Long Argument Indentation in emacs - emacs

I am currently using "bsd" style indentation in emacs. I also prefer to limit myself to 80 character lines.
There are situations where I am passing many arguments to a function and exceed the 80 characters. When this happen, I insert a newline. Currently, if I use the automated indentation for the continuation of my line, I get the following:
function __TimeBlock($inputDay, $inputStartHour, $inputStartMinute,
$inputEndHour, $inputEndMinute)
however, what I want is:
function __TimeBlock($inputDay, $inputStartHour, $inputStartMinute,
$inputEndHour, $inputEndMinute)
It should line up so that it is directly below the first character after the paren above.
Is there a way to edit the indentations so that I will automatically get that behavior when I have a newline within a set of parens "()"?
I would like this to apply across any whitespace-ignoring languages I code in within emacs.

This is probably a good start for you:
(add-hook 'c-mode-hook 'my-c-mode-hook)
(defun my-c-mode-hook ()
"Customisations for C-mode and its derivatives."
(c-set-style "bsd"))
n.b. All the PHP modes I've seen derive from c-mode.
Or if you prefer:
M-x customize-variable RET c-default-style RET
and specify bsd as appropriate.
FWIW, the most specific syntactic context element symbol (for c-offsets-alist) for this question appears to be:
arglist-cont-nonempty -- Subsequent argument list lines when at
least one argument follows on the same
line as the arglist opening paren.
(but it doesn't look like you'll need to override its value.)


Wrong indentation of comments in Emacs

In many languages, the line comment starts with a single symbol, for example # in Python and R.
I find that in Emacs, when writing such line comments, I have to repeat the comment symbol twice to make the correct indentation.
See the following example:
(setq x-select-enable-clipboard t)
;using a single comment symbol indents wrongly
;; repeating the comment symbol indents fine
(setq-default c-basic-offset 4)
With a single ; at the beginning of the line cannot get the correct indentation. How to get the correct setting? Thanks!
I found the solution myself. In ESS's document:
Comments are also handled specially by ESS, using an idea borrowed
from the Emacs-Lisp indentation style. By default, comments beginning
with ‘###’ are aligned to the beginning of the line. Comments
beginning with ‘##’ are aligned to the current level of indentation
for the block containing the comment. Finally, comments beginning with
‘#’ are aligned to a column on the right (the 40th column by default,
but this value is controlled by the variable comment-column,) or just
after the expression on the line containing the comment if it extends
beyond the indentation column. You turn off the default behavior by
adding the line (setq ess-fancy-comments nil) to your .emacs file.
So I put this in my .emacs:
(setq ess-fancy-comments nil) ; this is for ESS
I think for Python mode, it has a similar variable.
Your example use Emacs Lisp, in this language the standard convention is that a single ; is indented to the right, whereas two ;; is indented like code would be indented at that point. I strongly recommend that you stick to this convention, otherwise your code would stand out as being different. And three ;;; is indented to the left. Four ;;;; is left indented, and used for major sections. (See https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/elisp/Comment-Tips.html)
For Ruby, comments always indent as code, as far as I know.
The major mode should take care of this properly. If not, consider filing an enhancement request or bug report to the maintainers. Of course, "properly" might be in the eye of the beholder. You can try to make your preferences known, however. And check whether the major-mode code might already have user options for this.
Beyond that, the function that is the value of variable comment-indent-function governs this. Normally, this is set by the major mode. You can set it to any function you want (e.g. on the mode hook, so that your definition overrides the one provided by the major-mode code).
It accepts no arguments, and it returns the column you want the comment to be indented to.
Here is code that indents a comment to column 0, for example:
(defun foo () (setq comment-indent-function (lambda () 0)))
(add-hook 'SOME-MODE-HOOK 'foo 'APPEND)
For Emacs-Lisp mode, for example, you would use (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'foo 'APPEND).

