Exchanging Code for Access Token - beatsmusic

I am continually getting a 403 when trying to exchange the code for the access token. I have double checked the URI and it seems to match the scheme prescribed.
Here is the URI I am using:

This looks correct. You do need to send it as a post.


Azure Graph API 2.0 error in refreshing token: Provided grant is invalid or malformed (AADSTS70000)

I'm following step by step guide on Microsoft's site (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-auth-code-flow#refresh-the-access-token), everything is working correctly but every time I try to refresh the access token, I get this error: AADSTS70000: Provided grant is invalid or malformed. error_codes: 70000.
I've created a Postman collection for testing, also downloaded the official postman collection from the Microsoft's site, everything is working correctly until the access token does not expire. When it expire, trying to refresh the token always lead to an error and I'm pretty stuck with it. I've double and triple checked correspondence between redirect_url, permission, grant, copy/paste errors, waited for the access_token to expire before trying to refresh... I've done almost 100 tests, and every time I'm stuck at the refresh part!
I start with doing the normal call to Microsoft Login API in my browser, and getting the code in query string from the browser (no problems here) (please note that client_id is URL encoded because, in my test environment, client id is an URL due to the configuration of the Drupal portan we're using, I'm truing to recreate the same behaviour in postman)
Then with the code in query string, i POST to the token endpoint:
POST /{tenant_guid}/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1
Host: login.microsoftonline.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-url-form-urlencoded
cache-control: no-cache
Postman-Token: a0456a8d-6979-491f-b61e-86b5d614c577
I receive back an accesso token (that is working like a charm in accessing https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me for an hour) and a refresh token. I would love to get a new pair of access/refresh token when the original access token expires, using the refresh_token grant_type
POST /tenant_guid/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1
Host: login.microsoftonline.com
Content-Type: application/x-www-url-form-urlencoded
cache-control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 5d71f813-768e-476c-a97f-c109fba3165e
But no matter if I try before access token expiration or after, closing and reopening postman, I always receive that error back. I've done almost 50 tests (always with the full round of login/authorization to use always a fresh refresh token) with no luck.
Seems like I'm missing something really stupid here because I can't imagine that everybody else is behaving correctly... but really can't find a way out!
So I just got mine working! Here are the required parameters I needed:
client_id = your client id
refresh_token = the refresh token here
grant_type = refresh_token,
client_secret = secret
NOTE: Everything I read told me to URLEncode the values. I found it worked with them UNENCODED - no idea if it will really make a difference or not. Since it is going in the body of the post, which means it is TLS encrypted.
The other important thing was the url I posted to. There seem to be so many examples and none seem to be consistent. I used this format:
The last thing is to be sure you are using the correct app id. In my case I was using the appId for the wrong app and it didnt have consent. Hope this helps. I do wish Microsoft would make a concerted effort to spell out things consistently and think like someone who doesn't do security for a living.
Finally resolved thanks yo the Azure Support.
The problem is the client id: as I supposed before, Microsoft allow you to define another application name, but always want to use the GUID client id to submit any request. Unfortunately, it was warning me when I didn't url-encoded it, but did not alert me that it was not correct until I tried to use the refresh token.
So just read very very well the documentation: client_id: The Application (client) ID that the Azure portal – App registrations experience assigned to your app (so not the one you choose).
Maybe including a format validation in the documentation would help!

Problems getting started--Http 403

I'm trying to access the SmartSheets REST API as described in the "Getting Started" documentation here: https://smartsheet-platform.github.io/api-docs/#getting-started and elsewhere. I generated an access token in the UI and, using Postman, tried a couple of simple GET requests cribbed from the documentation:
I set the Authorization and Content-Type headers as indicated. In both cases, I get Http 403-Forbidden errors with the message "You are not authorized to perform this action."
So how do I get authorized to perform these (or any other) actions?
You might want to verify that your access token value is correct. Also, when you set your Authorization header, are you including "Bearer " before your access token?
In Postman, it should look something like this:
Just a typo. I was including "Bearer" in the authorization header, but I had 2 spaces between "Bearer"and the token. You can only have one.

Facebook Login: Is there a way to receive URL fragment in redirect as querystring parameter?

So when using Facebook login, it turns out that if you set response_type to token or code%20token then the "response data is included as a URL fragment" on the URL that redirects to your app. Seriously, why? When would that ever be useful to anyone?
Anyway, I'm hoping that this is somehow security related and that it's there for a reason other than to annoy people, but I would otherwise like to know if there's a way to disable it, since I'm using Angular and it's a real pain to handle urls with hashbangs.
If I set a response_type of code only, the code is returned as a nice and clean query parameter, but I would like to receive both in order to perform additional validations. Is there a way to change this behaviour? Thanks.
Well it turns out that setting a response_type of code returns #/= at the end of the url, so there's no way to get a clean querystring. It has already been established that there is no way to change this behaviour, but I'm still interested in finding out why Facebook is doing it. Is it security related? What is the purpose of these url fragments?
To your first question, I imagine you would use token when you are handling everything in-browser and not processing at the server.
To your main question, as far as I know, you can not change how Facebook redirects successful authorizations. Facebook doesn't give you the token as a clean query parameter. If you use token or code token, what you want will be in the hash fragment. Sorry.
NOTE: This may not be a problem for you. I'm not sure what you want with "additional validations", but when you use code token, exchanging the resulting code gets you a different token than the one you just got embedded in the URI. Both are now valid and will expire separately. Really, you probably need either the code or the token; both won't help you since they're not linked.
Examples of using all three methods:
If you set response_type to code you get redirected to something like:
From there, you need to exchange the code through Facebook's OAuth endpoint to receive an access token. The access token can then be used against the Facebook APIs.
If you set response_type to token you get redirected to something like:
You have everything you need to call the Facebook APIs. The access token returned is valid, but should probably be checked against Facebook's token inspection endpoint if you're doing something server-side. (Really, at that point, just use code. I've never done it this way, so good luck.)
As you noted, the access token is now contained within the hash fragment of the url.
If you set response_type to code token you get redirected to something like:
Now you have both an access token and a code (that expiration applies to the token, not the code). As stated earlier, that code can be exchanged for an access token in the usual way, but the returned access token will be different from the one you just got embedded in the URI.
But, again, what you care about is in the hash fragment.
See the AngularJS doc on $location for accessing the hash. Someone more knowledgable than me can speak to how that works with routes and how best to scrape the parameters.
Well today I had the same situation and managed to resolve it in a way I could get the access token from my server.
After getting the code using response_type=code I called via GET the following url:
This route returns a JSON response, which has the access_token parameter, in this way:
"access_token": "ABAECAEFAEFAEA...",
"type": "bearer",
"expires_in": 838383838
So there you go :) I hope this works for you too

