elements ...
"_id" : ObjectId("5ba2e413a4dd01725a658c63"),
"MyOwnID" : "987654321",
"MyArray" : [
Field1: 'FooName1',
Field2: 'FooSpec1',
FieldToUpdate: '...'
Field1: 'FooName2',
Field2: 'FooSpec2',
FieldToUpdate: '...'
I tried and it worked for the first element:
Query for the second element:
{ MyOwnID: '123456789', '$and':[ { 'MyArray.Field1': 'FooName1' },{ 'MyArray.Field2': 'FooSpec1' } ] } ,
{ '$set': { 'MyArray.$.FieldToUpdate': 1234} }
But when I try to update the second element only the first is updated.
Query for the second element:
{ MyOwnID: '123456789', '$and':[ { 'MyArray.Field1': 'FooName1' },{ 'MyArray.Field2': 'FooSpec2' } ] } ,
{ '$set': { 'MyArray.$.FieldToUpdate': 4321} }
I tried with arrayFilters option and $elemMatch, both give me an error.
Any options?
You can try below query using $elemMatch
"MyOwnID": "123456789",
"MyArray": { "$elemMatch": { "Field1": "FooName1", "Field2": "FooSpec2" }}
{ "$set": { "MyArray.$.FieldToUpdate": 4321 }}
You tried with arrayFilters, but probably in a wrong way, becuse it's working with it. It's not very clear in mongoDB doc, but $[myRef] acts as a placeholder for arrayFilters. Knowing that, you can do this to achieve your goal :
{MyOwnID: '123456789'},
{arrayFilters:[{ $and:[{'object.Field1': 'FooName1' },{ 'object.Field2': 'FooSpec1' }]}]}
Note that the unique document in arrayFilters is needed (with $and operator), because both conditions refer to the placeholder. If you put 2 conditions,
({arrayFilters:[{'object.Field1': 'FooName1' },{ 'object.Field2':
'FooSpec1' }]})
MongoDB will complain about two criteria with same base placeholder.
While the answer given by #Anthony Winzlet is right and works perfectly, it will only update the first array element matching conditions defined in $elemMatch, that's why i avoid to use it like that (unless having a unique index on including MyArray.Field1 and MyArray.Field2, you can't be sure that the matching element is unique in your array)

Query and Update Child Documents without knowing keys

I have a collection with documents having the following format
name: "A",
details : {
matchA: {
comment: "Hello",
score: 5
matchI: {
score: 10
score: 5
name: "B",
details : {
match2: {
score: 5
match7: {
score: 10
score: 5
I don't immediatly know the name of the keys that are children of details, they don't follow a known format, there can be different amounts etc.
I would like to write a query which will update the children in such a manner that any subdocument with a score less than 5, gets a new field added (say lowScore: true).
I've looked around a bit and I found $ and $elemMatch, but those only work on arrays. Is there an equivalent for subdocuments? Is there some way of doing it using the aggregation pipeline?
I don't think you can do that using a normal update(). There is a way through the aggregation framework which itself, however, cannot alter any persisted data. So you will need to loop through the results and update your documents individually like e.g. here: Aggregation with update in mongoDB
This is the required query to transform your data into what you need for the subsequent update:
$addFields: {
"details": {
$objectToArray: "$details" // transform "details" into uniform array of key-value pairs
}, {
$unwind: "$details" // flatten the array created above
}, {
$match: {
"details.v.score": {
$lt: 10 // filter out anything that's not relevant to us
// (please note that I used some other filter than the one you wanted "score less than 5" to get some results using your sample data
"details.v.lowScore": { // this filter is not really required but it seems to make sense to check for the presence of the field that you want to create in case you run the query repeatedly
$exists: false
}, {
$project: {
"fieldsToUpdate": "$details.k" // populating the "details" array again
Running this query returns:
/* 1 */
"_id" : ObjectId("59cc0b6afab2f8c9e1404641"),
"fieldsToUpdate" : "matchA"
/* 2 */
"_id" : ObjectId("59cc0b6afab2f8c9e1404641"),
"fieldsToUpdate" : "lastMatch"
/* 3 */
"_id" : ObjectId("59cc0b6afab2f8c9e1404643"),
"fieldsToUpdate" : "match2"
/* 4 */
"_id" : ObjectId("59cc0b6afab2f8c9e1404643"),
"fieldsToUpdate" : "firstMatch"
You could then $set your new field "lowScore" using a cursor as described in the linked answer above.