How to disable underscore (_) subscripting in Emacs, TeX input method

On Emacs, while editing a text document of notes for myself (a .txt document, not a .tex document), I am using M-x set-input-method Ret TeX, in order to get easy access to various Unicode characters. So for example, typing \tospace causes a "→" to be inserted into the text, and typing x^2 causes "x2" to be inserted, because the font I am using has support for Unicode codepoints 0x2192 and 0x00B2, respectively.
One of the specially handled characters in the method is for the underscore key, _. However, the font I am using for Emacs does not appear to have support for the codepoints for the various subscript characters, such as subscript zero (codepoint 0x2080), and so when I type _0, I get something rendered as a thin blank in my output. I would prefer to just have the two characters _0 in this case.
I can get _0 by the awkward keystroke sequence _spacedel0, since the space keystroke in the middle of the sequence causes Emacs to abort the TeX input method. But this is awkward.
So, my question: How can I locally customize my Emacs to not remap the _ key at all when I am in the TeX input method? Or how can I create a modified clone (or extension, etc) of the TeX input method that leaves out underscore from its magic?
Things I have tried so far:
I have already done M-xdescribe-key on _; but it is just bound to self-insert-command, like many other text characters. I did see a post-self-insert-hook there, but I have not explored trying to use that to subvert the TeX input method.
Things I have not tried so far:
I have not tried learning anything about the input method architecture or its source code. From my quick purview of the code and methods. it did not seem like something I could quickly jump into.
So here is the solution I just found: Make a personalized copy of the TeX input method, with all of the undesirable entries removed. Then when using M-x set-input-method, select the personalized version instead of TeX.
I would have tried this earlier, but the built-in documentation for set-input-mode and its ilk does not provide sufficient guidance to the actual source for the input-methods for me to find it. It was only after doing another search on SO and finding this: Emacs: Can't activate input method that I was able to get enough information to do this on my own.
In Emacs, open /usr/share/emacs/22.1/leim/leim-list.el and find the entry for the input method you want to customize. The entry will be something like the following form:
"TeX" "UTF-8" 'quail-use-package
"\\" "LaTeX-like input method for many characters."
Note the file name prefix referenced in the last element in the form above. Find the corresponding Elisp source file; in this case, it is a relative path to the file quail/latin-ltx.el[.gz]. Open that file in Emacs, and check it out; it should have the entries for the method remappings, both desired and undesired.
Make a user-local copy of that Elisp source file amongst your other Emacs customizations. Open that local copy in Emacs.
In your local copy, find the (quail-define-package ...) form in the file, and change the name of the package; I used FSK-TeX as my new name, like so:
"FSK-TeX" "UTF-8" "\\" t ;; <-- The first argument here is the important bit to change.
"LaTeX-like input method for many characters but not as many as you might think.
Go through your local copy, and delete all the S-expressions for mappings that you don't want.
In your .emacs configuration file, register your customized input method, using a form analogous to the one you saw when you looked at leim-list.el in step 1:
"FSK-TeX" "UTF-8" 'quail-use-package
"\\" "FSK-customized LaTeX-like input method for many characters."
Restart Emacs and test your new input-method; in my case, by doing M-x set-input-method FSK-TeX, typing a_0, and confirming that a_0 shows up in the buffer.
So, there's at least one answer that is less awkward once you have it installed than some of the workarounds listed in the question (and as it turns out, are also officially documented in the Emacs 22 manual as a way to cut off input method processing).
However, I am not really happy with this solution, since I would prefer to inherit future changes to TeX mode, and just have my .emacs remove the undesirable entries on startup.
So I will wait to see if anyone else comes up with a better answer than this.
I did not test this myself, but this seems to be the exact thing you are looking for:
"How to disable underscore subscript in TeX mode in emacs" - source
Two solutions are given in this blogpot:
By the author of the blogpost: (setq font-lock-maximum-decoration nil) (from maximum)
Mentioned as comment:
(eval-after-load "tex-mode" '(fset 'tex-font-lock-subscript 'ignore))
The evil plugin for vim-like modal keybinding allows to map two subsequent presses of the _ key to the insertion of a single _ character:
(set-input-method 'TeX)
(define-key evil-insert-state-local-map (kbd "_ _")
(lambda () (interactive) (insert "_")))
(define-key evil-insert-state-local-map (kbd "^ ^")
(lambda () (interactive) (insert "^")))
When _ and then 1 is pressed, we get ₁ as before, but
when _ and then _ is pressed, we get _.
Analogous for ^.
As already explained in pnkfelix answer, it seems we have to make a personalized copy of the TeX input method. But here comes a lighter way to do that, without any file tweaking. Simply put the following in your .emacs :
(eval-after-load "quail/latin-ltx"
'(let ((pkg (copy-tree (quail-package "TeX"))))
(setcar pkg "MyTeX")
(assq-delete-all ?_ (nth 2 pkg))
(quail-add-package pkg)))
(set-input-method 'TeX)
(register-input-method "MyTeX" "UTF-8" 'quail-use-package "\\")
(set-input-method 'MyTeX)
The important part is the assq-delete-all line in the middle that remove all shortcut entries starting with _. It's a bit of a lisp hack but it seems to work. Since I'm also annoyed by the shortcuts starting with - and ^, I also use the following two lines to disable them :
(assq-delete-all ?- (nth 2 pkg))
(assq-delete-all ?^ (nth 2 pkg))
Note that afterwards you can M-x set-input-method at any time and indicate TeX or MyTeX to switch between the pristine TeX input method or the customized one.

