EF6 Code First Lazy Load results in null collection - entity-framework

So the dynamic proxy is created, but I can't figure out what I've done wrong to prevent navigation properties from lazy loading. Here is the exact code I've run to test the issue.
public class MyDbContext : DbContext
public MyDbContext()
: base("MyConnection")
public DbSet<One> Ones { get; set; }
public DbSet<Many> Manies { get; set; }
public class One
public int Id { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Many> Manies { get; set; }
public One()
Manies = new List<Many>();
public class Many
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Value { get; set; }
public int OneId { get; set; }
public virtual One One { get; set; }
public Many()
public void OneToManyTest()
One parent1 = new One();
parent1.Manies.Add(new Many() { Value = "child 1" });
parent1.Manies.Add(new Many() { Value = "child 2" });
using (MyDbContext db = new MyDbContext())
Assert.IsTrue(parent1.Id > 0, "Id not set");
One parent2;
using (MyDbContext db = new MyDbContext())
db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = true;
db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;
parent2 = db.Ones.Find(parent1.Id);//parent2 is a dynamic proxy
Assert.AreEqual(parent1.Id, parent2.Id);
/*parent2.Manies is null*/
Assert.AreEqual(parent1.Manies.Count, parent2.Manies.Count);//fails
I've verified the correct information is being inserted in the database. The relationships look good. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious.
This works:
using (MyDbContext db = new MyDbContext())
db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = true;
db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;
parent2 = db.Ones.Find(parent1.Id);//parent2 is a dynamic proxy
Assert.AreEqual(parent1.Id, parent2.Id);
Assert.AreEqual(parent1.Manies.Count, parent2.Manies.Count);
This doesn't:
using (MyDbContext db = new MyDbContext())
db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = true;
db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;
parent2 = db.Ones.Find(parent1.Id);//parent2 is a dynamic proxy
using (MyDbContext db = new MyDbContext())
Assert.AreEqual(parent1.Id, parent2.Id);
Assert.AreEqual(parent1.Manies.Count, parent2.Manies.Count);//parent2.Manies is null
So the same db context is required for built in lazy loading.

To trigger lazy loading you need to access the property in some way, before disposing of the context.
Your test code doesn't acces the property before leaving the context:
One parent2;
using (MyDbContext db = new MyDbContext())
db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = true;
db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;
parent2 = db.Ones.Find(parent1.Id);//parent2 is a dynamic proxy
// Context disposed: thsi would throw an exception:
var manies = parent2.Manies.ToList()
At this point, your context has been disposed. If you tried to access the Manies property you'd get an error stating this.
One parent2;
using (MyDbContext db = new MyDbContext())
db.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = true;
db.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = true;
parent2 = db.Ones.Find(parent1.Id);//parent2 is a dynamic proxy
// Context available: this sill lazy load the Manies entities
var manies = parent2.Manies.ToList();
Now, if you check the manies properties, it will be available.
The idea of lazy loading is that, while the context is available, the first time you access a property which wasn't loaded initially, it will be loaded at that moment.
Please, see this article to understand the different ways (eager, lazy, explicit) of loading entities with EF:
Loading Related Entities

parent2 = db.Ones.Include(o=>o.Manies).FirstOrDefault(o=>o.Id == parent1.Id);


EfCore 3 and Owned Type in same table, How do you set owned instance

How do you set owned type instance with efcore3?
In following example an exception is raised
'The entity of type 'Owned' is sharing the table 'Principals' with
entities of type 'Principal', but there is no entity of this type with
the same key value that has been marked as 'Added'.
If I set Child property inline savechanges doesn't update child properties
I can't find any example about this. I tried with several efcore3 builds and daily builds. What didn't I understand?
using System;
using System.Linq;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
namespace TestEF
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var id = Guid.NewGuid();
using (var db = new Ctx())
var p = new Principal {Id = id};
using (var db = new Ctx())
var p = db.Principals.Single(o => o.Id == id);
p.Child = new Owned();
p.Child.Prop1 = "Test2";
p.Child.Prop2 = "Test2";
public class Principal
public Guid Id { get; set; }
public Owned Child { get; set; }
public class Owned
public string Prop1 { get; set; }
public string Prop2 { get; set; }
public class Ctx : DbContext
public DbSet<Principal> Principals { get; set; }
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
optionsBuilder.UseSqlServer("Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=TestEF;Trusted_Connection=True;Persist Security Info=true");
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder mb)
var emb = mb.Entity<Principal>();
.OwnsOne(o => o.Child, cfg =>
cfg.Property(o => o.Prop1).HasMaxLength(30);
This is a bug, filed at https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFrameworkCore/issues/17422
As a workaround you could make the child appear as modified:
var childEntry = db.Entry(p.Child);
childEntry.State = EntityState.Modified;
Try this instead:
This will update all the owned properties so SaveChanges() updates them, too.