In mongodb know index of array element matched with $in operator?

I am using aggregation with mongoDB now i am facing a problem here, i am trying to match my documents which are present in my input array by using $in operator. Now i want to know the index of the lement from the input array now can anyone please tell me how can i do that.
My code
var coupon_ids = ["58455a5c1f65d363bd5d2600", "58455a5c1f65d363bd5d2601","58455a5c1f65d363bd5d2602"]
{ $match : { '_id': { $in : coupons_ids }} },
/* Here i want to know index of coupon_ids element that is matched because i want to perform some operation in below code */
function(err, docs) {
if (err) {
} else {
Couponmodel Schema
var CouponSchema = new Schema({
category: {type: String},
coupon_name: {type: String}, // this is a string
As suggested by user3124885 that aggregation is not better in performance, can anyone please tell me the performance difference between aggregation and normal query in mongodb. And which one is better ??
I read this question on SO mongodb-aggregation-match-vs-find-speed. Here the user himself commented that both take same time, also by seeing vlad-z answer i think aggregation is better. Please if anyone of you have worked on mongodb Then please tell me what are your opinion about this.
I used sample json data containing 30,000 rows and tried match with aggregation v/s find query aggregation got executed in 180 ms where find query took 220ms. ALso i ran $lookup it is also taking not much than 500ms so think aggregation is bit faster than normal query. Please correct me guys if any one of you have tried using aggregation and if not then why ??
I read this post where user uses below code as a replacement of $zip SERVER-20163 but i am not getting how can i solve my problem using below code. So can anybody please tell me how can i use below code to solve my issue.
{$map: {
input: {
elt1: "$array1",
elt2: "$array2"
in: ["$elt1", "$elt2"]
Now can anyone please help me, it would be really be a great favor for me.
So say we have the following in the database collection:
> db.couponmodel.find()
{ "_id" : "a" }
{ "_id" : "b" }
{ "_id" : "c" }
{ "_id" : "d" }
and we wish to search for the following ids in the collections
var coupons_ids = ["c", "a" ,"z"];
We'll then have to build up a dynamic projection state so that we can project the correct indexes, so we'll have to map each id to its corresponding index
var conditions =, index){
return { $cond: { if: { $eq: ['$_id', value] }, then: index, else: -1 } };
Then we can then inject this in to our aggregation pipeline
{ $match : { '_id' : { $in : coupons_ids } } },
{ $project: { indexes : conditions } },
{ $project: {
index : {
$filter: {
input: "$indexes", as: "indexes", cond: { $ne: [ "$$indexes", -1 ] }
{ $unwind: '$index' }
Running the above will now output each _id and it's corresponding index within the coupons_ids array
{ "_id" : "a", "index" : 1 }
{ "_id" : "c", "index" : 0 }
However we can also add more items in to the pipeline at the end and reference $index to get the current matched index.
I think you could do it in a faster way simply retrieving the array and search manually. Remember that aggregation don't give you performance.

How to count document elements inside a mongo collection with php?

