Will JBoss App Server (v5.01) load any .ear file in the deploy directory? - deployment

Will the JBoss App Server load any .ear file it sees in the deploy directory? We want to name our .ear file differently based on whether it's built from the trunk or a branch. I don't have first-hand experience with this since our deployment is done by another team. Thanks for your help!

yes it will deploy all EAR files from deploy folder.


How to deploy two war files onto Jboss 6.4.0

I have two war files msg-producer and msg-consumer. How to deploy these two war files onto jboss 6.4.0 simultaneously?
currently deploying one war file like this:
copy war file into EAP\standalone\deployments folder
Run standalone.bat from EAP-6.4.0\bin.
Yes, you can deploy two or multiple WAR files into EAP\standalone\deployments folder.
Each web application will have a different context root, using context root you can access the application.
Yes, You can deploy two or more WAR/EAR files in the JBoss Application server.
Please go through the $JBOSS_ROOT/standalone/deployments/README.txt
There are two different modes 1. auto-deploy mode and 2. manual deploy mode
Manual deployment relies on a system of marker
files, with the user's addition or removal of a marker file serving as a sort
of command telling the scanner to deploy, undeploy or redeploy content.
Auto-deploy mode: The scanner will directly monitor the deployment content,
automatically deploying new content and redeploying content whose timestamp
has changed.
Read the README.txt for more details.
The simplest way I recommend is
Login the JBoss admin console
Under deployments tab, click on "add" and select the required msg-producer and msg-consumer war files. "Enable" checkbox to be selected.
Access the application http://localhost(or_servername):8080/contextroot/

Where do I find .war files in Aerogear unified push server?

Where can find unifiedpush-server-wildfly.war and unifiedpush-auth-server.war files in unified push server. where can i deploy it?
It's located at {your_jboss_installation_root_folder}/standalone/deployments/, you can just drop your .war files there and JBoss will automatically deploy them.
If the .war is successfully deployed, you will see a file such as unifiedpush-auth-server.war.deployed being generated in the same folder.
Otherwise, files such as unifiedpush-auth-server.war.failed will be generated. It is a text file so open it you will find why it failed to deploy in JBoss.
Hope this helps.

Deploy zipped EAR to Wildfly via scp

I am (finally) upgrading from JBoss5.1 to Wildfly 9.0.2.Final (standalone). I am trying to learn how to redeploy a zipped EAR via scp, hoping to have it picked up by the deployment scanner. Per the documentation, all I have to do is set auto-deploy-zipped="true" in standalone.xml (in the deployment descriptor), then copy the .ear into the deployments folder. However, when I do so the scanner places a 'failed' file in the deployments folder with this message:
"There is already a deployment called EAR with the same runtime name EAR.ear"
It sounds like it will not automatically redeploy. I tried adding a signal file named Ear.ear.dodeploy to deployments, but this made no change.
I am able to deploy the EAR via the administration console, but I'm hoping to 'save time' with this scp approach. Hasn't saved time yet! :)
Thanks for any help.
I figured this out. It turns out that the auto-deploy scheme won't work if you originally deployed the .ear via the administration console. The fix was simply to remove the .ear via the administration console, then take the steps indicated above. Now it deploys and redeploys as expected.

Why do files end up in JBoss tmp but not the deployment

I have a JBoss server whereby when I deploy my ear file from Eclipse, I'm ending up with a whole bunch of jar files missing from the lib/ directory. Upon further investigation, I have found these files - they're in the JBoss server's tmp/vfs-nested.tmp directory. The timestamps all confirm that they're "fresh" from the latest Eclipse server instance publish action I kick off, but I'm perplexed as to why they're residing in this tmp directory and not in the application's (failed) deployment to the server.
JBoss documentation indicates "The tmp directory is used by JBoss to store temporarily files such as unpacked deployments." but I'm unsure as to what the order is or why things are there but not in the deployed application.
Any help?

How to deploy an ear in jboss from an URL?

The more I read about deploying ears and wars on JBoss the more confused I become. Apparently the deployers change on every major version.
What I'd like to do is to define an MBean or whatever with an xml snippet in the deploy folder which tell JBoss6 to fetch an ear or war from a remote URL like a jenkins artifact url or from a nexus repository.
The background is to keep the big binary blobs out of our cfengine configuration repository. This also means that copying a new ear in the deploy folder does not work, because cfengine checks every hour and restores the config if it has changed. With the xml-config file, we can undeploy and redeploy through JMX to reload new test versions (which always are on the same url in jenkins) or from the released versions from nexus.
So does anybody know where there is an example of how to achieve this?