matching opening and closing braces in emacs

I am a newbie to emacs and have been using it only for a month.
My queries are:
I want to track the matching opening and closing braces in the editor. Is there a command for this?
When trying to use emacs using cygwin in Windows, C-x C-c to close emacs does not work!
Is there a way I can get this to work?
I personally like mic-paren, which has many options for customizing how to show matching parentheses, including showing you the line of the matching paren in the minibuffer when it is off-screen.
I set it up as follows:
(setq paren-dont-touch-blink t)
(require 'mic-paren)
(setq paren-match-face 'highlight)
(setq paren-sexp-mode t)
show-paren-mode will highlight matching parentheses, at least when the cursor is on one or the other.
A more powerful alternative is highlight parentheses mode. This will highlight all the parentheses around point (the cursor), so you see the scope of all the enclosing parentheses as you navigate your code.
There are other options as well, listed on the wiki.

How to call interactive Emacs Lisp function with a prefix argument, from another Emacs Lisp function?

I want to write an Emacs Lisp function that will turn on flyspell-mode regardless of the current state of the mode. Function flyspell-mode-on is deprecated. The documentation suggests that a positive prefix argument will turn flyspell-mode, but unfortunately running
(flyspell-mode 1)
results in an error message:
Wrong number of arguments: (lambda (flyspell-mode 1)), 0
If I could figure out how to call flyspell-mode with a prefix argument, I believe I could solve this problem.
The most relevant section I can find in the Emacs Lisp manual is the section entitled "Interactive Call", which describes such commands as call-interactively. This is emphatically not what I want.
(The ultimate problem I am trying to solve is to create a mode hook that turns on the mode regardless of its current state.)
N.B. The title of the question emacs lisp call function with prefix argument programmatically makes it appear to be related, but that question was asking about how to create an interactive command, and the issue was ultimately resolved by using call-interactively.
EDIT: This question is moot; I have found an alternate solution to my original problem:
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook
(function (lambda ()
(require 'flyspell)
(if flyspell-mode nil (flyspell-mode)))))
But I would still like to know how to call an Emacs Lisp function with a prefix argument, from another Emacs Lisp function, with nothing interactive.
UPDATE: Perhaps I should have asked why I was getting that error message...
It looks like your version of Flyspell mode does not follow the minor mode conventions, which require that you can turn on a minor mode with (name-of-mode t) or any positive prefix argument, turn it off with (name-of-mode 0) any negative prefix argument, and toggle it with (name-of-mode nil).
If you have the latest version of Flyspell, a bug report might be in order. I have the version shipped with GNU Emacs 23.2 on my machine, and it respects the convention. My version also defines two functions turn-on-flyspell and turn-off-flyspell, both trivial wrappers around flyspell-mode; functions with such names are common, but not official conventions. The functions flyspell-mode-on and flyspell-mode-off are apparently intended for internal use.
As a general matter, commands read the current prefix argument from the current-prefix-arg variable. Don't confuse that with prefix-arg, which is the value for the next command (only a few commands like universal-argument touch this variable). Thus, if you need to pass a prefix argument when calling a function, bind or set current-prefix-arg.
(let ((current-prefix-arg t))
If you are not calling a function interactively, then the (interactive) declaration is not used to obtain the arguments.
In the vast majority of cases, you do not need to worry about whether an argument can be a "prefix argument" for non-interactive calls; just check the function documentation, and pass the value you need for whatever it is you want to do.
If for some reason you do need to replicate sending a prefix argument in a non-interactive context, you will need to check that function's (interactive) declaration and determine exactly how it is using that argument, and ensure that you replicate that behaviour for the argument you do pass.
For full details, see:
C-hf interactive RET
M-: (info "(elisp) Prefix Command Arguments") RET
In more complex cases where the function changes its behaviour based on the current-prefix-arg variable, you may be able to set that variable directly.
(let ((current-prefix-arg '(4)))
(foo current-prefix-arg))
I can think of this.. Should be more better
(call-interactively (lambda ()
(flyspell-mode '(4))))
I can run this directly.. what am i missing from the question.?
(flyspell-mode '(4))
EDITED: Removed quote for lambda expression (I added this note because SX forces an edit to be at least six characters long, so this can be deleted).
FWIW, the `flyspell-mode' function has accepted an argument (as in "(flyspell-mode 1)") at least since Emacs-21, so I don't know how you got that error.
But while I'm here, I might as well point out that (add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'flyspell-mode) has changed meaning in Emacs-24: instead of meaning "toggle flyspell-mode in text modes" it will now mean "enable flyspell-mode in text modes". It's a backward-incompatible change, but I believe it will fix more latent bugs than it will introduce.
See my comment for the fix to the source of your problem. As for the answer to your question, the way the prefix arg is turned into some kind of Lisp argument depends on the interactive spec, so the only way to do it reliably (i.e. without prior knowledge such as the fact that it's a minor mode function) is to call the function interactively:
(let ((current-prefix-arg '(4)))
(call-interactively 'flyspell-mode))
I'm not Emacs and Elisp master (yet ;)) but I think in this case you may use Ctrl-u 1 Alt-x flyspell-mode.