I have the following structure of a mongo document:
"_id": ObjectId("4fba2558a0787e53320027eb"),
"replies": {
"0": {
"email": ObjectId("4fb89a181b3129fe2d000000"),
"sentDate": "2012-05-21T11: 22: 01.418Z"
"1": {
"email": ObjectId("4fb89a181b3129fe2d000000"),
"sentDate": "2012-05-21T11: 22: 01.418Z"
"2" ....
How do I count all the replies from all the documents in the collection?
Thank you!
In the following answer, I'm working with a simple data set with five replies across the collection:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4fba6b0c7c32e336fc6fd7d2"), "replies" : [ 1, 2, 3 ] }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("4fba6b157c32e336fc6fd7d3"), "replies" : [ 1, 2 ] }
Since we're not simply counting documents, db.collection.count() won't help us here. We'll need to resort to MapReduce to scan each document and aggregate the reply array lengths. Consider the following:
function() { emit('totalReplies', { count: this.replies.length }); },
function(key, values) {
var result = { count: 0 };
values.forEach(function(value) {
result.count += value.count;
return result;
{ out: { inline: 1 }}
The map function (first argument) runs across the entire collection and emits the number of replies in each document under a constant key. Mongo will then consider all emitted values and run the reduce function (second argument) a number of times to consolidate (literally reduce) the result. Hopefully the code here is straightforward. If you're new to map/reduce, one caveat is that the reduce method must be capable of processing its own output. This is explained in detail in the MapReduce docs linked above.
Note: if your collection is quite large, you may have to use another output mode (e.g. collection output); however, inline works well for small data sets.
Lastly, if you're using MongoDB 2.1+, we can take advantage of the Aggregation Framework to avoid writing JS functions and make this even easier:
{ $project: { replies: 1 }},
{ $unwind: "$replies" },
{ $group: {
_id: "result",
totalReplies: { $sum: 1 }
Three things are happening here. First, we tell Mongo that we're interested in the replies field. Secondly, we want to unwind the array so that we can iterate over all elements across the fields in our projection. Lastly, we'll tally up results under a "result" bucket (any constant will do), adding 1 to the totalReplies result for each iteration. Executing this query will yield the following result:
"result" : [{
"_id" : "result",
"totalReplies" : 5
"ok" : 1
Although I wrote the above answers with respect to the Mongo client, you should have no trouble translating them to PHP. You'll need to use MongoDB::command() to run either MapReduce or aggregation queries, as the PHP driver currently has no helper methods for either. There's currently a MapReduce example in the PHP docs, and you can reference this Google group post for executing an aggregation query through the same method.
I haven't checked your code, might work as well. I've did the following and it just works:
$replies = $db->command(
"distinct" => "foo",
"key" => "replies"
$all = count($replies['values']);
I've did it again using the group command of the PHP Mongo Driver. It's similar to a MapReduce command.
$keys = array("replies.type" => 1); //keys for group by
$initial = array("count" => 0); //initial value of the counter
$reduce = "function (obj, prev) { prev.count += obj.replies.length; }";
$condition = array('replies' => array('$exists' => true), 'replies.type' => 'follow');
$g = $db->foo->group($keys, $initial, $reduce, $condition);
echo $g['count'];
Thanks jmikola for giving links to Mongo.
JSON should be
"_id": ObjectId("4fba2558a0787e53320027eb"),
0: {
"email": ObjectId("4fb89a181b3129fe2d000000"),
"sentDate": "2012-05-21T11: 22: 01.418Z"
1: {
"email": ObjectId("4fb89a181b3129fe2d000000"),
"sentDate": "2012-05-21T11: 22: 01.418Z"
2: {....}

MongoDB - Adding to a set and incrementing

I am trying to count word usage using MongoDB. My collection currently looks like this:
{'_id':###, 'username':'Foo', words:[{'word':'foo', 'count':1}, {'word':'bar', 'count':1}]}
When a new post is made, I extract all the new words to an array but I'm trying to figure out to upsert to the words array and increment the count if the word already exists.
In the example above, for example, if the user "Foo" posted "lorem ipsum foo", I'd add "lorem" and "ipsum" to the users words array but increment the count for "foo".
Is this possible in one query? Currently I am using addToSet:
But that doesn't seem to offer any way of increasing the words count.
Would very much appreciate some help :)
If you're willing to switch from a list to hash (object), you can atomically do this.
From the docs: "$inc ... increments field by the number value if field is present in the object, otherwise sets field to the number value."
{ $inc : { field : value } }
So, if you could refactor your container and object:
words: [
'word': 'foo',
'count': 1
words: {
'foo': 1,
'other_word: 2,
you could use the operation update with:
{ $inc: { '': 1 } }
which would create { 'foo': 1 } if 'foo' doesn't exist, else increment foo.
${ id: 1, words: {} });
${ id: 1 })
{ ..., "words" : { }, "id" : 1 }
${ id: 1 }, { $inc: { '': 1 } });
${ id: 1 })
{ ..., "id" : 1, "words" : { "foo" : 1 } }
${ id: 1 }, { $inc: { '': 1 } });
${ id: 1 })
{ ..., "id" : 1, "words" : { "foo" : 2 } }
Unfortunately it is not possible to do this in a single update with your schema. Your schema is a bit questionable and should probably be converted to having a dedicated collection with word counters, e.g :
db.users {_id:###, username:'Foo'}
db.words.counters {_id:###, word:'Word', userId: ###, count: 1}
That will avoid quite a few issues such as :
Running into maximum document size limits
Forcing mongo to keep moving around your documents as you increase their size
Both scenarios require two updates to do what you want which introduces atomicity issues. Updating per word by looping through word_array is better and safer (and is possible with both solutions).