How to drag features in Open Layers 3? - drag-and-drop

In the OL3 examples I can drag objects and drop on the map, but I want to move/resize/rotate things that are already on the map like ol.geom.Point and other ol.geom objects. What is the OL3 way do do this?
Example in OL2:

Not sure why the example on OL3 website is so complicated. Dragging vector objects can be easily achieved using new ol.interaction.Modify.
Here is a simpler working example: jsFiddle
In short, if you marker was:
var pointFeature = new ol.Feature(new ol.geom.Point([0, 0]));
You can define modify interaction as :
var dragInteraction = new ol.interaction.Modify({
features: new ol.Collection([pointFeature]),
style: null
You can then get a event for getting the new location of marker after drag like so:
console.log('Feature Moved To:' + this.getGeometry().getCoordinates());

Take a look at the modify interaction (example). Though rotation is not yet supported.

I have create a simple lib that add drag interaction to openlayers 4 by slightly changing this official example:
you can find the lib here :
and you should simply add it this way:
var map = new ol.Map({
interactions: ol.interaction.defaults().extend([new ol.interaction.Drag(),])
I test the translate and it works in openlayer 4 and there is no need for a custom interaction. keep it in mind if you going to combine it with modify interaction you should add it before modify. here is my final code:
var map = new ol.Map({...});
var featureDrager = new ol.interaction.Translate();
var modify = new ol.interaction.Modify({...});


Update Popup data in Mapbox GL JS

I'm making a fleet tracker with Mapbox GL JS, it gets the data from a GeoJson and inserts in the map, as the Add live realtime data, I've also integrated the Mapbox store locator example, by now I can update in realtime the sidebar and the points on the map. A modification that I would like to make is not display only one single popup, but a popup for every icon located there. I would like to know how to update this popups, because in the way I'm making it's creating a new popup every movement of the object, but is not closing the previous one. Here is the function that I'm using for the popups
function createPopUp(currentFeature, data) {
var popUps = document.getElementsByClassName('mapboxgl-popup');
//if (popUps[0]) popUps[0].remove();
// mapboxgl.Popup.remove();
if (map.getZoom() > 9) {
var popup = new mapboxgl.Popup({closeOnClick: false})
.setHTML('<h3> Aeronave: '+ + '</h3>' +
'<h4> Curso: ' + + 'º<br> Altitude: ' + + ' ft<br> Sinal: ' + +'</h4>')
} else{if (popUps[0]) popUps[0].remove()};
If I uncomment the popUps[0] line it will only allow 1 popup to be displayed, I've also tried to change dynamically the number between the [] by the number of active tracked devices, it reduced the popup number, but it still repeat some popups of one ID. Also I've tried to change the class name via the .addClasName but it didn't worked.
Without seeing how you're calling the createPopUp method in the context of your application, it is difficult to diagnose exactly what is going wrong. I'm not sure why a new popup is being created each time the map moves, so it sounds like you might be calling this method within the Map#on('move') event. That being said, I'm assuming that you're iterating over all of your features and calling the createPopUp method for each in order to initialize all of the popups.
Rather than using an array of DOM nodes generated with var popUps = document.getElementsByClassName('mapboxgl-popup');, I'd recommend specifying a unique and reproducible class name for each feature's popup element when initialized. It looks like each of your features has a dev_id property, so you could do something like:
var popup = new mapboxgl.Popup({closeOnClick: false, className: `mapbox-gl-popup-${dev_id}`})
If you need to change the popup for a particular feature in the future, you can create a helper function to retrieve the relevant DOM node:
function retrievePopUp(feature) {
return document.getElementsByClassName(`mapboxgl-popup-${}`);

How to get the feature geojson from the result of queryRenderedFeatures on a layer whose source is a vector tile in mapbox gl js?

I have a layer called "Searched LayerX" having a vector tile source. I am having a simple requirement of highlighting a feature inside this "Searched LayerX" at runtime.
I was thinking of using the result of queryRenderedFeatures on "Searched LayerX" with the filter of unique ID of this particular feature and using this feature's geojson as a separate source to the new layer which I will be adding as "Selected LayerX".
var features = mapBox.queryRenderedFeatures({layers:['Searched LayerX'], filter : ["==",'gid','7818_2_CA']})
var selectedFeature = features[0];
Resultant feature set does not provide any geojson which I can use to create a new geojson source.
So my question is, how do I use the result as a different source to my "Selected LayerX"?
You can use the method described in the first link below - but understand that the returned feature is not the same as the source GeoJSON feature - it is the vector tile representation of that feature at that zoom level, which means it might be highly simplified.
Another method is to add another layer with the same source, and use the filter function for the highlight as shown in the two links below -
highlighting polyline features in mapbox-gl.js
Try this post, I have added the code which will let you have the features using querySourceFeatures()