Prevent EF from saving full object graph

I have a model as below
public class Lesson
public int Id { get; set; }
public Section Div { get; set; }
public class Section
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
I also have DB Context as below
public class MyContext : DbContext
public MyContext() : base("DefaultConnection")
this.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
this.Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
public DbSet<Lesson> Lessons { get; set; }
public DbSet<Section> Sections { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
Then I use the following code to call the database
using (MyContext c = new EFTest.MyContext())
Lesson d = new EFTest.Lesson();
Section ed = new EFTest.Section() { Name = "a" };
d.Div = ed;
c.Entry(d.Div).State = EntityState.Detached;
I am expecting this code to save just the Lesson object, not to save the full graph of Lesson and Section, but what happens is that it saves the full graph.
How do I prevent it from doing that?
When you add an entity to DbSet, entityframework will add all of its relative. You need to detach the entity you don't want to add, after adding parent entity to DbSet.
using (MyContext c = new EFTest.MyContext())
Lesson d = new EFTest.Lesson();
Section ed = new EFTest.Section() { Name = "a" };
d.Div = ed;
c.Entry(d.Div).State = EntityState.Detached;
if you want to add section, related to the lesson , you need to use the same context, or create a new context and load the lesson.
you can use this code
using (MyContext c = new EFTest.MyContext())
Lesson d = new EFTest.Lesson();
Section ed = new EFTest.Section() { Name = "a" };
d.Div = ed;
c.Entry(d.Div).State = EntityState.Detached;
//you can use this code
ed.Lesson = d;
// or this code
d.Div = ed;

Seeding not working in Entity Framework Code First Approach

I am developing a .Net project. I am using entity framework code first approach to interact with database. I am seeding some mock data to my database during development. But seeding is not working. I followed this link - http://www.entityframeworktutorial.net/code-first/seed-database-in-code-first.aspx.
This is my ContextInitializer class
public class ContextInitializer : System.Data.Entity.CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<StoreContext>
protected override void Seed(StoreContext context)
IList<Brand> brands = new List<Brand>();
brands.Add(new Brand { Name = "Giordano" ,TotalSale = 1 });
brands.Add(new Brand { Name = "Nike" , TotalSale = 3 });
foreach(Brand brand in brands)
This is my context class
public class StoreContext : DbContext,IDisposable
public StoreContext():base("DefaultConnection")
Database.SetInitializer(new ContextInitializer());
public virtual DbSet<Category> Categories { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<Brand> Brands { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
This is my brand class
public class Brand
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int TotalSale { get; set; }
I searched solutions online and I followed instructions. I run context.SaveChanges as well. But it is not seeding data to database. Why it is not working?
You are taking the wrong initializer, CreateDatabaseIfNotExists is called only if the database not exists!
You can use for example DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges:
Solution 1)
public class ContextInitializer : System.Data.Entity.DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<StoreContext>
You have to take care with this approach, it !!!removes!!! all existing data.
Solution 2)
Create a custom DbMigrationsConfiguration:
public class Configuration : DbMigrationsConfiguration<StoreContext>
public Configuration()
// Take here! read about this property!
this.AutomaticMigrationDataLossAllowed = true;
this.AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = false;
protected override void Seed(StoreContext context)
IList<Brand> brands = new List<Brand>();
brands.Add(new Brand { Name = "Giordano", TotalSale = 1 });
brands.Add(new Brand { Name = "Nike", TotalSale = 3 });
foreach (Brand brand in brands)
context.Brands.AddOrUpdate(m => m.Name, brand);
In this way you can called( !!Before you create the DbContext or in the DbContext constructor!!):
// You can put me also in DbContext constuctor
Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<StoreContext , Yournamespace.Migrations.Configuration>("DefaultConnection"));
DbMigrationsConfiguration need to know about the connection string you can provide this info in the constructor or from outside.
In Your DbMigrationsConfiguration you can configure also:
If you leave everything default as in my example then you do not have to change anything!
Setting the Initializer for a Database has to happen BEFORE the context is ever created so...
public StoreContext():base("DefaultConnection")
Database.SetInitializer(new ContextInitializer());
is much to late. If you made it static, then it could work:
static StoreContext()
Database.SetInitializer(new ContextInitializer());
Your code is working if you delete your existing database and the EF will create and seeding the data
You can use DbMigrationsConfiguration insted of CreateDatabaseIfNotExists and change your code as follow:
First you have to delete the existing database
ContextInitializer class
public class ContextInitializer : System.Data.Entity.Migrations.DbMigrationsConfiguration<StoreContext>
public ContextInitializer()
this.AutomaticMigrationDataLossAllowed = true;
this.AutomaticMigrationsEnabled = true;
protected override void Seed(StoreContext context)
IList<Brand> brands = new List<Brand>();
brands.Add(new Brand { Name = "Giordano", TotalSale = 1 });
brands.Add(new Brand { Name = "Nike", TotalSale = 3 });
foreach (Brand brand in brands)
context.Brands.AddOrUpdate(m => m.Name, brand);
public class StoreContext : DbContext, IDisposable
public StoreContext() : base("DefaultConnection")
Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<StoreContext, ContextInitializer>());
// Database.SetInitializer(new ContextInitializer());
public virtual DbSet<Category> Categories { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<Brand> Brands { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
Then any change in your seed will automatically reflected to your database

