Rate This App - iOS - iphone

Can i use the same "rate this App" URL for an updated version of the app?
Eg: itms-apps://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewContentsUserReviews?type=Purple+Software&id=12345698
*So in the above example, if i have already used this above URL for version 1.0 of my app.
1. Can i use the same URL for the Updated Version 1.1 of the app ?
2. Will this URL work once v1.1 of the app is uploaded on App Store ?
3. or will the ID number change incase of newer app version ? *



The email id linked with Uber is: fikarrnot28#gmail.com
After successfully logged into user account though the App using LoginManager, the error occurred.
This is the generated GET Request of login in the web view (I have found it when debugging the Uber SDK LoginActivity)...
...with Headers...
[{"key":"X-Requested-With","value":"com.en****rs.fi****not.fi****not","description":""},{"key":"Cookie","value":"utag_main=v_id:01626ccd77e200225dc1cfc5c6c40009801c709000400$_sn:1$_ss:1$_st:1522245627690$ses_id:1522243827690%3Bexp-session$_pn:1%3Bexp-session$segment:a$optimizely_segment:b; _ga=GA1.2.14743532.1522243830; _gid=GA1.2.1008247445.1522243830; AMCVS_0FEC8C3E55DB4B027F000101%40AdobeOrg=1; aam_uuid=62184944397867583642625051211265352658; AMCV_0FEC8C3E55DB4B027F000101%40AdobeOrg=1611084164%7CMCMID%7C62681591052865814432656684984272277453%7CMCAAMLH-1522848630%7C3%7CMCAAMB-1522848630%7C6G1ynYcLPuiQxYZrsz_pkqfLG9yMXBpb2zX5dvJdYQJzPXImdj0y%7CMCOPTOUT-1522251030s%7CNONE%7CMCSYNCSOP%7C411-17626; AAMC_uber_0=AMSYNCSOP%7C411-17626; udid=w_2b967ea663b645cdbd69338871543566; arch-frontend:sess=BAqSPo47olILtPKNMYph-A.Js4qapThHROtKkyZNYsCJC8VwKDpejcPNcDzi8l_zuHUssy_5Xz_FO2swyc1v519menihaos4oCb4GpyKLIjclRD9LlQK79RvjhCnn-YCRHGEgIP3ZVwSLK10taTmHhsKhWPya-l7qA24XD3OlBcrXe6WfMdVQh7q00KJQMG0P4pvevBB-zSixSuMx4DmN9SsQ4JZSx-3jn2XvW8qO_S7-II8nebHXbCMz83acRilZUTw81aUU5dJhLR-Y38z9ZvkNyoGjpuInCguKYS_IOJMB5V1Vj7VC47F3N80lk4Fdl_i-IXpYw7uGCIvK_EhBX2QprbZlkPTvclJ1sBGVy9WG57MQ2P0mMh9JO6xMqqCX6TXoFVJMo3hGtjINXZmAxkh-Hs4l1QMheaJBxClGEmhwAbfOwwaFeGbKXfIRos9yqgC6cdB7CJDhNQmqabAVlzInp0zGnlxt9tPsInZF-jGhWJnbG9I3Z7qzrHpUoYHD7bsmaPfeyMpaywYbRu8KgTCN_iukWz5UOc7iGrzA1k-_QKNUF7IoCK9nMOK0EHcLwFoOHusoXWW8AlHUto28Hg0gEZYQWLW7s0TRq-XFwdt5MW5PuFtRDmU6QVt2E4QLfzghwvJvVGPrOvtyJbcEorVm9I0taYvYJgaLn9VFW7No4H_V9xz0CVRXT63fshZnUV_Ggx3s0N9eZToKnb_AC-l7HyxGb3mKXypLuNl7ZDQdz-ONRc8s7-7BiaCAGPjbUE1d_R5a6F4STBJyXoq4LENS9o8PdrumbhdCZvzk1aT3jdyTldlCi0chUmz8jP1FdQ6Yfdte2UYzHnGs8pKHcE4OZlepf-Jnb6PY2svG6TWJby9hbMq1XYwFgmUvcnJELk_WDLQW3lXsa9YnOnX5lZBqyIqxYhQQXEJTtxdmcJfE1pwzSOiXvlh6UIBs_2MVLRr3Dc8jhc5qp8YjgV2pYa.1522243813342.1209600000.MQ38q8xYZeHYu454GB5ZPUpQ-yvZ0ZsHya8VOcIFqOQ","description":""},{"key":"Host","value":"auth.uber.com","description":""},{"key":"Accept","value":"text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8","description":""},{"key":"User-Agent","value":"Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; SM-J701F Build/NRD90M; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/65.0.3325.109 Mobile Safari/537.36","description":""},{"key":"Upgrade-Insecure-Requests","value":"1","description":""},{"key":"Connection","value":"keep-alive","description":""},{"key":"Accept-Encoding","value":"gzip, deflate","description":""},{"key":"Accept-Language","value":"en-GB,en-US;q=0.9","description":""}]
The Response coming "Too many requests", after that onLoginError() called with CONNECTIVITY_ISSUE error.
Another thing is that, maximum time Uber SMS gateway is not working when I try to login (2 factor verification), thus OTP is not coming. I have also tried adding another developer in the developer dashboard, but They are also unable to get OTP when try to login.
Note 1 : The redirect url I am using in my app is exactly same as I am using in my developer dashboard.
Note 2 : Previously my code was working perfectly in the sandbox environment (with sample uber account), but now it is not working after I have changed to the new account. So, I suppose the code is not the problem.
Note 3 : The previous email id linked with this app for Uber was msayan64#gmail.com
Note 4 : The App is going to publish very soon, and it is using Uber as a value addition.
Are there any changes required to my code?
Can using the sandbox mode be a problem?
If I need to give the App URI as the redirect URI, what should be the format (suppose the package name (App id) is com.example.app)?
When will be the SMS gateway work?