Markercluster in Mapbox

I am following markercluster examples from Mapbox library, but can't solve my problem. If you guys take a look at my working example here, you will notice this line of code:
L.mapbox.featureLayer(markerLayer).on('ready', function(e) {
What I initally thought was I could put markers inside of markercluster featureLayer, but I guess it was a wrong approach. Any solutions? Thanks.
Example following here
The mapbox example you refer to makes an AJAX call to retrieve the GeoJSON data, hence it needs to attach an on "ready" listener.
In your case your GeoJSON data is defined in your scripts, so the "ready" event will not be triggered (besides, you should use L.mapbox.featureLayer with your GeoJSON object directly, not a Feature Layer).
You can simply use the eachLayer method to iterate through all created markers within the Feature Layer, and add them into your Marker Cluster Group.
var clusterGroup = new L.MarkerClusterGroup();
var markerLayer = L.mapbox.featureLayer(markers).eachLayer(function(layer) {
Updated Plunker:

Multiple markers on the exact same position on a Leaflet map

We use leafletJS to show maps with round about 100 markers. Some of these markers are located on exact the same position. Marker2 is above Marker1 so Marker1 isn't visible. Is there a way to rotate Markers in a way that you can see there are more then one marker?
may be you should look at plugin
here demo -
The drawback with walla's answer is that Leaflet.markercluster requires clustering, which may not be an option depending on your requirements i.e. you need to always display individual markers.
OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier-Leaflet (a bit of a mouthful) works well in this case and it's fairly well documented. It displays a 'spider' of markers on click only if they overlap i.e. if the zoom level increases so markers don't overlap, then it won't 'spider' on click, which is quite nice. Demo.
It's available as a NPM package but it isn't a proper ES module, so usage is a bit trickier than usual if you're expecting an ES module:
// Need to specifically import the distributed JS file
import 'overlapping-marker-spiderfier-leaflet/dist/oms';
// Note access to constructor via window object
// map refers to your leaflet map object
const oms = new window.OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier(map);
oms.addListener('click', (marker) => {
// Your callback when marker is clicked
// Markers need to be added to OMS to spider overlapping markers
markers.forEach((marker) => {
// Conversely use oms.removeMarker(marker) if a marker is removed
Alternatively there is a forked version (confusingly) called OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier that is a proper ES module so you can do:
import OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier from 'overlapping-marker-spiderfier'
const oms = new OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier(map);
However as of 24 Jan 2020 there's a fair bit of divergence based on commits between the two so YMMV.
FWIW I'm using the original.
If anyone is looking working sample for Angular below are the steps,
Install it via npm: npm i --save overlapping-marker-spiderfier-leaflet
Then import it into the component where you need it: import 'overlapping-marker-spiderfier-leaflet/dist/oms';
Add this line on top of the file where you import it: const OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier = (<any>window).OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier;
Add the oms markup like that: this.oms = new OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier(, { nearbyDistance: 20, keepSpiderfied: true });
Add the markers to oms at the same place where you add your markers to the map so oms can track them properly this.oms.addMarker(marker);
xlm is already gave a complete answer. Thanks to him for that answer. But this is a slightly changed answer that worked for me in angular.
we had the same problem, follows the jsFiddle with the solution we found
var marker1 = new google.maps.Marker({
position: myLatLng,
map: map,
icon: {
url: image,
size: new google.maps.Size(134,130), //different sizes
zIndex: 2, //different overlays
title: '1º marker',

dojox chart update/destroy does not work after dojo.byId

I created a dojo chart using;
var pieChart = new dojox.charting.Chart2D("pieChart");
Afterwards I want to update/destroy this chart. SO I do;
var pieChart = dojo.byId("pieChart");
This seems to be not functional. Am I doing something wrong here?
I ran into this same problem, where I created the chart in one place and then wanted to destroy it in another, but I didn't have a reference to the chart object. The only solution I found is to empty the DOM node you used to make the chart:
As you're using dojox so dojo.byId will not return javascript object try using dijit.byId I think it'll work as suggested below:
var pieChart = dijit.byId("pieChart");
the same problem I was facing with dojox.form.BusyButton after a great effort I found this...
The second variable will reference DOM object, not the javascript object that store chart object.
var pieChart = new dojox.charting.Chart2D("pieChart");
pieChartDom = dojo.byId("pieChart"); //you cannot destroy,
pieChart.destroy(); //you can destroy, this is original variable
I hope it helps.