How do you comment out all or part of a Lisp s-exp using Paredit?

When editing Lisp code, occasionally it's useful to entirely comment out a top-level definition, like this:
;(defun some-fn-which-is-broken (x)
; ...)
... or comment out only part of an s-expression, like this:
(foo x
; y
... and then recompile the file and test something in the REPL, etc.
With paredit-mode enabled, this doesn't work. Here's what happens, if the point is right before the first paren below:
(defun some-fn (x)
and you type a semicolon, what is entered is a semicolon and a newline:
(defun some-fn (x)
Same with commenting out part of the s-expression:
(foo x
I think that if the definition is all on one line, this works:
;(defparameter *foo* 10)
... but otherwise I can't find out how to do this. Paredit is great, I would really like to keep using it. Are there any Lispers who know a way around this, or Emacs-wizards who can whip up a bit of Emacs Lisp to bind to something like paredit-comment-out-s-expr?
If there is a more Lispy or Emacsy way of accomplishing essentially the same thing, commenting out parts of source to recompile, please, don't hesitate to suggest them!
Position the point on the first character of the whole sexp, mark the whole sexp with C-M-space, and issue M-; to do the commenting. If it is necessary to do so, your source code will also be re-formatted so that only the sexp you marked, and nothing that was also on the same line, is in a comment.
You can very easily make a simple command or even a macro to do that:
(defun comment-sexp ()
"Comment out the sexp at point."
Just a side note:
The #+ and #- reader macros are pretty nice for commenting out sexps. They allow ignoring the following sexp, if the given symbol isn't/is found in *FEATURES*. Just pick a symbol not in *FEATURES*, and use it with #+ like this:
(defun foo ()
Now, the function definition will be ignored (unless NIL is in *FEATURES*, which is not very likely).
As a stopgap measure, you can use C-q (quoted-insert) to insert an arbitrary character without triggering any mode-related magic. For example, in java-mode, typing parentheses reindents the current line, which is not always what I want; in such cases, I'll insert a parenthesis with C-q to preserve my indentation. (Or more often, I'll type a parenthesis, observe the indentation change, curse, undo, and re-enter with C-q.)
For commenting in general, it would probably be easier to use M-; (comment-dwim) rather than typing the semicolons manually.
You can use C-M-SPC M-; to mark the S-expression (C-M-SPC for mark-sexp) and then comment it (M-; for comment-dwim).
In paredit 23, just typing ; won't push anything it doesn't have to off the line. So it will do the right thing for your second example. And if you wanted to comment out z instead of y it would push only the closing delimiter to another line.