Default FBSDKLoginBehavior.Native not working on iOS 9

I just upgraded my app to Xcode 7 / Swift 2.0 and I'm struggling with the Facebook Login via AppSwitch. I'm on the latest FBSDK (4.6) and did everything according to the upgrade guide. Still, on iOS9 the Facebook login happens via in-app browser, the appswitch doesn't work anymore. I also tried force setting the loginbehavior but without luck:
let manager = FBSDKLoginManager()
manager.loginBehavior = FBSDKLoginBehavior.Native
manager.logInWithReadPermissions(facebookReadPermissions, fromViewController: nil, handler: { (loginResult, error) -> Void in
Is there anything I can do to make appswitch work again?
Turns out that this is not an issue but the new desired behavior according to these posts from Facebook:
This behavior is by design. In our latest iOS SDKs, the login behavior is now controlled on the server side in order to ensure the best user experience.
Because of introduced changes in iOS 9, This new behavior avoids the user to be asked if they want to go and open the Facebook Application, accept the permissions/share/etc, and then ask once more if they want to switch back to your app.
System authentication doesn't give people control over the information they share with apps. And in iOS 9, fast-app-switching to the Facebook native app results in additional dialogs ("ExampleApp would like to open Facebook") which appear twice - once on the way from ExampleApp to Facebook, and once again on the return journey. We believe the default SDK behavior in v4.6 on iOS 9 offers the best experience to people logging into your app with Facebook.
You can patch FacebookSDK source code to use Fast App Switching.
The interesting part (for tag 4.6) is in file FBSDKCoreKit/Internal/ServerConfiguration/FBSDKServerConfigurationManager.m
+ (FBSDKServerConfiguration *)_defaultServerConfigurationForAppID:(NSString *)appID
BOOL useNativeFlow = ![FBSDKInternalUtility isOSRunTimeVersionAtLeast:iOS9Version];
As you can see, it disables native flow on iOS9+.
Changing the line to something like BOOL useNativeFlow = YES; should work.
P.S. I didn't check this patch myself yet.

What Callback url i need to set in my twitter app page for my iOS App?

I'm trying to implement twitter integration for my iOS app and my apps deployment target is 4.0 & greater, I'm using bengottlieb sample for twitter share, In my twitter app page in Callback URL: text field When I don't set callback url in app settings my app is crashed! (authenticatedWithUsername delegate method is getting called but it is dismissing the view controller)What callback url I must set?I want to return to the app after authorization?
You just have to provide any valid URL at the Settings -> Callback Url.
I have used "https://www.google.com" and my app start working.
Also, remember to unchecked the Enable Ca Callback Locking

How to have a paid and free version of iOS app share FB App ID?

I have a free and a paid version of the same iPhone app. I would like for them to share a Facebook App ID since they are essentially the same app. I thought I could accomplish this by using this method from the Facebook class.
- (void)authorize:(NSArray *)permissions localAppId:(NSString *)localAppId
However, login always fails for one of the apps (in my case the free version) and it would seem that the reason is that the Facebook app created in the web interface asks for an App Bundle ID and App Store ID. Obviously the free version and paid version of my apps cannot have the same bundle id or app id so how can I make this work?
The docs in Facebook.m suggest that it is possible with the authorize method I mention above:
* ...
* #param localAppId
* This is useful if your have multiple iOS applications that
* share a single Facebook application id (for example, if you
* have a free and a paid version on the same app) and you want
* to use SSO with both apps.
* ...
- Alex
You can make it work. Each app must have different url schemes (since that is how Facebook redirects back to your app).
Example url schemes you must support:
(Your facebook app id: "fb123456789")
Without setting localAppId: "fb123456789" (localAppId = nil)
Free app url scheme: "fb123456789lite" (localAppId = "lite")
Paid app url scheme: "fb123456789pro" (localAppId = "pro")
From the comments:
localAppId is a string of lowercase letters that is appended to the
base URL scheme used for SSO. For example, if your facebook ID is
"350685531728" and you set localAppId to "abcd", the Facebook app will
expect your application to bind to the following URL scheme:

How to use Facebook accessToken from an iOS app to use in Rails / Facebooker

I'm using iOS SDK to do Facebook Connect in an iPhone application, I can successfully login in and get the accessToken from the Facebook instance but I'm not able to use it from a rails/facebooker.
I do the call on the iPhone app:
NSString * url = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"http://localhost:3000/fb_login?access_token=%#",[self.facebook accessToken],nil];
I'm passing the accessToken to an action on the rails app like this:
#auth_token comes from the iOS SDK.
facebook = Facebooker::Session.create('app_key','secret_key')
facebook.secure!(:auth_token => auth_token)
but I get Facebooker::Session::MissingOrInvalidParameter: "Invalid parameter"
Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.
Perhaps it's because facebooker uses the old Facebook Connect authentication method. You may need to use the official facebook gem.
$ gem install facebook
But, I am not familiar with facebooker specifically, so I could be wrong!