Url's containing authentication secrets and app ID's

We received a request to create a REST api. I was a little confused in the example of provided by our client. As you can see below, they've identified the app_id and secret in the URL before the #. The remainder of the URI looks like what I would expect.
Is this valid? I thought maybe this is some weird cURL format I haven't seen before.
Just seeing if anyone has seen this format before?
A URI is made up of various parts, one of them being the authority part, which can feature optional username:password element.
The full scheme is:
This way your REST api remains stateless [not relying on previous app states like storing stuff in session]. But I advice you not to explicitly go with the username:password#stuff route, but to rely on Basic HTTP Auth, so the credentials are sent encoded in Base64 at least.
EDIT: a brief note about BasicAuth now you're asking - things go like this:
you make a request to http://johndoe:12345#service/api/foo/bar;
are credentials good? Ok, you get a 200 OK response with proper body;
are they not? You get a 401 Unauthorized response.
In the latter case, it's the browser [or any other program / script performing the request] that should prompt the user with the login popup.
Usually browsers ask you to cache credentials not to ask them every time, but this does not mean that they are not sent - it's just that every request to protected resources are featured with such header:
Authorization Basic base64encode(username:password)
Where base64encode is your custom way to encode the username:password string.

Facebook server-side authentication flow: is this the right "code?"

I'm using FB.login on the JS client and want to verify the user's identity on the server. So, the client gets a signedRequest from facebook and sends it to the server. The server splits on the period, and decodes the second part of the signedRequest into a json object.
What should I be using for "code" when I send my server-side request to
My decoded json looks something like:
Is that the code I need? Does it need to be B64 encoded? If this isn't the code, what code should I use?
What I've tried:
The request I'm trying to use is:
but this returns the error:
{"error":{"message":"Error validating verification code.","type":"OAuthException","code":100}}
I can't tell if this is because I'm using a bad code, or what. Noteably, this is running on my local dev server, and squaredme.appspot.com definitely does NOT resolve to my IP. I don't know if facebook checks that or what - I'm assuming I'd get a better error message. Thanks for any direction!
You are trying to somehow combine the two flows together and that's why things don't work well.
When facebook POSTs into the iframe with your app url and a signed request there are two options, the easy one being that the user is already authenticated and then the signed request will have all the necessary data (including a signed request), then you just load the canvas page and use the JS SDK to get an access token there as well, but in this case there's no need to use the FB.login (since it opens a popup and will automatically close it), you can use the FB.getLoginStatus method which won't annoy the user.
If the user is not authenticated then the sign request will be missing the things you need to use the graph api.
You then redirect the user to the auth dialog, and since you are loaded in an iframe you'll need to return a html response which redirects the parent window using javascript, like:
top.location.href = "AUTH_DIALOG_URL";
When the use is done (accepted or rejected the app) he will be redirected to the "redirect_uri" you added as a parameter to the auth dialog.
If the user accepted your app then you'll be getting the "code" parameter in the query string.
You then take the code, exchange it with an access token as you posted in your question, and then redirect the user back to "apps.facebook.com/YOUR_APP".
When the page then loads the user is already authenticated and you'll be getting a full signed request.
I hope this clarifies things for you, recheck the Server-Side flow it pretty much covers it all.
I also had some trouble with that, then I found the solution here in StackOverflow.
There are two kinds of "code" provided by facebook. One comes inside the signedRequest in the cookie generated by the client-side flow. The Facebook's JS SDK handles this codes and get a access token without telling us anything.
The other type of code comes attached as a query to your redirect URI (http://www.yoururl.com/index.php?code=AAAgyiaus...), when you navigate to OAuth URL (server-side flow). With this code, you go to a Token URL and get your access token.
When you are using the server-side flow, you need to indicate a redirect URI both in the OAuth URL AND in the Token URL, and they have to be exactly the same, so a missing slash or a query string can be a lot of problem.
The codes are different from each other. When you use the both things together, appears to be impossible to get a access token using the code that was inside the cookie's signedRequest.
BUT, it is not. The magic is: the code from signedRequest is associated with NO URI, so as long as the redirect_uri is a mandatory field, all you have to do is to pass it blank when you navigate to the Token URL.
So the final solution is: grab the signedRequest from the cookie, parse it in your server to obtain the code, then read the Token URL:
It looks like a hack, so I don't know how long it's gonna work, but it's working right now.