Seeding my EF database with data

I'm trying to populate my database using Entity Framework. I'm using the Seed override and using set initializer from my DbContext. When I create my database from scratch, it doesn't seem to add these values in!
public class PokemonDatabaseInitializer : CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<PkmnContext>
protected override void Seed(PkmnContext context)
var pkm = new Pokemon
Id = 25,
DisplayName = "Pikachu",
RegionId = 1
var region = new PokemonRegion
Id = 1,
Kanto = true,
var location = new PokemonLocation
AreaFound = "Viridian Forest",
Id = 1
public class PkmnContext : DbContext
public PkmnContext()
Database.SetInitializer(new PokemonDatabaseInitializer());
public DbSet<Pokemon> Pokemons { get; set; }
public DbSet<PokemonRegion> PokemonRegions { get; set; }
public DbSet<PokemonLocation> PokemonLocations { get; set; }
you need to call
from package manager console. It also possible to call it from code after any migrations were applied
Please note that it will seed data each time you call it so i would add some checks if items exists already

Using sets of Entity Framework entities at runtime

I have an EF6 setup against a sql server db with about 60 tables in it.
I have entities for each table. What i'm trying to do is run the same method against a set of these entities that will be known at runtime.
The method is a qa/qc routine that does some data check on particular fields that are assured to be in each table.
I guess what i want to do is make the entity a parameter to the method so i can call it consecutive times.
I would also want to make a set of entities to pass as the parameter.
something like this:
List<string> entList = new List<string>(){"Table1","Table2","Table3"};
foreach (entName in entList)
//create an entity with the string name
//call myQAQCMethod with the entity
MyQAQCMethod (entity SomeEntity)
//run against this entity
Can this be done? Is it a job for reflection?
using (var context = new Context())
var results = context.EntityAs.Where(a => a.Prop1 == e.Prop1)
.Where(a => a.Prop2 == e.Prop2)
.Select(a => new
APropertyICareAbout = a.Prop1,
AnotherPropertyICareAbout = a.Prop2
is precisely want i want to do. The thing is I want to avoid typing this loop 60 times. I think i'm looking for a way to "feed" a set of entities to this single method.
Also, thank you very much for helping me. I'm learning a lot.
You need to abstract an interface (entity framework won't even notice):
interface IQaQcable
int CommonInt { get; set; }
string CommonString { get; set; }
public class EntityA : IQaQcable
public int Id { get; set; }
public int CommonInt { get; set; }
public string CommonString { get; set; }
// other properties and relations
public class EntityB : IQaQcable
public int Id { get; set; }
public int CommonInt { get; set; }
public string CommonString { get; set; }
// other properties and relations
// in some unknown utility class
void MyQaQcMethod<T>(T entity) where T : IQaQcable
doSomethingWithIQaQcableProperties(entity.CommonInt, entity.CommonString);
// in some unknown test class
void Test()
var entities = new List<IQaQcable> { new EntityA(), new EntityB() };
foreach (var e in entities)
Now, you could extract a base class from which each derives that actually implements the CommonInt and CommonString properties for each entity needing them, but that can get kind of tricky with Table-Per-Type/Table-Per-Hierarchy, so I'd start with this, and then consider introducing either an abstract or concrete base class as an improvement.
Maybe your looking for something simpler than I first thought, based on your last comment.
Let's give ourselves what the DbContext for this might look like:
class Context : DbContext
public virtual DbSet<EntityA> EntityAs { get; set; }
public virtual DbSet<EntityB> EntityBs { get; set; }
So, it could just be that you wish to do this:
using (var context = new Context())
var results = context.EntityAs.Where(a => a.Prop1 == e.Prop1)
.Where(a => a.Prop2 == e.Prop2)
.Select(a => new
APropertyICareAbout = a.Prop1,
AnotherPropertyICareAbout = a.Prop2
Keeping in mind, if there is some set of properties in common across entity classes, you could still do something like the following:
IEnumerable<T> MyQaQcMethod(IQueryable<T> entities, T referenceEntity) where T : IQaQcAble
return entities.Where(e => SomePredicate(e, referenceEntity));
void Test()
using (var context = new Context())
// EntityA implements IQaQcAble
var resultsForA = MyQaQcMethod(context.EntityAs, defaultEntity).ToArray();
// so does EntityB, so can call with either
var resultsForB = MyQaQcMethod(context.EntityBs, defaultEntity).ToArray();
Keep in mind, to avoid modifying the generated entity classes, you could implement the interface members — and the interface — in a separate source file using partial classes. E.g.
// IQaQcAble.cs
internal interface IQaQcAble
int CommonInt { get; set; }
string CommonString { get; set; }
// a class whose existing property names match the interface
public partial class EntityA : IQaQcAble
int IQaQcAble.CommonInt
get { return CommonInt; }
set { CommonInt = value; }
string IQaQcAble.CommonString
get { return CommonString; }
set { CommonString = value; }
// a class whose property names differ
public partial class EntityB : IQaQcAble
int IQaQcAble.CommonInt
get { return SomeOtherInt; }
set { SomeOtherInt = value; }
string IQaQcAble.CommonString
get { return SomeOtherInt.ToString(); }
set { SomeOtherInt = Convert.ToInt32(value); }